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My top 5 Never-Fail Tarot Techniques for Answering Yes and No Questions

My top 5 Never-Fail Tarot Techniques for Answering Yes and No Questions

Darcy Britt



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The speaker discusses techniques for answering yes or no questions with tarot cards. They emphasize the importance of free will and seeing tarot readings as guidance rather than fortune-telling. They suggest considering whether the client truly wants to know the answer and what they will do with the information. The speaker then explains two techniques: using upright vs. reverse cards and creating piles of yes, no, and maybe cards based on visual representation and intuition. They emphasize the subjective nature of tarot readings and the need for personal connection with the cards. Whether you like it or not, you'll be asked to answer a yes or no question with your tarot cards at some point in your tarot reading career. Now, personally, the thought of answering a question with a very short yes or no answer makes me absolutely cringe, so because we all want to be confident tarot readers, today I'm going to share my five never fail techniques for answering yes or no questions with your tarot cards. Now, I do want to kick things off for just a second before we dive in, and I want to address the question of whether or not yes or no questions with the tarot cards even really work, or honestly, if you even really want to even answer yes or no questions, right? So here's the thing. I believe fully in the power of free will, and I expect the exact same thing from my clients. As a matter of fact, I have a little tarot reading affirmation in like an eight by ten like picture frame that I sit on my desk before each session, and it specifically starts out with the phrase, I affirm and honor my free will. So I kind of keep it like right there where all of my clients can see it, and then also before I start my entire session, so I'm usually there for like three hours a night reading, I will actually say that to myself as well, just to go back in and honor that free will. So that being said, and knowing that I expect that from my clients, you know, my tarot readings, you know, aren't really your traditional fortune telling readings that are designed for yes or no answers. My tarot readings are more along the lines of guidance, right? My job isn't to be right on the answer that I give people. My job is to implant the questions that send their subconscious mind on a search for the answer, right? That's really how I do it. But that being said, you know, it still comes up, right? You still get a client that sits down in front of you and says, I need to know the answer, and it's really, really super quick, and it's a super easy answer, and it's important that before you get into a professional realm of reading for clients that you know how you're going to approach those. So let's go ahead and dive right in now that I'm on my little soapbox here. So another reason that I did want to talk about this, I guess I should say, is that, you know, it doesn't give you any guidance when I just tell you yes or no. You know, let me give you an example. So let's say you come in as a client, and you say, hmm, will I find the love of my life? I'm going to stop you right there, and I'm going to ask you two questions. Number one, do you really want to know the answer to that question? I mean, let's be serious. I'm not going to provide some bullshit answer and tell you, oh, yes, when I turn over, like, let's say, the tower card, right? So the tower card is an absolute no in my book. If you're going to sit in front of me and ask me a question that you're going to want me to give a yes or no answer to, and the tower card comes up, I'm going to tell you no. Well, if you're out shopping with your friends and having a lollygagging kind of day, and you're just stopping in for a real quick reading, and you just want a fun answer, me telling you that you're not going to find the love of your life, what's that going to do to your day, right? It's going to totally screw up your energy. So before you ask the question, make sure that you want to know the answer. Now, I will also go back on that previous example and tell you that I would not put faith or make a lifelong decision that I was never going to find love because a tarot card told me that. But it's still going to wreck your day, right? You're going in for some actual guidance or to find something out about your future, and when you get the bad news, it just kind of messes with your energy. So that's one big point is to make sure that you know that you want to know the answer to the question. And the other thing that I'm going to ask you is, what are you going to do about it? So let me give you an example. If I simply say, let's, for example, use the example before that you want to know if you're ever going to find the love of your life. And I flip over, let's say, the sun card, right? The sun card is a total hardcore yes, yes, yes card in my tarot deck. So that's great. Good for you. You're going to find the love of your life, but you don't know anything else, right? You don't know when, you don't have any idea of where, you don't have any guidance on maybe how or what activities you could engage in to maybe attract this great relationship. You just have a yes. So do you just go home and sit on your couch and chill and watch Netflix and hope that the pizza delivery guy is your Prince Charming? Or do you maybe rephrase your question and not have it be so concrete as far as a yes or no? That's just kind of how I feel about asking questions and then also answering those questions that have a yes or no answer at the end. There's really just not a whole lot of guidance there. It's just ugh. But like I said before, these questions do come up, and I really just want to make sure that you are not caught off guard. So let's dive in. So we're going to start these things off. I've got five techniques to give you today, and we're going to start off relatively easy, and then we're going to slowly progress, and by the time we get to the last two tarot spreads, you'll see where there's a little more depth involved. Not that it isn't something that beginners of tarot can do, but there is more interpretation, right? So these first three that I'm going to cover are very, very simple, very, very easy, and anyone can do them, okay? So technique number one is very simple and easy to do, and that is upright versus reverse. Now, it does require that you have a good mix of upright and reverse cards in your deck, so before you start your reading or to ask your question, you want to make sure you flip your deck around a little bit and make sure that you've got a good mix of reverse and upright cards in there, right? Then you're going to ask the question. You're simply going to focus on it and do whatever you've got to do to get to that spot, and when you get finished with your shuffle, you're going to flip that card. If it's upright, well, then the answer is yes, and if it's reversed, then your answer is no. That one's pretty doggone simple, okay? Now, technique number two requires a little bit of prep work before you start a reading. It's still really easy, but it does kind of help you get more in tune with your cards because it requires you to go through each one of those 78 cards in that beautiful tarot deck of yours and separate them into piles of yes, no, and maybe, and you're putting the cards in these different piles based on the visual representation, like the symbolism that you see in the cards when you flip them over, but also the emotional or intuitive feeling that you get when you see it. Does that card make you feel warm and fuzzy? That might go in your yes pile. Does that card make you feel kind of cringe and think, oh, no, not this card? That card might go in your no pile, and if you flip over a card that seems like it could go either way, it really doesn't resonate with you on a positive or a negative scale, that card would go into your maybe pile. Now, this is actually the way that I learned. I had purchased a very large deck, I think it's the Giant Rider Waite tarot deck several years ago, and what I actually did with those Giant Rider Waite tarot cards was I put blank white labels on the back of them, and I turned them into flashcards for learning, basically, and the very first thing that I did with each one of those cards was to set them out on my floor and just kind of randomly pick them out, look at them, see what kind of vibe that I got, right? And then on the back, I would either write yes, no, or maybe, and I still have that deck, and I still actually have that list, and I will use it if I am really forced to give a straight-up concrete yes or no answer, so it's one of those things that's very, very intuitive as far as determining which ones are yes and which ones are no and which ones are maybe for you, so do remember that, that even though I may say that a card means yes or you may get a reading from someone that says, oh, no, that's a no, it's very subjective on the feelings that we all get as tarot readers as to the energy in the cards, so understand that it is important for you to go on that journey for yourself and to get your cards out and determine which ones are for you, and it'll help you connect more with your cards anyway. It really just gives you a little bit of a deeper connection. Now I will tell you as far as like a little technique here is that if you do choose to stick with, hey, I'm going to go with my yes, no, maybe list during your reading, so you're going to sit down to do some readings, and you set the intention at the beginning of that session to say, okay, I am going to use the yes, no, or maybe meanings for the cards that I have on my list. You really do have to stick with that throughout your readings no matter what, and here's an example, so if we're going into a reading or a session, and we're saying that we're going to stick with our yes, no, maybe list, and that's how we're choosing to read for that particular session, regardless of the question that is asked and regardless of the card that you flip over, you must remain true to that, so it is a little bit difficult if someone does ask you a tough question, and, you know, let's, for example, let's say someone asks you if their partner is cheating, and you turn over the sun card, right, and again, the sun card for me and my deck is a hardcore yes, yes, yes, right? You know, you really have to be ready and be prepared to deliver bad news to people, right, so if you are going to stick with that yes, no, or maybe list that you intuitively created, you are going to have to look this person in the eye and tell them that yes, their partner is cheating on them, so you really have to have confidence in your answer and also in your delivery style, right, to be able to handle, you know, the client reactions if there's some bad news that's in there, okay, so just remember that if you're choosing technique number two to do your readings with. Now, technique number three is one that I really, really do like because it helps you move away from that concrete yes and no kind of answer, and it gives you a little more wiggle room, so this technique is likely versus unlikely or favorable versus unfavorable, and what we're doing here is simply replacing the words yes with likely or favorable and no with unlikely or unfavorable, so for example, if someone comes in and says, let's say, should I move to London, England, and you flip over the three of cups, three of cups is great, it's got three women, you know, they're obviously celebrating, it looks very, very happy, you may answer the question with that situation is likely, so you're not really backing yourself into a corner and giving a hardcore yes, you should move to London, and so you're kind of saying it's likely, or you could even say it's favorable, it would be favorable, that one is really, really nice if you hesitate to say the words yes and no, and I totally get it, as I said before, as a professional tarot reader, I do not use the words yes or no unless I have a client that really pulls all of it out of me and says, look, I just straight up want you to tell me yes or no, and honestly, I've had clients tell me that because I tend to go a little bit deeper and interpret the meaning of the card and whether it's a yes or a no or, you know, positive or a negative, and that's a little bit of a deeper kind of reading, and that's where we're going to go here with these next techniques, these last two techniques that I've got where we're going to go a little bit deeper. So, technique number four is yes if, no if, and I really like this one because rather than just saying yes or no, that if added to the end of it really gives the client a little bit more detail and it adds an element of what needs to happen in the situation in order for the answer on that card to become true, right? So, here is a good example. Let's say a client comes in and says, should I put my house up for sale? And you flip over the tower card. Now, the tower card is a no in my list, right? Again, in your list, it may not necessarily be a no. Maybe you see things getting shaken up as very, very positive, and for you, that's a yes, but for me, it's a no. So, instead of just saying no, my answer might look something like no if doing that or moving and selling your house seems like that would cause a lot of chaos around in your life. So, I'm taking the no, which is the meaning of the card for me, and I'm also looking at the symbolism on the tarot card and I'm putting those together to say no if what's happening on the card. On the flip side, let's say someone comes up and says, should I marry my boyfriend? Should I accept his proposal? And you flip over, let's say, let's see, let's flip over one here. Hang on, I've got my cards here. Let's say you flip over, ooh, okay, that's another negative one. Let's say you flip over the 10 of swords. The 10 of swords might be no if it seems like it's weighing too much on your mind and you're thinking way too much about it. If it's weighing on your mind, there's an answer that you need to have answered. You need to be in a calmer state here, so your answer there would be no if you don't let your thoughts stop sabotaging your relationship. Does that make sense? I hope that does. I hope that that makes sense. It just helps the client make a bit more of an informed decision, which personally as a tarot reader, that's what I believe I'm here to do. My job is not to tell the future. It's not to always be right. It's simply to kind of help you pull the questions out of your subconscious that need to be answered. And once we're able to formulate that, we send them back into your subconscious and then you figure it out. Those are those epiphanies that you have. So again, I really do like this technique because it lets you go a little bit deeper letting the client know what has to happen if any of this is going to come true. And then they can make that decision on whether or not they like the answer you gave them and they're going to work to get that done, or if they didn't like the answer that you gave them and they're going to go out into the world and do the exact opposite. So that's kind of my take on that one. So now we're going to move on to my final technique, which is very simply interpret the card. This is a little bit deeper and it may take some time for those of you who are just beginning, but I promise you, if you kind of go back through and even do technique number two, which is the go through your deck and create your yes, no, and maybe piles, that you'll see that interpreting the card isn't so difficult because you've already done part of the work by determining what kind of an intuitive feeling you got when you were first looking through the deck and saying whether it was going into the yes pile or the no pile or the maybe pile. So it's really, it's a much easier way, I know personally for me, to answer those yes or no questions when a client comes in and I know that it's not necessarily a question that is, how do I want to say it? I should say that the question isn't formulated in a way that it's going to give them guidance. So it's basically, it's a closed-ended question. I can either answer yes or no. That's all I can ask or all I can answer with. I personally choose this fifth technique, which is to simply interpret the card. And it's very simple to do as you're shuffling your cards and you're asking your questions. Once you're finished, you flip over your card and you describe what you see. What does the picture look like that you see there? Let me give you an example. So let's say, let's say someone asks, will we be moving within the next 12 months? And you pull over the, let's see, six of swords. Now, traditionally, the six of swords might be your, might be a no card for you, right? When we talk about putting them in your yes, no, and maybe piles, maybe that six of swords was in your no pile. However, this person has asked if they're going to be moving. And as I look at this card, the six of swords, clearly they are moving. You start to realize, okay, this card has a little bit more of a meaning to it, right? So then, so even though it may traditionally be a no card, because of the way you're choosing to simply and truly interpret the card based on the question, it turns into more of a yes card. So I would answer that question, will we be moving within the next 12 months? I would look at the six of swords and say, yes, it looks like you will be moving within the next 12 months. I can tell you that you may not be as excited about where it is that you end up moving to. You or someone around you may not be super excited about where you're moving to. But I do need you to understand that once you get there and once you get settled, everything is going to be just fine. So the more you can go with the flow of the potential relocation, the better off you're going to be. But just know that it is better and it is good, and you should just embrace it for all of the lessons and opportunities that it has to bring to you, right? Okay, so that is it. Those are my top five never fail techniques for answering yes or no questions with your tarot cards. So let's recap those techniques for you real quick. So technique number one, upright card versus reversed card. Technique number two, going through every one of the 78 cards in your deck and making an intuitive decision on what the feeling is. Is it a yes? Is it a no? Is it a maybe? And separating them into piles, putting them on a list, and committing that to memory. Technique number three is likely versus unlikely or favorable versus unfavorable. And then technique number four is where we go a little bit deeper and start to give a little more guidance. And that is yes if, no if. And then technique number five is simply to interpret the card. Now a few things I want you guys to remember as I close this out. Please, please, please always remember that with every tarot reading that you do that free will does need to be taken into consideration. I know personally myself as a tarot reader, when I am asked a question that has a yes or no answer ahead of it, I stop my clients there and I explain to them exactly how I feel about yes and no questions and how I feel about free will. And I simply tell them that, listen, free will is here and it's your ability to make choices. If you walk outside of this door and you turn left instead of turning right, you change everything that we talked about in here. In that same context, the answer I'm going to give you, there's not much concreteness that's to it because there's too many things involved. And right now you don't know if going left is going to get you the answer in the card or if going left is the answer that you're going to get in the card. So don't be afraid to tell your clients that you aren't comfortable with answering yes or no questions or if you want to practice and you want to at least provide some guidance, give them an explanation on how you feel about free will and how you truly feel that a simple yes or no answer does not give guidance or how you feel it isn't the best thing for them and then see how that reading proceeds. And what that will do is give you more confidence to where if you're in that professional setting, if you have a client that comes in and says, hey, I need this question answered, you're talking about having to go out, refund their money, tell them that you just can't do it, I can't do it, and you're going to go out and refund their money. And it's a very awkward kind of scenario and it's not very professional. So I just wanted to share these to help you guys so you aren't caught off guard. There's just a few things I learned during my early years as reading tarot professionally. If you're looking for more information, you can head over to my website. It's DarcyBritt.com. I've got a blog there, a few things that I do. You can always check me out on Facebook. I do – I'm sorry, my Facebook page, I believe, is Noni Tarot. It's N-O-N-I Tarot. And I will explain more about that in another episode, but I'll also put a link down there in the show notes. So I hope you guys found this episode informative. I hope you got a couple of your questions answered, and I truly hope that now you have a few techniques in your bag so that you can confidently answer tarot questions that require a yes or no at any point in the future. My name is Darcy Britt. I'm signing off for now. I hope you guys have a great day.

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