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Proof of the Everlasting Covenant between God and Christ

Proof of the Everlasting Covenant between God and Christ

David Adeniyi



Before the World was made, the fall of man had been foreseen by the Father, He entered into a covenant with Jesus Christ for the saving of mankind.

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The speaker discusses the concept of the everlasting covenant and its significance in relation to God and mankind. They mention that God made covenants with various individuals throughout history, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, and David. They explain that the everlasting covenant is a revelation of God's plan for humanity, gradually revealed over time and ultimately fulfilled through Jesus Christ. The speaker also compares the scattering of truths in the scriptures to the discovery of laws in the natural world, emphasizing the importance of searching for and understanding these truths. They conclude by discussing biblical proofs of the everlasting covenant between God and Jesus Christ. We have treated this topic during the course of this, but we have not, we have just touched it or we summarized it. We didn't go deep and expand on the things we have said. So I decided that we begin a series on this topic, the everlasting covenant, so that we know what the Lord has made available to us in that covenant. And it is a covenant, it is called everlasting because it is made by the everlasting God, the eternal Father, the co-eternal with Christ. They are the ones who made that covenant. And that covenant is for the benefit of mankind. So if you are a man in this place, you should be under that covenant. I remember on Monday I was saying that God did not work with man on a neutral ground, but based on the covenant. Everyone God interacted with, He worked based on the covenant with that person, either directly with that individual or with his father or father, praise the Lord. For example, Adam worked with God. And in the years that he was with God before the fall, there was a covenant between him and God. Which when he broke that covenant, he broke a curse upon man and he broke a curse upon the earth, praise the Lord. There was a covenant God made with Noah. And our moment here today, he really, really touched several things. But because of the time, he was very fast. I realize that he has done a lot of study on that topic. Because he really touched several aspects of this. The Lord also made a covenant with Noah. He made a covenant with Abraham. The covenant the Lord made with Noah is still functioning today. He said he will not destroy the earth with floods. So anytime you see the rainbow, it is a token of the covenant, a seal. When the Lord sees the rainbow, he remembers that he has promised, no matter the corruption that is in the world, I am not going to destroy this world with water again. But the Lord has promised he will destroy it with fire, praise the Lord. But that is in the past, praise God. And also the Lord made a covenant with Abraham. The covenant the Lord made with Abraham is not just for the children of Israel biologically, but for as many that will believe in Jesus. We will be going through that in later series, in part of the series. The Lord made a covenant with Abraham. That covenant is also an everlasting covenant because the covenant is still working and speaking today. The Lord also made a covenant with David. He made a covenant with David that it is his seed that will reign on the throne of his kingdom forever and ever. And when he says forever and ever, that is for everlasting. So that is also an everlasting covenant. So the everlasting covenant is a covenant that has been made before the world was formed. So the covenant has been formed before the world was formed. And the covenant the Lord made with Adam, with Noah, with Abraham, with David is a part of the everlasting covenant. It is like God revealing the everlasting covenant to mankind bit by bit. So he revealed a part to Adam. He revealed a part of that everlasting covenant to Noah. He revealed a part of that everlasting covenant to Abraham and to David. But at the end, when Jesus Christ came to this world, he brought the whole everlasting covenant. Because Jesus Christ came to reveal, he says that he has come to tell the world the things that were one secret. And what is the thing that was one secret that Jesus came to reveal to us? It is the everlasting covenant. That was the covenant between God and our Lord Jesus Christ. And it was kept secret. But the Lord was revealing them bit by bit, bit by bit until Jesus Christ came. Praise the Lord. Now, I want to also say this thing. That there are certain truths in the scriptures that you cannot categorically find in the scriptures where it is just named it. For example, there is no word like Trinity in the scriptures. There is no word like three gods in the scriptures. But there are Bible passages in the scriptures that mention the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And if you do a deep study, you will realize that these three entities, they are actually one. But the Bible never, at any point in the scriptures, says that there is Trinity. But it is after a study that you realize that there is not just one. God is not just manifesting himself as one entity, but as three. As God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In the same way, we cannot find the word everlasting covenant and all the terms of the everlasting covenant in a particular chapter or verse of the scriptures. It is scattered all over. And there is a purpose that God scatters truths in the scriptures. The Bible says in Proverbs 25, I think 25 verse 2, I put it down there. Proverbs 25 verse 2, it says, it is the glory of God to conceal a matter. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter. And it completes that statement. It says, but the glory of the kings is to search out a matter. So, God is glorified when he conceals matters. We are glorified when we find it out. Now, let me bring you to our natural world. The laws of nature have been in existence since the creation of the world. But do you know that the plane did not start flying until the last century. It was the Wright brothers that discovered, they decided that if birds are flying, we want to make an artificial bird that will also fly. And they began to study. They studied physics. They did different mathematics and physics. And they began to try different methods. They came up with different methodologies that we make an object to lift up but then crash land. Until one day, they had a breakthrough. And then their object flew. Their object flew and did not crash land. Praise the Lord. The law that made that object to fly has been in the world from the creation of this world. The law of thermodynamics, the law of the nuclear laws have been in this world before now. And there are some laws that are in existence that scientists are yet to discover. And they will continue to discover. In fact, I do not know where the man was. I was discussing with him. He said, this telecopy, it was a cobbler. I went to repair one of my steppers. He said this telecommunication, you know, there was a news that there was a submarine cable that got spoilt and then the network was bad in Nigeria. He was now amazed. What did this white man think? What type of thought made him to put the wire under the sea and then we have the internet? He was just wondering. He was asking me, am I not sure that these people are using witchcraft? I answered him. I said, technology is not witchcraft. Even though in Africa we term it to be witchcraft. But technology is not witchcraft. It is the progress of discovery. Technology is the progress of discovery. Before there was television, there was radio. They call it transistors. There were transistors. And then the technology advanced. We have televisions. And technology advanced, we have telephones, landlines. The technology advanced, we have mobile devices. The technology advanced, we have internet. The technology continues to advance. And what is advancing this technology? It is the discovery of new laws of nature. The discovery of these new laws, man is now putting those laws into use and we are now having innovations and inventions. If it is God that conceals those laws in this earth, God conceals them. The greatest, highest number of inventors in the world is from Israel. Israel produced the greatest number of inventions. They had the covenant with God. I believe God is revealing those things to them bit by bit. Bit by bit. Bit by bit. Many of the technologies that we are using today started from Israel. Or if it is not in Israel, it is an Israel-like man in another country. This man, this great scientist, Easton, Austin, Easton something, he had an Israel blood in him. So, there are laws, there are things that are hidden. But as we are finding them out, it is bringing glory to us. In the scriptures, in the spiritual realm, there are truths that are hidden. God purposely scattered them on the pages of the scriptures. And it is only a dividend act that we search out those truths and make good use of them. Praise the Lord. If you will make yourself available, the Holy Spirit is there to begin to reveal these truths to you. The truths that are in the scriptures are hidden under the letters. If you will just read the Bible, you will read through the letters and not get any truth. But by the help of the Holy Spirit, if you will diligently search the scriptures by the help of the Holy Spirit, it will be revealing truth to you, precept by precept, bit by bit. And connecting this verse to another verse you have read last year, and then a truth will just pop up in your heart. And that is a revelation. The same is with this everlasting covenant. It is a truth scattered all over. As a matter of fact, I was not able to gather everything together because it would be too much of a lengthy message if I tried to do so. So, we are going to split them. So today, I am just going to read you some Biblical proofs of this everlasting covenant between God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. Let us open our Bible to John 5, verse 36. We are looking at the proofs of the everlasting covenant between God and Christ. John 5, verse 36. It says, But I have a greater witness than John, that is, than John the Baptist's witness, for the works which the Father has given me to finish. The very works that I do bear witness of me that the Father has sent me. When did Jesus receive the works from God? At what point did he receive the works from God? He received it according to the terms of the covenant. It is when the covenant was being enacted that the works that Jesus will do. Because, you know, we define covenants. Let me just give a brief definition of covenants. A covenant, according to a dictionary, is the agreement or promise, usually a formal agreement, between two people to do or not to do something. You see that, myself and somebody agreed, okay, I am going to provide a vehicle and you will provide a land. And let us reach an agreement that when we bring this one, I will exchange my vehicle for your land. That is an agreement. So that agreement is a form of covenant, praise the Lord. So there is a work to do. For that covenant to work, for me to receive the benefit of that covenant I am making with the man coming with the land, I must come with a car. Praise the Lord. So that means there is a work for me to do. And the other man too has a work to do. And when both parties fulfill their obligation, then they will get the benefit. We will be able to obtain the gift. You take this car and I will receive the land. Praise the Lord. Then a covenant has been sealed. Praise God. So in the covenant that God made with the Lord Jesus, there is a responsibility for Jesus to do. And that is the work that he refers to in John chapter 5 verse 36. He says that the witness he has is that for the works which the Father has given me to finish, the work the Father has given him to finish is the work that he received in the terms of the everlasting covenant. And that passage, if you read John chapter 17, when you get home, just read the whole of John chapter 17. Jesus kept referring to the one that my Father has given to me. The Father promised Jesus that if you will complete this assignment, I will give these people to you. So Jesus kept referring that the people you have given to me, because Jesus Christ has come to the world to carry out the assignment that we make him to earn the people that God has promised. John chapter 17 verse 8. He says, for I have given to them the works which you have given me. Number one, God gave Jesus some words to preach, some words to speak. When you get to the world, tell the people about me. Just like when the Lord told us to come to this place, he said the people we bring, I should train them and they are an army of God. So I want you to know that if you are in this meeting today and you are a member of this church, the Lord has brought you here. It is not by accident because of what he said. He said, as many as I will bring. So if the Lord did not bring you, you are not here. And if you are here, the Lord has brought you. And he has brought you because he has a purpose for you. He has a reason for bringing you to train you and build you up to the person he wants you to be. Praise the Lord. So it is not by accident. So it is a form of a covenant. Though he did not call it a covenant, I am just using it to explain the everlasting covenant. There is a word God has given to the Lord Jesus to go to the world and speak. And there is a work he has to accomplish. And what is the work that the Lord Jesus has to accomplish? It is shedding his precious blood, his holy and pure blood for the sins of the sinful people, sinful men. The sins of man can only be removed by shedding of blood. Leviticus chapter 17, one of our sisters, she quoted that scripture on Tuesday. She said, Leviticus 17, 11 or so, that there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. There can be no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. People, some people, they believe that when they do good works, and the good works that they do, if it is more than the bad works that they do, the evil that they do, God will look at them and say, okay, you have tried, you did so, so much good. Even though you did bad works, your good is more. So, enter into my rest. But that is not what the Bible says. The Bible says that without the shedding of blood, there cannot be forgiveness of sin. So, if the blood of Jesus is not shed on earth, there is no forgiveness for mankind. And the details of the everlasting covenant is to restore man back to God. Man has fallen. Man has sinned. And man needs a Redeemer. Man needs a Mediator. Man needs a Savior. He needs a surety to pay the price for his sin so that he can be reconciled back to God. And that was the work that was given to Jesus to come and do. And he has begun to speak about God to the people. And the last one he is to do, which is in chapter 17, after that chapter 17, he began to go to the cross. It was for him to not shed his blood. That was his final anti. And immediately he died. He was buried. And when he was resurrected, it was a glorious resurrection. And he is going to give to every one of us such glorious resurrection. Praise the Lord. So, this is the covenant that was between the Father and the Lord Jesus. So, this verse also confirms that covenant. Let's look at another scripture. Colossians chapter 1. I'll read from verse 15 to 26. Colossians chapter 1, from verse 15 to 26. He is the image of the invisible God. The firstborn over all creation. That is Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God. The firstborn over all creation. Jesus Christ is God. The image of the invisible God. For by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth. Visible and invisible. Whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things. And in him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church. It is in the everlasting covenant that he is made the head of the body. Without that covenant he is the head of nobody. But the covenant says that if you will shed your blood and die for these people I will give you these people. That is why in John chapter 17 if you read it. He always refers to the people that the Lord has given to me. The people that the Lord has given to me. It is because he came to die. And the father gave him these people as he has given us to him. We are his people. So the people that he has given to him is now the body of Christ. The body of Christ. That is why the church. Another name for the church is the body of Christ. Maybe you have been hearing that. They say let us pray for the body of Christ. Which means let us pray for the church. The reason is the church is the body of Jesus. Jesus is the head. And we are the body. Praise the Lord. And we became the body of Christ under the everlasting covenant. It is the everlasting covenant that made us the body of Christ. One with Christ. Without the everlasting covenant we are separated. But because Jesus has procured his own part of the everlasting covenant. And God has given us to him. Then we become his body. Praise the Lord. So he is our head. Who is the beginning and the fourth born from the dead. That in all things he may act pre-eminence. For it pleased the Father that in him all the fullness should dwell. It pleased the Father. It is under the everlasting covenant that the fullness of all things should dwell in Jesus. So if you are in Jesus you are saved. If you are not in Jesus there is damnation. If you read 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 10. It talks about in the end time that the cause is going to destroy this world with fire. Do you know that it is not everything that is in the world that will be destroyed with fire. There are some things that will be preserved. And those things that will be preserved will be preserved because they are in Jesus. Just like Noah. No God told Noah to build an ark. And Noah built an ark. And after Noah had built that ark. He said he would invite people to come and join him in the ark. But the Bible says that all of them ignored that news. And they left Noah. And Noah and his family entered. And the animals that the Lord had chosen entered into the ark. And then that great deluge of judgment came upon the world. A storm, water flood came upon the earth and submerged the whole earth. But did you know that the judgment was upon the earth. And everything on earth was being killed. But those people in the ark were preserved. Jesus Christ is the ark of Noah. It is only those who are in that ark which is the body of Jesus that will not be consumed with the fire that God will send to destroy the world. Just like the water could not touch them. You know the storm will eat the ark. The wind will carry the ark and take it to any direction. Noah was not in control of where the ark was going to. He was just in the ark seated and trusting God that this ark will not end in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. That this ark will land on a solid ground. And God was faithful to cause it to land on a solid ground. You know the world was full of water. The water was pours into the midst of Antarctica. Antarctica is the bottom part of the world. That is all heights. So no man can survive there for long. But God was faithful to bring him back to the Middle East. That is where the ark landed. Mount Ararat in the Middle East. That was where the ark landed. That ark is the type of the body of Jesus. The world will be destroyed. But every man and woman that is in Jesus, in the body of Christ, will be kept. No single fire will touch our head. Nothing will touch us. No judgment of God will reach us. Because where we are in Christ, we are preserved. Praise the Lord. So this is part of the covenant. That it pleases the Father that in him all the fullness should dwell. And anything that is outside of him should be destroyed. Verse 20 which is the last verse we are taking in that collation. It is by him to reconcile all things to himself. By him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of his cross. That was the ultimate prize that sealed that covenant. When Jesus shed that blood, then all the condition of the covenant became effective. We can now enter into Jesus. We can now be secured and saved from the wrath and the anger of God that is coming upon this world. We can now sleep and be assured that God is no more angry with me. God is no more angry with you as long as you have given your life to Jesus. God is not a wicked God. He loves us. He gave his son and we accept him. Praise the Lord. Jeremiah chapter 31, the last prophecy we are going to look at because of our time. God was speaking in the Old Testament. He was speaking to Jeremiah. He said, Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. He said, I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. That means there was a covenant that was active at that time. There was a covenant that was in operation at the time God was speaking to Jeremiah. And that covenant is the covenant of Moses. Under the Mosaic economy that they were living under. It is the covenant of works. It is a type of covenant that you have to do something to please God. You have to act. If you cannot do what God says you should do, then you cannot be pleasing to God. And the covenant says that if you miss one dot, out of all the loves of God, you have missed everything. God demands 100% perfection. Not 99.9. Praise the Lord. But no man was able to meet that criteria. No man. Then God knew that he had already made the covenant with Jesus. But the time of the covenant to come to realization has not come. Because the one who is to shed his blood to activate that covenant has not come. So he was talking to Jeremiah and saying, the days are coming. He said, in those days I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. My covenant with the brook, though I was a husband to them. But this covenant I am going to make with them. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days, praise the Lord, I will put my law in their minds. I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God and they shall be my people. He will not write the law on a tablet of stones. He says he will write it on our hearts. That is the reason we have been shaped. Anytime we step into anything sinful. That is the reason we have the fear of God in our hearts. Not to do anything that is contrary to his will. Because he has written that law in our hearts. And what was used to write that law, it is his spirit. The Holy Spirit of God. It is that law of God in our hearts. Directing and guiding us into the will of God. Verse 34 the last verse. Says no more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord. For they all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them. Says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity and their sins I will remember no more. This is the term of the covenant. That once the blood of Jesus is shed, I will forgive the sins of men. And their iniquity I will remember no more. No matter what you have done in the past. Immediately you give your life to Jesus and surrender to him to be your Lord. Your sins are forgiven and your iniquities are forgotten. You are starting a new lease. God does not remember the atrocities that you have ever made again. Why? Because the blood of Jesus is so efficacious to wash you clean and make you brand new. That is the blood of the everlasting covenant. And that is the term of the everlasting covenant. That once this blood is applied, the sins are forgiven and the iniquities are forgotten. It is a covenant with great blessings and great benefits. Many believers are enjoying a part of it. But many of us are not enjoying most of it because we are not aware. And we want to dig out those benefits, those mysteries in this covenant. So that once we have the knowledge, the Bible says that my people perish because they lack knowledge. If we have the knowledge of the truth and the benefits in the covenant that the Lord Jesus has made with the Father for our own benefit. If we have that knowledge, we will be able to walk in it. And when we are walking in it, things will walk in our favor. Everything will move in our favor. Because we have that knowledge and we are living by what we have learned. Praise the Lord. The Lord will reveal this truth to us in the mighty name of Jesus. So the Lord has made the covenant. And that covenant has made Jesus our head. I am rounding off. I want us to listen. The covenant has made Jesus our head. We have no other head. Though we might be married, your husband is your head. But you have a greater head than your husband which is Jesus. Now the whole of the family nucleus is a body of Christ. It is a cluster in the body of Christ. I mean the family, the father, the mother and the children. They are just a cluster in the large body of Christ. So we have a head which is our Lord Jesus Christ. And in Christ, you can access all benefits. Let's open our Bible to Ephesians chapter 3. Sorry, I want to get to Ephesians verse 11. Ephesians. Okay. Chapter 1 verse 3. Ephesians 1 verse 3 says, Be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. In who? In Christ Jesus. All spiritual blessings. It is the spiritual blessings that materializes into physical blessings. If you are rich on heart, it is because you have been made rich in the Spirit. If you have possessions on heart, it is because those possessions have been given to you in the Spirit. So they materialize into the physical. So our blessings are for spiritual before they become material. Praise the Lord. And this verse says, Be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Whatever blessing you desire, it is already given to you in the heavenly places. But it is in Christ. And it is you have to be in Christ to be able to benefit from that blessing. And it is only Christ that can bring it out to manifestation. And you cannot enter into Christ except through the blood of the everlasting covenant. This is also part of the everlasting covenant stance. Praise the Lord. So because we are in Christ Jesus, we have access to several things. And we need to know those things that we have access to. And now that you know that you have blessings in every, not many, but every, that is all blessings, is yours in Christ Jesus. Now that you know that you have all blessings in Christ, you can go to Jesus and say, Father, I need so and so blessing because I have it in you. Bring it to manifestation in the physical. I remember a man, I think maybe I read it in the book while I was listening to a message. He said that the Lord Jesus showed him a treasure house in heaven. And when he entered that place, he saw treasures. And the man asked, who are the owners of these treasures? He said, it is the Christians on earth. And he said, if the Christians on earth owns all these treasures, why is it here in heaven? The Lord Jesus said, they are not requesting for it. And we are not requesting for it because we are not aware of them. And this is how to get them. When you search the scriptures and the Lord opens your eyes to a particular blessing, you should know that you have that blessing as yours in Christ. And because you have given your life to Jesus, you have access to that blessing. You just need to go to Jesus and say, Lord Jesus, this particular blessing that you have revealed to me in your scripture, I want it, give it to me and you will receive it. He said, ask and you will receive. He said, whatever you ask in my name, the Father will give to you. These are the terms of the covenants. And it is a benefit and a blessing to us. I want us to bow down our heads and say, Father, every benefit that is under this everlasting covenant from today forward, reveal them to me and help me to walk in them in the mighty name of Jesus. I don't want to live a wasted life because of lack of knowledge. I don't want to live a life of mediocrity because of lack of knowledge. Father, every benefit that is in this everlasting covenant, Father, from this moment forward, begin to reveal them to me. And as you are revealing them to me, Father, begin to bring them to material, to realization in my life. Let me walk in them. Let me enjoy these benefits. Let me enjoy these benefits that are contained within the everlasting covenant. Father, let me enjoy them. Let me walk in them. Let them be real in my life. Let them be real in my family. Let them be real in all my levels. In the mighty name of Jesus. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. In the mighty name of Jesus. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. 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Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Father, let me walk in them. Amen.

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