This audio piece titled "Alix Ponchon Bell Tower 2016-2017" begins with the distinct, resonant ding of a bell tower. It is a sound that immediately conjures images of a towering structure, standing tall against the sky, its bell ringing out across a peaceful landscape. The bell rings in a slow, rhythmic pattern, each ding echoing out into the silence before the next one begins. As the audio progresses, a new element is introduced - the pulsating beat of techno music. The rhythm is fast, contrasting with the slow tolling of the bell. The techno beat weaves in and out, intertwining with the bell's ring to create a unique sonic tapestry. As the audio progresses further, the bell's ringing and the techno music continue to play off each other, creating an engaging and dynamic auditory experience. The bell tower's traditional ding is transformed into a modern, rhythmic ring, creating a fusion of old and new, traditional and