This audio recording captures a typical day in a garden on January 29, 2007. The sounds of workers engaging in their daily tasks fill the air. The rustle of leaves, the soft thud of tools against the earth, and the occasional murmur of voices create a soothing and industrious atmosphere. Suddenly, the static buzz of a radio punctuates the ambient sounds. The workers have turned on a radio, adding a layer of lively chatter and music to the scene. The radio's sound fluctuates between soft dialogue, bursts of laughter, catchy tunes, and the occasional news report. It becomes a constant yet unobtrusive background noise, blending seamlessly with the garden's natural sounds. Throughout the day, the garden employees interact with the radio, adjusting the volume, changing channels, or pausing their work momentarily to listen to a particularly interesting piece of news or a favorite song. The radio, therefore, serves not only as a source of entertainment but also as a bridge connecting the