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cover of Metallic Bottle Low-Mid Height Audio File 088734
Metallic Bottle Low-Mid Height Audio File 088734

Metallic Bottle Low-Mid Height Audio File 088734




In this audio file, titled "Metallic Bottle Low-Mid Height", you're taken on a sonic journey that captures the distinctive sounds of a metallic bottle. The audio begins with the subtle, yet distinct clinking sound of a metallic bottle, indicating that it's being placed on a surface from a low to mid height. The sound effect is raw and unfiltered, creating a truly immersive auditory experience. Throughout the recording, the unique resonance and echo of the metallic bottle are captured, providing a rich and vivid soundscape. The audio delivers a realistic representation of the bottle's interaction with its environment, skillfully recorded to capture every nuance and detail. This is a classic example of Foley sound, which is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added in post-production to enhance audio quality. The 'lomid' tag suggests that the sound effects were created with the bottle being moved or dropped from a low to mid height. The audio, overall, is a masterful mix

Sound Effectsmetallicbottlelomidsfxfoley

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