As the audio titled "Noisy Exhaust" begins, the familiar sound of a car starting up fills the space. The engine rumbles to life, humming with a deep resonance that reflects its power. The car is in a bustling traffic scene, as indicated by the accompanying rush of tires on pavement, honking horns, and the distant, vague murmur of city life. Suddenly, the star of the audio makes its presence known - the exhaust. The sound of the exhaust isn't just a low hum, it's a full-throated roar. It's louder than it should be, indicating a possible issue or a purposely exaggerated modification. The noise is grating, the metallic growl of the exhaust pipe is hard to ignore as it reverberates and echoes, creating a cacophonous symphony with the city's symphony of sounds. As the car accelerates and decelerates, the pitch and volume of the exhaust noise fluctuate, painting a vivid picture of a