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cover of Opening and Closing of Glove Box_071640.mp3
Opening and Closing of Glove Box_071640.mp3

Opening and Closing of Glove Box_071640.mp3




The audio file titled "Opening and Closing of Glove Box_071640.mp3" is a sound effects recording that captures the distinct noises made when a glove box, typically found in a vehicle, is opened and then closed. The audio begins with the faint click of a latch being released, representing the glove box being opened. As the box opens, there's a slight creaking noise, followed by the faint rustling of papers typically stored inside such compartments. This is then followed by a brief moment of silence, possibly as the contents of the glove box are being examined or interacted with. Next, there's the sound of the glove box being closed. This starts with a slight shove, then the distinct noise of plastic meeting plastic as the box is shut. This is finalized by the click of the latch catching, securing the glove box closed once again. The entire sequence provides a vivid audio portrayal of a common, everyday action that might go unnoticed.

Sound Effectsgloveboxopenclosesfx

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