"Rhythm 2 of Technosaurus" is an auditory journey that is underpinned by the distinct use of analog-synth, creating a rich, textured soundscape that feels both familiar and innovative. As the track begins, the listener is instantly drawn into a pulsating rhythm, which serves as a steady heartbeat throughout the piece. This rhythm is crafted with precision and care, making it the solid foundation upon which the other elements of the track are built. Soon, the LFO or low-frequency oscillation makes its presence known, adding a dynamic layer to the rhythm. This element gives the track a sense of ebb and flow, almost like the rhythmic tide of an electronic ocean. It's a subtle yet effective technique that enhances the overall sonic experience. Adding to the complexity of the soundscape is the use of microcon, a device known for its intricate tonal capabilities. It contributes a series of bleeps that brings a sense of playfulness and unpredictability to the track