The audio titled "Surprise Attack" begins with an eerie silence, setting a suspenseful and unpredictable atmosphere typical of a movie scene. Suddenly, the calm is shattered by an explosion of sound effects, mimicking the chaos and disarray of an unexpected assault. The audio incorporates various sound effects to heighten the sense of surprise and intensity. The sharp, sudden sounds of gunfire, interspersed with the deafening blasts of explosives, create a vivid and thrilling auditory experience. Next, the distinct sound of rapid footsteps suggests the frantic escape of characters, accompanied by the occasional metallic clinks of weaponry being dropped or exchanged. The distinct echo of shouting voices in the backdrop adds to the authenticity and urgency of the scenario. Then, the audio dramatically shifts to the chilling sound of an approaching helicopter, its rhythmic, thudding blades growing louder and more menacing, implying the arrival of reinforcements or the imminent pursui