As the audio titled "Synthetic Material" begins, we hear a soft, yet clear, narration about the pervasive presence of synthetic materials in our everyday life. The speaker emphasizes the widespread use of plastic, a common synthetic material, and its impact on our environment. The audio progresses, illustrating the vivid image of a cleaner working diligently to collect trash. The clinking sound of plastic bottles being picked up reverberates, highlighting the volume of plastic waste. The narrator's tone grows somber as they speak about the mountains of garbage, predominantly composed of synthetic materials, that are filling our landfills and polluting our oceans. Thought-provoking facts about the longevity of synthetic materials, particularly plastic, are shared. The speaker mentions how these materials, designed for short-term use, take hundreds of years to decompose. This stark contrast underscores the serious environmental challenges we face. Towards the end, the audio takes an