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The Genesis Of Helps Ministry Pt 2

The Genesis Of Helps Ministry Pt 2

Adeniyi Tosin OwolabiAdeniyi Tosin Owolabi



Discover the biblical roots of helps ministry going all the way back to Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. This podcast traces the theme of selfless service and helping others as part of God's plan from Genesis to today. Join us as we unpack the foundational genesis of helps ministry through insightful commentary and analysis of scripture. Ideal for anyone active or interested in serves ministries and willingness to follow the helper's calling. Gain a historical perspective on God's heart for

PodcastServing otherSpiritual giftsBook of GenesisHelps ministryServing othersGospel serviceAdam and EveHumble serviceBible study

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The speaker begins by expressing gratitude to the listeners for tuning into their podcast on Hebrew ministry from the book of Genesis. They emphasize that all glory should be given to God for the wisdom and knowledge to discuss these topics. The speaker then leads a prayer and continues to discuss the topic of Adam's need for a helper. They explain how God saw this need and created Eve from Adam's rib. The speaker also discusses the importance of pastors making an impact on people's lives before expecting help in their ministries. They emphasize that those who serve in the ministry should be people with whom the pastor has a direct relationship and has made an impact on. The speaker concludes by stating that the animals were brought to Adam for him to name them because they are under man's authority. They highlight the importance of understanding and following God's principles in ministry. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! It's another time dear listeners to hear from God one more time. I appreciate these of you were able to listen to the last podcast where we started looking at Hebrew ministry from the book of Genesis. Thank you very much for listening. I believe it must have been a series of blessings for you. I get feedback from the United States of America and I believe feedbacks will be coming as we continue. We want to appreciate God. He gave us wisdom. He gave us knowledge. No man can take this glory to himself. All the glory must be unto the Lord who has given us the capacity to even want to do this in the first place. Shall we just have a word of prayer before we continue? We turn our look of you just one more time. We want to appreciate you for your goodness. You are faithful to the end. We thank you because you are the giver of wisdom and knowledge. We thank you because you are good to us. We thank you because of the access given to us into deeper revelations. As we look in the pages of the best book ever written. We thank you. We give you all the glory. One more time we have come to continue from where we started last week. Father we are trusting you for great and mighty things to happen. Father we pray that you open our hearts and I understand it. You understand what you have in store for us. Even as we look in the pages of the best book ever written. In the name of Jesus I give you the Father. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight. In Jesus name I pray. We thank Jesus for another time in his presence. And I want to really appreciate everyone that has come around to listen to, like I said, our podcast. Where we were looking at the Genesis of Epps ministry. We are continuing that series. This is the part 2 to that series of Ministry of Health as seen in the book of Genesis. As we continue and as we listen we pray that the Lord give us supernatural and deeper insight in the name of Jesus. So like I said the last time, we are going to continue from where we stopped. Today we are going to continue from verse 18. And in that verse 18 we are going to see how God actually saw the need for Adam to have a help. God saw the need for Adam to have a help. Last week I told you that Adam was able to do so many things. He was able to tend the garden. And God demonstrated that if Adam could do, tend the garden and did it well, then it is that time of great assignment. Right? In that chapter 2 of Genesis verse 18 we saw God really seeing the need for man to have a help. Not just an ordinary help. Not just an ordinary companion. But God said a help that is fit for him. And of course you know the rest of the story. God caused a deep slip to fall on Adam's lap. And the Lord took the whip of his side and formed a helper. And after that was done, the Bible says he brought Eve to Adam. So Eve became a helper to Adam. Let's just read a couple of verses from Genesis chapter 2. I am going to start reading from verse 18. And the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone. I will make him and help me for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air. And brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to Arcatus and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was none found and help me for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. And he slept and he took one of his ribs and put up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made it a woman and brought her to the man. And Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall the man leave his father and his mother and shall join to his wife and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife and were not ashamed. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. We thank God for the reading of this word. So let's continue with this now. In that verse 18 the Bible says God saw the need for Adam to have a help. Okay let me digress a little bit and let's look at the different kinds of help as documented in the scriptures. There is one help where God helps man and there is another help where man helps man. God helping man, man helping man. Those are the two different kinds of help documented in the scriptures. One is Aza, the other one is Hausa. Now Hausa is first discovered in the scriptures in that chapter 2 verse 18. Praise the Lord. So as we continue we are going to be shedding more light on this kind of help to God be all the glory. So God saw the need for Adam to have a help and He made a help for Adam. And how did He achieve that? The help came from Adam, not from the animals, not from the trees. But God made a help out of His kind. Remember what the Bible says that let us make man in our own image after our likeness. So God as a God of principle saw His help in let's say goats. He helped a lion, goat he would have seen. He helped in animals or trees. But as a matter of fact God wouldn't have seen a help for Adam in those things that He has put on Adam. So for Adam to have a help God had to make a help out of His kind. Hallelujah. God has to be a help out of His kind. Out of His likeness. And this letter the Lord took from Israel. What does this tell us? One it tells us that God is a God of principle. Two it's teaching us a very important lesson. A lesson that in help ministry that for instance as a pastor you are not qualified for help pass. You are not qualified to have help pass if you are not imparting on people. If you are not investing in people. You can't just conversate as a pastor starting a ministry and you just expect people to start flocking around you. To start taking care of one aspect of your ministry or the other. It doesn't work like that. Impact first. And may I say if there are pastors listening to this. That the majority of people that will work with you for a long time. The majority of people that will serve in your ministry. In your church. Are people with whom you have direct relationship. That is one. And secondly on whom you've made indelible impact. Hallelujah. In other words. They are your converts. You led them to Christ. You brought them from wherever it is they were from. Maybe you brought them from the garden. You brought them from the street. You rescued them from the street. And you brought them to the church. Hallelujah. God being a God of principle will not make a hammer over a help minister in the church. Without first of all saving him through your ministry. Or through the ministry of somebody else. Hallelujah. So this is a call to all pastors to understand that God is a God of principle. For you to have people that are actively involved in help ministry. In your local church. In your local assembly. You must understand that impact must go first. The great men of God you've seen today. They've been through a series of experiences. God has taken them through lots of experiences. And that is why you'll be surprised. They have people flocking at them. Now look around you as a pastor. Who are the people that you can say of a fact that this person. This brother. This sister. Is of a good help in this ministry. How many of them can you say God that's really established. If you look hard enough you discover that the people that you can actually point to. Or point at. The God that's established in your ministry. Have the people you've had or you've made impact on their lives. Remember God took Eve from Hadam. So people will help in your ministry. Will come from your giftings. From the impact you are making on people's lives. You don't get to push active workers from different ministries. You don't want to do that. They may not last. They may not be of good help to you. They may hinder people in the ministry. You need to have development mentality. You just have to develop that mindset. That it is the people whom God has used you for. That will be a very important part of your ministry in later years. I think that is just an apostate. You need to understand that. I've been doing the Lord's work many, many years. And this is an established principle. People that will serve God in your ministry. Diligently have the people you've had impact on their lives. At one point in time. We need to really understand that. And I pray that the good Lord will help us. In the name of Jesus. So let's go on from here. And I begin to imagine. The scripture says that God made every beast of the field. And brought them to Adam. Now look at that first. He brought them to Adam. Now the question would be. Why didn't God name those animals by himself? Hallelujah. He formed them. And he brought them to Adam. Signifying. Like I said in the first podcast. It was a God of principles. The Bible says God is spirit. Spirits don't have legs as standing. Where man inhabits. In other words, spirits don't have a natural habitat. Here on earth. The heavens belongs to God. But the earth he has given to the son of man. But then that does not mean that the scripture that says. That the heart is the laws and the fullness thereof. Is invalid. No. That scripture is very, very valid. It's only telling us that God made all things. And at a particular point in time. He gives what he wants to give to any man he wishes. He doesn't need to contact anybody. He doesn't need to take permission from anybody. He hosts it all. And in fact the Bible says that he hosts sheep on a thousand hills. That is the God. But he is a God of principles. The bees, the trees, the animals are going to be here. For the benefit of mankind. Whom he has created in his image. Whom he has created in his likeness. And as a result of that. God saw the need for man to name the animals. Since the animals are answerable to the man. Man gives instruction to the animals. And as a matter of fact. Man will kill the animal for meat, for food. Because God has given us the dominion over every other thing that he has made. And as a matter of fact. Everything God made apart from man is subjected to man. So let's go back to the point we are trying to make here. A creator named these animals. Now that I have you. I have somebody to help me in perfecting my creation. I can't have creation without a name. I can't have a creation without an identity. I have made them in my wisdom. I have created them in my power. But I need you to give them identity. Because you are going to be relating with them. You are going to be ruling over them. You are going to be dominating them. And your offspring will make food out of them. So make an identity of all these things that I have made. God seeking. God identifying the fact that man is helped to help the ministry. He is wide. He is broad. And can trace it back to the book of Genesis. And the good Lord will help us in the name of Jesus. Now let's go back to our annual story. Read in verse 20. But for Adam there was not found. Hand. Help. No help for Adam. But God showed the way for Adam to have a help. And that is why God made he. Praise the Lord. As we are getting the point of this teaching. Pastors. Ministry leaders. Unit heads. Why not just subordinate as your he. Of course. I'm talking of subordinates. You have had any part of their lives. I'm not talking about people who came with a bundle of gifts and grace. Into your ministry. And you discover that these are the people that are giving you problems. But the one whom God has given you the capacity to bring up and to trade. They hardly leave. They hardly cause problems. They hardly cause issues. They hardly give you headaches. Why not settle down. And say to yourself. I am going to build people. I am going to build people. You spend so much money bringing in gospel artists into your church. Whereas you have people that you can make a star out of. Why not settle down. And do whatever it takes to make a star. Of your church members. Rather than going out there spending millions bringing in artists that may not really bless. Your congregation anytime they need to come to sing there. Or having to sing a gospel artist that comes to preach it in a church. And people dance and everybody forgets. A song. No impact. Zero impact. Zero effect. No anointing. No display of God's power. The presence of God is not even felt throughout the program. I am appealing to everyone. The ministers of God listening to this. Settle down and build people. Settle down and create your life. Your kind. Settle down and identify your needs. They are attached to your ministry. They are attached to your callings. And start bringing them up. And start releasing yourself in them. And start duplicating yourself in them. God saw it. God is a God of principle. Pastors you must understand and begin to build on these principles. Otherwise you continue to have heartbreaks. Heartaches. Otherwise you might end up getting depressed. Otherwise you will forsake that assignment that God has handed over to you. And start, you know, entertaining unnecessary talks about your brother here. That's why they want to leave. Brother here has to go. Because you saw brother here. You brought him into your ministry. Zero impact for you. Pastors trying to reap where they have not sown. There is that brother with a bundle of grace and anointing. You are overlooking because you think it is not there yet. And you go out there to get somebody that you were told he has all the gifts in the world. At the same person. And it destroys your mind. And now you are depressed. And now you are questioning if God really called you. And I am praying for everyone. Pastors. Ministers. That are going through one problem or the other in their ministries. The good Lord will calm the thoughts. In the name of Jesus. This is a clarion call to pastors. If you don't want to spend some time talking to pastors. Build your kind. Build your kind. Build your kind. Invest in people. Impact lives. The lives you impact are less likely to leave. Most times, even if they leave, you are the one chasing them away. They are less likely to leave. Build people. Build people. Build people. Build people. Impact on lives. In the name of Jesus. The Bible says, out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field. And every fowl of the air. And brought them to heart. Now look at this. Out of the ground the Lord formed. Of course, man is also from the dust. Amen. But. In verse 21 of Genesis chapter 2. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. And he slept. And he took one of his weaves. And closed up the flesh instead of. Another mistake that some pastors do make is. You are wanting your people. People that are working with you. To have the same experience you had. You had to throw off. Nobody denies that. When you started it was not easy. Nobody denies that. But. Should we. Go through everything that you went through. Oh, I've got pastors saying. If I tell you what I've passed through. Should we. Should the people that are going. The people that God has given you. Go through the same thing that you've passed through. In ministries. Pastors. Most especially. Pastors or ministers of God. Who have large ministries. And who are people that have been praised. Should we. Should those. You. Your pastors. Your ministers. Go through everything that you have gone through. And there's a reason. Go. Take it through those processes. So that people that are coming through you. Wouldn't have to go through the processes. They are your leaves. So. In other words. You're calling the experiences. It's. More like. Their own source. Of course. The wise man said. If I've been able to see. Ahead of my peers. Is because I stand on the shoulders of people. That have gone ahead of me. You don't have to make life. Difficult for people. Who God has given you. Except ministers. Oh. When you started out in ministry. You work with a terrible man. Minister of God. Who never appreciated. Whatever else you do. Who never saw. Any. Good in you. And you just feel that it's. The standard for bringing up ministers. You. Are wrong. Go. From. Man. From the dust. God. Formed. The hell. From his ribs. Amen. So. That means. Whatever. Eve. Is starting from. Is. Where Adam is. I'm going to repeat that again. Whatever. Eve. Was going to start from. In. The journey. Of creation. Or the purpose of God. For mankind. Is going to be. Where. Adam is. God. Could have. Gone. Back. To. Make. Eve. From the dust. But. God. Made. Eve. From. Adam's. Ribs. So. It means. There is. A considerable. Measure. Of the. Potentious. The grace. The spirit. Adam carried. Resident. In. Eve. At that time. She was. Formed. So. It means. There was. A transfer. Of human. Spirit. Human. Knowledge. Human. Capacity. And capabilities. Into. Eve. That. Was where. I believe. Adam. Was asleep. There was. A programming. Going on. There was. A memory boost. Going on. Eve. Wouldn't have. Started from. When. You are. Starting out. In ministry. Or when you are bringing in people. To. Walk. With. You. In. Actualizing. God's. Purpose. For your ministry. And your calling. You need to understand that. Have that. Understanding. That. People that are coming around. Are not expected. To go. Back. To where. You are starting from. They are not expected. To send them back. To where. You started from. They are not expected. To go. Back. To where. You started from. They are not expected. To go. Back. To where. You started from. They are not expected. To go. 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