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Audacity project-Devin Wolff

Audacity project-Devin Wolff

Devin Wolff



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The podcast discusses the physiological struggles within education, focusing on the impact of mental and physical health on college students. The host emphasizes the importance of recognizing and improving one's well-being, as well as the prevalence of mental health issues among college students. The podcast explores how physical and mental health can affect education, including the negative effects of alcohol on the brain. It also suggests tips for improving the classroom experience, such as time management and regular physical activity. The host concludes by encouraging listeners to prioritize their well-being and suggesting ways to contact the podcast for future topics. And we're back with another podcast, I'm very excited to be with all of y'all today and hope you enjoy this. So this is a little bit more of a serious topic today, this is the physiological struggles within education, the podcast where we explore how mental health affects all kinds of people in the world, especially the student body in college today, it's where we see it, it's a big, it's a big prominent area. And so I'm your host, Devin Wolf, and I'm thrilled to have you all here with us today to talk about this very important topic. So in today's episode, we'll be exploring the fascinating world of physical and mental well being of college students, as we know, it's a huge topic talked out a lot about around the world is often misinterpreted. So whether you think you're mentally and physically healthy, there are always ways to improve yourself and make your college experience better, or simply, or simply, you're just curious about this subject. There's something for everyone. So if you're whether you're curious about the subject, or you're physically or mentally feeling this, I think this podcast really help you and give you some insight on how you can better yourself and how you can help other people, and how this is really affecting people throughout college, especially throughout all of education, especially. But throughout college, we're seeing this being more prominent, because there's studies coming out showing how many college students are really being affected by mental illness and physical illness, and how they're not really doing anything about it. So yeah, so let's get started into this podcast and go into detail about those two things and how we can improve that through our educational system. Alright, so the main idea of my individual episode will be how physical mental health can impact your educational experience. And I will talk about how being a healthy person, not only physically can impact how you live your life, how all those little everyday tasks can be changed, and how this kind of overall affects your college experience, because that's mostly what I'm talking about, for this podcast would be college experience. Some of the questions that I asked and thought about that I thought would be important for you guys, maybe if you could connect to, is one of them is, how do you know whether or not you're physically and mentally well off? This is a very important question to not only ask myself, for you guys to ask yourself and think about, because a lot of people that think they're healthy, whether it's physically or mentally, are really not. And so a lot of us have a lot of things to work on, whether it's from a physical standpoint, whether you need to lose weight, gain weight in order to be physically healthy, whether you need to go to doctors and kind of figure that out, but also, you know, on the more bigger side, especially in college, it's a mental health standpoint. In today's world, we're realizing how many people deal with mental health issues, mental illness that we didn't know before, and how they are not only affecting themselves, but also the people around them. And a lot of times, this is very prominent throughout college, because students are so stressed and stuff. So this is, this is a huge issue. And we really need to think to ourselves, and I think for your viewers, listeners at home, you guys need to think to yourselves, like, you may feel physically and mentally healthy, but a lot of times, there's things you can improve on that will help your everyday life. Even if that's just meditating or taking a deep breath in the situations where you're stressed out, those are huge situations that can help you. Another question I asked that I think a lot of people wonder is, how many people struggle with mental health issues in college or mental illness? So I mean, there's no real number, no way to calculate that, because you can't go out and survey everybody, and if you survey everybody, they may not tell you the truth, or they may not want to admit or may not think they have mental illness. But you know, it's a really high number, it's a really high percentage of college students who have this mental health issue, whether it's small or large, they're dealing with something inside that they may not realize, which can make it even worse, because if you don't realize that you have an issue, then it will just be there forever and you think it's just a part of your life. So the amount of people that struggle with it, I mean, I would say it's a ginormous percentage. If you like really talk to people, I'd say almost more than nine out of every ten people struggle with some sort of mental illness. And there's a lot of studies that came out that kind of show how people don't even realize that they have this, or they do and they think it's a normal thing, but it's not, and it just kind of shows how it's affecting their everyday lives. And that kind of leads me to my next question, is how does physical health and mental health affect your education? So, I mean, everyone's like, education, you need to go to college, I mean, you don't need to, but a lot of people do, and so being physically healthy, yes, that's always a good thing, but being mentally healthy is an even bigger thing, and they kind of interconnect with each other, because this guy, Andrew Huberman, he has a podcast, which I kind of looked at and took some of his thoughts and put it into mine about how, because I'm talking about college, about how alcohol actually can affect your brain and how, affect how it operates. You know, everyone's like, oh, if you don't drink a lot, you'll be fine, but it's not even just drinking a lot, it's just even drinking a little bit. This unhealthy habit of drinking alcohol can not only affect your physical health, but it can greatly affect your mental health, which a lot of people don't know. It's, as he proved, it's proven fact that drinking alcohol is poison, poison to your brain, kills brain cells, no matter if you have one drink or you have 20, and obviously 20 is worse than one, but just that little amount of alcohol is terrible for you. As he said, it's poison. So, how can being physically healthy affect your education? Because say you're drinking and it's like, oh, I'm doing fine, my mental health is fine, but that drinking can not only not make you healthy because you're not eating as much or something, but also it's affecting your brain, which is going to affect how you operate in the classroom and can affect how you operate in the future. A lot of studies are coming out about how alcohol affects people. You see it every day, people dying from alcohol, people having big alcohol addictions. It's a huge issue that we need to figure out and need to make people more aware of because it can affect your education, not only in college, but beyond college because beyond college is what you need to worry about because that's your everyday life and that's how you operate and make money for your family. And so, another question, I was talking to a couple people and they were like, all right, so you're talking about this, what can people do outside of the classroom to make their classroom experience better? One thing you can do, I mean, it's like, I know it's repeated, a lot of people say this, but managing your time is a huge thing. If you can manage your time and you can give yourself time to make healthy food, which makes you physically healthy, if you can manage your time, then you can get your homework done and you cannot be up so long or such your mental health is there, you can meditate, you can take time to yourself so that you're not in college going 100% at all the school work all the time. Figuring out the times where you need to have time to yourself is a huge part of being physically and mentally healthy. It's a huge part of your school life. If you can figure out how to manage your time, not only will it help you mentally, but it'll help you in school. You'll start seeing your grades go up. This year I saw with me as a freshman in college that the more I managed my time, the better my grades have been and the happier I've been overall. Additionally, there have been theories behind physical and mental health that talk about multiple opinions that go into this. Multiple articles have proven that physical activity promotes better mental health and awareness. One of the articles even said that extensive scientific evidence demonstrates that regular physical activity promotes growth and development in youth and has multiple benefits for physical and mental and cognitive health. This is really important because if you can teach the younger generation, not like teach them, but if you can help them be more active, not only because you want them to be physically healthy when they grow up, but it promotes the brain and their muscles to sense these nerves and stuff to the brain to help it develop as it grows up, then this is a really important thing that we need to start doing and put into our educational system. That's a wrap for today's episode. I hope you found our exploration of how being physically and emotionally healthy can benefit your school life, both engaging and informative. I hope you guys can implement this into your life. I know I've already started to, but this is a real breakout that a lot of scientists are really looking into now. People need to start realizing how they can be happier and healthier in life if they start implementing little things like meditating or going for a run or just little things like that. If you have any thoughts, questions, or topics you'd like to hear in the future on future episodes, please reach out to us. You can find us on Instagram at wolfdevin or email at wolfdevin23gmail.com. Don't forget to subscribe to the Psychological Struggles Within Education to stay updated on our upcoming episodes. We've got some really cool episodes coming up with some fellow students of mine. Our goal is to use our audience as a reference and tool to make interesting and new episodes that are relevant to you all and all of your interests. Please don't be shy to reach out with ideas or questions, and we will get back to you as soon as possible with answers. With that being said, thank you very much for listening in to my episode. Until next time, this is Devin Wolf signing off.

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