Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Orion group consists of both positive and negative oriented collectives. There are negative views about them, but there are also positively oriented collectives. Graduation from a negative or positive orientation depends on the level of service to self or service to others. Those who don't graduate repeat their cycle. Earth has a unique free will, and if not graduated, the next cycle will be on a planet with less free will. Protective rituals are important before channeling or meditating to create a high vibrational environment. Nutrition also plays a role in raising vibrational frequency. Oh yeah. I think I can hear your heart beating. Boom, boom. Boom, boom. Boom, boom. Boom, boom. Oh yeah. Whistling. So tell me about this positive and negative oriented Orion group. Okay, so there is positive and negative oriented collectives of all species, and all dimensional beings. And so, and again, it's to remember that we are both the yin and the yang. We're both the good and the bad. There is no good and bad, Dr. Wright. But we see it as a dual reality here on Earth. And so there is always a lot of conversation about the Orions, Grays, and the Anunnakis in a very negative oriented light. But there's also positively oriented collectives of higher dimensional realms of the Orions, the Anunnakis, and the Grays. And so there will be like some fifth density positive oriented Orion collectives. And so it's just important to understand that when you're learning and becoming aware of all these different extraterrestrials and dimensional beings and ideas and concepts and realizations, to not attach an idea to something. Right? Just because they call them negatively oriented Orions doesn't mean I view them as negatively oriented Orions, if that makes any sense. And so it's just an easy dual way of being able to understand the differences in who we're talking about. So would that be like, just for a simple example, like negative and positive oriented humans of our race if we're graduating? Yeah, absolutely. We're graduating right now, and so through this graduation window there will be a positive fourth density human collective consciousness. But there will also be a negatively oriented third density collective consciousness that forms, right? And so all these evil elites and all these people that are... So in order to graduate as a negative oriented being, you have to be 99% negatively oriented in service to self. To graduate in the positive oriented pathway, you only have to be 51% in service to others. So what happens to all the in-between there? Well, that's where they repeat their cycle. And so if they don't graduate into the negative oriented cycle, they weren't negative enough, then they get recycled back into the third density experience and they have to start over. Start over as in like a rock? Well, imagine that you passed on and you didn't graduate, and so you were reborn into a third density planet like Earth again, and your mind was wiped and the veil was placed over you again, and you had to be raised by the conditions around you until you woke up again and realized who you are and then made the choice to be either in service to self or service to others. And so you would repeat the density of awareness, which is the third density, and to choose the pathway of either service to self or service to others, which would be a negative or positive oriented choice. I'm graduating, dog. I'm doing this again. You've already graduated, baby. Yeah, we gone. We're already here. Heaven on Earth. Fourth density, Earth. Fifth density, Earth. 5D, 4D, we here, baby. And you know what? For all those teachers who said I wouldn't graduate, who's laughing now? Who's laughing now? I graduated early, baby. You know, in the book it said that it was a negative oriented Orion, it was a negative experience that came to Moses to give him that law to give to his people for manipulation, enslavement, and control. Yeah. No, of course. It's just like how we use the idea, if I have a basket of apples and I sell you an apple and you die because it was a poisonous apple, well, I killed you. But if I have a bag of poisonous apples and there's a sign on it that says poisonous apples and I sell you one and you eat it, well, then you just committed suicide. And so that's how the negative oriented beings work. They can't come in and manipulate forcefully our free will, but they can give us material ideas and concepts. To consent to it. To consent to it. Because it talks a lot about the law of free will and how they can't intrude on it because it doesn't serve any purpose if that happens. So they have to be willing slaves. There was a quarantine placed over us. Yeah. And so nobody can intrude on us. Now we are Earth, right? And the Earth beings are one of the only planets in all of creation that have this type of free will. Now concept that idea. We are one of the only planets in all of creation that has free will like we experience it. And so, since Earth is on her trajectory and has graduated into the fourth density, which is the density of love, right? If you do not graduate through this round, this lifetime, when you recycle into a third density planet, it's no longer Earth. So it's no longer with the same type of free will. And so you're going to have to raise and become aware in a third density planet with less free will than what we have here. And so who knows what that looks like. But it doesn't sound very daunting. Yeah, I can't even imagine what limiting free will would be or what that would look like. It's a global thing. Yeah. Interesting. And, you know, I've said this before, outside of this, that it was interesting about the law of the Bible and Scripture, how it always comes into effect when people are isolated and easily manipulated and controlled. Oh my gosh, Nicholas. It's fine, it's not recording. Just leave it there. But, where was I going with that? So Moses, according to Ra, was supposedly a very, extremely positively oriented human and fell victim to channeling an extremely negative oriented being and using that as what he thought was law from a positive oriented being on his people. And Ra was also talking about how when people are trying to channel certain beings, that negative oriented beings can intrude on that channeling session and make it difficult to interpret who you're actually hearing from. Yes, yes, that is absolutely correct. One of the things I've learned over the years is before you go into a channeling session, right, or say that you're going to go into a meditation, right, these things are very similar, they're all very parallel to each other. Some people call it channeling, meditating, traveling the astral realm, right? No matter what you're doing, it's important that as you're going into it, you have a protective ritual. A lot of people have an attachment to that word, but let's try to just put the word and be what they are, right? To have a protective and high vibrational ritual that you perform prior to going into it. And so some of the things that we might bring into would be a holy scripture, right, like the Bible or something that has a vibrational frequency of a higher vibrational holiness, right? Maybe a copper chalice with some water that you have charged with love light energies, to bring into the area. To place a protective energetic field around all of the walls, the floor, and the ceiling of the space that you're in before you go into it. You know, for me, one of the things that I do whenever I'm getting into these deep levels of consciousness by locating my consciousness into different realms and dimensional places, I call in my guardian angels, right? I call upon Archangel Michael, who I have a really strong connection with, and I ask him to send me four guardian angels to guard my space. And I give each of those angels a job to do, okay? And so as they come in, I have a watcher. I have someone that's constantly pouring love into me, right? I have someone that is focused on blocking thoughts that don't resonate at the frequency that I'm reaching, right? And so I give each of these guardian angels a job to do. I charge them with light and give them meaning and reason of why they're there and what they're doing. Part of communicating, right, with extraterrestrials, angels, telepathy between each other, right, is creating the environment to do so. And so if we don't create these environments and we don't charge our area with a higher vibrational frequency, well, then we're not tuning into a frequency that will only allow the goal in hand, right? And so if my goal in hand is to channel Archangel Michael, I want to match that frequency. I want to create a protective layer, if you will, around me, and then I go all in, right? I go all in with no expectation of outcome, and, you know, and then that's just kind of like how I enter into these practices, if you will. That makes a lot of sense, because they had a ritual they would do in that book, and it was a lot of the same stuff. The two chalices of love, vibration, and energy. A Bible opened up to a certain page. A verse opened. Then the antenna, stuff like that. Their nutrition, the food. Yeah, they're very big on that, too. It is massive, and this is one where most people fail at. They want to change all of their lifestyle habits and be these high vibrational frequency beings, but we don't want to raise the vibrational frequency of our nutrition. And you know what? I think, which I've felt this from experience the most, when I had an extremely good nutritional diet, but my mind wasn't in the right spot, caused probably even more of an imbalance physically than having a good lifestyle with bad food, as you would say. Because you've got an instrument that's producing the vibration, but you've got a blueprint that's giving the wrong picture. Well, also, the intention of just consuming the food was self-serving and negatively oriented, because all I really cared about was abs and titties. You know? The whole intention of even starting a fitness journey for me was I just wanted to look good and get bitches, and that was it. That was it. That's the only reason I was eating clean. Look good naked, baby. That was it. I mean, that's still kind of what I want to do it for, you know? But it's not. Now, for me, it's really just about being an extremely healthy and the most optimal being I can be. And since we've started doing all this fruit and salad and stuff, I feel my body has just completely gone the exact direction I've been wanting it to go, as opposed to always fighting and hating the food I was eating. It was such a negative thing. I was forcing myself to do it. I'm sure you feel it too now. It's like, dude, I love eating that freaking salad. It's amazing. I can feel the life in it when I'm praying over the food, when you're making it. The whole energy around us all shifts and stuff, and it makes a much larger impact on how I feel and body and stuff, and so it makes a lot of sense. It does. And now that you've got the body in the right momentum and your mind aligned, it's like strides, massive strides in awareness and consciousness. You know, it also felt cool that Ra said that – actually, the questioner said this to Ra, and he just confirmed it, that a negative or a positive-oriented being that would be talking to Moses in that situation in the Ten Commandments would never use the verbiage, thou shalt not. So that was an extreme thing attached to a negative-oriented being. So I just understood that from being the purest servitude, mind, vibration you can possibly use. It doesn't even have that vocab in their mind. You're not telling people what they can not do. Do you know what type of psychological meltdown this is going to cause the Christian community? You know what? I was talking to Shana about this, and part of the reason I think that the Orion group did what they did with the Ten Commandments and stuff was to completely corrupt and create religion to make a way for people completely striving to be close to God. It will inadvertently be the most self-centered people possible, because just like I was just saying with the food and my mind not being correlated and I wasn't getting the results I wanted. So Sam, for instance, trying as hard as he can to serve God is an extremely negative thing, because all he can think about is not going to hell. And if that's your whole goal in doing anything, that makes you the most selfless person in the room all the time, because your whole life is revolving around where you don't want to go, what you don't want to do. Instead of actually loving people for the reason of only loving somebody, you're only doing it because that's what God wants me to do, or that's what I read in the Scripture, is a way to completely corrupt an entire religion, I think. So Jesus said this in Scripture that many people will see me after they die, and they'll say, Lord, I cast out demons in your name and pray to you, and Jesus will say, away from me, I never knew you. And I take that now as these people that were actually following Scripture and being afraid of going to hell and being actually self-serving, not even realizing it, not even finding the true light and creator of what we're actually caused to be, because they let religion, the Bible, completely corrupt their thoughts on what the existence and nature of God actually is. Does that make sense? It absolutely does, and we know what happens when you try to push things away. It comes right back equally. It comes right back equally. And so if your whole life you're worried about staying away from hell, you're trying to create that opportunity to take place. And that's a tough one. Nobody wants to hear that. You know, nobody heard any different. I think it was such a hard thing for me to overcome because, I mean, your grandparents beat it into you. You know, you raised your whole life, you know. Yeah, fortunately, I didn't really have grandparents. Well. I did. I did, but not really. Yeah. My mom's father, they all lived in Michigan. I think I've met them twice in my whole life. My dad's mom, I met her a couple times when I was a kid, but they all died when I was young. They were all obese and, you know, awesome people. I love my family, but I was never really conditioned by a whole lot, right? My dad worked all the time. My mom was a house mom, but I was at school and outside and causing absolute mayhem in the world. From what I've heard from your stories, I 100% believe that. Yeah. Yeah, and so, yeah, it's quite a conundrum to begin to observe and realize all of these ideas, concepts, and truths. I mean, they're truth, and it just makes so much sense. And when you begin to break down all these concepts and you break down all these religious scriptures and ideas, and you begin to hear different paradigms of how they arrived, it just makes sense. Mm-hmm. And what's weird is that there's really not even that many different paradigms. Well, I mean, there is, but they all say the same exact thing. Like, literally reading the Law of One from the raw material, I mean, it's almost like reading the Bible, just pronounced differently, strangely. You know? Yeah. The exact same stuff, without all the hate and condemnation and judgment, stuff like that. Very interesting. Yeah. Hardest thing in the world to get a Christian to admit that, though. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. They get defensive. They get real defensive. I know. Because when we really start hitting these topics, and they back up because they don't really know which way to go to. Mm-hmm. Right? That's where we're like, okay, we see what we're talking about. Dude, yeah, it's not even like we're saying the same thing. There's just so many. I mean, well, every single Christian will just die defending the Bible. And that's it. That book. Mm-hmm. And they'll just die. They'll completely die. If you say it's not true, I mean, they'll just, you know, go to hell or whatever. They just won't hear anything outside of that because they're just so conditioned to have such a strong faith in everything. And it's just 100% right, and nothing else matters. And anybody that says anything against it's a false prophet, and the Bible warns you about that. Yeah. You know? Here's one I never really, that just blows my mind still kind of, is that I think Christians really believe that the skies are going to part and God will come back in human form. He's going to flash away and take us all on to some infinite paradise. I can only laugh so hard at it because I was one of those people for so long, man. Yeah. So long. That one is a tough one, and I always look at them and say, we're already here. Yeah. We are the angels. Yeah. We're here. Heaven's here. Yep. Can you see it? The kingdom of God is already here. It's already afoot. It's already afoot. 100%. Yeah. And to learn how to walk in the kingdom. You know, and then I cross this bridge, right? I start talking about, you know, heaven is a level of perception. And it's a frequency vibration, and you can only experience it if you can raise your frequency to a certain level, and you can open your perception to being able to see what is unseeable. Okay? And then we get to the part to where they're like, well, the only way you'll experience the kingdom of God is if you admit that Jesus is a God, and he's the only reason why you're saved. And I'm like, well, I love Yeshua. Yeshua is his real name, so let's not call him Jesus. Jesus actually means Hail Zeus. Hey Zeus. Jesus. Hey Zeus. Hail Zeus. Every time that you say in the name of Jesus, you're actually worshiping. In the name of God. Yeah. So. Tell that to a Christian. Tell that to a Christian, right? And again, we love Christians. We love all people, all makes and models and religions, and whether they got a diesel tank or a gas engine. We love them. And you know what's interesting about Christians? I saw a lot of Christians too. I went to church on Sunday with Shana. I love the people, and there's nothing against Christians or anything at all. I don't think it's dumb. But so the one, first of all, in Christianity and in general God, I believe this too, that God is a true form of unconditional love. And the only way as a Christian to get into heaven is to admit that Jesus died for your sins is the one and only way. You're bathed in the blood of Jesus Christ. And if you don't believe that, you're going to hell. And I find it interesting that the one unconditional God, the only way to get into heaven is through one condition. And if you don't meet that condition, you're cast away in eternal fire. But it's unconditional. Well, then here's another one too. And someone's like, you know, the only way that you can be baptized is if you have the blood of Christ flowing through you. And I'm like, okay, good. I do have the blood of Christ flowing through me. And they're like, no you don't. And I'm like, what? Are you judging me? What? Are you judging me? Because I am one. I am. I am one. I am the one. Yeah, I am that I am. And I have the blood of Christ and the DNA of Yahweh that flows through everything I am just like you. Equally. I've been really strong lately on harping on scripture. Not because I think anything part of it's dumb or stupid. But I feel like, and I relate so closely to it, it was so strong in my life. You know, that just breaking the grip that your mind has on the Bible being the only truth will just free you so much. And to realize you're not going to hell for thinking that. You know, that's the big hurdle. That's the hurdle for people. It is, man. If I could, you know, reach just people. Like, I don't want to change. Because I honestly believe absolutely all of Christianity for the most part. You know, the stuff that we're talking about now basically. I mean, it's all the same. You know, it's all love your neighbor as yourself. Because, you know, you are your neighbor and you're just loving yourself. You know, all the teaching and stuff is the exact same. But if I could just get people to step away from, you know, I mean, dividing your whole life and family and just hurting people. I mean, like listening to, you know, Megan and Josh go at it that one day when Lee was just rudely sitting here. The whole time listening to that, I was like, man, it hurts me. All because of a book that people use to control you. You know, and I was saying just the other day that, you know, God's not in the Bible. God's around the Bible. Here's one I saw earlier. God didn't write anything that's in the Bible. Riddle me that. Yeah, I know. Not one thing written in the Bible God wrote. I feel like, you know, that really was the way to get into heaven through Jesus. Jesus himself would have wrote that down. Yeah, Jesus didn't write anything in the Bible either. It was all men talking about what Jesus did. And each one of them were like, yeah, I'm Jesus' best friend. Yeah, I know. Yeah, there was no Bible then. They weren't even trying to write a Bible. They were just trying to get other churches that they were starting up to stop sleeping with their cousins. Which is a noble cause. Yeah. But, you know, what I found, this is one of the hardest things I had to overcome to let go of, you know, Christianity in the Bible, was the way all of the apostles died serving God. Do you know anything about that? Not a whole lot. Not super in-depth, no. Every single, long story short, every single one of them died an excruciatingly painful death in the name of Jesus. Completely defending their belief in that. I mean, extremely like Peter was crucified upside down because he felt like he wasn't worthy to be crucified the same way Jesus was. Skinned alive, whipped thousands and thousands of times. It's almost like they want us to be okay with massive suffering in the name of... Yeah. I mean, well, I mean, you know, if that's what I had to go through to bring people to a positive oriented mindset, you know, then that's what I would do. You know, but, I mean, because that's what Jesus did. And all 12 of his closest followers did that. And I don't think it was a way to prove or control anything. I think their true intention was to, you know, model what they saw and to bring light into the world. And they sacrificed their whole life to do that. You know, quite a cause. I think it just got completely corrupted as the generations went on. I would agree on that. I would definitely agree. It is quite the interesting thought process. Well. Don't tend to detail. Ready to go work out? Yeah. Is it that time? No, it's past that time. No way. We're checking out here. Joshua Long, Nick Dawens. We're the Diesel Daddies. And this is The Morning Wood. Peace out. My whole life. My dad and mom. I met her a couple times when I was really little. My dad was young. He served all of these things. He was in the hospital and stuff. I was never really conditioned by a whole lot. My dad worked all the time. My mom was a house mom. But I was a steward. I was a side. I was in the hospital. I didn't do anything in the world. From what I've heard from your story. I can't believe that. Yeah. And so, yeah. It's frightening to begin to observe and realize all of these ideas and concepts. And truth. And truth. And it just makes so much sense. And when you think about all of these concepts. It's just so frightening. And you really wish that there was going to be a community here. Different paradigms of how they arise. It just looks weird. We're not in that many different paradigms. As far as I'm concerned. But they all say the same exact thing. Like literally read the law of one. Law material. It's almost like reading the bible. It's pronounced differently. Strangely. You know. The exact same stuff. Without all the hate and condemnation and judgment. Stuff like that. Very interesting. Hardest thing in the world to get Christians to admit that though. Well, it's different. Yeah. It's not even. It's the same thing. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. 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There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many. There's so many.