a voice over demo
a voice over demo
The radio presenter, who is drunk, shares some news. A talking poet is now using hand signals instead of speaking. Disney is making a new musical animation film. The BBC has an upcoming episode of EastEnders. The presenter also mentions a morning installment of Business In My Wheel Teleclock News. They end with "bye bye, good night, good luck, and God bless." Good evening. Welcome to the Teleclock News. I'm no-name but radio presenter, becoming the emperor of real radio presenter, who is too drunk to be doing anything this evening. Well, our first item is today the talking poet decided to stop talking and is now using vicious hand signals to gesticulate whatever he's trying to say. I think that's quite interesting, don't you? Disney Company are making another multi-million musical animation film. BBC have got another EastEnders coming up tomorrow. Don't miss tomorrow morning's installment of Business In My Wheel Teleclock News. Bye bye, good night and good luck and God bless.