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Guidance through College-with Special Guest

Guidance through College-with Special Guest

Divine Appointment



Cross talk with a graduate who is about to enter college life. Her take on struggles as she faces the reality of moving a couple of hours away from her church and family.

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Chris and Elizabeth introduce their guest, Terry Kelly, who is Chris's niece. They discuss Terry's upcoming college experience and her passion for singing and dancing. Terry shares advice for young people considering college and talks about her fears and aspirations. They also mention a friend on American Idol and discuss the importance of choosing roommates with similar Christian values. Chris expresses her mixed emotions about Terry leaving for college. Hey everybody, thank you for tuning in to Divine Appointment. This is Chris and I'm sitting next to my beautiful sister Elizabeth Walker. Beth, how you doing? I'm great. How are you? I am blessed and highly favored. Now we have a special guest in the studio. As a matter of fact, as far as scheduling wise, this is our first in-house, on-the-spot, sitting-in-the-chair guest that we've had on our show. Right? Yes, that's right. I was making sure. We've never had someone sit so close to us. Yeah, she's sitting right in between us. Say hi! Hello! You're going to have to scream at that girl. Hello! There we go. I'm sure y'all are probably wondering who in the world that is because I forgot to introduce her. So this is Terry Kelly. She is my niece. She is my sister's daughter, which would make her my niece, and so we're going to actually all going to sit down and just have a conversation about some things, kind of fellowship with each other, and we're going to involve y'all into the conversation. So kind of we're all just going to talk amongst each other and y'all just going to be eavesdropping on our conversations. So before we get any further, I want to pray over this session, over this episode, and I'm also going to ask for prayer for a title to this episode because I have no idea what we're going to call it. Okay. I'm going to go ahead and open it with prayer. Father, Lord, God, we love you. We thank you. We praise you for all that you've done. We thank you for all that you're going to do. Father, I ask you speak to us and speak through us. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. All right. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to ask my beautiful niece if she will sing a song for us, and I'm telling y'all she does an amazing job, and I want everybody to sit back and just listen to what it is that the Lord puts on her heart to be able to share with you. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see. Wow. Wow. Amen. Amen. That was amazing. Thank you, Terry. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Beautiful. We are like blessed to be able to hear her sing every Sunday morning. It amazes me when people have talent like that, and I know without a doubt that when people have certain types of gifts, like singing, playing instruments, communicating with people, talking to people, you know, all these desires and the gifts and things that we're naturally good at, God has given us stuff like that for His glory, and to have somebody at Terry's age to see what God's given them and use it for the glory of God, that is a blessing in itself just to be able to witness and watch. It really is, and you know, I feel like God gives everybody a God-given talent, and what you use it for, not everybody uses it for that. So, I'm very proud of Terry. She started taking singing lessons when, how old were you, Terry? Seven? Eight? Something like that? Really, really young. She started dancing when she was three, and then she took singing lessons when she was younger, and she's really blossomed. I'm proud of her. Yeah, me too. So, Terry, I got a couple of questions. All right, you're about to leave and go to college, and now I'm not going to say... How sad. Yeah, I'm not going to say exactly what school that she is going to, but all I can say is that there is a lot of people in this state that would be pulling for her. So, Terry, you're about to embark on a completely different chapter in your life, and I've got to ask you, just in case there's younger girls and a younger generation that may have an opportunity to listen to this podcast, what would you tell them as far as them trying to decide whether or not they want to go to college, if it's worth it, about them leaving their family, stuff like that? So, what's some advice that you would give them if they were standing in front of you as far as them making the decision to go to college or things like that once they graduate high school? I would say pray about it and not stress over it, because if you're stressed about it, then I don't think it's from God. Amen. And then I think when you pray about it, you'll get the answer. It may not be what you want, but it's what God wants for you. Amen. Amen. And she's embarking on a new chapter, so she's not completely sure as what to expect, but she's got a good head on her shoulders. So, do you have any fears? Yeah. One of my fears would probably be being kind of far away from home. Oh, that's my fear too, Tammy. Look, she's never been that far away from me, so my mommy heart emotions are absolutely involved. Yeah. But she's a good kid. I'm not so scared about the people there. Well, I'm not really scared, like I'm cautious about it, but I'm more, I just don't know the- Atmosphere? Atmosphere. That's what I was trying to get at. I can feel it on your hand. Atmosphere. I was like, she's talking about atmosphere. Because it's different than high school. You're living by yourself with roommates that you've never met before. Right. So, you don't really know them, and it's scary. Well, you know I can come up there and stay in the- No. I'll stay in the corner. I'll stay in the corner, Terry. No, we're not doing that. I'll stay in the corner, and I won't move or do anything unless you need me. Just in case you need me, I'll just be there. Yeah, we're not doing that. No. Can I come do some podcasts? Yeah, that'd be really cool. We'll bring a host setup and set it up in your room. Yep, and then you can interview your friends. We have a whole living room and a kitchen. We have everything. Yep, we can definitely do that. Well, I know that I have spent a lot of time praying, and I will continue to, about your entering into college. I am very proud of you. And do you want to share what you're going for? I'm going in for elementary education because I want to teach kindergarteners, which is always my dream because I love kids. Very good with kids. And I also want to be a coach for dance. A coach for dance? Is that what you said? Yeah, a coach for dance, like dance line. Okay. She'll be good at that. Yeah, especially being that she dances. It'd be kind of fitting for her to be a dancer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It would be bad if somebody, like say for instance, if somebody wanted to coach football but has never played football. Hey, no, there's one now. There's people that's never played football before. Oh, come on. That's decent. But knows football. I don't know. The people that's listening might know of somebody, of a coach worth mentioning, that never played football or coached a football team, but I don't know of one. Well, they're out there. Okay, that's like saying a karate instructor is going to teach karate but has never taken karate. Well, yeah. Yes, but that's different. I mean, anybody can tell somebody, hey, kick them in the head. But if somebody knows how to kick somebody in the head, they can teach them. But if nobody's never done it, then how do you teach them? Well, I don't think I need anybody to teach me how to kick somebody in the head. You know, scripture says that woe is on those who become teachers because they're judged with a stricter judgment. That's true. More responsibility. Yeah, to whom much is given, much is required. That's right. That's good. Terri, are you going to list some of the clubs up there, Christian clubs? They have a, I think, what's it called? It's the – The community building. The family building, whatever. They have the clubs and stuff that they are going to have and organize it. I can't hear you. Yeah. It's okay. It's okay. Yes, that would be cool. We're going up there this weekend. I'm excited about it. She's going today. What are you going to be doing this weekend? Go home and tell everybody. Speak up so we can hear you. I'm going to be trying out for Color Guard. Yes, on a whole different level. She has worked her little butt off since she was three years old dancing for this opportunity. Laughing, crying. Through it all, huh? You put a lot of work in it. Let me ask you a question. If you got – once you get into the Color Guard and – look, y'all are going to have to overlook me because I don't know that much about Color Guard or dancing with the flags or twirling with the flags or whatever. You see them at football games, right? Yep. So how would it make you feel knowing that it is very possible that you could be standing in front of 103,000 people at a time dancing with a flag? Well, don't stress her out. I mean it. We don't need to be stressed out before a tryout. But just stop and think about this. You've worked your entire life to perform. That's what you've done. And God has given you an opportunity to try out to do just that. He's given you so many opportunities and you've been able to meet so many different people. As a matter of fact, would you like to inform the listeners on who you know that's on American Idol right now? I used to dance with these two girls. One of the girls' sister is on American Idol. Her name is Mia. And she's doing awesome. Yes, she's doing good. She's really sweet. Yeah, she's a very, very sweet girl. She's in the top ten. I'm proud of her. That is awesome. Well, I am very excited but sad. I have a ball of emotions. And for anybody that's a parent out there when your kid leaves home for the first time, I know you can relate. But I also know that I serve an amazing God and that he is going to take and protect her. Amen. Yeah, we'll be seeing her on the weekends and stuff. But you should definitely always pray about your decision before you pick where you are going. May God lead you to. Don't go there just because your parents or other people want you to go. Amen. Exactly. I'm very proud of you for choosing, you know, praying about it and choosing. And, like, my roommates, I made sure they were, like, on the same level as me, like, Christian-wise. Yeah. Oh, they are? So you've already met your roommate? Mm-hmm. What? She had to pick her roommate. You got to pick your roommate? It's going to be a room of four people, so we have a suite. Is that what they call it? Yeah. I don't like that. But, yeah. That is cool. They're going to be doing Bible studies and stuff together. They have Christian clubs, is what I've learned from one of the girls. Good deal. I didn't know that. I just thought that, like, you know, one of your kids go off to college, you know, you say your prayer, you know, pat them on the back and wish them the best of luck, you know, and hopefully, you know, they, you know, make it through it. I didn't know that you, like, actually got to, you know, like the movies you watch where, you know, the kid goes into college and they walk into this room and they see their roommate and they may be goffed out or something, you know, with makeup all over their face. Oh, yeah. Oh, I get it. And there's a line that separates my side of the room from your side of the room. You stay on that side of the line, I stay on that. You know, that's the image I get. You know what movie made me think about? What? Wednesday. You said that? That's where I, are you talking about the series? Yeah. That's where I just got it from. Well. Because, you know, the girl, the girl, the roommate, she's all bubbly and she's a werewolf, ain't she? Yeah. But she don't know how to morph. And, again, it blows your mind that I know what I'm talking about. Yes, it does. But she don't know how to morph. And so she just can grow her nails out and that's pretty much it. But she got all colorful dresses and colorful bows and stuff. Color opposites. Yeah, and Wednesday's like, really? And all she wears is black. Yeah, she's like, really? But they end up getting pretty close. Yeah, they do. Well, and, you know, that's important. It's important that you're able to find someone. And I'll try not to chase the car down as you pull out of the driveway. Oh, that would be so fun. I could see myself doing that. So let's move on. No way! No, don't go! Well, y'all will have to go with me anyways to take some dorm stuff up there. That's true. To take what? Dorm stuff. Like, move in. Decorate a room and stuff. Where do you go? So you do have your side of the room that you get to take? I already know what room it is, what room number it is. She has her own room. Really? Yeah. Oh, your own what? So there's four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room area. Huh. So it's like a bathroom. Very nice. You share a bathroom with one person and the other bathroom they share. Wow. Yeah, we got to look at them when we went for the tour. Yeah. It's nice. But, you know, and that's the thing. It doesn't matter where we go. God always puts someone in our path to help us along the way. I've noticed that. And when her meeting these girls that already have that foundation in Christ, want to do the Bible studies and things like that. One of them's already been there a year, so she kind of knows the ropes. No, she'll be a junior when I go. Oh, okay. She'll be a junior. One of the roommates? Mm-hmm. Wow. So I feel a lot better about that. That's sweet tea. Yeah, I told you that was good. I was thinking of coke and sweet tea. But I know that it's... I mean, Beth, it's hard on... I know it's got to be hard on you because, you know, Terry's like the baby. Well, she's my baby girl. Yeah, and I know that you was there the entire time through all the dancing and, you know, the training and things like that. I mean, I know that... He's trying to make me cry, y'all. No, it's just... I mean, I want to put it in perspective to the people that's listening. I'll always be your little girl, though. Oh, you're so sweet. Oh, wow. That was good. That was very good. Very good. But it's got to be hard on you. Do you have any advice for maybe parents that might listen to this podcast as far as, you know, how to handle watching their child go away to college? You know, and what thought process that they may go through? Because, I mean, their child may still be in high school or maybe, you know, and the time hadn't come yet. But I think it's really important to know how to prepare for something like that because you're watching your child become an adult. Right. No, I don't have any advice. Well, thank you, Terry. No, I'm joking. No, I'm just kidding. Well, you know, you don't really... You can't really prepare yourself. Yeah. So, I've learned that I have no control over most things or anything for that matter. But God has really helped me prepare as much as I can through knowing that He's going to be with her. He's got her. He's not going to leave her. And He's also going to comfort me and give me peace in the process. So, some advice that I would give would be, you know, pray. Pray and ask God to keep His arms around your kids. I do that anyway. But also, get in a group. There's groups that they have on Facebook of kids that are going to college that, you know, you can group together, talk, and share stories back and forth. That's a... What? Are you fixing to laugh at me? No. What? Do you have some advice to give? The name of the title just came to mind. Oh. Well, that's a delayed reaction. But, yeah, I definitely would. Welcome back. Yeah. I definitely would pray. Ask God to help lead. And He will. He'll help guide you through the process and the emotions and the journey along the way. Because it is difficult. Yeah. She's my baby girl. She's my Terry Berry Quatrantary. She made no facial expressions in. She just looked straight at the computer. All my kids have nicknames. Boo Berry's another one for her. Boo. Is that right, Boo? She is not proud. She's not happy with that name. Yeah. But, anyway, yeah. We just have to lean on God for understanding. Amen. That only He has at times. And for His guidance. And she's dancing. Yeah, she's dancing. Right now. We had video. Yeah. She's still dancing. She's a dancer. She dances everywhere. She dances all the time. Walking down the hallway, she's dancing. But, yeah, I have no doubt that God's going to provide. He always does. Always. I have a question that I need an answer to. Or feedback. Chris, have you noticed how... Have you noticed she's dancing? You better rub that thing off. It hit me real hard. I'm like, my Lord, what is up my nose? I'm sorry for his nose over there. It just hit me out of nowhere. But, we're fine. Have you noticed the big difference in the dating scheme now versus when we were growing up? Like, so, when we were growing up, you know, what was that? I was thinking the same thing. Go ahead. Please. No. I'm not ready right now. Go ahead and finish your question. Not now. Oh, goodness. Y'all... Bear with me. Okay. So, you know, you two weren't growing up... If you hold hands with your boy... With a boy. Your boyfriend or girlfriend, pretty much. But, no. Nowadays, you can go out on several dates. You can smooch. And you're still not considered boyfriend or girlfriend unless one or the other asks one or the other to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. Okay. But, listen. The thing is, the thing is, he told me. Oh, oh. Are we talking about you personally? Oh, okay. He told me. He didn't want to ask me out until we're in person because I deserve more than being asked on the phone. That's very sweet. I like that. What about when you kiss? That's just like a friendly thing. We do that. All friends kiss? Yeah. Wait a minute. Y'all kissed? Yeah. Welcome back to reality, Chris. I missed that one. If you're listening to this, you know who you are. I'm sorry. So, so that's how, is that how it's been? Like, so the guy's supposed to ask the girl out, boyfriend or girlfriend, but they can still, like, meet and hold hands? And they can, like, date for like a year and still not be boyfriend or girlfriend? Well, if it's a year, that's a little too, like, that's just. Hint, hint. A year? If it takes a guy a year to ask the girl out, what are they doing? Because they must really not like this girl. Yeah, like, OMG. Like, even if they're not, like, it's, I feel like it should take guys 15 minutes right when they meet that girl and they're like, yeah, she's going to be my girlfriend soon. Or at least they should know. They should know. They should know. If you have things in common, but it shouldn't take longer than a year to know if you want to be boyfriend or girlfriend. So what are your feelings on that as far as your current relationship? Well. Your friending. Friend zone. Kiss-a-roo. Buddy. I think it's whenever he's ready and whenever God tells him, hey, she's the one. Ask her out. You know. And she's waiting. She's waiting. Hint, hint. I mean, I gave him a whole, like, I've asked him about college and everything and how, like, we're going to be kind of distant and everything. Because that's something, like, you need to talk about before you get together. So, and he was like, he's fine with it. Like, he's done distant relationships in the past. So, like, it wouldn't bother him. Like, it wouldn't bother him to drive up there to come see me. Does it bother you? No. But I'm surely going to miss him. Yeah. Well, for everybody that's listening, I've met this guy. And this guy is very respectful. He gave me a firm handshake. Yes, sir. No, sir. So, he had nothing to hide. And she's giving the googly eyes and dancing right now. But in all seriousness, he is a very respectful guy. More importantly, he knows Jesus. That's right. And that's. That's big. Yeah. And that's one thing that I can say that my sister has sowed into them kids since they were kids. And now that they're getting on up in age and, you know, beginning to move out and go to college and stuff like that, them seeds that you've sowed in them, Beth, now God has a chance to water them. Yeah. And he's going to gather the harvest. And the fruit that comes behind these seeds that you've planted in them, they're going to be able to create a life for themselves with them. Do you see what I'm saying? Yes. I've made a lot of mistakes with my kids when they were younger, growing up. But I'm going to tell you, God restores. He can transform the situation. Yeah. He has brought. He brought a godly man into my life that showed these kids how a man is supposed to be. And that was the turning point, you know. Yeah. No credit to me. All God, for sure. Well, I'll tell you what. Brother Nathan is a very, very good guy. He's all right. And Nathan is my sister's husband, my brother-in-law. He has a better dad. Listen, he has become the dad that he didn't have to be. That's right. Yeah, he did. And me and my sister has one of those. We do. We have somebody that our mom met years and years ago that stepped into them shoes and become a man for me and my sister that he didn't have to be. So he chose. He chose to mentor us and to lead us, to encourage us, to love on us. Yeah, we have a bonus dad. We have a bonus dad, yeah. Yeah, we've got our biological dad that is a wonderful man. Yes. That has been there for us every step of the way. Absolutely. And then we have our stepdad that has stepped in and become what he didn't have to be. And he treats my mom with respect. He leads the household. Yes, and speaking of, today is their anniversary. 25 years? 25 years. The date of their anniversary was yesterday. And they, I think, no, it is today. It's today. Yes. And they left, they work today. And when they got home from work, they was leaving, I think they was headed to Atlanta. They're going to get on a train. Yeah, that's what she said, yeah. That's so sweet. I love it. Yeah. Yeah, I mean. I'm going to do it one day. Just ride on a train. I want to get on one of those trains so you can stay overnight. On the train. Yes. Yes, they have them. Would the train be moving? Well, duh. Well, if you stay on a train overnight and sleep, you don't know where you're going to wake up the next morning. It's according to what time you wake up. No, they have. It's according to where you're going to be. They have tours, like a trip. A chore. A tour. Oh. Like a tour trip where you, oh my God. Where you get on the train and it has a certain destination that you go to. And they'll take you there, you can get out, and you get to look around and shop. It's kind of like a cruise, but it's a train. Without water. Well, that too. Oh my goodness. It's really cool. I've never done it before. I want to. Well, it's something different. I've never heard of anybody going on a trip or going on vacation or anniversary or whatever to ride a train. A lot of people do. But listen, now that I think about that, and what you told me about it, I'm like, wait a minute. That's really kind of cool. It really is. Because it's doing something just spontaneous, like out of the blue. It's not every day that somebody has an opportunity to go ride a train in our area. And that's not mom. Mom is not fly by the foot of your pants. Right. Yeah. So I thought, well, it's awesome that she's letting her hair down and they're going in there. They deserve it, man. Yeah, I'm so happy for them. They deserve it so much. Because all they do is they work, they come home. They work, they come home. Both of them. I'm like, bless their heart, man. And when they told me, you know, that they was going and doing something for that anniversary, I'm like, praise God. I know. Praise God. Yeah. Because they deserve it. They do. They work all the time. I'm so happy for them. I know that they're going to have a great trip. And I can't wait to hear how it went. I told her to get plenty of pictures. Have you gotten any yet? No, she ain't left yet. Well, no, they have. They left tonight. She said she was going to get some pictures to send them to us. Well, then you ain't got none yet? No. I think I got like four. Well, that's good. I'm just kidding. I didn't. I know. You're lying. Lying on air. No, I told a joke without giving you the punchline. That's different. Okay. Justify it however you want to. But anyways. Yeah. So, very blessed with great people in our life. Yeah. And even in a situation that looks or appears to be, you know, difficult. Yeah. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. 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