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SE2EP3: Jesus and Nathaniel-Stairways to Heaven

SE2EP3: Jesus and Nathaniel-Stairways to Heaven

Divine Appointment



Last episode in our series of The Stairways to Heaven. Jesus is the stairway to Heaven.

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Hello everyone. Hey everybody. I was wondering if you was going to speak. My voice didn't work there for a second. I know, I was like, you opened your mouth and nothing was coming out. So thank y'all so much for tuning in. This is Divine Appointment with Chris Cotney. I'm sitting next to my beautiful sister, Elizabeth Walker, aka Beth, aka Liz. I've got a few names. Aka Boss Lady. I don't like that one. We have been on a series right now and the name of the series is Stairway to Heaven. I'm sorry sister, but there's a buzzing in my ear and it's driving me crazy and I don't know what is causing. I don't either. Let's see if we can fix that. Yeah. I think that's a little better. Yeah. Now, the only time I hear it now is when I talk. Oh, well. And right now. And right now. Okay. I think we get it. So what I was saying is that we have a series right now going on. This is the third episode in our series titled Stairway to Heaven. And so to recap, sister, do you want me to recap on the first episode and you want to take the second? Sounds good. So the first episode, it was, what was it? Oh, the Tower of Babel. Wow. Somebody's not been doing their due diligence. So the Tower of Babel, you know, the people got together and they tried to reach God. And me, I'm looking at it symbolically as them trying to get in the presence of God, trying to get closer to God. They wanted to get up there with God on their own accord, on their own power, on their own way of doing things. And that is a stairway that they built trying to get to God. And trying to make yourself look good, you know, to the other tribes. Yeah, they, they did it in their own ways. And if I'm not mistaken somewhere scripture says that they chose their own things to work with besides other than what God gave them to work with. I just thought about something when you said that. Oh, what? Wouldn't that also be kind of like us, like say that if we go through something and we go out into the world and we search for something to fill that void instead of Him? Like. Did that just come to you? It really did. And I know it probably should have. I should have thought about that for me. Yes, it did. It just popped in my head. I'm like, duh. But yeah, I mean, think about it. We search the world for things to fill a void that only Jesus can. Oh, you just dropped the mic. I just blew my head. When she said that she stopped and looked at me with her eyes wide open like, yeah, I just did that. I'm like, no, I didn't. It was God. I'm like, thank you, God, for showing me that. But it is so true, you know, and it's different, different situations, different instances that we we seek things in the world to help us to fill a void that really Jesus is the one that we need to fill that void. Yeah. And that's kind of like I was just thinking, you know, a stairway that is man made, man built. Yeah. Now that you bring that up, I can't help every time I think about the story now. That's going to come to mind because you're right. If I stop and think about it, they used their own knowledge, their own strength. They used each other, helped each other. Yeah. And the scripture says that God noticed that once they got on one accord that they could do anything. But God wanted them to be able to do everything. And he gave them the tools to do it with. And he gave them the tools to do it with. Just like us today. He don't want us to be able to do anything because that's anything we want. That's anything we can get. God wants us to have the ability to do everything. Yes, through him. Because nothing's impossible through him. And he knows that once we get on one accord. So, anyways, every time I hear that story now, that's what I'm going to preach. That was good. That was so good. God is so good. Yeah, I just wish I would have come up with it. Give me a little bit now. Oh, no, you took it. I ain't got to give you nothing. You took it. Oh, God, for sure. So, that was the first episode. And we focused a lot more on the Tower of Babel. We actually touched on how we approach God, too. Yeah. We looked at approaching God through the knowledge of good and evil. Yeah. Which is relying on our own good works and our own strengths, which that is the tree from the creation that God told Adam and Eve to stay away from to begin with. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But he told them they could eat from the tree of life. And that's how we was touching on in the first episode of the series is that that's how we need to approach God. Not, okay, I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I'm building this bridge. I'm building this stairway. But that we can look at God through the way we live, the way we love him. Not our good works because that's not how we're saved. That's right. You know, our own actions tell us that we need to do enough. But God's, the way he, God's love and the way he gives life tells us that Jesus has already done it for us. That's true. And, you know, our best is like what? Filthy rags. Yep. Filthy rags. So anyway, so we really touched on a lot of stuff on that first episode, but that's pretty much it in a nutshell. And then the second episode we was talking about on stairways to heaven and sister, what was that scripture? Yeah. So we're talking about Jacob and the dream. Yeah. So take it away. Genesis 28. Yeah. Yeah. So we're talking about how Jacob had a dream where God had revealed his angelic host going up and down a stairway or ladder from the earth to heaven. So we talked about what that ladder represents, which was the connection between God and man and how it demonstrates God's desire on intimate relationship with his creation. And now those are some of the things that he spoke about resembling in this dream. So that's kind of where we went with Jacob and, and God in the dream. Oh yeah. Also, we talked about from this, from this lineage, the nation of Israel would be born and out of the line of Jacob would come the promised Messiah. So we talked about how things just work and how everything, you know, God has his plan and how it unfolds step after step through, through everything. So this is a, it was a really, really good study. Do you remember the three points that you made? Yup. Will you touch on that real quick? Because that was profound. That was something that stuck with me since the last time we was on air. Yeah. So God is the one who initiate the connection, the conversation and the relationship. Those are the three things he initiates with us. He wants that with us. He wants us to have that connection. He wants us to have the conversation with him. He wants us to have that relationship with him. And that's, that's what you're talking about, right? Yeah. I'm sorry. I was, I was eating ice. You're good. Yeah. So through the, so it was the connection. Yep. Conversation and relationship. Yes. Go ahead. I can see you want to say something. Well, that's what stuck out to me last time when you were touching on this. Yeah. Because in the, and I'm going to have to have it in front of me because my eyes are bad. With the connection. He's looking at my book. Yeah. I'm looking at, I'm looking at the three points that she made last time. And the three points you made was connection, conversation and relationship. And she wrote this down and when she, she kind of read it in passing because it was, it was really nothing to her because she's the one that wrote it down. She's going to come up with it. But when she read it out loud, I'm like, Whoa, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Read that again because she said it's a connection, a conversation and relationship. And one thing that we touched on is that the connection comes from us being connected to God. That's how most relationships start anyways, right? Is getting connected with somebody. Yeah. So I look at the connection as like the Holy Spirit. That's when the Holy Spirit works with us and we, we reach out and we get, you know, we get saved at that point. Yeah. We reach out on his name, you know, Jesus name and we get saved and then we have that connection. Yeah. Well, when we have that connection, that's how we build that relationship. We can't build a relationship without a connection. Nope. That's about like somebody going on a date and they don't even know each other. Or I mean never met each other. You're right. I'm sure you could come up with a better, you know, an avenue or something. But okay. Yeah. So you definitely have to have a connection. Like you're not going to go on the second date if you don't have a connection on the first date. Oh, that's good. That's so good. Yeah. So listen, so we was going to have a, and I'm sorry, but we was going to call our mom and, and, and get her, she does not want to play along. We was going to call her and put her on air and ask her a couple of questions to catch her off guard. And she said, no, absolutely not. I'm not answering. I wonder if we call her and she'll answer. We should try it. Let's try it. You want to try it? Okay. We're fixing to call her. We're going to save our spot on the, on the, the three. Oh, she just messaged again. Hold on a second. Just match that. There you go. I'm just going to match the call button. Just call her. Mobile phone and speaker. That's a mother. She just messaged and said, not answering. Okay. We'll hit her up next time. We'll give her a little bit of opportunity. I'm going to message her and be like, mama, I need you. Why are you not answering the phone? That's okay. We did, however, catch someone else off guard and he's a trooper. We were, we grabbed our pastor as he was walking down the hallway and brought him into our little studio room that we have here at our church and asked him some questions about the, how he felt about the fairway to heaven and got some points from him on that. So, we have that recorded and we're going to play that for you guys and then we'll come back on afterwards. Awesome. So, what is your take on the fairway to heaven? It's a loaded question, isn't it? Absolutely. We want the Led Zeppelin version or what? No. Your take on as far as how we have a habit of building our own stairway to God as far as doing things out of our own works, out of our own way of doing things compared to the real stairway, which is Jesus Christ. What's your take on, I mean, how do people sometimes build their own stairways to try to get God's approval, so to speak, or stuff like that? Well, let's see. How long we got? How long did you want that? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. When God tells us something, a lot of times we want to not wait. We want things then. I mean, we live in a society that we've got ins and grits, ins and tages, ins and everything. So, we think God works that way, too. A lot of times He does. Sometimes He does. A lot of times He doesn't. That's so true. He wants us to, as in Psalms 49.10, be still. Yeah, I love that. Just be still. We're too busy. We don't stop and listen to God. Just like tonight with Acts, with the book of Acts, in chapter 10, where Peter was led to the rooftop. He was hungry. And, you know, we sent a fish, another sheep, and all that. And what it was, it was God taking Peter out of his comfort zone. Now, Peter was so confused about that whole conference. In a way, a little bit confused, if you think about it. I mean, he's showing him food and telling him everything he blesses is clean. And then, now he's carrying him to a Cornelius, a Roman soldier, Gentiles. I mean, that vision's to get him to go. And one thing Peter never did do, and what he would have done back when it was old Peter, was question God. Yeah. He just took the vision and he went. Yep. And then he preached the gospel and people were saved. The Holy Spirit came down. The Holy Spirit came down. You know, and I think a lot of times with us as Christians, building our own stairway to heaven, is we want to worship God and we want to follow God under our terms. Amen. That's right. I'm guilty of that. I mean, we all are. I mean, I can sit here and say I'm guilty of that myself, too. I mean, when God speaks, we say, okay, wait a minute. You want me to go now? Right. Right. It's different from saying, okay, and, oh, you mean now? Yeah. You know, we go back when we read a story about Abraham, God said, go. Yeah. He didn't question it. I mean, if you'll look, there was not many questions when the men of God truly followed or when the God followed God. And you say, how do we build our own stairway to heaven? It's by doing that. It's just by, hey, following God in the way we want it. Right. We want to get to heaven on the way we want it. Yeah. And I know being saved, you're going to get there one day. Oh, no, I'll get it. Yeah. You know, we want to follow God from sometimes from a distance. Then we want him to be close by when it's convenient for us. Yeah. Y'all keep on. I'm going to get over here and get the fridge. All right. I love it. I love it. That's our pastor, everybody. Brian Frost, Fairview Heights North South Baptist Church. Thank you, Brother Brian. Yes, ma'am. Thank y'all. Awesome. So what'd you guys think about that? Pretty awesome. He's amazing. Yeah. That's the pastor of our church. And he's a mighty, mighty man of God. And he's also a great mentor, friend. Absolutely. Huge support. Yeah. So I think that we have our mom willing to answer the phone. And I'm going to put her on speakerphone now. There we go. Let's see. Hi. Hey, Mama, this is Chris and Beth, your kids. 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