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1st episode of the high yella podcast

1st episode of the high yella podcast

Mr High YellaMr High Yella



a podcast by comedian and musician milo the goat


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The speaker introduces himself as Milo and talks about his new podcast, the High Yellow Podcast. He discusses his love for podcasts and his desire to use this platform to express himself and make people laugh. He mentions that today's topic is the differences between the past and present, specifically regarding prices, work compensation, and the treatment of workers by consumers. He highlights the struggles of the working class and the inequalities they face. The speaker also mentions an ad about managing finances and saving money. I'm just saying, I make this in two days. It is evident, I do bear to win. I feel like the world against the ethic. I should never win. Cannot stop it. Pockets popping every time I push a pin. But I do not push a pin. Fuck the pens and the pen. They're in prison, all my kin. And my partners and my plans. Fuck the politicians. Just fuck with the prisons at the end. I got partners coming home from Rocking 20 in the pen. Trying to make amends with baby mamas, kids that know they can. And they cannot settle marijuana. I won't let them in. Man who practice better. Nigga, I will not let them in. It is evident, I do bear to win. What is good, y'all? It's your boy, Milo. And you are listening to the High Yellow Podcast. I'm feeling good, y'all. I'm feeling real good. Today is the first trial episode. We're just here to see if it's all going to work. See if it's all going to mesh. See if it's going to work out. But, yeah, I'm really happy. This is my first podcast episode. I'm an avid podcast listener, actually. I love listening to podcasts. Love to do it during my free time, during at work. It gets me through the day, through my leisurely tasks. I'm out there changing the tires on the car, washing the car, going for a jog. Anywhere I can listen to a podcast and I'll be happy. I mean, as long as y'all ain't talking no bullshit. With this podcast, we ain't never going to talk no bullshit. We're just going to be straight to the point, straight with it and the information. This is really just a podcast for me to get my point across in the world. Just a little introduction for myself. I am Milo. I go by Milo. I am a comedian. I am a musician. I am a comedic actor. And I'm also a podcast host now. So, yeah, I got a lot up under the belt. So, basically, there's never going to be a dull moment here on this podcast, the High Yellow Podcast. And we're here to have fun. We're here to make you laugh. We're here to have a good time. We're here to spot out the inconsistencies in life. We're here to talk about the social commentary that runs my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook page. But, most importantly, we are here to make your day go by faster. All right. That being said, today's topic is going to be an interesting one. All right. We are talking about the difference between what was going on when your parents were alive, growing up, and being adults, and what's going on in this day and age, 2023, as of late, as of right now. People who are listening to this podcast, I'm guessing you are above the age of 20 and have to work to make a living and have to be a part of the remedial tasks of society that help this little shit show keep running. So, that being said, yeah, we're just going to talk about the discrepancies and the differences between the two timelines. So, basically, from right now, from when your parents were growing up and having to do stuff. So, a little compare and contrast game that we're playing here. But, yeah, we are doing that today, and that's our topic. We also have an example, and we have some ads for you today. I mean, we're giving you the whole podcast experience. Like, what more can you want? We're really getting good at this, okay? It's only been four minutes, and we're really getting really good at this, all right? So, the topic is, first of all, I want to bring up the point about the most heart-wrenching thing, honestly, to me, the fact that the prices that my mother grew up with are not the same as the prices that I grew up with. The fact that she could pay 50 cents and get a full, full family-sized meal at McDonald's and, you know, be able to feed her family, like, half of a dollar, is crazy, okay? And that was that way for at least three decades, two preceding her and two, well, I would say four decades, two after. Things didn't really start getting expensive until, like, the 90s, I believe. I feel like the world said, oh, yeah, he's about to come, you know, you might as well start driving up the prices now, because he is not going to catch a break, nor him or anybody after him is going to catch a break. Like, we're just going to keep bringing them up. We're going to keep going. So, basically, that being said, the prices for food are sky high with no plateau in sight, and I just feel like that's the first problem with it all. The second problem would be the fact that people are not receiving the correct compensation for their work and the fact that they are not receiving the correct compensation to compete with the prices that are going up. Whenever the prices go up, you should probably receive an increase in pay, but no, that's not happening. What's happening is we're doing the same work for the same amount of money, and then the prices are going up, and we're having to spend less, less time, less money on ourselves. So, the quality of life is not there either, because we're always at work, but we're always broke. Do you see the pattern here? We're always working for the next man, building the next man's wealth, but we're always broke. We're not putting anything into ourselves. That is basically the plight of the working man today, and, you know, it's not fair, but this is what society has come to, and we're all just blind. We're all just blind to this fact. Some of us know more than others, yes, but when I say we're blind, not that we can't see that it's happening. It's just the fact that we can see it's happening, but we have no ability to do anything about it, no end in sight, pretty much. That's what I'm talking about. It's just the fact that everybody's working so hard, and it seems like there's no progress being made. It's just a bunch of endless effort being exerted for no gain. So, basically, that's what we're going through, my second point. And the third point, to really just put the cherry on top, to ice the cake, really, is the people who do have money, the people who are doing well, they don't have to worry about the things that 9-to-5ers have to worry about, you know, their next meal, how much it's going to cost, or how much anything costs, really. They're coming into these establishments where we work, and they're making our lives harder, incredibly harder, to the point where we quit. These consumers are coming in here asking for the stars and the moon, and the corporations are trying to make them happy and get their money, so they're making the working man suffer by putting in an extra workload or making them have to deal with the excess attitude or the excess stupidity that the consumer tends to bring to the equation when they are consuming. But, that being said, we all have to do that with a smile on our face, no questions asked. And some of us do. Some of us, we are in there, in the paint, smile on our faces, doing the job, serving the customer at an exceptional rate, exceptional way, and we still get shit on. We still get shit under the stick, and then there's workers like people who just don't give a fuck. They come in specifically for a check because if they did not, they would die. Like, they don't care. They have the attitude, straight on their face, plain as day, can see it, before you even walk in the door. And then you have the consumer that is, you know, in the same position but not in the same position because they're not in the same position as in the fact that they keep a smile on their face regardless of the circumstance. They are always working, knowing that their hard work is not going in vain, but it's going to progress towards something that will actually make them happy. They have drive. They have a way of getting their head above the clouds, getting their head above the bullshit of the day to day, and they see a light over the end of the tunnel. Those people come in, and then the abrasive attitude havers, they set them off because at the end of the day, it takes a lot of energy to keep that facade up. You can't be happy all the time, but these people attempt to and they try their best to, you know, maintain that. And then when you can't maintain it and you get a little bit of pushback, resistance from somebody when it's been building up all this time because you had to keep a fake face on, that's when things happen. Things pop off. It's a chain reaction of sorts. People snap. It's going to happen. Because I'm doing all this work that you don't see, and it doesn't seem like you appreciate it. But in reality, it could all have been avoided if we all would just be on the same page and treat each other how we would want to be treated. I mean, society itself is already on the thread, the brink of collapse. Like, it's literally hanging by a thread, a pendulum that swings back and forth, good and right. That's how I see the world, at least, y'all. And these people, they're in between these spots, and there's no middle ground for them to stand on because it's either life or death these days. You either eat or be eaten. This is the type of world we're bringing up. It's a lot. And I don't blame most people for what they're going through. That being said, I do have an ad for y'all. So just hold on tight, and we'll be right back. Stay tuned, though. Don't go anywhere, because we've got a good little bit of show left. Are you tired of not knowing what to do with your money and not having enough of it when payday comes around? Are you tired of working 40-plus hours, sometimes 80, sometimes 120 in a two-week period or a one-week period, whatever period it takes for you to get your money, and seemingly not having a plan to implement your budget or having a budget or having anywhere to put your money, if not bills and other stuff that you have to pay for, that life wants you to pay for? I mean, it's terrible. Well, I can help you out with that. I have created this comprehensive guide to your finances that will automatically make it 10 times easier for you to actually save money, build wealth, and build happiness for yourself, regardless of your financial situation, as long as your financial situation is that you have income and it's coming in at a reasonable pace. If you don't have any income, this is not for you. But my videos and my course will put you in the space to where you can succeed financially in this day and age, in this time. I am proven time and time again with other people that will tell you themselves how beneficial this program has been for them. It is not any money so far. So if you get in at the ground floor, then you get all this information for free. When I do start making the course cost money, then you'll be grandfathered in, and any new updates from the course will automatically go to you, and they'll free charge to you. So I suggest you get on there. Get this knowledge. Build your wealth. Build your happiness. Build a better way of living. High Yellow Lifestyles, YouTube. Go check it out. All right now, back to the show. All right now, so basically what we're discussing here now is why people snap. And I have an example here, a video example. And y'all can't see the video, but I'm going to show it to you. I'll make sure you can hear it. And basically what happened was this Subway restaurant in the south, I know it's the south because of the way of which the manner of these people are speaking and the vulgarity of the incident, if I do say so myself. It is a very revealing video of how the workplace has not maintained the same standards as it once had back in the day when your parents were in the workforce. So yeah, this would never happen back in the 50s, I don't think, I could say. If I did, then I would question the timeline. I think somebody's got a time machine around here because it's just, we used to treat people with such better than this. But it's just a misunderstanding between two people, the consumer and the patron. This being said, let me set the scene real quick. This is a Subway store with all black employees, four people behind the counter, and one patron in front of the counter with her four grandchildren trying to get a sandwich. So that being said, that's the scene, the scene is set. I just want to show you guys exactly what it looks like when a misunderstanding turns into an altercation. I do want to warn you guys, if you have a child in the car and you do not like to hear vulgar language or explicit content when it comes to speaking, then I would turn it off right now because it's going to get a little ratchet. But here we go. I'm just going to show you guys this video. I'm spending money. You won't give me what I ask for. That's right. I'm special to you. I'm special to you. Italian baby. American cheese. Yes, ma'am. Now you're ignorant, bitch. Your mama the bitch. You faggot-ass fag. Now you come outside and we can get it because I'm a real nigga. Bitch-ass nigga. That's what you are. Come on outside because I'm an ignorant bitch. Come on outside because I'm an ignorant bitch. Don't like your mama for having your ass. She should have swallowed your punk ass. She should have swallowed your punk ass. Ready? A little, you can take some of that later, Tom. Tomato, salt and pepper. Yes, ma'am. I wanted them all in the oven. And she's ordering the sandwich as she's cussing this young man out. That's what I'm talking about, black people. I was having four. Fuck you. These my grandkids, bitch. You need to stop talking to me while I'm talking to her while you've been an unprofessional bitch-ass nigga. Because I don't give no fuck about your job at Subway. And I'm going to show you that tomorrow. I'm going to show you that tomorrow. She's not addressing any of the other employees, just the rude one. I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you. Mayonnaise and mustard, salt and pepper. Yes, ma'am. Yes, you can wrap that one up. But when y'all close, I'll see your punk ass when you get off. I'll see your bitch ass when you get off. I will. I'm going to see you have the motherfucking same attitude. You have the same attitude and stop doing what you're doing and bring your punk ass outside. Same thing you just put on everything else. That's too much lettuce. Thank you. Being respectful to everybody but the rude one. Yes, ma'am. I had two orders. We respect y'all when you respect us. That's the thing. People don't realize. Wrap it up. Fucking nothing ass nigga. Subway working ass bitch. Come on outside. Come on outside. Come your punk ass outside. Can I use one of y'all phones? To call my motherfucking husband while you're talking shit so he can come and dust your punk ass up. You're right. You're right. Can I use one of y'all please? Bring your punk ass out here. Bring your punk ass out here. You mother of a dumb black bitch. Like I said that hoe should have swallowed you. Punk ass. She should have swallowed you. Bag of ass. You dick sucking ass fat. Don't talk to her. Now you hear the white man. She's the only white person in the store. Talk about don't talk to her. Tomatoes. Tell them careful. Yes. Yes, ma'am. Yes, sir. Cause I once said all I asked you was all Italian. I ain't say nothing else. To make your job smooth I said all sandwiches was Italian. Nothing else. Same bread and everything. You popped off on hoe ass nigga. Now I'm talking now bitch. Pop your punk ass outside. Pop your punk ass bitch. It's the pop your punk ass outside for me. Cause I know your daddy don't give a fuck. Cause you working at Subway. You dick sucking ass fat. Salt and pepper. Mayonnaise and mustard. I'm a straight English bitch. I'm talking like your mama. I'm talking like your mama. So basically that's what went down at that Subway this day. And yeah. I mean it's just so many things in that video. But one thing I want to say off rip off top. That lady is my spirit animal. The way she cussed this young man out. The way that this young man thought she could play. He could play. I'm sorry. He could play with this old head. This black woman who is on her shit. On her B's and Q's. When I tell you. Cause the way that she kept ordering and insulting him at the same time. It was blowing me. It was amazing. It was crazy. And she never missed. She never missed. She never missed. She never missed not one time. Every one of them zingers zinged. Okay. And that boy was just sitting behind that counter. And all he could do was make her a sandwich. Cause he don't got nowhere else to go. He need that money. He need that job. And he know he need that job. He was steaming like a crab at a family reunion. Alright. Because he can't leave behind that counter. Honestly if I was the wife manager I would have sent his ass home. Cause what is you talking to my customers like that for? Alright. I don't care what it is. You is behind the counter. And they is the customer. Customers are always right. And the fact that I say that is because. You know she should have said all she said to him. But the fact that. You know he was responding to her in that type of way. Like it would have only took one insult from me. Like he couldn't have been just making my sandwich. You gonna make my sandwich after you call me a bitch. No. No. Get him out of here. Get him out of here. Like slap the fuck out of here. Cause you ain't making my sandwich after insulting me. I'm sorry. It's just not gonna happen. That being said. There was two other people making the sandwiches. He was the third one. That's how much urgency they were trying to get this lady out the store. And they were all being respectful except for him. Like you have the whole entire store. There's about four employees in the whole entire store. Five including the manager. And you got about half your employees making a sandwich for one person. Four sandwiches. And there's three people. So that means I know one of them motherfuckers is faster than the next. And y'all could have busted out two sandwiches. So that means two of y'all is dealing with one sandwich each. And y'all still can't get it right. Cause she only had so many critiques. It wasn't that many critiques that she had. She said something about the lettuce. And she said something about the bread. That's what I remember hearing. Specifically. How can y'all fuck up a sandwich that only has so many steps? Y'all can only put so much on a Subway sandwich. Like that's what I'm saying. Y'all make it hard when it don't gotta be hard. Sometimes the consumer makes it hard. Sometimes the employee makes it hard. If you just simply listen. Now this is on the side of the employee. If you just simply listen to the patron. I mean the consumer. Whenever they say what they want. Half of these things would be avoided. But sometimes we as employees are in our own world. Our own state of mind. And we don't hear or want to hear what is being said. And then we just do everything by muscle memory. And that's not how it goes. Cause people want their food right. Is they paying their hard earned money for that food. So therefore they got every right to have it right. Exactly the way they want it. Okay. So on the consumer side. You shouldn't be making it actively harder for the employee. Like there's only so many steps you can have. It's already too many steps. Okay. The fact that we have to cater to you at this level is crazy. But that is our job. That's what we signed up for. That's how we pay our bills. That being said. I mean if you want the situation to go smooth. Don't make it harder for us. Like don't give us an attitude to have. Because you want to run your order up like it's a god damn grocery list. For a wedding. It's just not necessary. Like you don't have to pull out all the stops ma'am. Ma'am. It's just a Subway sandwich. It's just a McDouble. It's just a McDonald's order. It's just a whatever. Wherever you at. Pizza. Wherever. These essential workers. We need a break. We need. We need a. There's a point in time where you just need to leave us alone and let us do our job. And let us run. Keep the ball rolling. Like that's just what we want. We just want to get our checks and go home. Do our work. Without. With minimal bullshit. Like. It would be nice to have no bullshit. But that's not possible. We just know that in the world as a fact of life. But minimal bullshit is not too much to ask I don't think. So therefore. That was that situation. And I just feel like so many situations like that happen across the US. Every day. And they could be avoided. If we just all treat each other how we want to be treated. And listen. And just. Get our head out of the clouds. Because mostly technology. Technology has put a big cloud over. The human race honestly I think. And I just feel like. Once we get the cloudiness out. Because people ain't meant to be. Multitasking the way technology makes us multitask. We can't even stay on one task. Let alone fucking 17. People is walking into walls. People is walking into glass pane doors. Because they ain't paying attention. And then they get mad because. We call you out on it. No. It's not our problem. It's a personal problem. And that's y'all problem. But yeah y'all. We just need to treat each other better. All right. So the next segment. On this podcast. Is going to be. A musical one. Because. I want to brighten up. The podcast. Before we close it out. And I'm going to always end this podcast. With the song of the week. Because I love music. And I'm a musician myself. So. The song of the week is going to be. A highlight. Of the podcast. And it's going to be. One of my favorite segments. So. That being said. This week. The song of the week. Is. My theme song. For my podcast. Two days. By. Killer Mike. And Ty Dolla Sign. Two days. It's just that song. That. Speaks to me. It's just that song. That. Kind of explains everything. I want this podcast to be. It's very black centric. It's very. Urban. It. It speaks to our struggle. It speaks to. My state of mind. When it comes to. Our government. And. The things that it's doing. So. I just feel like. The song really. Really spoke to me. And I could hear it. In my head. Whenever I was. Thinking out. The intro. And I'll turn to my podcast. So. You'll be hearing. The song of the week. Two days. By. Killer Mike. So. You'll be hearing that. Every single time. Until I change it. So yeah. Get ready. And absorb it. And just. Go download the album. Michael. By Killer Mike. And it's on all platforms. It's been out for a couple months now. But. It is a very good album. It's like one of the best rap albums. Of the year. Honestly. If you like rap music. But. Yeah. Song of the year. This segment. Will be. Incorporated. Incorporating. Of all. Genres of music. As long as it sounds good. You in there. Okay. And it's my choice. So. Don't worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. At all. It's not your choice. To be. To make. It's my choice. So. Yeah. This is. Ben. The high yellow podcast. And. I just want to plug. My socials. Real quick. Because. Y'all need to. Know where you can get more of me. So. Yeah. My socials are. Instagram. Would be. Milo. The quote. For my music. Channel. And. You can find. Updates on. What's going to be. Going on with me. My music. Covers. Just. Overall. Incorporation. Of Milo. The goat. So. And. Another. Instagram channel. Is. Going to be Milo. The joke. That's my. Comedy page. And. That's where I go. Post. All my comedic content. Skits. Sketches. Crowd work. All that. So. Go check those two out. I also have some. YouTube channels. I want you to check out. High yellow travels. That's my page. Where I go around. And. Show you new places. In my city. And other cities. And new restaurants. As well. Like. Good eats. Good. Seats. Sites. Another. YouTube channel. I have. Is. Going to be. That. So. Nostalgia podcast. Is. A podcast about. Basically. My. My. Nostalgia. Growing up. In the 2000s. Of the. 2000s. Flash 90s. Kid. And. I just want you to check that out. And. You'll have a good time. Reminiscing about the good old days. With me. My last. But. Not least. YouTube channel. I want you to check that out. I want to mention. Is. The high yellow podcast. YouTube channel. This is where you're going to get a live. Visual. Representation. Of what just went on. That you just heard in your ears. You can see me actually talking about it. And. Sometimes I'll have guests. Sometimes I won't. But yeah. That's where you can find that. And that being said. I want y'all. To enjoy the rest of y'all. Existence. And. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My. My.

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