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Deezer Inkland talks about new security assistance at the facility. They are not Warforged, but they help keep workers safe. In case of emergency, disconnect the emergency generator charge to temporarily deactivate them. Generators can be found in the central control emergency storage and can be recharged. If needed, ask a patron member for help. Don't carry more than one generator on the elevator at once. Stay safe. Hi, I'm Deezer Inkland. Today I'm going to talk to you about security. You may have noticed some new help around the facility. Don't worry, they aren't Warforged in the slightest, despite their appearance. Our investors have kindly provided the facility with new security assistance to help keep the workers safe. Just think of them as fellow employees. They take more power to charge than cameras or speakers. In case of an emergency, temporarily deactivate them by disconnecting the emergency generator charge. Generators can be found in the central control emergency storage. These have the maximum amount of power they can charge, but they can be recharged. Though this is our investors trade secret, so please, if need be, find your dearest patron member. If none are near, simply move the generator like a backpack and use it to recharge another to reduce carrying weight. And finally, be sure not to carry more than one generator onto the elevator at once, as doing so would exceed the safe carrying weight. This has been Deezer Inkland. Stay safe out there.