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The transcription discusses the importance of taking care of the large intestine for overall health. It emphasizes the negative effects of unconscious living and improper eating habits on the digestive system. The speaker offers personalized training programs for individuals and practitioners to improve their health and become professionals in natural health. The courses cover topics such as emotional wellness, nutrition, detoxification, and physical care. The speaker also highlights the upcoming locations for the courses and the benefits of joining their affiliate program. Overall, the message is to prioritize the health of the large intestine and make conscious choices for better overall well-being. Good day everyone. Welcome back to the doctor detox show today's show is called the domino effect of unconscious living This is a four-part docu-series on how we are programmed for sickness But before we get started, I would like to talk about taking back your power better still How would you like to learn how to keep it? I'd like to talk about our most popular training It's the personalized treatment and training this training is for couples Families groups singles friends and those who have caretakers this training is about learning the most powerful anti-aging body work and How to reverse the aches and pains and the so-called irreversible How would it feel to not only master your own body? But to be the guiding light the practitioner that leads your family out of pain and back to vibrant health on an emotional and physical level This seven to ten day training will change your life and those around you for the rest of their life and understand something You can either come to us for this training and you can stay in our oasis condo Which overlooks the mountains and the lake and it's only steps away from the doctor detox clinic or guess what? We will send our master trainers to you and they will teach you in the privacy and the comfort of your own home Check this out at itio H dot-com and let us build you the training that will change your life for a lifetime and for those of you who are practitioners and want to bring your practice and your profession up to the highest level or If you always wanted to be a practitioner, but believed it was going to cost too much in time and money That ends here my guarantee to you is that you have the ability to become a professional Practitioner and create financial success in the world of natural health All of our certification courses are registered with the World Organization of Natural Medicine Our seven-day whole life coach certification is the most in-depth advanced training regarding emotional wellness nutrition detoxification and physical care our Seven-day wolf deep tissue certification is the world's most powerful body work in reversing all acute and chronic conditions to prove this we offer a hundred percent money-back guarantee on Not only our treatments, but our courses our four-day wolf non-surgical certification is the only course of its kind in the world and The name speaks for itself this hair therapy cures the so-called incurable Focusing on the pelvic area abdomen breast heart and face from organ alignment to facial structuring to breast lifting and Restructuring to abdominal restoration and scar tissue elimination. This course will set you apart from all others these courses are a can be taken separately or together as a 21-day advanced certification and understand something When you finish these courses we will also make you part of our affiliate program and we will also build you an affiliate website and Every two weeks we have ongoing trainings and there is no extra charge for this Our courses are going to be held in Kelowna BC, November 2019 Fountain Hills, Arizona, January 2020 Sydney Australia 2020 London England 2020 and California in 2020 so go to itio h.com To find the course or the training that's best suited for you Okay, so let's get started with the domino effect of unconscious living Life and death begin in the colon so says the Royal Society of Medicine who did a major study to conclude that a dysfunctional large intestine is responsible for 85% of all illness think about that 85% of all illness your large intestine that what you call the colon That most of us never even think about but in my opinion, I believe With almost 40 years in chronic health care that it's a hundred percent I truly believe this on a physical level. I believe it's closer to 100% The large intestine may be at the end of the digestive tract But it's the first domino to fall and it's known as the second brain for a good reason because the health of your intestinal bacteria Dictates the strength of your immune system your mood and your energy level who would have ever thought that what the medical system continues to attack with antibiotics and what the majority of the population Unconsciously allows to hang down and out holds the key to life itself so let's see what happens when you mistreat your body's assembly line of life and It's made your immune system like a cesspool instead of nature's natural life-giving life-saving organ Here's some food for thought. Did you know that you are made up of 50 trillion cells, but You have 500 trillion bacteria You are in essence a walking talking glob of Bacterial intelligence and your large intestine is life control central Let's talk about the most important highway that you will ever travel in your life That goes straight down the middle of your body and it is the only part of you That's open to the outside world Your digestive tract begins at your mouth this being the front door and then travels down the esophagus To the stomach and then into the small intestine Which is approximately 22 feet long it then continues to the large intestine which is 5 to 7 feet long In total we are looking at 30 feet of Highway, that's quite a long distance for food to travel even when it's whole plant-based Combined properly and chewed thoroughly in a calm and peaceful state look Every component along this highway known as your digester tract must digest and assimilate the nutrients in their proper order and take The proper time sequence for this process to be successful Not unlike any other assembly line. The digestion process is a work of art regarding its simplicity and effectiveness But understand that improper eating and negative emotions can and will derail this Lifesaving life-giving process, of course causing inflammation pain and discomfort throughout your whole body Most people are only conscious of the first four inches Just the first four inches of this delicate process being the mouth We have become unconsciously addicted to the chemicals Disregarding the taste and nutritional value of the food We are trading four inches of perceived pleasure Followed by 30 feet of what digestion no indigestion heartburn gas bloating ulcers and China Crohn's disease leaky gut pain inflammation constipation diarrhea colitis cancer and hemorrhoids just to name a few symptoms that have been unleashed because of the domino effect of Unconscious living Unfortunately when it comes to food selection important health concerns such as nutritional value quality freshness the degree of toxic chemicals and Digestive ability all take a backseat to the following factors such as advertising and brainwashing The unconscious programming has not just created a bloody mess But one heck of a smell from one end to the other end of most people's bodies Your large intestine has now gone from being your body's greatest friend and ally to becoming a breeding ground for parasitical attack and disease welcome to the family curse of Unconscious living handed down by well-meaning family members and driven by corporate America Because of their insatiable appetite to harvest you and your family's health one piece at a time for their fat bottom line Understand that chemically addicted taste buds and an addictive brain will always cause a distorted shape to your body inside and out too often in today's society The foods we consume simply end up sitting too long and then end up putrefying in our digestive tract With the large intestine taking the beating which in turn unleashes the domino effect of Toxic poisons and nauseous gas into that beautiful body of yours When food enters the body already dead and toxic meaning no or very little nutritional force Understand this you are what you eat. Yes, you become what you eat drink and think it's as simple as that Our creator did not complicate or create something inferior Systems and corporations have made us feel this way about ourselves by force-feeding us their toxic manipulated controlling dysfunctional beliefs Welcome to the harvest that would be you Understand live foods breed Life whereas dead foods breed. Well, you get the picture Your digestive tract is a 30-foot journey The front door is your mouth the back door is your rectum What happens between your mouth and your rectum is the deciding factor on how well and how long you will live? the first rule to eating and Emotions is you never eat when you are upset The second rule is when you're preparing your food put your heart into it Make what you love Love what you make because it will become part of you The third rule is never use the dinner table for a place to discuss family problems. The fourth rule is Stay calm and stay connected to your lion heart breathing. The fifth rule is Bless your food and give gratitude knowing that whatever you're eating has given its life for you and That the closer it is to nature the healthier and happier You will be the health of your food will depend on who and how it was treated the fourth rule is Chew your food so well that you are drinking your solids and chewing your liquids The fifth rule is never eat late at night The sixth rule is do not mistake thirst tiredness or being bored as hunger The seventh rule is do not use eating as a way to suppress your emotions the eighth rule is Digest the brave heart 12 self-loving steps each day for the perfect day every day of your life Look when the majority of the population is backing up and piling up all their emotions and Their physical waste this is an unconscious subconscious self-hate self-destruct program that will tear the body apart From the inside out starting from the bottom up this condition that the majority have learned to accept as a normal way of life over time will cause the body's most important muscle your large intestine to slowly lose its tone and become flaccid This will lead to stagnation putrefaction and eventually Rotting of the tissues which will eventually create disease in the body's weakest link We are unknowingly attacking and creating disease with our day-to-day lifestyles I Mean you can see this everywhere This is evident everywhere go to the mall go to the grocery store walk on the street Look at look in your own house. Take a look at your family. Take a look at your friends. We need to wake up In health we call this condition Where we get so many diseases, there's like a hundred and forty seven of them They're called autoimmune disease, which means your body is attacking itself, which means you are Letting your body attack yourself or I would say even to be more correct You are attacking yourself Unconsciously look at The fix is in or should I say your health is headed down and out just like your large intestine When your abdominal muscles become weaker and begin to lack tone both internally and externally due to this intestinal backup Your lower back muscles will tighten up and go into protection otherwise chronic spasm We've all felt this We all end up running to the chiropractor massage therapist or some other therapist or acupuncture But understand something this is due to your lower back's futile efforts to compensate For the lack of tone in your abdominal area known as your core The back muscles must pick up the slack for the intestines and the abdominal muscles Which are now in a state of coma. Do you realize that your abdomen otherwise your core Does all the lifting from getting you out of bed off the toilet in the car picking your children up? You name it? Without a healthy tone tummy We are going to get ourselves into big trouble or we already are We need things like tummy love and daily cleansing tea each and every day Because guess what? Like I told you before Your bacteria or good bacteria should I say will dictate your health But as we can see with about 90% of the population their large intestine is falling down and out or just sticking out Which causes what? It causes decreased circulation in the whole pelvic region This is where your belt is no longer visible and you can't even tell if your shoes are tied This will severely reduce circulation to this part of the body and it will affect the ovaries the uterus the bladder the prostate and the testicles and Cause a detour when it comes to proper bowel movements urination and let's not forget about our sex drive Most people do not understand by the time they reach the age of 35 or 40. Their pelvic region is overburdened with inflammation Scar tissue formation Displaced calcium that has been taken from the bones Because of all this waste entering the bloodstream creating acidity that must be buffered down because understand something no matter if you've got osteopenia or severe osteoporosis That calcium is not gone from your body. It's been displaced into joints tissues and organs How would you like to get it back? That's what we do that's what we can do for you and understand something if this inflammation Okay Continues then you're going to go to mutation look When your large intestine backs up acts up your pelvic girdle is going to be inflamed and in trouble plus everything Below this intestinal backup such as your hips your legs and feet will experience swelling otherwise water retention due to chronic inflammation What about hip replacement? What about knee replacement? Does it have to happen? What about joint fusion of the spine? Does it need to happen? No It does not Look other symptoms that you may experience with intestinal backup are pain achy joints gout poor healing varicose veins hip and knee replacement Like I just said and what about neuropathy? Which by the way can all be reversed when you take your power back with wolf deep tissue and the perfect day diet We prove it every day and we've proved it already with tens of thousands of people Do you actually believe that there hasn't been people in your condition or even worse that haven't reversed their body? Listen to me. God does not make broken products okay, mankind is not kind because mankind has downloaded programs to make you feel like You're a broken product when you're not But remember something what you think about is what you become so if you believe you're broken if you believe the body doesn't heal if you believe your creator has left you and Forgotten about you then that's where you're going to be Look if your core otherwise your abdominal and pelvic area is not toned and cleansed daily with gentle loving steps Life-threatening conditions from the bottom of your toes to the top of your eyes will pop up How can something so obvious and so debilitating be commonplace? People's intestines are falling out falling down and blowing up everywhere. Tell me they're not How do you look how do you feel right now? Look at you have a choice to explode implode or learn how to dump this toxic load by utilizing the perfect day guide Fasting for perfect health guide and the braveheart way guide in the dock of detox library It's yours for the learning. So learn or burn. Hey, it's your choice right now. And now you do have a choice Most people will never have a choice We're just told we have a choice, but we do we really we just told that we have freedom But do we really you don't have freedom until you have peace of mind? Understand that if you are unable to process otherwise digest and eliminate negative emotions You will cause issues in those tissues So, what do you think happens when the large intestine backs up and becomes a storage shed for toxic waste and negative emotions if this toxic waste and negative emotion cannot be eliminated effectively Then it must be stored until you have life enhancing tools to be able to process this and make peace with yourself look at the body will lock it down and Wall it off Okay, this physical or emotional toxicity for your own protection by creating excessive mucus crystallization internal scar tissue formation and calcification until the host being you Awakens to become the driving force in this relationship called life Before I finish I would just like to say that in this life-threatening adventure called planet Earth You will either get trained to master your body or you will be mastered and mistreated Go to ITROH.com and discover the practitioner from within Also to stay updated on all the Doc of Detox shows Go to Doc of Detox Show.com our shows are featured live on Facebook YouTube and Doc of Detox show.com If you're watching on YouTube subscribe below and click on the bell to enable notifications So that you never miss a show with us again at the bottom right of your screen You can enable closed captions by clicking on the CC button and share this with anyone around the world So they can watch the show in their language Thank you for joining me for part one of the domino effect of unconscious living. See you in part two. God bless

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