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The Finding Emet radio program aims to help listeners understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The program features Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries, who teaches on various topics including demons, deception, and deliverance. There is a fascination with deliverance ministry and demons in both the world and the church. Hollywood does not accurately portray exorcism. The Catholic Church, charismatics, and even Judaism have their own views on demons and deliverance. Flavius Josephus wrote about demonology during the time of King Solomon, stating that Solomon had the ability to exorcise demons. The teaching today will provide a Hebraic perspective on demonic powers and deliverance, clarifying confusion and discussing the freedom from demonic oppression that Yeshua offers. The teaching will focus on the life and ministry of Yeshua to understand how he dealt with demons and why it is important for us today. The truth about demons and the devil is that Hello and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. That's or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher Daniel Rendleman as he helps us find the Emet. The name of our teaching today is Demons, Deception, and Deliverance. Demons, Deception, and Deliverance. Now this is an interesting subject. We all know about demons somewhat, right? We've all heard or seen deliverance ministry take place or there's been a lot of books written about it. The world, there's a lot of curiosity on deliverance ministry and demons and demonology and all of that. Maybe some of you remember the Exorcist movie that came out 1973, re-released a couple years ago, about a 12-year-old girl with demons and an attempted exorcist by two priests. I've never seen the movie, praise Yahweh, but I've heard it was scary at the time it came out. And then I heard when it came out a few years ago people laughed at it. That in 1973 what was considered scary and demonic a few years ago wasn't. What's interesting is the movie actually won two Oscars. You know, don't ask me how, but it portrayed the Catholic Church as the sole authority in deliverance ministry and demon possession. Let me ask you, does Hollywood really give us a true reflection of exorcism? And that's an absolute no. When doing the research for the teaching today I found that in recent news there is a doctor from England who's recently been accused of unacceptable behavior. Here's what she did. She suggested that one of her patients go see a priest for an exorcism. Now she suggested this to a Muslim, yeah, who at that point is doing everything she can to get her fired. She's under investigation and most likely is going to lose her license to practice and will be stricken from the medical register, never able to practice medicine again because she suggested someone go see a deliverance ministry. Now the world has a fascination about deliverance ministry, about occult, about demons, spells. I mean this is apparent with the Harry Potter books. The first book came out recently or the last book came out recently. Millions of copies in the first day. Tons of evil movies released about demons and witchcraft. And the church too is heavily heavily involved in the mysteries conserving deliverance ministry and demons. Think about it. The Catholic Church, priests have their rights, right? They've got their holy water. They've got their crucifixes. Charismatics, they're also involved in this too. They've got their pigs in the parlor book. Anybody remember Pigs in the Parlor? Yeah, I've read that one. They've got their schools of ministry, their prayer mapping. You know they say that you can map out a land and they say you can just claim the blood over this area. They've got health surveys that determines you know how many demons a person has before deliverance ministry takes place. Even Judaism has a lot to say about demons which most people don't think of Judaism as a authority on demonology. What's interesting about Judaism is what it says about demons and possession and demonic workings is that it is mostly superstition or considered to be superstition. However, anyone ever heard of Lilith? Lilith consorts? Lilith the demon? Found in the Zohar is where it comes from. A Kabbalistic book where it's the idea that Lilith sleeps with Adam, Adams, who create demons and evil spirits. That's where that comes from. The Talmud tells us that incantations, amulets, and formulas keep demons away, like garlic. It actually comes from the Talmud. That's where that idea comes from. And the Talmud states that demons reside here in three places. Shadows, ruined buildings, and even the latrine. So don't go to the bathroom with the light off because there might be double demons because it's in the shadow. We're familiar with Flavius Josephus, right? Or in the South we say Josephus, right? He wrote in his book The Antiquities of the Jews, which I've quoted before. I've quoted this book before because it's got a lot of information about Yeshua. Flavius was an historian. Here's what he says about demonology during that time, and what he says specifically about Melech Shlomo, which is King Solomon. This is a quote from Antiquities of the Jews, chapter, from book 5, chapter 2. It says, The wisdom which Yahweh bestowed upon Shlomo was so great, he exceeded the ancients. He was wiser than all others. It was inferior to the Egyptians. He left behind him the manner of using exorcisms. Solomon, according to Flavius, did exorcisms by which people could drive away demons so that they never returned. And this method of cure is of great force unto this day. So to quote Flavius, he says that the way Yahweh told Solomon to exorcise demons was being used during the day of Yeshua. He said that I have seen a certain many of my own country, a certain man named Eleazar, releasing people who were demoniacs. And sons and captains, a whole multitude of soldiers were being released. He says the manner of the cure was this. So here's what he did. You ready for this one? This is what Yahweh told Solomon, that told Joe, that told Bob, that told Eleazar. Put a ring that had a foot of one of those sorts mentioned by Solomon to the nostrils of the demoniac, after which drew out of the demon through his nostrils. And when the man fell down immediately, he objured him to return into him no more, making still mention of Solomon, reciting incantations which he had composed. And when Eleazar would persuade and demonstrate to the spectators he had such a power, he set a little way off a cup, a basin full of water. And he commanded the demon, as it went out of the man, to overturn the cup, and thereby let the spectators know that he had left the man. When this was done, the skill and wisdom of Solomon was shown very manifestly, for which reason it is known that all men may know the vastness of Solomon's abilities, how he was beloved of Yahweh, and how he had extraordinary virtues of every kind, including exorcism. Now, according to this, ha ha, right? These people used the wisdom given to Solomon, which was put an ambulant at the nose of a demoniac, and he would come out and knock over a cup and do signs and wonders. So, today the teaching, hopefully, is going to clarify some confusion concerning the issue of demonic powers deliverance from a Hebraic perspective. Everybody say Hebraic. Hebraic perspective. Now, the teaching today is not comprehensive, because it would go on for days and hours and years and seasons, but hopefully a beginning to help everybody get started, to talk about the freedom from demonic oppression that Yeshua has given us. Okay? Clearly, there is a lot of confusion concerning demon possession. Amen? I mean, it's there. You've got different sects in Christianity, different sects in Judaism, you've got Kabbalah, you've got all these others to talk about it. Judaism says one thing, Christianity says another. Where is the truth? The Messianic movement has little to say about it. This is uncharted territory we're going into. When it talks about the Zion Tzitzit, you can find it on 1,400 Messianic websites. When it talks about whether you should use the name Hashem or Yahweh, you can find it on a million websites. When you talk about deliverance from the power of HaSatan, nada, noche, zero. I searched, I googled it. Google can't find it, nobody can find it, right? So, our authority today is going to be on taking from one source, the life and ministry of Yeshua. What did Yeshua teach about demons? How did he cast them out? Why is that important for us today? So, the Ammit. You want the Ammit? Here's the Ammit. The Ammit about, or the truth about demons and the devil. We all know there's a spiritual realm of Yahweh and his Melechim, right? There's Yahweh and the angels, his messengers. We also know there is the adversary, or HaSatan, or as Rabbi Moshe Konachowski says, S period, A period, Tan. We'll talk about that later. And he has demons, or in Hebrew it's called Shadim. Shadim. Now, let me ask you a question. Where did his demons come from? Christianity teaches that he fell from the heavens with a third of the angels. You cannot find that in the Bible. There's one verse in the book of Revelation that talks about a third of the stars were of the serpent's tail. And that is where Christianity has built a theology. Looks kind of loose to me. Looks kind of loose. Find it in the Tanakh. Find it in the scriptures. I encourage you to study that. Was HaSatan really kicked out of Shemayim with a third of his angels? The word devil. Let's talk about that for a minute. Devil comes to the English language from the Greek Diabolos, which means liar, thief, accuser, and enemy. If you think of the devil, what do you think of? Little red dude, right? With the pitchfork, pointy tail. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The problem is most of our doctrines and ideas about the devil come from Mesopotamian folklore and even the book Dante's Inferno. We've all heard of that before, right? You can go to the and look up the word hell and they have a great two-hour show on Dante's Inferno and how that actually has influenced Christianity's doctrine and theologies concerning demons. The word Satan. Where does that come from? It's an exact Hebrew word used in the English language. What this means is, when the translators and scribes were translating into English, they took the word Satan from Hebrew directly over to the English. They didn't change it. HaSatan's name was not changed from the Hebrew. Whose name was changed? Yahweh's. Isn't it interesting? Isn't it interesting that Yahweh's name has been changed into Lord and God and Theos and all these other Hashem phrases, but yet HaSatan, or Shaitan, the adversary, his name has remained the same. Which is why Rabbi Moshe Konachowski says S.A.T.A.N. He said that until the adversary, you know, begins to recognize Yahweh's name, that we're not going to recognize the adversary's name. Amen? So that's pretty good. I like to call him HaHaSatan. HaSatan in Hebrew means The Adversary, or The Accuser. Ha is that prefix. Okay? So the enemy, may his name be blotted out, comes against us, as we know, to wear us down. The adversary accuses, and he lies, and he tells us lies about ourselves, he tells us lies about others, and he's active in every type of rebellion. However, he is not responsible in every type of rebellion. In fact, we blend the devil on a lot of things he had very little to do with. But once a person steps out of the will of Yahweh, what happens? Once we step out of the will of Yahweh, revealed through His Word, we're stepping into the will of HaSatan. And the adversary looks for just a small opening so he can work himself into our lives. And right now, today, we all come together and the adversary has openings into our lives. He knows that most believers are not going to go out and rob a bank. We're not going to murder. We're not going to commit some heinous sin. So he attacks us at our points of weakness. Amen? That's what he does. And he fights against the saints daily in small areas to make us fall. He tries to trip us. He knows that he can render us useless and weak if he can oppress us in our soul, our thoughts, our mind, our attitude, right? And he knows that if our spiritual power will be hindered, if he can defeat our body with sickness, with disease and pain. Because when you're sick, you can't serve Yahweh 100%. So my question to you today is, what if we could know the adversary's point of attack? What if we could ambush him for victory? Could thwart his plans by cutting them off before they even come? That we could actually go from fighting off the enemy, reacting to his attacks, to being proactive and stopping them before it happens. What if we could be free? I said free from satanic attacks. What if that would happen? I believe that it's possible if we understand scripturally what he does, who he is, how he attacks us, and where he attacks us. Many in the church believe that he attacks us in the heavens. In the heavens. But the main area of attack is right here. It's the mind. The mind is the battlefield. The brain, right between our ears. Thus the mind is the greatest area of deliverance. The mind is a battlefield. That means we need more deliverance in our minds. Our thoughts open the door to Hasatan. Right? Just makes sense. Or we can think on things that are lovely and pure and admirable. We have to make that choice when things happen. When the adversary tries to get a foothold and tries to kick open the door, we have to make a choice to think on what Torah says. Our thoughts control our emotions. Our emotions control what? Our attitudes, right? And our attitudes and emotions determine our actions. We've said this before. What you think about is usually what you do. And most people treat others in the emotion of the moment. If you're in a bad mood, stay out of my way. If you're in a good mood, I'd love to be around you, right? I'm May and April. Rabitzin agrees. Hasatan knows that we are creatures of habit. When we think about something long enough, or when we act a certain way over and over and over again, guess what he does? He establishes a stronghold. This is nothing new. We know this. Strongholds are in our lives the result of thoughts and actions. And it starts where? Up in the heavenlies? No. It starts right here, between the ears, in the mind. Now the Arabman Bible Dictionary defines a stronghold as a place or refuge of defense, such as a mountain, fortress, guard tower, or hideout. A strategic point on the walls of the city. So take that definition and define it as this. A demonic stronghold is a place or refuge or defense, such as a mountain, fortress, or guard tower. Where are guard towers? Are they down on below? No, they're up high, right? Right. Where's our brain? Is it in our feet? No. It's the top of our head, right? A demonic stronghold is a fortified place where a demon resides. Second Corinthians chapter 10 says that the weapons of our warfare are mighty in Yeshua for the pulling down of strongholds. Pulling down out of our mind, out of our thoughts. And this also shows, this was written to believers, right? Raphael was writing to believers, so it shows that we as believers can have strongholds in our lives and we can have victory over the satanic strongholds in our lives. Amen? Amen. A demonic stronghold is a thought pattern or a pattern of behavior that is not in accordance to Yahweh's will and it starts with just a thought. Now we're all against abortion. We all believe that you should be pro-life. I like to say you're either pro-life or you're pro-death. There's not a pro-choice. You're pro-life or pro-death. It's one of the two. However, there's a verse that talks about strongholds and demonic oppression where we've got to be a little bit of pro-death. We've got to take something before it conceives, before we give birth and stop it. In Yaakov, James 1 chapter 1 verse 15 through 17, it says, every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and is taken away. Then when that desire has conceived, it births sin and sin, when it's spread, brings forth death. So where do we have to stop sin at? At the conception point. You've got the desire. We all have desires, so we have to stop it at conception. Abortion will never, should never be an issue for us if you stop it at conception. Amen? If you're not doing the deed, you don't have to worry about the consequences. That's a whole lot better than preaching pro-life or pro-this or pro-that. Don't do it. Abstinence, right? Don't do it. Stop it at conception. Otherwise, it's going to give birth to sin and when sin when it's spread brings forth death. Now psychologists tell us that an average person has 10,000 thoughts a day. Now I don't know who sat down and counted all their thoughts, because that would be a pretty daunting task, you know what I mean? But think about it, 10,000. 10,000 thoughts a day. That's 10,000 choices we have to walk in the Ruach, to walk in the Spirit, or give in to the lust and the sinful desire. So let's clarify this. It is not sin when the thought first comes to mind. I used to have a preacher that said, when you see a beautiful woman and you look at her the first time, it's not sin. It's the second look that gets you. In my opinion that was, it depends on how long that first look lasts, right? When the thought first comes to mind, when we are first tempted, that is not sin. It is not sin to be tempted. Sin occurs when it conceives. What? When there is implantation, right? When the seed goes. Sin occurs when we make that thought our own by either dwelling on the idea or acting on the idea. Can we sin in our mind through our thoughts? Yes. Much of Judaism and much of the church today is all about action. What do you do? What do you do? What do you do? When Hebraically and biblically we need to be thinking about, what do we think about? What do we focus our mind on? When the door is open to Ha Ha Satan, negative forces close, excuse me, negative forces grow until it becomes a natural behavior. And because of strongholds in people's lives, people can be totally saved from eternal damnation but totally bound up by the enemy. We can be totally saved but totally bound up. Many make a profession of faith and yet are so bound up by the enemy they have no power. The adversary in the Shadim want to keep us defeated. If you feel defeated sometimes, that's not coming from Yahweh. If you feel oppressed, it's not coming from Yahweh. If you're feeling repressed, it's not coming from Yahweh. If you're in a mess, it's not from Yahweh. You know, He wants to keep us like a lunatic in a straitjacket fighting for freedom. And the battle for the freedom begins in our mind. Amen? It begins in our mind. Every single scripture, every single scripture in the Newer Testament that deals with spiritual warfare is in context to the thought process of the believer. It all has to do with what we're thinking because what we're thinking determines our actions. The subject and place of spiritual warfare is in the mind. If we have our mind renewed to Torah, what happens? We experience freedom. Scriptures tell us over and over, put on the mind of Mashiach. Put on the helmet of salvation. The high priest would wear a head garment that said what? Kadosh v'Yahweh. Holy, set apart to Yahweh. So in our spiritual battle, we've got to remember that He's called us to have our mind focused on Him. We are in a spiritual battle, right? We were not against flesh and blood. We've all heard that verse before. When Yeshua died on the tree, it tells us in Colossians 2.15 that He spoiled, read this with me, He spoiled principalities and powers. He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. He spoiled them openly and publicly, triumphing over them. Hallelujah. The enemy is defeated. I'm sorry, I didn't hear me, I can make a little noise, it's OK. I said the enemy is defeated. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. He is defeated. He has been spoiled. When you got a banana that's spoiled, you don't want to eat it. It's no good. You throw it away. Guess what? The enemy is no good. He has been spoiled. When Yeshua died on the tree, He spoiled him. And each believer has the authority and the power over the enemy. HaSatan has been defeated by Yeshua's work. And when we, as the army of Yahweh, as we exercise our authority and our power, the evil one will not conquer us. So we're going to learn today, the Emet, a little bit about demons, what we've been talking about. Let's talk about the Emet of deception. Deception. Now, Hollywood portrays Satan with unlimited power, right? I mean, you can watch a movie or something like that. And yet in the Bible, it's very clear that HaSatan's power is limited. He's not everywhere, every minute. And he has one power, one power over us, and that is called the power of deception. Everybody say deception. Deception. This is how the adversary attacks. Think about it in the Garden of Eden. Donnie Don. What did he say to Takava? You shall not surely die, right? Yahweh did not say this. HaSatan attacks us, and he's good at it, at deception. Because the thing of the deception, you don't know you're being deceived. You don't know any different. Deception blinds the individual from knowing any different. He's the king of deception. He deceives us about the Word. He deceives us about each other. He deceives us about our past. He deceives us about our problems. The truth is that HaSatan, if he can deceive us, he can have power over us. If he can deceive us, he can have power over us. And that HaSatan has deceived the world. In Yolkanon Aleph, 1 John 5.19, it says that the whole world is under the influence of the evil one. He's pretty smart. And a big area of his deception is in his own power. Because the enemy tells us that we cannot be free. The enemy tells us we cannot change. Yahweh says you can be free, you can change. Amen? Amen? The enemy tells us that our sins are too big, too ugly, they can't be forgiven. Yahweh says what? What sin? I've separated your sin as far as the East is from the West. When we ask Him for forgiveness, He doesn't even remember what sin we're talking about. The enemy tells us it's too late to change. He tells us it's impossible to live Kadosh. We're just a victim. Yahweh says if any man is in Yeshua, he is what? A new creation, new creature. All things have been made new. So whatever's in your past, it's all been made new. The truth is, He is a defeated foe. And the only power He has is when we empower Him through our thoughts. Amen? We empower the adversary through our thoughts. And let me explain something. Most of what is called spiritual warfare in the church, I believe, is actually vain actions that only empower the adversary. We actually empower Him when we focus on Him. Think about it. If someone has control of your mind, if they're on your mind, they have power over you. Amen? If your boss has given you problems at work, they've got power over you. If you're not thinking about it, it's not bothering you. It's not affecting your health. It's not affecting your paycheck. It's not affecting anything. So a lot of times in the church, people empower Him by thinking on it. They learn all His names. They learn demons' names. They give Him more credit than He's due. They spend all this time rebuking Him instead of praying to Yahweh. I've been there. I've done that. I got the refrigerator magnet. I got the T-shirt. I rebuke this. I rebuke that. I rebuke this. I rebuke that. Oh, Yahweh, I'll give you two minutes in prayer because I'm rebuking the devil for 45 minutes. It's not what He wants. HaSatan does not have the power and authority to stop us from walking in the abundant life Yeshua promised. But you know what? He tries. Amen? He tries. And what I found is the more I rebuke Him, the more He attacks. Ain't that something? Because I'm giving Him authority in my mind. I'm constantly thinking there's a demon behind every bush. Right? I mean, I got into super rebuking mode. I've done it before. I'd rebuke calories. I'd rebuke fits. I'd rebuke my checking account. I'd rebuke my gas tank. Yeshua gave His life blood, redeemed us from the curse of sin so that we could have eternal life now, not in a sweet by and by. You know, we used to sing about those hymns in the sweet by and by, who meet on that beautiful shore. It's not what life is about. Salvation power is extended to us when we are born again is still available for us today. Amen. Hallelujah. The word says we are more than conquerors. You are more than a conqueror. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Yahweh is for you who can be against you. Colossians 2.6, Colossi 2.6. It says, as you have therefore received Mashiach, Yeshua, the master, so have your halakha in him. Or in English, New American Standard Version, it says, therefore, as you receive Yeshua, Mashiach, the master, walk in him. How do we receive him? By grace through faith, right? You are saved by grace through faith. So we are called to walk by grace through faith in the same power that we received him. We're called to walk in. We are born again by grace through faith. We were saved from our sins. And I mean, we were saved from the bondage of sin. As we walk it out, he died to set us free, and yet we have all these open doors and we all do. Can a believer be possessed? Can a believer be this? Can a believer be that? We'll talk about that in a minute. The thief comes not but to steal, kill and destroy. It's what Yeshua said, the Okinawan 10.10. But I have come that you might have a life and have it in the sweet by and by. No, I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Galatians 5.1 says, stand fast, therefore, in the liberty, in the freedom which Yeshua, Mashiach has made us free. Do not harness again under a yoke of slavery. And if we're all honest, we have yokes in our lives. Some of us have egg whites, some of us have yokes, but we all have a place where the enemy has some bit of persuasion and or control. Yahweh wants us free. Today is a day of freedom, amen? Demonic oppression, demonic attacks, it can stop. Hasatan wants to put you in bondage if you're not already there. He wants us deceived. He wants us oppressed. He wants us depressed. He wants us to worry. He wants us to be angry. He wants us to be upset. He wants us to doubt. He wants us to rebel. He wants us to be wicked. He wants us to have negativity. He wants us to have unforgiveness, pain, pity, pity parties, hurt feelings, loneliness, grudges. All that stuff, that is all from the enemy. If it's in our lives, it's because we've allowed the adversary to get into our mind. And when it conceives, it gives birth to sin. And when sin spreads, it gives birth to death. Let me ask you, does Hasatan come at us with a pitchfork and try to, you know, stick us? Does he try to cut off our heads? No. The enemy really attacks us right up here. Let's talk about salvation for a few minutes. Being born again. The world says we are all God's children, right? So the world says we are all God's children. Torah tells us that before a person is born again, what he is a child of who? Diabolos, Hasatan, the devil, right? People who are not born again are not children of Yahweh. They are children of Adam. Who are they part of? The Adam's family. There you go. That's right. Think about it. They're part of the Adam's family. So we need to be adopted into the second Adam's family. Amen. So before a person is born again, they live according to the sinful nature. Romiah 8 5. At the proclamation of the Besarot. What's Besarot in Hebrew? Gospel. Good news. A person is taken from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. That person's spirit, or hear this Hebrew word, Neshama, Neshama, you might want to write that one down. Neshama is dead to sin and is resurrected as a new creation. That new believer has the very power that raised Yeshua from the dead living within them. You have it. You and I have the very power that raised Yeshua from the dead. And as a believer, your Neshama, your spirit, has been saved. And I believe there's nothing the adversary can do about that. There are those that disagree. That's all right. HaSatan has lost the war over your spirit, your Neshama. But he wants to win the war every day over your life by keeping you in bondage, by keeping you in depression. So we can't let him win. Think about it this way. Before salvation, we were not children of Yahweh, right? Did he stop us from getting saved? Did he stop us from getting born again? No. If he couldn't stop us from getting saved, he can't stop us from being abundant. Amen? His plans and schemes do not work, but he tries. Freedom is promised. His attacks are upon our soul and our body. Think about it. We're spirit, soul, and body, right? At salvation, our spirit is totally changed, the Neshama. But our soul and body remain the same. The enemy has no power and no influence over our born-again spirit. I believe that. But he knows, the enemy knows, if he can keep our body sick or our mind oppressed, that he can defeat us. We're not going to be effectual. We're not going to be in effect. Our fate is going to be useless. If he can keep us upset, if he can keep us mad, if he can keep us depressed, if he can keep us whatever, fill in the blank. The body doesn't really change when you're born again. When you get baptized, a fat person, you don't come up a skinny person, right? Amen? Sorry, we've tried it. For most people, the soul doesn't change. Now, sometimes there's a little extra grace in someone just addicted to certain things. And when they're born again, that goes away. Yahweh gives them deliverance at that moment. Amen. But for most people, the ruach, all right, let's give you the Hebrew word for the body. That's nefesh. Sometimes Jews go up to each other and say, yo, what's up, nefesh? You can try that sometimes. People give you a weird look, I promise you. But the body, even nefesh, doesn't really change. The ruach doesn't really change either. That's the spirit. That's the breath inside of you. That's your mind, your will, your intellect, your emotions. Job 32.8 says, there is a spirit in man, a ruach in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. It is here in the ruach and in the nefesh, in our soul and in our body, that the enemy attacks us. And it starts in our mind. As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. Right? Isn't that what the Word says? Proverbs 23.7. As a man thinketh in the heart, so he is. Our spiritual battle is not somewhere up in the heavenlies against the warriors over all these different areas. Now, that does have a place. But our day-to-day battle is in our mind as the enemy attacks us right here on earth. Mishale 28.8. Proverbs 28.8 says, he has no rule over his own spirit or ruach or emotions. It's like a city that is broken down and without walls. All right, let's take this verse. Mishale 28.8. If you have no rule over your mind, you're like a city that's been broken down without walls. So what does that mean? That means the adversary can come in and set up what? His own walls. His own lookout tower. His own stronghold. That's why it's so important we understand what Yeshua did for us. Here's the Emet about deliverance. We're going to talk about biblical Hebraic deliverance ministry. The truth is, we are set free from the bondage of Hasatan by one thing. One thing only. It's not holy water. It's spelled alas, mem, tav, emet, emet. The truth. Yeshua said what? I am the way, the emet, the truth and the life. It does not take a powerful exorcism to be free from Shadim. It only takes the truth. Yolkanon 8.31 and 32, it says, Yeshua said to those Jews who believed him, if you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the emet, the truth and the truth shall what? Set you free. When we know the truth and we abide in him as a disciple, he sets us free. Hallelujah. That's what sets us free. Speaking the emet, living the emet, knowing the emet, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the what? By the emet, by the word of Yahweh. Yeshua used the scriptures to confront the adversary. When the adversary tempted him. Remember, it's not sin to be tempted, right? When the adversary tempted him, did he throw holy water on him? Did he try to have an exorcism? No, he said it is written. The Torah says this, he quoted the Tanakh. He quoted the word when the enemy came against him. Freedom today comes the same way by knowing the emet. All areas of our lives, thoughts and actions need the freedom promised by Mashiach. And many people have wondered, many people want to know. There's all these schools of thoughts out there. Can a believer have a demon? Can a believer have a demon? The answer is simply no. A believer cannot have a demon like a pet on a little leash that he feeds twice a day. Can a demon have a believer? Oh, yes. Shadim can vex, they can offend, they can oppress in our actions, our theologies, our thoughts, our areas of life. Shadim can influence us and control us in our mind and our body. So we need to have our mind renewed and the deception decoded about deliverance. Just think about it. Possession means ownership. When you're born again, your neshama is Yahweh's. But you can totally give over your nefesh and your ruach to HaSatan. You follow me? Your mind, will, intellect and emotions can be totally given over to the enemy. It's pretty scary. And we do that by actions. We do that by thoughts. Romans 12, 1 and 2. I beg you, therefore, Israelite brothers, by the rakamim of Yahweh, present your bodies a living sacrifice. Kadosh, acceptable to Yahweh, which is your act of reasonable worship. Do not be conformed to the olam hazeh, this world, but be transformed by the ongoing renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is that tov, acceptable and even, perfect will of Yahweh. The word there for transformed in Greek is metamorphou. That's where we get the phrase metamorphosis. Be totally transformed. That's what Yahweh wants for us. You see, the Catholic Church doesn't have it all together concerning deliverance. Y'all already knew that. But nor do the Charismatics, nor do the Jews, nor do we. We're learning. To get the best biblical understanding of deliverance ministry, let's look to the life of Yeshua for a few minutes. Judaism and Christianity, the majority of cases, focuses on the methods of exorcism. Amen? They focus on deliverance. You got to do this. You got to do that. You got to talk to the demons. You got to know their names. You got to know their social security numbers. You got to know their hobbies. Right? Come on. What's your name? Let me think about it. Can't you imagine having exorcism and saying, demon, what's your name? The demon says, liar. You look at that demon and say, are you telling me the truth? Come on. But that's what people do. Yeshua's deliverance ministry was much more. Yeshua's deliverance ministry was much more focused. About staying free than just getting free. Getting free is the easy part. Staying free. That's the hard part. On most occasions, Yeshua shared the event. He told the demons to be quiet and come out. And they obeyed. On most occasions, in Luke 4, 33, it says there was a man in the synagogue. Uh oh, where was the guy at? Oh, in the synagogue. There was a man in the synagogue who had unclean spirit, unclean ruach of a Shad, Shad, Shadim, he had a demon. And he cried out with a loud voice saying, leave us alone. What have we to do with you, Yeshua of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know you, who you are, the Kadosh one of Yahweh. And Yeshua rebuked him saying, be silent and come out. And when the adversary had thrown him into the midst, he came out of him saying and heard him not. They were all amazed and spoke among themselves saying, what a word is this? For with authority and power, he commands the Shadim and they come out. True deliverance ministry is with authority and power. And it's very simple. Be quiet and come out. Luke 8, 2 says that Miriam had seven demons cast out of her. So what do we know that she did? When the demons were cast out of her, she became a disciple, a tamidah of Yeshua. She followed Yeshua. Others she told, go and sin no more or go and show yourself to the high priest. One, he said, what is your name? He said, oh, a legion, for we are many. That's not a name. That's a description. That's an adjective. Think about it. What they have, like a rock band, we're a legion, we're touring today, we're in the city. Throw us in a bunch of pigs, we'll go sing with them. No. His pattern for deliverance ministry. I'm going to show you this in the scriptures. Pattern, very simple. Share of a truth with people. The person submits to Yahweh, demand the enemy to flee. And then live in freedom. Very simple. Share of the emet, the person submits to the emet, demand the enemy to flee, and then pursue freedom. James 4, 7, one of my favorite verses. Submit yourselves, therefore, to Yahweh, resist Chazatan, and he will flee from you. It doesn't say go show yourself to the Catholic priests or go take a 45 page survey because they're out there. I've done them. I've seen them. Not 45, mine were shorter than that. Submit, therefore, to Yahweh. First step, submit. Second step, resist. Third step, experience the freedom. Pretty simple. I like Yeshua. His method's a lot easier. I mean, think about it. People say, we claim the blood over this place. No demon can come here. If he crosses this bloodline, he'll be a saved devil. I mean, think about it for a minute. If that was the case, why don't we do that for the rest of our lives? Why don't we do that for the rest of our lives? Think about it for a minute. If that was the case, why don't we do that for the whole world? Why didn't Yeshua do that? There's Shads in this room right now. Because we brought him here with us. In our minds. Strongholds. Pretty simple. And Yeshua's deliverance ministry was not about binding and loosing everything and every unclean spirit in the world. He could have done that. Binding and loosing is a Hebrew idiom. It is a Hebrew idiom. And if you read it in context, which we're not, but you can go to the book of Matthew, chapter 16. It says, I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. I'll read it anyway. Bind what you're going to bind, you'll be bound in heaven. Loose what you're going to loose, you'll be loose in heaven. Read it in context. It's about Shabbat observance. About keeping the Shabbat. We got freedom to keep the Shabbat and we need to look to the pattern in heaven and continue that. In Hebrew, the phrase bind and loose are aser, asar, and hetir. It simply means to tie, to imprison, to hitch. While hetir means the exact opposite. It means to allow. What you allow on Shabbat, you allow. And what you stop on Shabbat, you stop. We can take authority over the demons, right? And in a sense, we could say, well, we bind you. But in a sense, we just need to say, I take authority over you. And not throw around Yeshua's name like an incantation. People do that. Say anything and say the name of Yeshua and it'll be done. That's an incantation and that is witchcraft. Think about it. The church does that. Messianics do that. All types of people do that. In Jesus's name, brother, in Yeshua's name, come on. It's the faith, the emunah, the authority behind the name. You can say anything in the world. You can say, make this table into a corvette in Yeshua's name and it'll be done. That's taken out of context. Binding and loosing, it's a Hebrew idiom. It's been totally misunderstood because the church doesn't understand it because they don't have Torah. Amen. It's not just about fasting to get more power over demons. Yeshua could have fasted his entire life. Another misunderstanding of scripture. You have power over every demonic force that comes against you now because of who Yeshua is. It says in 1 John, as he is, so are we in this world. You don't need to fast and pray for certain demons to come out. Yeshua didn't do this. Yeshua did not tell his people to do this. If you read Yochanan Moshe, Mark chapter nine. Starting in verse 17, one of the multitude answered, said, Master, I have brought to you my son who has a dumb spirit. Whenever he sees him, he tears him and foams and gnashes with his teeth and waste away. And I spoke to your disciples. They could not cast it out. And Yeshua said, go and fast. No, Yeshua said. Oh, unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? Bring him to me. He confronted their unbelief, he confronted their lack of faith. He said, how long has this been happening? Verse 23, he says, if you fast and pray enough, everything can happen. No. Verse 23, Yeshua said, if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes. And immediately the Abba said, I believe. But what? Help my unbelief. They were not in a discourse about fasting. They're in a discourse about unbelief. Later, when the Talmudim asked him about it, verse 29, he said to them, Yeshua said, this kind comes out by nothing other than tefillah and fasting. Unbelief in our lives comes out sometimes only by prayer and fasting. Because when we fast, we tell our body, man shall not live by bread alone. We tell our body what the word says. Every demonic force that attacks you, you have power over. Amen. Praise Yahweh for that. Deliverance from Hasatan is not about holy water, but about the balance of faith and works. Yeshayahu 61.1, the ruach, the spirit of a sovereign Yahweh is upon me because Yahweh has anointed me to preach good news to the meek. He sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the exiles, recovery of sight to the blind and opening of the prison to them that are bound. This was Yeshua's ministry. Open the prisons, proclaim the liberty. This is the crux. It's not about flaking out on the floor during a service. It's not about throwing up. It's not about barking or levitating or having a physical manifestation. Biblical deliverance ministry is about recognizing open doors, shutting the doors and living in emet. The gospel shows us the correct pattern. You read in the New Testament, you read that Yeshua was all about deliverance ministry. He was healing and exercising demons. He was casting out demons everywhere he went. He was administering freedom. And he told his Talmudim to cast them out. Amen? But he doesn't give them a 400 page book guideline how to do it. He says go and cast them out. We want to focus on how to do it the right way. Do it in faith. If you believe you shall receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Pray that they're gone and they're gone. Believe it. But we have unbelief. We think we've got to fast. We think we've got to work ourselves up to go to war against that demon. I've got to go exercise. I'm going to fight a demon Friday night. Come on. Turn to the Great Commission. Moshe. Yochanan Moshe. Mark chapter 16. Most people think of the Great Commission, they go to Matthew. But it's better in Mark. It's full in Mark. He said to them. Moshe Mark 16. He said to them, go into the Alam Hosea, the world. Proclaim the good news, the Torah to every creature. He that believes and is immersed shall be saved. He that believes not shall be condemned. And these signs will follow them that believe. In my name they will cast out demons. Shadim. They will speak with new tongues. They will take up serpents. And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover. So after Yeshua spoke to them, he was received up into the third Shemaim, heavens, and sat down at the right hand of Yahweh. And they went out proclaiming everywhere, Yahweh working with them, and confirming the word with signs and wonders. Yeshua's final command included the proclamation to go, proclaim the good news, repent, receive forgiveness, be immersed, right? Then as the person receives salvation, as they are immersed, they are to continue in their faith. True faith, biblical faith, is not just about salvation. If all you've got on is a helmet of salvation and you're running around like a naked as a jaybird, that's not good. But most of the church, they've got the helmet of salvation and that's it. And they're open for attack everywhere else. He says, cast out Shadim, speak in new tongues, take up serpents, drink the deadly poisons, lay hands on the sick. The Great Commission in Mark is Passover, most of the time, for the one in the book of Matthew. It doesn't mention casting out demons. That one's, you know, free. That one's easy to go to. Think about it. Baptists don't want to talk about it. Methodists and even Messianics, got to do equal time, right? Messianics don't want to mention it. Our call from the Master shows how the spiritual life is to be lived. These signs will follow them that believe. In my name they will cast out Shadim. The order is important. I want to teach you something here. Look at the very beginning. It says to go and proclaim the Beso Rose. The first step is the Neshama is saved. The person is saved. The next step, it says, they should be immersed. He that believes and is immersed. That is the Nefesh, the body, coming under subjection to the Word. Amen? However, this is where most people stop. They get saved, they get baptized, they go to church on Easter and on Christmas. Or if they're Messianic, they go on Yom Kippur and Passover. There's more to it than just salvation. Cast out demons. That's when the Ruach is cleansed. When the demons are cast out of people, the Ruach is cleansed. Speak with new tongues. That's when the Ruach HaKodesh immerses them for power. Baptism in the Spirit. And taking up serpents, drinking poison, laying hands on the sick. This is a description of our daily walk in Yeshua. Our call as believers is to cast out Shadim and to walk in freedom. And our minds have got to be renewed. Deliverance ministry is simply this. Coming face to face, confronting the pattern of thoughts, the attitudes, the behaviors, the sin, the Shadim. We open up the doors and speaking the Ammit. Speaking the truth. Amen. Submit yourselves to Yahweh. Resist our Satan and he will flee from you. James chapter 4, verses 7 through 8. And guess what? It's not a one time experience. Amen. It's continual. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2.12. Our spirit, our neshama, has been totally saved. But our body and soul have to fight for it. We have to fight until we get to the place of effortless faith. To where we fought it off so much that it takes very little. And it's gone. It's gone. A believer can arrive here. We can overcome when we get proactive. When we cleanse our hearts, you sinners. Wash your hands. When a person is saved, Hafez Khan goes on the attack to stop the flow of obedience and blessing in their life. He wants to keep you down and depressed. He wants to keep you upset. He wants to keep you whatever. We've got to bring the ruach under control. Our mind, our will, our intellect, and our emotions. Amen. Because they try to run the house. We're controlled by our emotions, our attitudes. You better watch out. I'm like a tornado. But if I'm controlled by the ruach, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness. And what? Self-control. Baruch Hashem Yahweh. It tells us in Tehillim 51.17. The sacrifice Elohim desires is a broken ruach. What's ruach? Your mind, your will, your intellect, your emotions. He wants it to be broken and contrite. He will not despise it. In Psalm 89.40, in Tehillim 89.40, this is good. This is one of those you need to memorize. Tehillim 89.40. You have broken down all His hedges and His walls. You have brought His strongholds to ruin. Hallelujah. That's what Yahweh's done. That's what deliverance is all about. Breaking down the walls and hedges of the enemy and bringing the enemy's strongholds to ruin. He does it in our mind, in our ruach, and He does it in our body. Strong meat belongs to those who by reason of exercise, reason of use, have exercised their senses to discern between both good and evil. Demons, deception, deliverance. We're all honest. We're all in need. It's not just one person. It's all of us. We all have open doors. We all have places where we've allowed the enemy to take control, to reign, to rule. How do we go about doing it? I want to share with you three things in closing. Number one, pray for the ruach ha'qodesh, the Holy Spirit, to open your eyes to the strongholds in your life and to the lives of those... to your life and to the lives of those in your family. Don't pray for Joe over here. Pray for you first. Right? We've got to get ourselves right. Recognize the open doors. Think about this. What thoughts and actions create open doors to His power? And we know them right now. The ruach is putting them on our mind right now. We know them. Now, seek Yahweh to show you some of these areas of deception. And the first step is to repent through prayer. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray. And seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. Symptoms of demonic oppression that show us that we may be in need for deliverance. I want to list a few. First of all, I want to list a few areas that I believe the enemy is really attacking believers today. I believe he's attacking us in religion, infirmity, depression, pride, lust, fear, anger, and rebellion. Sometimes we have symptoms. Maybe we just don't say, oh, I'm angry. Or, oh, I'm lustful. Or, oh, I'm fearful. Here's some symptoms that could show that we have some strongholds. That we have allowed the enemy to take over. Selfish ambition. Lack of self-control. Persistent or severe depression. Abnormal loneliness. Conflicts with authority figures. Grudges against Yahweh. Poor self-image. Indulgence in occultic items. Rebellion against authority. Sexual immorality with demon-oppressed or possessed people. Dating relationships or close relationships with unsaved people. Wrong use of drugs and alcohol. Fascination with the occult. Bad temper or stubbornness. Prolonged sleeplessness. Pornography. Chanting or other occultic forms of worship. Wild or unnatural facial contortions. Intense or highly disturbed reaction to the mention of Yeshua's name or His blood. Total lack of self-restraint, especially in sexual behavior. Extreme disregard for physical appearance of yourself or the physical well-being of yourself. Holding on to deep-seated grudges against Yahweh and others. Craving and seeking occultic power. Possessing or using occultic tools or drugs. Grossly and habitually rebelling against authority. Blaspheming the Ruach HaKodesh. And giving consent to occultic power. These are some areas or symptoms that show that we are in need of deliverance. So step number one, simple. Pray for the Ruach to show you. We're believers. Pray for the Ruach to show you. Step number two. Declare your freedom as found in the scriptures. When they've been brought to your attention, Declare your freedom. Declare what the Word says. Believe what the Word says. Pray. Come against the power. Take authority in the name of Yeshua over these areas and attitudes and actions. You can meet with others. It's not always necessary. Some people get delivered through worship. A few weeks ago, April, my wife was healed through praise and worship. Sometimes it does take someone else speaking into your life because you're so deceived. Or because the enemy has such a strong hold on us. Sometimes it's just reading the scriptures. We're self-delivered. Hallelujah. Sometimes it's in giving offerings. In obeying Torah. In dancing. In reading the scriptures. That's why it's so important to do these things. Pray. Come against these. Take your authority over them. Command them to shut up and leave. If you meet with another believer that you trust, that you have a relationship with, and say, look, I've got an area here. Pray for me, please. Will you pray for me? But this stronghold will stop. Number three. Begin resisting. You might want to write this down. Begin resisting the actions, attitudes, and atmosphere that are not healthy to your spiritual life. If you've got an issue with lust, cut off the TV. Don't buy a swimsuit magazine. You might say, well, I was buying pornography before, so I'll cut back to swimsuits. Don't do any of it. If you've got an issue with self-control or with ambition or all these things that we mentioned, cut it off. Cut it off. Stop it before it conceives. Stop it before it conceives. Begin resisting when you have the temptation. It says in 2 Corinthians 10.5 to take every thought captive to the obedience of Mashiach. Think about this. Your thoughts are wild animals. You've got 10,000 wild animals going through your brain every day. And what you've got to do is you've got to take that thought and bring it to captivity. You've got to take a wild animal that's outside of captivity, right? You've got to take a wild animal, bring it into captivity, and train it to the obedience of Yeshua. Just like you would do a wild animal, you've got to train your thoughts to the obedience of the Master Mashiach. That is powerful. When you think of that verse, 2 Corinthians 10.5, and remember that it's about training your brain. I want to encourage you to memorize one new Bible verse every single week. I've been doing it. My kids have been doing it. It's changing my life. Memorize it. Do not keep it before you. Every single week, everybody. And when the temptation comes against us, when the adversary comes against us, when we're somewhere and we see something or we do something, remember that verse and say, It is written. I've been sick. I've gone off of all my medication. Praise Yahweh. And when I get a symptom, I say, It is written. By His stripes I was healed. 2 Peter 2.24 I proclaim the Word. And you may have to do this a million times a day or make it 10,000 times a day. Until you've got full freedom. Begin to meditate on the Scriptures. Sing and study. Lift your voice. The adversary is coming against you in infirmity. Get into the Word and put some praise and worship music on and change your thoughts. What does it say? Think on these things that are lovely, that are pure, right? Don't think about how you feel. I'm not telling you just ignore it. I'm telling you not to think about it. Turn to Ephesians 6. We'll end here. Ephesians 6.10 Finally, my brothers. That's a way to conclude a message. Finally, my brothers. Be strong in Yahweh and the power of His might. To be strong in Yahweh, you've got to have your ruach and your nephesh cleansed. If you've not taken a shower today, if you've not been mikveh today in His power, you need to be mikveh today in His power. What that means is cleanse your heart. Cleanse your mind, your will, your emotions, your body. Be strong in Yahweh, the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of Yahweh that you may be able to stand against the strategies of HaSatan. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against rulers of the darkness of this Olam, this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of Yahweh that you may be able to withstand in this evil day, having done all to stand. Stand even more. Don't give in. Don't give up. Stand. Stand, therefore, having your waist wrapped around with what? Emet. Having on the breastplate of tzedakah, righteousness. On your feet, fitted with the preparation of the beserot of shalom. Above all, taking up the shield of emunah, faith, with which you shall be able to quench all the fiery arrows of the wicked one. And, chapter 17, and take the helmet of salvation, kadosh le-Yahweh, and the sword of the ruach, which is the word of Yahweh. Making to feel out always with all intercession and supplication in the spirit, and watching in the ruach with all endurance and petitions for all of the saints. Stand. Gird up yourself. Pray. Walk out your deliverance. So, step one, pray for the ruach to open your eyes. Step two was declare your freedom, as found in the scriptures, and pray for deliverance. Step three was begin resisting the actions and attitudes. Resist, resist, resist the enemy and he will flee. And step number four, repeat daily. Repeat daily. Let us pray. Father Yahweh, I just thank you for your word. Father, that you're opening our eyes to the truth of demons, deception, and deliverance. We've been deceived for so long. Father, there are areas in our lives that the enemy has taken up a foothold, a stronghold. And Father, we just pray right now that you begin to show those areas to us by your Ruach HaKodesh. Speak to us now. Show us. Forgive us, Father, for opening the doors. Father, speak to each of us so we can know you more. It is our desire, not just to be saved in our spirit and our neshamah, but in our soul, in our Ruach, and in our body. To walk out as Yeshua walked. We know that Yahweh anointed Yeshua HaMashiach with the Ruach HaKodesh with power. And He went around healing all who were sick and all who were oppressed by the enemy. Father, if we're honest, we've been oppressed. But we give the enemy no credit. We've simply fallen into his hands. So right now, through the blood of Yeshua, we command the strongholds in our lives to be gone. The deception to stop. And we ask right now that those areas in our lives that you have shown us, that you would empower us by the Ruach HaKodesh to walk in freedom. If Yeshua has set us free, then we are free indeed. And to walk in the freedom that you've given us is what your Word commands. Father, help us to take control of our minds. To remember when the enemy comes against us, to say, it is written. That He has no power and no authority over us unless we empower Him by our thoughts. Father, help us to repeat this daily. Father, right now you're showing us all places to where we've given in. We've stepped out of the Ruach and into the flesh. Maybe we've done it several times and opened up a stronghold. And Father, you're cleansing us right now. Father, we thank you for your forgiveness. For your love. For your mercy. We remind the enemy right now that He has no power and no authority over us. We've been spoken for. Yeshua died for us. And the power that raised Yeshua from the dead lives within us. We declare our freedom. The spirit of a sovereign Yahweh is upon us because He has anointed us to preach good news. To release the ones in bondage. Father, may it be so today. Father, continue to show us and teach us about demons, deliverance, and deception. Continue to speak to us on how we can implement this in our ministry, in our lives, in our family, in our homes. That Father, we could go on guard against the strongholds of the enemy. Father, we thank you that your word tells us. That you shall know the emet, the truth, which is Yeshua. And the emet shall set you free. Thank you, Father, for your freedom. We bless you. We praise you now. Baruch Hashem Yahweh. Baruch Hashem Yeshua. That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. That's Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding Emet with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the emet, and may the emet, may the truth, set you free.