Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a radio program called Finding Emet, which explores the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The host, Brother Daniel Rintleman, teaches about the Hebrew alphabet and how each letter has meaning and life. He discusses the second letter, "Bet" or "Vet," and its significance as the building block of Yahweh's language. The letter represents the number two and is symbolic of the second book of the Bible, Exodus. The program also explores the creation of the world and the connection between the Hebrew letters and the word of Yahweh. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rintleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program or submit your prayer request. That's or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rintleman, as he helps us find the Emet. This is a teaching that's continuing our series in Hebrew, the living letters, and today we're going to be discussing the second letter of the Hebrew alephbet, which is called the bet or the vet. First letter is the aleph. The second letter is the bet or the vet. Now, as we begin to look at the power of the Hebrew language and look at the letters, it's an amazing journey because each letter is a number, each letter is a symbol, each letter is a picture, each letter has meaning and life. It has what? Meaning and life. And we can look at these letters and look past just the ink on a page and see so much more. Kind of like these people that say they found the picture of Jesus in their tortilla. 1987 is when this guy was in Mexico and in his tortilla that had been cooked, he found the picture of Jesus. And even to this day, you can go to the shrine of the tortilla. It's corn, not flour, by the way, and there is Jesus. His facial picture is there. We even know that he was found on a fish stick in 2002 in Seattle. People were eating some fried fish that they had made, and I guess they burned a piece too much, and there is his picture. And today it's encased and you can go online and look at some of these. So over the years, what about the picture of Mother Mary has been found on different items, different pieces of toast or things like that? Well, in July 2008, a Florida man said that he found the picture of Jesus in a plank of wood. Now, this is actually the picture of it. I don't see it. You see it. And supposedly, if you turn the plank of wood over, you see the devil. So on one side, it's Jesus. The other side, it's the devil. Now, this guy found it in a plank of wood. By the way, he is a carpenter and probably loving the free advertising that he's gotten. Now, meaning can be found in a burnt piece of toast, look at that. If meaning can be found in a burnt piece of toast or fish stick, certainly then we can find great meaning. And Yahweh is speaking to us through his letters, through his living letters, the olive bed. Amen. Now, we know that in our letters, we've got a D is a D and nothing more. A D is a D, right? You've got a D. That's it. You've got a T. That's it. But in Hebrew, the D letter or the Dalet is so much more. It's a picture. It's a word. It's a symbol. It's a number. Yahweh is communicating to us through his Kadosh Lashon or holy set apart tongue. Now, in the olive bed, the first letter is the olive. And the teaching on that is found at, the teaching on the olive. The second is the bed. That's what we're going to discuss today, the second Hebrew letter in the alphabet. Now, we say alphabet. Guess what? That's the first two letters of Greek language. We don't say the A B bed, do we? Or the A B. We say the alphabet. That's Greek. It goes back to paganism, goes back to the way that the ways of the world has come over upon us and even in our languages. But in the olive bed, it's olive bed and gimel. These are the building blocks of Yahweh's Kadosh language. So the olive speaks to us about the oneness of Yahweh, the power of Yahweh. It gives us a picture of Yeshua as Messiah, as savior, as creator, about Echad. We know that Yahweh is one, Deuteronomy 6.4. We know that Yeshua prayed that we would be one as he is one. We know that the olive is the number one and it's the number one thousand. It's the number one and the number one thousand. And this letter becomes one with the vowel point to the letters beside it as it is a silent letter. And again, this is the power of the olive. Now, the bed is the second letter in the olive bed. It has a B sound. Everybody say B. B. It has a B sound when it has a dot or a dagesh in the middle of the letter. Now, what I call that is its belly button. So if you see a bet or this letter and it has a dot in the middle, that's a dagesh and it's giving you the B sound. If it does not have the belly button, it's a V sound as in victor or victory or veranda. Or that's all the V words in the English alphabet. But anyway, you've got a B, a bet, and you've got a vet. The letter is a double letter. You follow me? So it has a B and a V sound. So there is a dot. This is called the bet. So today we're going to discuss the second letter, the olive bet, which, by the way, is actually made from the olive. And we know that it's the first letter in the book of Genesis. In Hebrew, there are sheep. Now, the bet, which is also the number two, is symbolic of the second book of the Bible, which is what? Exodus or Shemot in Hebrew. And we also know it's symbolic of the book of Mark and the second chapter in the book of Revelation. The first letter of the Torah is the bet. It's interesting that Yahweh did not start the Torah with the olive. He could have. He could have started with any letter, but a bet. Now, why is that? The olive is number one. The olive is the number one. Yahweh is echad. Yahweh is one. Yahweh is not alone. He did not want to be alone. Amen. He wanted to reproduce himself. Yahweh, the olive, created the bet. Here's Yahweh all by himself as Ein Sof, creator, sustainer, before anything else. And he says, let there be light. And in the beginning, as we read, he created the heavens and the earth. Bear sheep, Genesis one, one. And he did it with the Hebrew olive bet. Now, the bet is a prefix. And it's a letter that can be found in the beginning of a lot of words because it functions as a preposition saying in or at or with. So the word b'midbar in Hebrew means in the mid bar. In the wilderness. B'midbar means in the wilderness. B'midbar means in the beginning. So if you see a bet at the beginning of a word, many times it's giving you the in or at or with word. Now, why is that important? It's important because it is with this letter that Yahweh connects himself to the world. We are told that Yahweh created the world in order to establish or produce a dwelling place in the world below. At first you have the olive, then you have the bet. Yahweh, the number one, created something else. He reproduced himself. Amen. So you have the bet. The bet, which is a picture of a house. You live in a house, you live in a bayit. Everybody say bayit. Bayit. That is house. You live in a house. The bet is the number two. Yahweh didn't want to be alone. So he created the world. He created the universe. The olive, the one, became two. Now in Genesis again, in the book of Genesis chapter one, verse one, it says barashit bara elohim alef kava ha-shamayim ve-et ha-eretz. And we don't read that, do we? We read the English. In the beginning. You hear it from the King James Version. In the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. You'll see it all that is in them. You know, whatever. It's there. And so, because we don't read it in the Hebrew, we miss so much. But in Hebrew it says, read it with me. Barashit bara elohim alef kava ha-shamayim ve-et ha-eretz. In the beginning, barashit elohim created bara, the heavens, ha-shamayim, and ve-et, the earth, ha-eretz. Now you can say you read Hebrew because you've read the first verse in the whole scriptures. Now this is important because it reveals a secret hidden behind the Hebrew letters. There's so much here. But the world, the universe, was created in the beginning by Yahweh for Yahweh. It tells us that in the book of Revelation, chapter 6. That all things were created for his good pleasure. Now what's the secret? The secret is found in the second word in the Torah scroll. Barashit means in the beginning. But created is bara, which is spelled ve-et resh alef. Ve-et resh alef. The word for created is bara, ve-et resh alef. What is this really telling us? What is Yahweh really saying to us in his letters? These words confirm the passage of Yochanan or John 1.1. John 1.1. In the beginning was the word, the word was with Yahweh, the word was Yahweh. Ve-et and resh spell bar, which is Hebrew for son. You've heard ben, also bar. They're similar. Ben is Hebrew for son, so is bar. Ve-et and resh spell bar, which is son. So what is this telling us? Barashit bara, or you could say barashit bar alef, which in Hebrew is in the beginning was the son of Aleph, Yeshua. In the beginning was the son, the bar of Aleph. What does 1 John, excuse me, what does John 1 say? In the beginning was the word, who the son, and the word was with Yahweh, and the word was Yahweh. Right there, Genesis 1.1 says the same thing John 1.1 says. And it's there hidden behind the English, it's there in the Hebrew. Now again, the vet is a picture of a house. A picture of a house. And this house is symbolic because Yahweh wanted to build himself a dwelling place in the world below. However, we know Adam sinned, didn't he? Corrupted the dwelling place that Yahweh had made, sinned, separated man from Yahweh, and put up a wall in the house. You following me here? It's like you've got your bedroom for intimacy. And then all of a sudden, your wife makes you mad. She calls a contractor, and she puts a wall right in the middle of the bed, right in the middle of the bed, right down the wall. So you can't fellowship with her. You know she's there, you can hear her, but you can't fellowship with her. There's something separating you. That's the picture of how sin separated us from the intimacy of Yahweh. Yahweh created the world in which to dwell in it, in the midst. Remember, Adam walked with Yahweh where? In the cool of the day. This was the purpose of his creation. And we know that every creature blesses Yahweh. Didn't Yeshua say if these people weren't to shout out, even the stones would cry out? Part of this series, we're going to talk about the power of our letters, or actually energy. And the Hebrew letters are energy and power. That's a teaching coming later. But even the chirping birds, even the wind that blows the grass, is a blessing and a praise to Yahweh. In Psalm 89.53, it says, all creation says, blessed is Yahweh forever and ever. If all creation is saying, blessed is Yahweh, do you know what that is in Hebrew? Baruch et Yahweh. Blessed is Yahweh begins with what? The bed, the second letter. We create a dwelling place for Yahweh, a house for Yahweh, through our praise. Yahweh said in Exodus 25.8, He said, let them construct me a sanctuary, a house, a bait, that I may dwell in the midst of them, amongst them. This is what Yahweh wanted from the beginning, amen? From creation, continued with Torah, been with the temple, and yet it was fulfilled with who? Ben Elohim, the Son of Elohim, which is Yeshua. The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. Don't you see this now? But Exodus 25.8 was fulfilled with Yeshua. Let them make for me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. Isn't that what Yeshua did and is for us? It's powerful. The living, walking, elephant, the living, walking, Yeshua. The Word, the Ben Elohim, was made flesh and dwelt among us. He tabernacled with us. And it's the same today. Yahweh wants the same today. He wants us to dwell with Him, amen? Not just on Shabbat, but each day of the week, each time that we can. Now we know that, I want to share this with you. In Exodus, Yahweh rescued Israel from the bondage of Egypt. And it actually calls it the house of Egypt, the house of bondage. And He later commanded them to build for Him a house. You follow me? So the bet is exemplified powerfully in the book of Exodus. This is the second book in the scriptures. And we know it as the book of Exodus. In Hebrew, it's the book of Shemot. But there are two words in Exodus 1-1 that begin with a bet. And what number is the bet, by the way? The number two. And there are two bet words in Shemot or Exodus 1-1 that we're going to look at, and we can learn this from. It tells us here, now there were, these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt. Every man in his household came with Jacob, is how it reads in the English. However, it says, now these are the names of the children, that B'nai or the Ben of Israel, which came into each household, Be'it, houses, came with Jacob. So the two words that we want to see here are Ben, or son, or B'nai, sons, and Be'it, or house. Two very important words found in the second book of the scriptures, beginning with the second letter. Coincidence? I don't think so. These are the names of the children, the B'nai Israel, which came into the house. In Exodus, Shemot 4-22, that's how it says to Yahweh. Thus says Yahweh, Israel is my Ben, Israel is my son, says Yahweh, even my firstborn. That word in Hebrew, b'kor, another bent word. And I will say unto thee, let my son, my Ben, go, that he may serve me. If you refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay your son, even your firstborn. It's powerful that Yahweh calls us His sons. Not just sons and daughters, we are His sons. We are B'nai Israel, and He calls Israel His son, even His b'kor, His firstborn. What does it mean if you're the firstborn? You have extra rights, you have extra privileges. So we see this connection. What about the house? In Exodus 34-26, it says, The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring, or the b'korim, which is another bent word, firstfruits, b'korim of your land, you shall bring unto the house of Yahweh thy Elohim. And Yahweh said unto Moshe, write these words, for after the tenure of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. And they wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten words, the ten commandments. This is the first place where the words, house of Yahweh. Be'it Yahweh appear. What is the Be'it Yahweh supposed to be about? It says it's a place where we bring the firstborn, doesn't say that, the firstfruits into the house. Well, guess who the firstfruits and the firstborn is? That's us. We are to come into the house of Yahweh. Even greater, we are the house of Yahweh. Baruch Hashem Yahweh? Isn't that right? He says bring the firstfruits into the house of Yahweh, and then later it tells us in the book of Corinthians that we are the house of Yahweh. We are the dwelling place of Yahweh. 1 Corinthians 6, 19. Turn with me there, Corinthians 6, 19. 1 Corinthians 6, 19. Let's look at verse 17. He that is joined, or is echad with Yahweh, becomes one with Him in spirit. Did you get that? If your spirit is one with Yahweh, the power tells us in Romans chapter 8, verse 11, that the power that raised Yeshua from the dead dwells in you. And if the power that raised Yeshua from the dead dwells in you, then the power that raised Yeshua from the dead will bring life to your mortal body. The very power that raised Yeshua from the dead on the third day is in you. Do you hear me? And it has power to bring life to your body. Hallelujah. Not just at resurrection, but life now. Here it tells us that our spirit is one with Him. Then it says to flee fornication. Why? Because it separates our spirit from Him. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he that commits fornication sits against his own body. Verse 19. Don't you know that your body is the Beit HaMikdash, the bait, the house, the temple of the Ruach HaKadosh, the Holy Set-apart Spirit, which is in you and which you have from Yahweh. You are not your own. Verse 20. You are bought with a price, therefore bring glory, tofear it to Yahweh in your body, in your bait, and in your Ruach, which are one with Him. We are His house. We are the bait of Yahweh. You could say we're the bait. So turn to your neighbor and say, You're the bait. You're the bait. You're the bait, Connie. Colby, you're the bait of Yahweh. In Ephesians, F.C.I. chapter 2, 20 through 22, it says, Beit Israel, the house of Israel, is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Yeshua, the Messiah Himself being the Ruach Pinah, the head cornerstone, in whom, get this, all the house, all the Beit being joined together grows into a holy temple. We grow together into the holy Beit HaMikdash into Yahweh. In whom you also are being built together as the house of Yahweh through the Spirit. Yahweh is building us up as His house. We are lively stones. We are His house. We are to be His house. We are to be that dwelling place of Yahweh. Now how do you do it? Does that mean, oh, I've got to go to church. Oh, I've got to go to synagogue. Oh, got to go to that building. We're not sure what to call it. We don't want to call it a church, but we've got some anti-Semitism. We don't want to call it a synagogue. So what is it? Oh, did I step on some toes? I'm sorry, my mother, you know, we've been in this faith for 10 years almost. And my mother said, oh, y'all going to church? We've had this talk. It is a synagogue. Y'all have a good time at church? Oh, y'all have church tonight? Sure, we have church on Friday nights in Hebrew. Anyway, Yahweh bless her. It isn't about a church. It's not even about a synagogue. It's not about the building. It's about the Ruach. It's about creating Yahweh a place of space in this world. You see, when we come together and Yahweh blesses us and we can feel His presence or we can sense His presence, that's okay. But you know what that's called? That's called a visitation. Everybody say visitation. It's called a visitation. That's nice. But I don't want a visitation. I want a habitation. You know what I'm saying? I don't want Him just to come and visit me. I want Him to come and stay with me. That's what being the house of Yahweh is all about. It's not about, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I was glad when they said unto me, let us go to the house of Yahweh. I'm going. I'm going to drive four hours, two hours, one hour. I'm going to get directions from Daniel. It's going to take me an extra hour just to get there. Sorry. Lesson one from the rabbi, never get directions. I get lost on stairs. I forget whether I'm going up or down. It's bad, okay, I'm telling you. Anywho, oh, I get to go. And then we go and oh, we had a good time. Oh, I learned some new Hebrew phrases. I danced a little bit. You go home. Then you wait. No, it's about, you know what? Every day you wake up and you say, oh, blessed are you, Yahweh. You gave me another day. I give you thanks. I give you praise. Now, Midrash tells us that all the letters came before Yahweh at creation. And they said, I want to be the first letter. I want to be the first letter. Can't you see Him now? Here comes the Pei. Here comes the Fei. Here comes the Nun. The Gimel. The Dalet. Oh, I want to be the first letter. But we're told that it was the bet was chosen. They each wanted to be the first letter of the Torah. But the rabbis tell us the bet was chosen because it's through the bet that we can bahuat Yahweh. We can bless Him. We can praise Him. We can say, teach you a new phrase. Baruch Shemot. Bless His name. Blessed is His name. Baruch Shemot. It's actually a tradition that when you're doing the traditional liturgy or the prayers in the Siddur on Shabbat, that when you say His name, that you can also just shout out, Baruch Shemot. Baruch Shemot. Bless His name. The bet was chosen to bless His name. Here's the truth. Get this. Get this in you right now, OK, Colby? Yahweh cannot praise Himself. He can't do it. Now I can praise myself. Hey, I'm a nice guy. I can say, hey, I'm a nice guy. I'm a good Elvis impersonator. Oh, baby. That's right. Put your smile on, honey. You know, I could do that. I could praise myself, but Yahweh's bigger and better and greater. He can't praise Himself. That's why He created us. That's why He made the bet. That's why He made the universe so we can praise Him. Amen? Now get this. Through blessings, a brachah, brachot, we can build a bayit, a house, to Yahweh and His Ben, His Son. That's the power of blessing. That's what Yahweh's showing us. That Yahweh, get this. Yahweh's Alis, right? One. And didn't we say that we're like the Elif? We're like the ox. We're the other one. When we come together, when we praise Him, what are we doing? We're building for Him a house. One plus one equals two. The number two, the bet. That through praise, we come together with Him where two or three are gathered in my name. He's in the midst. Here's a phrase, Baruch Hashem Yahweh, which means blessed is the name of Yahweh. Blessed is the name of Yahweh. Two points we can learn from this about blessing. Before we get there, let's talk about blessing Yahweh. The word Baruch literally means to do this, to bend the knee, to bow. Baruch Atah Yahweh. Baruch Hashem Yahweh. Dipping with your knees each time. Hebrew is a verb-oriented language. It is an action language. And Baruch means to bend the knee. And there are many groups who when they do the blessings, they stand and whenever they say Baruch Hashem Yahweh, they bend their knees. Whenever they do the blessings, even the candle lighting, Baruch Atah Yahweh Eloheinu melech haolam. They bend their knee at Baruch. They bend their knee to bless Yahweh. So it means bend the knee to the name of Yahweh. Now in Hoshea chapter 14, we see that our blessing Yahweh is like being in the temple, burning the incense, sacrificing the animals to Yahweh. Think about that. If we want to get back to Torah worship and break worship, it's got to include sacrifices. Now it doesn't mean we're going to go out there and sacrifice a bunch of goats and lambs. It means we're going to offer to Yahweh a sacrifice of praise and we're going to sacrifice our lives for each other. Anyone that says sacrifices have been done away with isn't walking very close to Yahweh. Because I don't know about you, but when Yahweh calls you closer, you have to sacrifice a lot. Amen? Amen. So Hoshea chapter 14 verses 1-2 says, Return, O Israel, to Yahweh your Elohim. Your sins have been your downfall. Take words with you and return to Yahweh. Say to Him, O Yahweh, forgive us of our sins. Receive us graciously that we may offer the fruit of our hay, of our lips, of our mouth. He says to Shuba, O Israel, turn and return to Yahweh. Your sins have been your downfall. And when you come back to Yahweh, take with you words. Does it say to take with you a bunch of animals to sacrifice? No. It says take words and return. So return with your actions and return with your words. And say to Him, Forgive us, Yahweh. Say to Him, Blessed is Your name, Yahweh. Offer to Him the fruit of Your lips. We say a lot during the week. And yet sometimes we come together on Shabbat. It's like Baruch Hashem. Baruch Hashem, Yahweh. Okay. Come on, Rabbi. Hurry up. I'm hungry. I smell the food. Baruch Hashem, Yahweh. Torah of Yahweh. Thank you. We have so much to be thankful for. We should offer Him the fruit of our lips as we return to Him. Now, there are two principles we can learn from the Bet. What's the number? The Bet? Two. And remember that as we look at these principles, the number two is symbolic of strength and confirmation. Revelation 11 verses three through four says, I will give power unto my, how many witnesses? My two witnesses. They shall prophesy, clothed in sackcloths. These are the two olive trees, which are the two candlesticks standing before Yahweh. The two houses of the house of Yahweh. The house of Israel. The two witnesses. How many people were with Yeshua on the Mount of Transfiguration? Two. Ecclesiastes chapter four tells us two are better than one because they have the good reward for their labor. Two is the number of confirmation of power and of purpose. Devarim chapter 19 verse 15 shows us that on the word of two or three witnesses, something shall be established. Now let's just clear this up. You might not have seen it. You might not have been there. But if there are two or three witnesses, then it is established. It has taken place. One witness shall not rise up against the man and say, oh, I saw him sinning. But at the mouth of two witnesses, at the mouth of three even, the matter shall be firmly established. That's powerful. That's powerful. Devarim 17.6 says on the evidence of two witnesses or three, he that's going to die should be put to death. But not just of one. So in Torah-based law, if you see your brother sinning and you go and report him, that might not be strong enough. There needs to be two or three witnesses. And we know Yeshua sent on His disciples. How many? Two and two. Luke 10.1. He sent out the 70, two by two. So there are two principles I want to teach you about in the bed. They're going to confirm each other. They're going to show you some powerful things here. All right, you ready? So number one, read it with me. Yahweh wants to bless us. Number two, read it. We return His blessings with blessings. Get that in you right now. Yahweh wants to bless you. He doesn't want to curse you. He doesn't want to curse you. Yahweh wants to pour out from heaven the floodgates of heaven upon you and pour out upon you a blessing that you cannot withstand. Sometimes we have this picture of Yahweh that He's holding something back. We just got to pray more. We just got to fast more. We just got to do more. And Yahweh's there wanting to bless us. We know the Aharonic Barakah. Yissa Yahweh. Yahweh bless you and keep you. Yahweh calls His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. Yahweh lift up His countenance upon you and give you shalom. Friend, Yahweh wants to bless you. Yahweh has commanded the blessing upon you. But we have this idea in our mind it's called a stronghold, but it doesn't. For some reason, He isn't. We are so blessed. In Ephesians 1-3, this is a powerful verse we should memorize. Blessed be Yahweh. What is that? Baruch atah Yahweh. Blessed are you, Yahweh, Abba of our Master Yeshua, who has blessed us with His blessing. Abba of our Master Yeshua, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavens in Messiah. Now get this. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings. Say that with me. All spiritual blessings. A little bit louder. All spiritual blessings. We've been blessed with every single spiritual blessing there is. And yet sometimes it's, oh me oh my, small fry. Me oh my, small fry? Small fry's a little fish. I'm just a little fish in this big pond. It's a small fry. You know, you got big fish you want to fry, but it's a small fry. Maybe this one has a picture of Jesus on it too. You never know. So anyway, we're there. I got these problems. I got this pain. I got this. I got that. Yahweh has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. But here's the problem. They're in the heavens. And where do we spend a lot of our time? On earth. We walk in the flesh. We cut ourself off from the blessings in the heavens. And what separates us from these spiritual blessings? Unbelief. Unbelief. But it's through emunah, emunah, emunah, through faith that we are able to reach up into the heavens symbolically and pull these blessings down. Now, it's not a matter of... You ever seen the TV preacher? He'd do this. Money cometh. He'd reach his hand into the sky. And he'd say, money cometh. Air cometh. That's about all you're going to get. You're grabbing for air. Hot air at that, okay? The blessings are in the spiritual realm. But it's not space that separates us from the blessings. It's our unbelief and it's our faith. There are things that block Yahweh's blessings. And we've got to remove those hindrances. And when we remove those hindrances, His blessings are able to flow to us. Get this. Yahweh has blessed us. The word has is past tense. Turn to your neighbor and say, it's in the past. It's in the past. It's in the past. He's done it already. You got it, Connie? You got it? Nancy? He's already done it. 1 Peter 2.4 By His stripes, we were healed. He's already provided the provisions for our healing, for our salvation, for everything that we could ever need. He's already done it. Many times we're like a dog chasing its tail. We're chasing after that blessing. What does that do? We're like running in circles. And we finally catch it and it hurts. We got it. We got that dog. We found out it's us. Did I just really bark? I guess I did. Okay. I'm getting into this. I'm sorry. So what do we got to do? We got to remove the hindrances. We got to remove these hindrances. Some of these hindrances are uncleanliness. If we are unclean before Yahweh, we can't expect Him to just pour out His blessings upon us. If the world, if we're walking in the world, walking in the flesh, if we spend more time reading soap opera books or watching TV all the time and less time in His Word, what do we expect? Do not be deceived. Whatsoever a man sows, he shall reap. What have you been sowing? That's what you're reaping. Curses. We speak more curses over ourselves. We don't even realize it. Now, I'm one that believes you got to admit you're sick before you get healed. Nobody came to Yahweh and said, Yeshua and said, I'm not sick, but I'm here to get prayed for. In the church today, especially in the charismatic movement, you know, it's, oh, don't speak that. You can't say you have a headache. You can't say that. Don't speak that. The word police are out there. I was in a Bible study one time. A lady came into that Bible study. She came in late. True story. And she said, oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. My father's in the hospital. They've diagnosed him with lung cancer. And the pastor's wife stood up and she grabbed her and said, honey, don't say that. He's not in the hospital. He don't have lung cancer. Don't say those curses on him. I couldn't believe it. There's faith and then there's sanity and insanity. You cannot deny what the reality is. But you know what you do? You take that reality and you take it to Yahweh. You say, you know what, Yahweh? I got this problem. I got this pain. You are bigger. You are greater. Every person that came to Yahweh had to admit they were sick, didn't they? And then they were healed. So it's not a curse. It's not a sickness. So it's not a curse. That doesn't say confess your sins to one another that you may be healed. It's not a curse to do that. However, if all you're doing is, I'm so sick. Oh, oh, I got this problem. I got that problem. Guess what you're probably doing? You probably are speaking curses over yourselves. Because instead of meditating on the Word and being positive with the Word, you're being negative. You're being negative. And that negativity has power. You've been to see a movie before? A funny movie? And you leave, you're in a great mood. You go to see a movie like a tragedy. Like just a sad movie. I don't know, like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Just a tragic movie. You leave it and you're sad. Your surroundings affect your attitude. We got to get rid of these things. Let me say a couple things here. We got to stop listening to negativity and stop allowing it to happen in our houses. Especially with the media, with the news, and with all these blasted emails. The end of the world is coming. 8808. Guess what? We're past that. And we're still here. The economy is going to collapse on January the 1st, 2000. Do you remember that? Y2K? Y2K. You better store up food. You better buy these books. It's 2008. Somebody had it wrong. Somebody made a lot of money. It is the philosophy of the world to overstate everything. Do you hear me? The doctor is going to give you the worst possible outcome. Because liability issues cause them to state the worst case scenario. The world says it's wisdom. Oh, don't get your hopes up. But don't you know that it's hope that keeps us going? If we don't have our hopes up, what's the problem? No wonder we're down in the dumps. No wonder we're frustrated. It's not just the secular media. Some of these prophets that are out there. Some of these emails. Some of these teachers. And here's the truth here. You don't spend months or years nurturing fear and panic and then, oh, I just turn it off. This is very difficult to stop. Spiritual forces of fear and panic and cursing and negativity. It's hard. Because if there are not enough negative things going on in your life, you then at 11 o'clock, cut on the news and there's everything else that's negative. Where's the good news? Do you know where it is? It's right here in the Torah. It's in the Word. Philippians 4, 6, it says, Be anxious for nothing, but with everything, with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, present your request to Yahweh. Then, then what? Then the peace of Yahweh, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Yeshua. That word for anxious there, the King James calls it careful. It means really to be anxious, like apprehensive or worried. Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing is going to be all right. Come on. Come on now. You look at me, you got that religious look at me, Karen. Oh, I can't believe he sung that. Don't worry about a thing. Every little thing is going to be all right. Don't be anxious about a thing. Don't be anxious about a thing. But in prayer, petition, and thanksgiving. What is it? Prayer, petition, and thanksgiving will guard our hearts and minds, and the peace that passes all understanding will keep us. If you want peace, it's going to come through prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, and not worrying. Everybody wants to be informed. Isaiah 26, 3, let's remember that. He will keep thee in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. We create the house for Yahweh when we bless Him, and then we turn around and bless others. We're to be like a pipeline. Too many of us are like a pipeline that's full of drain, though. It just goes straight in and straight out. We hog up things for ourselves. But Yahweh blesses us so we can bless others. Amen. Get this. Psalm 67, 1 and 2. Tehillim 67, 1 and 2. Yahweh be merciful to us. Bless us. Cause His face to shine on us, that thy ways may be known upon the earth, thy saving help among the nations. The reason why Yahweh causes His face to shine upon you, the reason why He gives you the Aaronic blessing, the reason why He blesses you is why? That you may be a saving help among the nations. Not so you can hoard it up for yourself. We're supposed to be saving the nations. Let's be honest. Sometimes we have a hard time saving ourselves. Yahweh says, get these hindrances out so I can bless you abundantly so you can bless the others. What did we say? You bless those in the bait of Yahweh first, and then you bless the world. Psalm 67, 1 and 2. Matthew 25. Are we doing this? Is this us? For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, you invited me in. I was naked, you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me. This is what we should be doing. This is what we should be doing. Not getting our tan by the light of our computer screen because we're studying and studying and studying all the time. Now I've got that tan. I'm guilty. So what do we do? We feed the hungry. We give drink to the thirsty. We help the stranger. We clothe those who need it. We visit the sick, and we go to the prison. Or is Yeshua going to turn to us and say, depart from me, you workers of iniquity. You might have had the right Hebrew words. You might have blessed me. You might have said, Baruch Hashem Yahweh, but when I blessed you, you kept it. You were selfish. Ladies and gentlemen, this is our calling. This is who we have to be as the bait of Yahweh, as the house of Yahweh, as a ministry, and as families. We are part of the commonwealth of Israel. Isn't that right? Get this. We are part of the commonwealth, and our wealth should be commonly shared between each other. You have a need. I may be able to meet that need. I may have a need you may be able to meet. Commonwealth, Ephesians 2.12. Remember that you were at one time separate from Yahweh, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel. We were at one time separated. Now we're part of the commonwealth. Now we should be sharing and loving each other. Now we should be coming together and understanding that whatever you have, Yahweh has blessed you with. You might not have a lot. Your walls may be caving in, but you know what? Yahweh has blessed you. You're part of the commonwealth of Israel, and now that wealth is to be commonly shared. He didn't bless me with finances to keep for myself. He didn't bless me with a home. He didn't bless me with a car. He didn't bless you with your clothes. He didn't bless you with abilities and gifts to hold back. If you can talk, then talk for Yahweh. If you can sing, then sing for Yahweh. If you can sow, then sow for Yahweh. If you can share, then share for Yahweh. Commonwealth, Acts 2.44-47 says, And they believed in one God, they were one, and they had all things in common. That means I could have gone to their house and got a loaf of bread, and they wouldn't have fussed at me. And they sold their possessions and goods, and they divided them to all men as they had need. No longer was it, Ooh, I'm rich, you're poor, I'm middle class, you're upper class, you got a jaguar. They sold everything they had, and everybody was common. They had a common commonwealth. They had a common wealth. Do you know what that reminds me of? The offering that was given in temple times. Each person was to give a half shekel. The rich couldn't give more. The poor couldn't give less. They came to Yahweh on an even plane. It says, They continued daily as one in the Beit HaMikdash. Where? In the temple. In the temple. This is after Yeshua. This is after the Holy Ghost. So take your Christian friends here and say, Look, if I shouldn't be going to synagogue, why does it say here, They went to the temple? It says, They went to the temple and from Beit to Beit. From house to house, breaking bread. Folks, we got to do better on this bread breaking part. That doesn't mean we have a tea party one night at Karen's, and then the next night we're at Don's, and the next night we're partying at Daniel's, and the next night we're cleaning up at Daniel's, and the next night we're at Will's. They did eat their food with joy and a pure heart. And guess what they were doing? Offering Barakah to Yahweh. Blessing to Yahweh. Having favor with all people. You want favor? You want the Ham, the Chesed of Yahweh? Bless Him. Bless Him. Don't be negative. Bless Him. And Yahweh added to their congregation daily. It's not a new evangelism technique that's going to add people to our congregation. It's going to be us being one with each other, offering blessing to Yahweh, and being one with Yahweh. A healthy tree grows, amen. A healthy ministry grows. So let's go to Psalm 119. That was just the introduction. Let's go to Psalm 119. So Helam 119. Mark's like, oh my goodness, that's just the introduction. I'm in trouble. So let's go to Psalm 119. Yahweh wants to bless us. We return His blessings with more blessings. But our actions and thoughts and motives sometimes stop His blessings. So we have to press through for a breakthrough. We create a house for Yahweh when we bless others and when we bless Him. So to Helam chapter 1, excuse me, to Helam chapter 119, Psalm 119, verses 9 through 16. This is the bet section. Each one of these verses begin with a bet, the B sound, the second letter in the aleph, bet. Verse 9. I'm going to read it in Hebrew, then in English. If you'll follow along, please. How shall a young man cleanse his path? By guarding it according to your word. Verse 10. With my whole heart I have sought you. Oh, let me not wander from your mitzvot, your commandments. Verse 11. In your heart I've hidden your word, Yahweh, that I may not sin against you. Verse 12. Blessed are you, Yahweh, teach me your mitzvot, your chukim, your commandments. Verse 13. With my lips have I declared all of your mishpatim, your judgments of your mouth. Verse 14. I have had joy in your derech, in your way of your testimonies, as much as I have in all riches. Verse 15. I will meditate in your precepts and have respect for your way. Verse 16. I will delight myself in your judgments, precepts. I will not forget your words. This is a poem, Psalm 119, that King Dawid wrote under the inspiration of the Ruach HaKodesh, all with a bet. How can you cleanse your way, it says, by taking heed to his word? Can you say this? With my whole heart I have sought you. Oh, let me not wonder from your commandments. As we begin to learn him and seek him, we will find his mitzvot. We will find his commandments. Verse 11. In my heart I've hidden your word, Yahweh, that I may not sin against you. We need to get that. Until we begin to memorize the word of Yahweh, we will continue to lose our spiritual battles. The adversary came to Yeshua and tempted him. And Yeshua said, it is written. It is written. It is written. Do you know what we say? I think it's written in the book of First, First, Nancy, First. Oh, I think it's written. I think the word says. No, Yeshua said it is written. He knew. We've got to begin to memorize the word. And if that means all you do is memorize one verse a week at the end of a year, you've learned what? 52 verses. One is better than none. We've got to hide his word in our heart. But we can't hide it there by just sleeping on top of our Bible. We've got to put it there. In my heart I've hidden your word that I may not sin against you. If you want to stop sinning, find a verse on the subject you're struggling with and memorize it. My practice is to memorize one verse a week from the teaching that I give. That's what I do. That's practical. That's a practical way to learn it. Look at the next verse. This is how we praise Yahweh. Verse 12. Blessed are you, Yahweh. Teach me your chukim, your commandments. Say it with me. Baruch atah Yahweh. Lamdeni kukeka. Blessed are you. Baruch atah Yahweh. You don't have to make it up as you go. It's right here in the Scriptures. Go back to Abraham when he was visited that day. He said, blessed is Yahweh. Blessed are you, Yahweh. With my lips I've declared your judgments. Now, let me ask you this. Melanie, if you were to get a doorbell, ding dong, doorbell were to ring at your house, ding dong, and a guy shows up and he says, congratulations, can I see Melanie Franklin, please? And Melanie, Melanie Franklin, congratulations, you have now won $10 million from the Publisher's Clearinghouse. I can just see you. She would start jumping up and down. She would start screaming. Wouldn't you? They could hear you for three states. Every moose in Canada could hear your scream. Right? You would be so happy. Oh, I've got riches. All my problems are thrown away. Look at verse 14, Psalm 119, verse 14. I have had joy in the way of your testimonies as much as winning the Publisher's Clearinghouse. As much as the Powerball. As much as all riches. As much as my last name being Trump or Gates. I am rejoicing in his testimonies. That should be our attitude towards his Word. But most people, it's the opposite, is it not? But yet he says here about his Torah. Remember, David wasn't talking about the New Testament. He wasn't talking about the book of Psalms. He was speaking about Torah. I have joy in your testimony as much as in all riches. That's powerful. And then it says, I will meditate on your precepts. I'm not just going to read it. I'm not just going to memorize it, but I'm going to meditate on it. Now, don't think of New Age meditation. By the way, how does a cow meditate? OK, that's right. Don't think of New Age or cow. Sorry, I went there. Don't think of New Age or cow meditation. Think of biblical meditation. What is biblical meditation? Selah. Have you heard that phrase before? Selah. It means to pause and to think calmly upon it. There's nothing wrong with biblical meditation of clearing your mind of all your worries and cares, getting a scripture verse, a word, even a Hebrew letter, and just meditating on it and say, Yahweh, speak to me. Who was it out in the field? Was it Jacob? Because he was out in the field meditating when his bride came running on the camel. He was out in the field meditating on Yahweh's greatness. It's one of those powerful spiritual truths that we forget about. Meditating on his word is doing this, allowing him to speak to you. You know, a lot of times we go to pray and it's, you know, we're praying. We're giving out all the things we need. Here's our shopping list. Here's our whatever. And we never stop to meditate and listen. We've got to learn to meditate upon his precepts. And do you know what happens? When you hide his word in your heart by memorizing them, then you begin to meditate on it. It's not just mindless memorization like we had to do in school. It's we're putting his word in our heart, in my heart. I've hidden your word, Yahweh, that I may not sin against you. And then I'm going to take it and meditate on your precepts. I'm going to think about your ways. I will delight myself and I will not forget your word. If we want to be a channel of blessing, we've got to be a channel of his word. Amen. That's what Barakat is all about. Blessing Yahweh, blessing others is how we show the love of Yahweh. Now, we've said this before. The first two letters in Aleph Bet, Aleph in Bet spell what? Av, which is father. Father. How do we show father Yahweh to others? It's by blessing them. And it's by blessing him. A couple Bet words. B'nai means children. B'nah, knowledge. Knowledge. B'nah is knowledge. B'rit Milah. B'rit is Hebrew for covenant. It's actually Hebrew for cutting. B'rit Milah is the cutting of the skin. It's circumcision. B'chor is firstborn. Firstborn. B'rit is covenant, but again, it means to cut. B'vel, Babel. B'chur means to bless. B'churim is firstfruits. B'seder, we use a seder at Passover. It means the order. So, if someone ever says to you, how are you doing? You can say, ah, B'seder, everything's in order. It's all as it's supposed to be. I don't know when that would ever be, but if it ever is, you'd say B'seder. B'sar, flesh. Bet Din. The word Bet means house, right? So, Bet Din, Din means judgment. A Bet Din is a house of judgment. It's usually a couple of leaders or rabbis that come together and decide how the congregation is going to function. Ve'it, house. Bar means son. Baruch Shemot blesses the name. Bat is daughter. Bat Zion means daughter of Zion. So, you've got a Bar Mitzvah, which means a son of the covenant. Bat Mitzvah means daughter of the covenant. Brit Am. So, what's Brit? It's covenant or cutting. Am means the people. Brit Am means the covenant people. Bin, son. Bat Kol. Kol is Hebrew for voice. Bat is Hebrew for daughter. Actually, the daughter's voice. Also, Hebrew for the heavenly voice heard from heaven. In the scriptures, it's called the Bat Kol. Isn't that interesting? Vima. Vima is a place where the Torah is read. It's usually a throne. You've got the white throne judgment called the Vima judgment. Ber Sheet means in the beginning. And Brit Hadashah is the newer testament. The new cutting, you could say. Renewed covenant. So, these first two letters reveal to us that the Father Yahweh is speaking to us through the Alephbet. So, whenever you say the word Alephbet, remember of, remember father. Remember Yahweh speaks to us through his letters. Amen. He speaks to us through his letters. We don't need to search for signs. We don't need a fish stick with the picture of Jesus. Or we can learn from his letters. And we can practice what we've learned. May we commit today to be like the Alephbet. To be like the Aleph. To be one with Yahweh. To be one with each other. And to be like the Bet. To be a vessel of blessing. To Yahweh and then from Yahweh. Thank you again for listening to the Finding Emet radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. Search the Bible, submit your prayer request, or read an article on various subjects. The website is That's That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. That's Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding Emet with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the Emet. And may the Emet, may the truth set you free.