Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a radio program called Finding Emet that focuses on understanding and living the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The program features teaching by Brother Daniel Rindleman and offers resources and lessons on the website The current series is about the Hebrew letters and their meanings. The letter being discussed in this episode is "Koth," which represents glory and honor. It is explained that Adam was originally crowned with glory, but sin caused him to lose it. The goal is to restore that crown through righteousness. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rindleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program or submit your prayer requests. That's or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rindleman, as he helps us find the Emet. This is going to continue our series, our teachings, on Hebrew, the living letters. It's an in-depth teaching series on the letters of the Aleph Bet. As we've been going through, these are all available at the, and we've been discussing these. We talked about the Aleph, the Bet, the Gimel, and the numbers, the one, two, and three, of course, the Dalet, the Hay, and the Vav, about what they mean. In each of these Hebrew letters, they're not just Hebrew letters, are they? They're letters, they're numbers, they're pictures, they're symbols, they're stories for us. We talked about the Zayin, which is the number seven. We discussed the Khet, which is actually the Hebrew word for sin, and the Ket, which is the number nine. We've also discussed the Yod, which is the Hebrew for hand, or Yad, which would be Hebrew for hand. It's the tenth letter of the Aleph Bet, and a picture of a hand. Now, we know we call upon the name of Yahweh in Hebrew. There's power in that name when we call upon the Hebrew name of Yahweh, and we use the name of Yahshua, his son. And there's power in that. So, we know there's power in just the Hebrew names of Yahweh, how much more so in the rest of the Aleph Bet in the language. So, as we go through these series, it brings us to our next letter, which is the Koth. The Koth. Also, you might see it as Hoth, or you might see it as Koth. Like that. How about that? Is that okay? Something in my throat. It's Koth, Hoth, or Koth. Got it? Like that. It's a good way to remember it. So, Matthew, you'll remember it. Koth. Aleph Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Hay, Bab, Zion, Yod, Bab, Zion, Ket, Tet, Yod, Koth. All right. We know that power of life and death is in the tongue. Those that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. It tells us this in Proverbs 18, 21, and again, it's the Hebrew tongue. It's the Hebrew tongue where this power of life and death is. Now, just recently, there was an award given, a very interesting award that was given. Educator of the Year Award was given out for 2008, and it was not given to a teacher, but it was given to an entertainer. Who would you guess would receive an Educator of the Year Award? Who do you think in entertainment has done a lot for education? Bill Cosby? Yeah, yeah. I would agree. I think Bill Cosby's done probably a lot. I may read Jerry Seinfeld. No, he hasn't done anything. Just told a bunch of Jewish jokes. Anyone in entertainment that you've seen really involved in education, anyone particular? Really amazing, because it was actually Jay Leno. Jay Leno received an award from this group called, and all these educators gave him an award for Educator of the Year. You know what he's done? He has a segment on his television show devoted for education, and they say that this segment has done more for education in letting people realize how stupid they are, and it's this part called jaywalking. Jaywalking. You ever seen The Tonight Show? I'm not up that late that much. I am and ain't watching Jay Leno, but he does this jaywalking is what he calls it, and he walks around with this microphone, and he has this microphone or so, and people come up, and he asks them a question. Just regular people, and it's amazing what people don't know. So this group, this education group,, said, you know what, he has done more to show us that our educational system is broken. Do you believe it? I brought up a segment of jaywalking for us to... Whoa! Who is this? That guy who played in that movie, Gandhi. Ben Kingsley? Ben Kingsley. No, that is not Ben Kingsley. Who is that? Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi, yes. That is Gandhi. That's the action. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That is Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. That's Gandhi. If you read enough in a Bible dictionary, you'd say this. The glory, the weight, the heaviness, the significance, praise, the power. Kavod means moral beauty. It means character. It means physical presence. It means honor. That's what the kavod of Yahweh is. All of that together. It's his significance. It's who Yahweh is. Does that make sense? It's his honor. Another phrase, teferit. You might have heard teferit before. Kavod denotates his energy, his significance, his splendor, his radiant flow. That everything was made for the glory, the honor of who? Of Yahweh. Psalm 8 verse 5 says, For you have made man a little lower than the Elohim, or angels, and have crowned him with glory and honor. Did you hear that? That at creation, you were crowned, or at creation, Adam was crowned with kavod. Crowned with what? Glory. He had this crown of glory. So, kavod. It's glory. And it says that he created man. Look at this. Psalm 8, Tehillim 8 verse 5. You made man a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor. You, in the beginning of the creation, man was made glorious. We were perfect. Do you understand that? Adam was perfect. He had a perfect relationship with Yahweh. But what did Adam do? He decided to go for the path of the desire to receive for self alone. He decided to sin. And what happens? What does Romans 3.23 say? All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Yahweh. Do you know what that means? It doesn't mean you've fallen short of how great Yahweh is. It means that because of sin, we've lost the glory that Yahweh crowned us with. Yahweh crowned Adam with glory and honor. But we've all sinned and therefore we've fallen short. We've lost that glory. We've lost that crown of life. So, what is life all about? It's about restoring that crown. What does it say we'll receive in heaven? A crown of righteousness. A crown of life. Five different crowns spoken of in the newer testament. Yes, we don't measure up to Yahweh. And sin drove Adam out of the garden. Sin pushed Adam away from Yahweh. Now, since then, Yahweh has given us a symbol or a sign. A picture to remind us of this exile that we're in. And do you know what that is? It's the Hebrew letter Kaf and it is the head covering. The head covering. So, we're going to talk about this dangerous subject for a little while today, which is the head covering and the issues that it brings up. If you look at the Kaf, it's a rounded letter. It looks like a backwards C. It looks like a backwards C. It's rounded. It looks like a backwards C. And if it ever shows up at the end of a word, it looks like a big dollot. A long dollot. The head covering was given as a picture of exile in the idea to remind us that we've lost our glory. That because of sin, we are in exile. And we've done that. So, let's look at a couple things here dealing with this subject of head coverings and what's actually going on. Because guess what? Who's heard the word Kippah? Kippah. Heard of Kippah before? A little round hat. Sometimes they have a little propeller on them. No, no, no, that's a beanie hat. Kippah. And the word Kippah begins with the letter Kaf, which is, guess what? Our subject today, the letter Kaf. Now, if we take a look at 1 Corinthians chapter 11, 1 Corinthians chapter 11, it says here that men should not pray with their head covered. That's what the NIV says, the Nearly Inspired Version. The New American Standard Version says men should not pray with their head covered. So, what do we take that to mean? You go to church? Take off your ball cap, right? You go into the courtroom? Take off your ball cap. Don't pray with your head covered? You've got to say grace? Take off your ball cap. 1 Corinthians chapter 11 says that men should not pray with their heads covered. Okay? It says that. Something to consider here. Let's look at 1 Corinthians 11, verse 1. The imitators of me, even as I imitate Messiah, now I praise you, Israel brothers, that you remember me in all things and keep the Chukhim and Mishpatim as I delivered them to you. But I want you to know that the head of every man is Messiah. The head of every woman is the man. The head of Messiah is Yahweh. Every man making prayer or prophesying, having his head veiled and hanging down dishonors his head. So, that's where we get this idea of you take off your ball cap when you're in prayer. Alright? Now, here's what's interesting too. 1 Corinthians chapter 9, verse 20 says, And to the Jews I became a Jew, that I might gain the Yahudim, the Jewish people, to them that are under the Torah, as under the Torah, that I might gain them that are under the Torah. You've heard it when in Rome do as the Romans do? No, no, no. When I was with the Jewish people, I did as they did. Let me tell you something. You go to Israel and you wear a tzitzit and you don't wear a head covering, people will throw things at you. The Orthodox, they will hunt you down. I'm not joking. They take the head covering more seriously than they do the tzitzit wearing. You walk in the sides. You've been there, right? You walk in the sides of where the Orthodox are. Don't go to the wall without a head covering on. Is that correct? Don't go to the western wall without that. So is there a contradiction here? Here he says, you know what, Paul or Shaul says, I wore a head covering. I did what the Jewish people needed me to do because we know they wore head coverings way back when, they wear them today, to minister to them. And then a couple of verses later he says, Oh, you shouldn't pray with your head covered. Contradiction or misunderstanding? Misunderstanding, we hope and pray. The kippah is Hebrew and it starts with a cough. It's spelled, cough, yod, pay, hay. Cough, say it with me. Cough, yod, pay, hay. And many cough words deal with the issue of the head covering. Now I bet you think, oh, I know what he's going to talk about. Because whenever people talk about head covering, they talk about submission. Spiritual submission. Spiritual submission. Spiritual authority. That's a by-product. The bigger issue here is kavod. Glory. Glory. The head covering is a picture of glory. That's what it's a picture of. Not spiritual submission. You better listen to me or you're off with your head. That was supposed to be a joke. It's not that. It's glory. It's because it tells us in 1 Corinthians that what does it say that the woman's glory is? Her hair. Doesn't it say that? That the woman's glory is her hair. Then it tells us that it says that every man, you know, when he makes prayer, if he has his head covered like a veil, dishonors his head. How does he dishonor his head? Because if he's covering like a veil or veiling over his hair, then he's messing up there. We'll talk some more about that. But it's very important to understand that there's no contradiction here. The cough will show us this. The cough is the 11th letter of the Hebrew alephbet and it's the number 20. So from alephbet gimel dalet hei vav zayekhet tet yod it's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. At cough, the letters start receiving by tens. So cough is 20. We'll be discussing the lamed soon. Lamed. Lamed. And that's the number 30. The mem is the number 40. And so forth. So the cough is the number 20. It has a K sound as in kite. But if you ever see it with a dot in the middle or dagesh, it's like bak. Bak. It gives you that sound. K, k, sound. So when you look at the cough and you see it, it's like a sieve, it's backwards. It resembles a king laying down with his crown on is the picture that we have. Some cough words include teeter. You might have heard keter. That is Hebrew for crown. Cohen. Hebrew for priest. What about Cohen Hagadol? The great priest. The high priest. Kippah. Kipparim. You've heard of Yom Kippur? Guess what? It means covering. Kalev, which is dog. And then, of course, the kochavim, which is the stars. The stars in the sky. So you see how all of these deal with glory? Doesn't it say the heavens declare the glory of Yahweh? Guess what's in the heavens? The kochavim, a cough word. Isn't Yahweh great? That's there. The Yom Kippur shows the glory of Yahweh. Kavod is spelled cough, vet, vav, dalach. The cough is the number 20. 20 symbolic. 20 years Jerusalem waited for its capture and destruction between Jeremiah prophesying it. 20 years the Ark of the Covenant waited. It deals with waiting a good bit. 20 years Jacob waited to get possession of his wives in prophecy in Genesis 21. 20 years Israel waited for deliverance through Samson in the book of Judges. It's a picture of waiting. What are we waiting on? What does it say? That Yeshua is bringing many sons to glory, to kavod. Now how does he do that? What is he bringing? He's bringing many sons to glory. The cough is similar in the design of the vet. Whenever you look at the cough, you want to be careful you don't get them confused. Because the cough is rounded, but the vet has a tail on the end. They're very similar. The vet and the cough. And then at the end of the letter, the cough has its own design. It looks like a big D, a big dalach. So this letter is important because it symbolizes the kavod of Yahweh and it symbolizes the subject we're talking about today. Do we have a contradiction? If the word Kohen, which is priest, begins with a cough, the word Kippah begins with a cough, do you think there's a connection there? April, do you think there's a connection there? I bet there is. Because what did the priests wear? Head coverings. They had to. The high priest wore two just to make sure. He had his head covered at all times. So we're going to tie it all together. Let's look at Exodus chapter 19 verse 6. It's repeated in the Newer Testament and it tells us that you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation. Yahweh is calling the entire nation to be priests. Did you know that? You shall be unto me a chut of Kohenim, a kingdom of priests, a kadosh nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel. Yahweh says you're a priest, Matthew. You're Kohen. And guess what? Kohen's had to have their heads covered. We know that after Yahweh made this comment here, Moshe received Torah, went up on the mountain, this is at Shavuot, and then there was the sin of the golden calf. Holy cow, remember that one? There was the sin of the golden calf. After the sin of the golden calf, what tribe was chosen for the priesthood? Levites. That's right. Lewi. The Levites. And so this began the official office of the Kohen, which begins with the Koh. This begins its official office. And if you look at Exodus chapter 28 verse 1, And bring your Aaron and your brothers and your sons with them from among the children of Israel, that they may serve me in the Kohen's office. So they come forward as these Kohens, as these priests. And we see what happens there in Numbers chapter 8 verse 16, as they come forward, as they are anointed, as they are made the priests, they are anointed. And where's that oil placed? On their head. In Numbers 8 verse 16 it says, For they are wholly given to me from among the children of Israel. Instead of their bachorism, the firstborn, I have taken these Levites. These priests were to serve, to minister to Yahweh, going before the king of kings. And yet, even in the priests, there was an order. Wasn't there, Karen? There was an order. There was the Kohen, the Kohenim, and then there was the Kohen Hagadol, the big guy, the high priest, the great priest. And now the high priest had special dress. He didn't wear the same clothes as the other priests wore. He had a special garment that he would wear once a year as he went into the Holy of Holies. Now we know that it included what, the breastplate? We had the umen and the thumen that were there. We know that it included, you know, linen garments. And he had a special head covering. A special head covering that had a couple of words on it that said, Kadosh to the Yahweh. What does that mean? It means holy to Yahweh, set apart to Yahweh. Look at Exodus 28, verse 4, please. Exodus 28, a lot of Scripture today as we look at the Koh, the Kippah, and the office of the Kohen, and how this all brings glory to Yahweh. In Exodus 28, verse 4. Alright. It says, So it included in this version, it says, a turban. Look at verse 9. So here in these stones had these. And then look at chapter 39, verse 28. Tells us a little more about this. It says, What other words are used in your translations besides turban? This is Exodus 39, verse 29. In verse 31. Anybody got another translation? What does it say? Exodus 39, verse 31. Did it call it turban in that translation? Turban? We got a turban? Bonnet? Like an Easter bonnet. Yes, that's it. Ah, come on. But it says bonnet. Okay, bonnet. Do you see the picture of a wrap? Like a bonnet? Okay. We are told in Leviticus chapter 10, verse 6. Listen to this. So this would be the Levites, the priests. Do you hear this? Do not uncover your heads. Do not take your head coverings off. Do not tear your clothes lest you die. Lest wrath come upon all the people. But let your brothers, all Israel, mourn the burning which Yahweh has lit. So it says, don't go into that mourning like them. Don't take off your head covering. Leviticus 21, verse 10. Tells us. He was told, you are set apart. You are special. Don't take your head covering off. Don't take it off. The high priest and the priest were not to take it off. Now, was this just any type of head covering? Was it a special type? What are we dealing with here? Was it a kippah? Was it a round? Was it a beanie? Was it knitted? What exactly was it? And the way we get that answer is through the Hebrew. Everybody say Hebrew. Hebrew. We got to go to the Hebrew. To the source. So in Exodus 29, 9. Let's go back there. It says, and you shall gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, and put on the turbans on them. In the King James it uses the word bonnet. You shall put bonnets on them. And the Cohen's office shall be theirs for perpetual work. So, we read how all Israel was called to be priests. Then we see how the Levitical tribe was called to be the priests in place of the Israelites. Okay? And they were told the Levites could not take their head coverings off. And it was a type of bonnet. Now, the Hebrew word for bonnet is Strong's number 4021, which is Migba'ah. Migba'ah. Whose root word is Hebrew 1389, which means cap or hill. Now, if you look at Migba'ah, Strong's Hebrew 4021, look at the definition. Do you know what it says? It says this word. Hemispherical shaped. Like a hemisphere. Hemispherical shaped. Like a hemisphere. So, if you look at a sphere, that's a ball. A hemisphere is half a ball. Doesn't it make sense? A sphere is a ball, a round globe. Hemisphere is half of that. Well, guess what? The kippah you've got on, Brother Vincent, is just like that. If you were to take two of those together, you'd have what looks like a ball. That's where the rounded shape of a kippah comes from. The actual Hebrew word for bonnet here is Migba'ah, which means cap or hill. It specifically uses the word hemispherical shaped. So, this was the kippah, the semicircle, worn by all the priests. Everybody wore it. Everybody say everybody. Everybody. The priests. The Kohens wore this. But the high priest, he wore that, and then he wore something else on top of that. A special garment in Exodus 29. In Exodus 39, verse 28. A turban of fine linen, it says in this translation. Beautiful turban ornament to fine linen. Turban. We also read bonnet. Bonnet. In the English, it's the same word. They use bonnet in both places in the King James Version. It's two separate and distinct, totally different meanings in the Hebrew. In the Hebrew, it's the word... In Exodus 29.6. Exodus 29.6. You shall put the turban upon his head and Kaddosh's crown upon his turban. You might have heard the word, is it mitre? Heard that before? Mitre. M-I-T-R-E. It's the Strong's word, 4701, which means mitnefe'eth. Mitnefe'eth. Mitnefe'eth, which means to wrap. Like a turban. From the Hebrew word 6801, which actually means roll or to wind up. So they wore this little covering. And then they wore... The high priest wore a wrap around it that said Kaddosh l'Yahweh. And so you see sometimes men that will wear taller head coverings like this. Like what Brother Bill has on. Like what I like to wear. And this is more... This is more clearly a picture of what the high priest would wear than the priests themselves. Okay? Now it's pretty clear that the style... What they wore. Any questions about the style? It's pretty clear what the style was. You had the hemispherical shape. Then you had the turban style. But what was the purpose? What was the purpose? Why did Yahweh say, cover your head. Don't uncover your head. Don't take it off you priest of Yahweh. There's a reason behind it. It tells us in 2 Samuel. 2 Samuel chapter 2. Excuse me, chapter 15. It says David went to the mountain of Olives. He went barefoot weeping. And he covered his head as he prayed. And it says this. Quotation marks. And all the people covered their heads and prayed. Now was David in sin? Because Paul said don't cover your head when you pray or prophesy. Here it says David did it. Now if Yahweh's word is eternal, somebody is wrong. Or we have a wrong understanding. What about Ezekiel? Ezekiel goes to prophesy. And guess what Yahweh tells Ezekiel? He says cover your head before you prophesy Ezekiel. He was told in Ezekiel chapter 24. Listen to this. And the word of Yahweh came to me saying, Do not weep. Do not let tears hold you back. Do not make mourning for the dead. Bind the turban on your head around you. Put on your sandals upon your feet. Cover not your lips. Do not eat the bread of men. He said here. Verse 20. And I answered to the word of Yahweh. And it said speak to B'nai Israel. This says the master of Yahweh. See I will profane my Qadosh place. The excellency of your strength. The desire of your eyes. Which your being pities. And your sons and your daughters whom you have left small. Shall fall by the sword. And you shall do as I have done. You shall not cover your lips. Nor eat the bread of men. And your turban shall be upon your head. Your sandals upon your feet. You shall not mourn. You shall not weep. You shall waste away for your iniquities. And mourn with one another. And he goes on. He prophesied with his head covered. You see my point? And yet Paul says don't prophesy with your head covered. Now those in the Messianic movement that say that the head covering comes from Babylon. We shouldn't wear a head covering because it comes from Babylon. And that's what the Pope wears. Have you seen the Pope? This big garment that looks like the high priest garment. And then the cardinals that wear the little beanies. And I said don't wear those because that's what the Pope wears. Because it comes from Babylon. Babylonian sun worship. That the kippah we are told by some is a picture of the sun. And they would wear it on top of their head. And it comes from Babylon. Let me tell you. I don't agree. I believe it comes from Yahweh's word. It went to Babylon. And guess what? They perverted it. The book of Daniel shows us this. Don't believe me? Don't take my word for it. Look at the book of Daniel. Daniel. Because how many know about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abiligo? Everybody knows that story about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abiligo, right? They were... Do you believe these guys would compromise? No. They were sold out to Yahweh. They wanted to do what Yahweh said. They were going to follow Yahweh. They would not eat the king's good food. They were not going to give in one little bit. They were thrown into the fire because they would not compromise. And the fire burned them up and yet they didn't even smell like smoke. I can't get around a cigarette. Somebody smoking and not smell like it. They were in the midst of the fire. And didn't smell like it. But look at Daniel chapter 3 when it talks about how they were thrown into the fire. Look at verse 20. And he commanded the mightiest men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abiligo and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace. Verse 21. And these men were bound in their coats and trousers and their head coverings and their other garments and were cast into the middle of the burning furnace. Therefore, because the king's commandment was urgent, the furnace exceedingly hot, the flame that fired them killed the men that took them up. But they were thrown into the fire with their heads covered. Do you see that? If they weren't supposed to have head coverings, if head coverings were Babylonian sundials, if the equipers were wrong, I don't think they would have been wearing them. And if you look for the Hebrew word for head covering there, it's the same exact hemispherical Hebrew word. So, did it go to Babylon? Yes. It went and then it was perverted. They were thrown in with their kippahs on. Why? Because they wouldn't bow to the king. Isn't that why? Because you know what? When you bow, you're giving glory, you're giving another tough word, kavod to the king. They would not bow to the king. Because where does the kippah go? On top of your head. And when you bow, you're bending your head in submission. The kippah, the head covering, is a picture of submission to give glory to Yahweh. The head covering, I believe, went to Babylon and was compromised. Because the head covering has been perverted. Everybody say perverted. I mean, there's all types. There are those like Osama Bin Laden. You've seen him? Pictures of him? Maybe you've seen him. I mean, you might find him faster than Bush can. I don't know. But you've seen him, right? Driving a taxi. Anyway, you saw him. You've seen his picture, right? And he's got on this turban. And the Muslims, the Islamic people, many times will wear these head coverings that are perversion of what Yahweh has commanded. Then you've got the cardinals, the bishops, the Catholic priests. Even the Pope that wears them are red. The Pope himself will wear this huge piece. Remember when the Pope passed away? Pope John. And he sat there and laid there for everyone to come see his dead body. And he had this huge head covering on. Then you've got Christianity. They don't wear head coverings at all. Joel Osteen preaches every Sunday morning with his head not covered whatsoever. So there are perversions that have taken place. There are groups in Christianity that say, oh, the ladies have to have it in a bonnet, you know, at all times. But when you see a man with a head covering, you're thinking what? He's either Jewish or Islamic. Most of the time. It's one of the two. He's either Jewish or Islamic. And you see a Christian, you go into a Christian church with the ball cap on, and they ask to take it off. The head covering or kippah is a practice of the priests long before it became a practice of the pagans. The enemy has a counterfeit for everything Yahweh has. Don't we know that? So what do we see? We see Yeshua coming, and He does something. He changes the priesthood back to what it was intended to be. Turn with me to the book of Hebrews, which by the way, belongs in your Bible. Don't let somebody tell you it shouldn't be in your Bible. They just don't understand it. And I don't understand it all either. That's where faith comes in and study. Hebrews 7, verses 24 through 28. Hebrews 7. Let's look at verse 24 and 28 and see what Yeshua did to the priesthood. But this man, because he is immortal, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come to Yahweh through him, seeing as he lives forever to make intercession for them. For such a high priest, Kohen Hagadol, became fully fit for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, made higher than the heavens, who need not daily, as the priests did, offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then up for the people of his sins. For this he did once, when he offered up himself. For the Torah makes men, Kohen Hagadol, who have human weaknesses, but the word of the oath, which was after the Torah, appointed the Son, who has been perfected forever. Now what does this mean? First of all, it says that Yeshua is immortal. He's brought an unchangeable priesthood. Bringing it back to the way it was supposed to be when the Torah was originally given. We were meant to be priests to Yahweh. That's what Yahweh wanted. So Yeshua restores this. Then in verse 26 it says, now get this, it says for such a Kohen Hagadol became fully fit for us. Who is the Kohen Hagadol that was fully fit? Yeshua. Do you agree that he is our high priest? Wasn't the high priest commanded never to let his head go uncovered? So then let's put two and two together. If Yeshua is our high priest, Yeshua is our high priest, Yeshua was our high priest, the high priest was never to let his head go uncovered. Guess who wore a head covering all his life then? Yeshua. Doesn't that make sense? I'm not a smart man, but I can figure it out. You know what I'm saying? It makes pretty clear to me that Yeshua did it. Then in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 it says, be imitators of Yahweh like their children. So we are to follow his example. People say to me, why do you wear a beard? Because Yeshua did it. 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 5 says, you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, that you should call forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. We are that holy nation and we have a high priest. We are to be submitted to him. And the idea of submission is for glory. The head covering symbolizes glory and it brings glory to Yahweh. Let's turn to 1 Corinthians for a few more minutes. 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Start at verse 7. For a man indeed ought not to veil his head. That's a good translation. Because he is the image and the kavod of Yahweh. But the woman is a kavod of the man. For the man is not from woman, but the woman from the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. For this cause ought the woman to have a symbol of authority on her head because of the unclean fallen demons. Nevertheless, neither is the man independent of the woman, neither is the woman independent of the man and Yahweh. For as the woman is from the man, even so the man also thought through the woman. But all things are from Yahweh. Then it says, verse 13, Judge for yourself. Is it proper that a woman praise to Yahweh with her head uncovered? 1 Corinthians 11, verse 16. But if a man seems to be contentious, we have no such custom of contention. Neither are the congregation of Yahweh. Now in declaring this to you, I do not condemn you. I do not commend you. Since when you come together, you have not made progress, but have become worse. For first of all, when you come together in Israelite congregation, I hear that there are divisions among you. And I believe it. For there must be controversies and heresies among you. For those who have approved may be made manifest among you. There are these issues that brought division. And guess what? It all centered around head covering. The first time I taught this, a guy got up in the middle of the teaching, and he took his Bible, and he went to the door, and he said, I'm not wearing a Babylonian head covering. I'll go celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas, and slammed the door and walked out. He sure did. He sure did. And all I've done is pointed us to the word that says, first of all, it says that Yeshua is our covering. For guys, that's right. Yeshua most likely wore a head covering. We can see that as an example. We know that we sinned and lost that glory, therefore the head covering is a picture and symbol of that. Now I don't wear my head covering 24 hours a day. I don't even wear it five days a week. I wear it mostly on Shabbat. Will that change? Maybe. I'm flexible. It always leads me in that direction. To do that, I know a 16 year old that doesn't sleep without his head covered. All the time? Matthew, all the time? Do you shower in it? No, I'm joking. The head covering brings glory to Yahweh. Because it reminds us. It is a spiritual reminder. And we need reminders. Isn't that right? We need reminders of Yahweh's glory. Now remember that the yod was a picture of a hand? Well, the koth is a picture of the palm. And it symbolizes a king with a crown on. But if you were to look at Paleo-Hebrew, the koth was originally written like an open palm. Like an open palm. And it's retained its meaning, but it's kind of sideways now. But in Paleo-Hebrew, it was a picture of an open palm. What's an open palm used to do? To bless. Where does the blessing usually go? On the head. So guess what? The head covering is a picture and a symbol of that. The literal meaning of the word koth in Hebrew, the letter koth, it literally means palm. So if you were in Israel, it's, oh, my palm hurts. Say, my koth hurts. Oh, don't go to a koth reader. Go to a palm reader. That's the literal meaning of that word. And guess what? The koth or the palm, and guess what else? The head or the crown is an area of submission. Where does the mark of the beast go? On the hand and on the head. Where? The hand, the palm, the koth, and on the head, where the glory of Yahweh is to be. You read in Revelation 13, Revelation 19, verse 20, Revelation 20, verse 4, it talks about those who took the mark of the beast on their head and on their hand. They did not buy or sell. Revelation 19, 20 says they were cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20, verse 4 says those that did not take the mark were around for the thousand-year reign. The Hebrew word for crown is keter. K-E-T-E-R. You could have heard keter before. Keter or keter. We'll come back to the crowns of Revelation. The palm is the area of submission. Think about it. When you have the answer, what do you do? You raise your hand. When you swear an oath in court, you raise your hand. Extend in worship, you raise your palm. Extend in friendship for a handshake. Extend in blessing. The palm is used to bless others. That's what the koth is about. The head covering is not about bondage. It's about blessing. It reminds us that Yahweh is our covering. In Genesis 48, verse 14, it talks about Jacob putting his hands out for Ephraim and Manasseh. What did the high priest do when he would bless with the Aharonic Barakah, Yibarek for Yahweh blessing? He would extend his palms in a certain symbol. On Shabbat, the era of Shabbat, we place our hands on the children, on their heads, and we have a blessing for the boys. May they be like Ephraim and Manasseh. For the girls, we say may they be like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. We place our hand upon them. Where does the anointing oil go? On the head. If we believe in laying on of hands, anointing with oil, we believe in the helmet of salvation. That's the original helmet of salvation you've got on right there. And get this, when we have our heads covered, it's like Yahweh is placing His hand of blessing upon us. Isaiah 49.16 says, Behold, I have given thee... Excuse me. You ready for this? This is good. You ready? Isaiah 49.16 says, Behold, I have graven thee upon the palm of My hand. We're worried about taking the mark of the beast, but what does it say in Isaiah 49.16 that Yahweh has written us upon the palm of His hand? He wants to bless us. He wants to watch over us. The cough reminds us of the keter. The crown of glory that Yahweh has placed upon man. Remember that? It says that man was created with glory and honor. Psalm 8.5 Where you have made Him a little lower than the angels and crowned Him with glory and honor. But what happened? We sinned and fell short. But what happened with Eve's sin? Adam and Eve's sin? What did they do? They covered up their sin, didn't they? They tried to. They tried to atone for their own sin by wearing those garments of leaves. They didn't want to look naked. But what did Yahweh do? He atoned for it. Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin. They were clothed with skins. Some animals had to die. We know Yeshua died. But Eve's sin was that she acted independently of Adam and Yahweh. Do you see that? She did not bring Adam glory. When you act in working with your husband who is submitted to Yahweh, you're bringing glory to Yahweh. Guys, when you follow Yahweh, you're bringing glory to Yahweh. The head covering is Yahweh's ordained means of showing us Yahweh's glory. And of showing the demons. Remember that? It says that the demons need to see it. Now, in Numbers 5, verse 18, it's very interesting. A woman is accused of practicing adultery. And when they found that she was guilty of adultery, do you know what they did? They uncovered her head. And she had to wear an uncovered head. The woman in adultery, not the scarlet letter, but a head that was not covered. Do you know what that shows us? That in ancient Israel, the ladies covered their heads at all times. And so an uncovered head meant that's an adulterous woman. Don't go near her. Remember in Proverbs it says don't go near the house of the adulterous woman? Well, how did you know it was? The sign of unfaithfulness was an uncovered head. Well, guess what? Guess where we are? We're in the same exile, aren't we? The church doesn't cover their heads. You know, the Jewish people, half of them don't cover their heads. The Orthodox may. We all say that we want the Torah. We want Yeshua to come set up His kingdom. But I really believe when Yeshua returns, we're all going to be wearing head coverings. Even in Paul's days, the women covered their heads at all times. 1 Corinthians 11.13 says that. He didn't ask a rhetorical question. He said, is it really right for a woman to pray uncovered? It's a rhetorical question he asked. Now why is that? Because of the issue of glory. Because of the issue of glory. Ladies, you've got your hair. But it's something greater than that. It's an issue of submission and it's an issue of showing Yahweh, showing the world that you are His. Yeshua came to restore the glory that mankind lost. Do you believe that? Remember when the angels came? What did they say? Glory to Yahweh in the highest. On earth, peace and goodwill to men. Isn't that what they said? Glory to Yahweh. They said kavod to Yahweh. The angels came. He was born in the glory of Yahweh. Now get this. Yeshua came amidst the glory in order to bring glory to Yahweh by establishing peace between Yahweh and men to give Yahweh glory. Luke 2.32 A light to unveil the nations and the kavod of your people Israel. That's the reason of Yeshua. That's the reason we're here. We don't get saved and get raptured the minute we're born again. We're here to be the kavod, the glory of Yahweh. Remember Moshe? He went up on the mountain. And all we know is that when he came down, he had been with Yahweh. And guess what? He had a head covering on. And it says his face shone like the glory of Yahweh. The people couldn't even look at him. He was in Yahweh's presence and he had his head covered. And do you know this? That the glory is going to come with Yeshua when He comes back. This is good. The Son of Man shall come in the kavod of His Abba Yahweh with His heavenly angels, and they shall reward every man according to His commandments. Matthew 16.27 Yeshua's coming back as He first came. In kavod. In glory. And He's coming to restore that glory to give to Yahweh. So what do we do? We're just anxiously awaiting His return. What does it say? A watched pot never boils. We prepare. What does it say? 1 Corinthians 10.31 Whether you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do it all to the kavod, the glory of Yahweh. So to experience this kavod, we think about it. We consciously look to Yahweh. As we prepare, we should seek the glory of Yahweh. Bread covering is not a heaven or hell issue. But it's an important issue because it's a spiritual reminder that we're in Yahweh's presence and that we are to bring Him kavod. That's what He's called us to. The kavod is Yahweh's calling for us. Did you know that? Alright, when you encounter Yahweh's kavod, what happens? The Bible says that you've been anointed. That's not some charismatic catchphrase. You can be anointed of Yahweh, right? Guess what Colossians 1.27 says? Messiah in you, the hope of glory. Do you know what the word Messiah is in Greek? Christos. That's where we get the word Christ from. In Hebrew, it's Mashiach. Mashiach means the anointed one. The hope of kavod, the hope of glory, is the anointed one. Is the anointing in you. You're not getting it. Okay, let's say it again. Yahweh created the world for His glory. You were born again. You were recreated in His image, which was glory. It says Yeshua in you is the hope of glory. That means that the anointing in you, Yahweh's Spirit in you, Yahweh's power in you is going to bring about His kavod. It's going to translate you from just being a normal Maggie into being a super Maggie empowered by the Rulach. The hope of glory. And what does it say? That the anointing breaks the yoke. Where does the yoke go? On the back of your neck where the head covering is supposed to be. We serve Yahweh the healer, the restorer, the redeemer, the source of all good things. 2 Corinthians 12 verses 9-10 says this. He said unto me, My unmerited favor is sufficient for you. My grace is sufficient. For my strength is made perfect in your weakness. With great rejoicing, therefore, I will rather boast in my weakness so that the power of Messiah may rest upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in my weaknesses, in my pain, in my reproaches, in my necessities, in my persecutions, in my distresses for Messiah's sake. For when I am weak, then I am spiritually strong. Did you hear that? Sometimes life is hard. And when you're weak, guess what? That's when Yahweh can be strong in you. The hope of glory. The hope of kavod. And it's a hope because not everybody does it. They seek their own glory. Life is hard sometimes. We lose our jobs. We lose our family. We lose our friends. We go through sickness and trial. We get picked up and moved across the nation. Crazy things happen. But Yeshua said, look at this. These are the words that Yahweh inspired. For when I am weak, then I am spiritually strong. It's the anointing that breaks that yoke. It tells us in Isaiah 10 verse 27, It shall come to pass in that day that this burden shall be removed from your shoulder, this yoke from off your neck. The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Where is the anointing? It's in Messiah Yeshua. Don't seek a goose bump. Seek Yeshua. A relationship with Him. And guess what? As you have that, you're going to have His glory, His kavod. And you're going to be showing forth His praise and His power and giving Him glory. Let's look at a couple crowns as we finish up. We shall all wear crowns in the world to come. The olam haba. Hear me? So if you know anybody that says, I'm not wearing a head covering. That's pagan. Well guess what? Hope you're not going to heaven. You know what I'm saying? If you've got a problem with head coverings now, you're going to have some issues with Yahweh. Because when we arrive, He's going to crown us. Now we know what happens later. We throw them at His feet. But in Hebrews chapter 2, verse 7, we can see this picture here. Hebrews chapter 2, verse 7. For you made Him a little lower than the heavenly angels. You crowned Him with kavod and honor and did set Him over the works of your hands. Did you know that? When you were created in the heavens, when Yahweh made Adam, He made him with glory. Everybody talks about the restoration of all things. Oh, I want to get back to the restoration of all things. Isn't that right? We talk about that. Yahweh's restoring the Hebrew language and He's restoring Israel. He's restoring this. Look, that's great. I want to get back to that too. But I don't want to go back to Moses. I want to go back to the glory of Adam. I want to go back to where it was in the Garden of Eden when He walked with him in the cool of the day. When we were crowned with glory and honor. That's the relationship there. That's what Yahweh is doing. Hebrews 3, verse 1, Consider the Messiah, the High Priest of our confession, Messiah Yeshua. Consider Him. That's what it says in Hebrews 3, verse 1. And if He wore the head covering, then maybe we should as well. So there were a couple of crowns that were given. James 1, verse 12. The book of James, chapter 1, verse 12. Blessed is the man that endures trials, for when he has tried, he shall receive the Keter of Cain, the crown of life that Yahweh has promised to those that love Him. The crown of life. Life in the fullest. Life in the fullest. Revelation chapter 2, verse 10 talks about the same. Keter Simchat, the crown of joy. Spoken of in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 2. Verse 19. The crown of righteousness. 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 8. 2 Timothy 4, verse 8. And now there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness. Did you hear that? There is laid up for you a crown, a Keter of Zadokah, which Yeshua, the righteous judge, shall give Me on that day, and not to Me only, but to all in Israel that love His appearing. The crown of victory. 1 Corinthians 9, verse 25. And finally, let's look at the crown of Kavod. You ready? Spoken over and over again throughout the scriptures. That we're going to be crowned with glory yet again. 1 Peter, Kepha Aleph, 1 Peter, chapter 5, verse 4. And when the chief shepherds shall appear, you shall receive a Keter of Kavod that does not fade away. You shall receive a crown of glory that's not going anywhere. It's not going to fade away when the chief shepherd appears. When is that going to be? When Yeshua returns. So He might not wear a head covering all the time right now, but when He returns, we're going to receive that crown of glory and get back to the way it was supposed to be. Like Adam and Kava, when they were crowned with glory, but when they were crowned with glory and honor, sin won't be an issue anymore. Won't that be nice? Won't that be nice? No more pain. No more problems. This is the restoration. Arise, shine, for the light has come and the Kavod of Yahweh has risen upon you. I want to end with a Hebrew phrase. A Hebrew phrase that is spoken by the Jewish people. Kind of like, great job when you did something good. When you're really happy. Maybe even in the middle of worship. The phrase is Kol HaKavod. Kol HaKavod. Say that with me. Kol HaKavod. One more time. Kol HaKavod. Which means all the glory. All the glory. We say, Baruch Hashem Yahweh. What about Kol HaKavod? All the glory. All the glory to you, Yahweh. All the praise. All the power belongs to Him. That's what the Kav teaches us. That yes, we wear the head covering. Yes, it's a good Hebrew letter. But we submit to Yahweh. We follow Him because He is Kadosh. He is set apart. Kol HaKavod. Kol HaKavod. All the glory belongs to Him. All the glory belongs to Him. The head covering is not meant to be a symbol of you better believe or else. The head covering is meant to be a symbol of honor and worship and glory to Yahweh. Because that's what it's all about. Remember again, Jay Leno, walking the streets, asking questions. If we were to ask the question, what's most important, what could we say? Kol HaKavod. All the glory belongs to Yahweh. It all belongs to Him. And we should give it to Him. Through our worship. Through our actions. Through our prayers. Through everything that we do. Through our life. Yahweh is restoring the glory that was given to Adam and Havah. You know, too many times we say that good Hebrew phrase, Oy Vey. Oy Vey. Oy Vey. Oy Vey. Oy Gavod. That means it's really bad. You say Oy Gavod, it's really bad. Why don't we replace that with Kol HaKavod. When something bad happens, Kol HaKavod. All the glory to you Yahweh. I'm hanging on. And you're going to pull me through. Amen. Thank you again for listening to the Finding E-Met radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the E-Met, the truth of the scriptures. Search the Bible. Submit your prayer request. Or read an article on various subjects. The website is That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at E-Met Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. That's E-Met Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding E-Met with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the E-Met. And may the E-Met, may the truth, set you free.