Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Finding Emet radio program is focused on understanding and living the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. It features the teachings of Brother Daniel Rindleman of Emet Ministries. The current teaching is about the Hebrew letters, specifically focusing on the letter Mem. Mem is the 13th letter and has the numerical value of 40. It symbolizes change, transformation, and power. The letter Mem is associated with water and is used in various Hebrew words such as mayim (water) and mikvah (immersion). It has two forms, one used at the beginning of a word and another used at the end. The teaching also discusses Psalm 119, which emphasizes the importance of Yahweh's commandments and the power of his word. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rindleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program or submit your prayer requests. That's or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rindleman, as he helps us find the Emet. All right, so this teaching is going to continue our series on Hebrew, the living letters. We've been speaking about these. All of these teachings go into the Hebrew letters and explain who they are and what they are and what they mean. It's a pretty in-depth series. We are halfway through as we're going to be speaking about the middle letter of the Hebrew letter, Aleph Bet, which is the Mem. Everybody say Mem. Mem. That's going to be our discussion today. And as we do that, let's review a little bit. First of all, the first letter was the Aleph, which was the number one, which Echad, of course, oneness and unity of Yahweh. The Bet was the number two. Also the Vet, the letter of Beit, which is Hebrew for house. Gemel, or Gimel, was the number three, which is, again, spoke to us about Gimelut Chasadim, which is acts of kindness. The fourth letter was what? Vedalet. Vedalet, which was the first letter in King Gawid's name, picture of a door, the number four. The He was the fifth letter. We talked about that being the letter of Teshuva and the word Henei, which means here I am or I am. And then, of course, the Vav is the sixth letter, so we have Aleph, Vet, Gimel, Dalet, He, Vav. Vav being the Vavim, which is Hebrew for nails. We talked about being joined with Yahweh and the number six. The seventh letter, Zayin. Everybody say Zayin. Zayin, which was, we remember the word Zakar, and we, Zakar, at Yom Shabbat. We remember the day of Shabbat. Zayin was a picture of a weapon. The Chet, or a fence, was the number eight. Of course, the Chet is the first letter in the word Chesed, which is Yahweh's loving kindness and grace. The Tet was the ninth letter. The Tet looks like an inverted basket and was the number nine. The Yod, of course, number ten, the most popular Hebrew letter used in more words than any, which is the Yod, of course. The Yod is your hand. Of course, Yisrael and Yahweh, Yeshua, all begin with the Yod. So, we got all these letters. We've talked about them. Their numbers, their sites, their meanings. We talked about the Kaf, the Kavod of Yahweh, the Lamed, the camel prod, or that probe that was used to push in discipleship, which leads us, so we have, say it with me, Aleph, Bet, Gemel, Dalet, He, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet, Yod, Kaf, Lamed, and then finally, Mem, Mem. And as we look at this letter today, it's going to help us connect the dots. Now, we remember as children, we used to play dot to dot. I don't know about you, but when I was a child, I used to, this is kind of sad, I used to watch Pee Wee Herman's Playhouse. Really sad. Okay? And Pee Wee had a part on there where they would do a dot to dot, and he'd sing. Do you remember how he would sing? Connect the dots, la la la la, connect the dots, that's what he'd do. And he'd sing, connect the dots, la la la la, well anyway, kids love connecting the dots. Today's teaching is kind of like a connect the dots puzzle that's going to help connect the dots and bring about some greater understanding. You can go to this website, it's called,, and you can create your own connect the dot puzzle of anything in the world. You upload your picture, and you go in, and you put the dots in, and you make your own connect the dot puzzle. It's a lot of fun. You can take a picture of a child, of one of your children, a picture of your horse, whatever it is you love the most, and you can connect the dots and create a connect the dot puzzle. So as you do that, and as we look at this teaching today, it's going to help us connect the dots so that we can see what Yahweh has for us in this Hebrew letter, Mem. Everybody say Mem. Mem. Very good. So that's what we're going to talk about. Now, the Mem is the 13th Hebrew letter, and it's the number 40. You see, from Aleph to Yod, every letter has just 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then at Yod it's 10, and then the Kos is 20, the Lamed is 30, and then the Mem is 40. The number 40. And this is the number, it's the letter of change, of transformation, and of power. Everybody say power. Now, come on, be like a Pentecostal. Power. Power. All right, that's right. It's the number of power. Now, 40 is a very symbolic number. We know that there can be 40 years in a generation, 40 weeks of gestation until birth, 40 years of age before a man develops insight. The rabbis tell us you should study Torah 40 years until you ever look at the Zohar. Forty days, Moses was on Mount Sinai. There are 40 days of Teshuvah that begin with Elul 1 and go forward. Of course, we know Yeshua fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. We know, how many years were they in the wilderness? Forty years. And how many days did it rain with Noah and the ark? Forty days and forty nights. So, it's the number of power, of transformation, and even preparation. Now, we also know that the chapter, Psalm 119, and in this chapter, each of the Hebrew letters have about seven or eight verses all about that verse. All these words in this verse begin with the mem. So, if we turn to Psalm 119 and begin in verse 97, we can see this. All these verses begin with the mem in Hebrew. It says, Oh, how I love your Torah. It is my meditation all the day. You through your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep your precepts. I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep your word. I have not departed from your judgments, for you yourself have taught me. How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. Through your precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every evil way. So, by reading this, by reading this Psalm 119, verses 97 through 104, helps us connect the dots with the mem, because it talks about your commandments, my meditation, that make me wiser than my enemies, I have more understanding than my teachers, I understand more than the ancients, I've restrained my feet from evil, and it goes on and on and on about the power of Yahweh's word to give us wisdom. Yahweh wants us to be wise, he wants us to be able to discern the season and know the times. Now, the mem was once written as a picture of water, in the ancient early Hebrew, the paleo Hebrew, it was written almost like an M is today with an extra leg, and it looked just like water, like water, and then as it's gone through, it's changed to the meaning that we have today. So, mem, in fact, if the Hebrew word for water, anybody know? Mayim, or mayim, is the Hebrew word for water, which is spelled mem, vav, mem, that's how you spell mayim, how you spell water in Hebrew. You now have to spell mem in Hebrew, it's mem, mem, pretty simple, and what's interesting about the mem is that it has two different forms, everybody say two, it has two different forms. When it appears in a word, it has one form, when it appears at the end of a word, it has another form, there are five letters like this, and these are called final letters, or sofits. So, we have the mem, and we have the mem sofit. Now we know that it rained 40 days and 40 nights, we know that 40 is a peculiar, it's a special number that we need to talk about as well. It's a number of change and transformation, just like you go down into the mayim for water, what is it called in Hebrew, to be baptized, to be immersed, it's another mem word, mikvah, 10,000 points to the redhead in the back. So it means mikvah is the Hebrew word there, very good, very good. Mikvah is the Hebrew for that immersion, and you mikvah into the mayim, you go down into the water, symbolic of the transformation that has taken place. How many days was Yeshua tested in the wilderness? Forty days, the transformation that took place as he came out of that time. Of course, Moshe was on Mount Sinai 40 days, and the transformation that took place to the people of Israel. So it's very important to our discussion today. Mem gives us the mm sound, as in mm good, or as in mom. And it also has two separate ways of writing this letter, now there are a lot of Hebrew words that begin with the mem. There are a lot of words that begin with the mem, we've said mikvah, we've said mayim, how about a melek? A king, melek ha-melekim means king of kings. How about mashiach? Which means Messiah, literally the anointed one. What about mezuzah? You put a mezuzah on your mezuzot, a mezuzah is a casing, literally a mezuzah is Hebrew for doorpost. How about melekim? That would be angels. Maaser, that's a good word to know, tithes. You have your offerings, your terumah, and you have your maaser, your tithes. Matzah, unleavened bread with no flavor, matzah. Meshugana, you hear meshugana back there? Meshugana, so that's Hebrew for crazy, or moiloko you could say. Mishpat is Hebrew for judgment. Mishpat is family. We are mishpat, my brothers, my sister, and me. We are mishpat, we are family, okay? So we have a lot of words that begin with the mim, and again, if you look at the mim, there's the open mim, never used at the end of a word, it's symbolic of an open womb. Then you have the closed mim, only used at the end of a word, and it looks like a square. So if you have a picture for a moment, a square in your mind, that's a picture of a closed mim. So there are two ways to write this letter. There are 22 Hebrew letters in the aleph bet. When you add the five final letters, you come up to how many? 27, 22 plus 5 equals 27. Now if you take the first letter of the aleph bet, is the aleph. What's the middle letter? The mim. What's the last letter? The tav. What does aleph, mim, tav spell? Emet, Hebrew for truth. Aleph, mim, tav spells truth. So what is in the Hebrew letters? What is in the Hebrew scriptures? Emet, truth. What did Yeshua say, John chapter 14, verse 6? I am the way, ani, ha-derek, I am the way, I am the ani, ha-emet, the truth, ani, ha-kayim, and the life. When Yeshua said, I am the truth, He's saying, I am the Hebrew letters. You're not just looking at letters, okay? So it's not just the mim. This is a picture of Yeshua. There's an amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing pattern. How amazing is it? It's an amazing, amazing, amazing. I have to say everything twice, because we have guys in the audience. Is that right, ladies? Because, ladies, you know, for your husband to hear you, ladies have to say things twice. But guys have to hear things two times. I said guys have to hear things two times to make sure that we get it. Four times, my wife says. Four times, she says. It's two times to get our attention, two times to move us away from the computer, and then we're okay. All right, so there's an amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing pattern in the book of Revelation. How many chapters are in the book of Revelation? 22, that's right. There are 22 chapters in the book of Revelation. Each and every chapter in the book of Revelation is symbolic and right in line with the Hebrew aleph bit. This is a whole teaching to do one day, to go through the chapters, but if you look at Revelation chapter 1, which would be symbolic of what's the first Hebrew letter? The aleph. Guess what? In Revelation chapter 1, Yeshua says, I am the aleph and the tab, the beginning and the end, and we see it begins with the revelation of Yeshua. Revelation chapter 2 talks about the bet as well. If you go to Revelation chapter 6, you can see the vav. You go to Revelation chapter 7, you can see the zayin. You can go through and see these letters. Take, for example, Revelation chapter 11, which the 11th Hebrew letter would be the kaf. And you can go through and see this letter, Revelation chapter 10. Revelation 10, what's the 10th letter of the aleph bit? The yod. What's the yod a picture of? A hand. Revelation 10 says the word hand about four times. So you can actually do a study comparing the Hebrew letters with the chapters in Revelation. Well, guess what? Revelation 13 is all about the mem. It's all about the mem. So we're going to spend the majority of our time looking at Revelation 13, because Revelation 13 is symbolic of the mem. And you can also look at this. How many books are there in the New Testament? 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So the mem is shown through the Mayim. What's Mayim? Water. So I want to help us with Revelation chapter thirteen connect the dots a little bit and take a look at this chapter and these verses. The mem shows us some of this and we can see this. Now, it's important to also recognize that Yeshua said in Matthew 24 a few things. He said, as in the days of Noah, so it shall be when the Son of Man returns. As in when? The days of who? Not Solomon. Not David. He could have said anybody. But he said Noah for a reason. Now why do we think of Noah? What happened with Noah? He saved humanity. He was redeemed through the water. What's the letter of? The water. Yeshua also said this generation shall not pass until it sees all these things come to play. How long can a generation be? How long is many generations in the Bible? Forty years. Fifty years. Seventy years. A hundred years. What's the mem? What number is the mem? The forty. The forty. So we're going to look and we're going to bring all that together because we need wisdom and we need to understand the times and the seasons. It is very important because it correlates exactly with Matthew 24. The mem in Revelation 13. As in the days of Noah. So again what happened with Noah? Who was raptured? Think about it. With Noah. Who got destroyed? Who got taken out of the way? The bad guys did, didn't they? And in Matthew 24 it says as in the days of Noah so it will be when the Son of Man returns. Then it says this generation shall not pass. What generation is that? We'll discuss that and look at that a little more clearly. So let's look at Revelation 13. Now Revelation 13 is perhaps one of the most controversial chapters in all the Bible because it deals with a few things. It deals with the anti-messiah. It deals with the 666 number. It deals with the beast coming out of the sand. The beast coming out of the water. It deals with all these things. Now we're going to look at it exponentially. Now there are different types of Bible teachers. I am not what you would call an expositor exponential teacher. I don't... I do like saying that word. It makes me feel fancy. I don't normally teach in an expository way which means line upon line. I don't normally go, oh let's look today at Genesis chapter 1 and go 1 through 12. That's not the way that I do a lot of my studies. However, we're going to do that today. Everybody say however. However, we're going to do that today. So let's take a look at Revelation chapter 13. And as we look at this, I want to challenge you and I want to challenge your thoughts on this issue. So Revelation chapter 13, and I'm going to read out of the New American Standard Bible. Let's see, Revelation 13 verse 1. And he stood on the sand of the seashore and I saw a beast coming out of the sea, having ten horns, seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, or crowns, or keterim, and on his heads were blasphemous names. So who's standing on the sand of the seashore? It's got to be John, right? Yochanan. Not John the Baptist. It's probably John the Presbyterian or something. No, no, no. It was John the Beloved, okay. So he's there. And he says, I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. So where's the beast coming from? The sea, the water. What's the Hebrew word for water or sea? Maim. The Mem. Very good. So we see a connection here. And he has ten horns and seven heads. That's an ugly beast. And on his horns were ten crowns. And on his heads were blasphemous names. So we see this occurring. And what I want to talk to you about today is this beast, and identifying what could be the beast, and identifying what could not be the beast, and how some of us may need to have our minds renewed and have some of the things that we've been taught brought back to our attention. Because there are many different schools out there. Who is the beast? This person's the beast. My mother-in-law's the beast. That person's the beast. Not mine. Not mine. Mine's not the beast. But we think that this could be John. It could be Gabriel. I've heard other people say that as well. But he's there. And he says, I see this occurring out of the sea having the ten heads. Now, he's coming out of the sea. And where is he? On the sand of the seashore. Now, there are two main schools of thought pervading the world today in theology circles, eschatology circles, regarding who is the beast of Revelation. And some people say, oh, the beast is the Roman Catholic papal church system, the pope. The other school says, oh, no, no, no. You're wrong. It's not Edom. It's not Rome. It's Islam. It's the Muslims. It's Muhammad and his followers. I believe that as we look at this chapter, we can see both in play. That we can clearly see how the two are working together and coming together to bring about these end times, end days events. And then we're going to look at how we are in those days. So whether you're on the Catholic side, oh, yeah, the black pope is it. We've got the last pope fixing to be in power. Or whether you're on the side that says it's the fanatic Muslims. I believe we're going to find the middle ground today and be able to see, guess what? They're both going after the same thing. Because the beast of Revelation is the beast of Genesis. Hasatan. Don't be mistaken. That's who the beast is. The adversary. That's who the beast is. The serpent. That's who the beast is. And yet we see through history how both of these powers seem to play into being. Now, unfortunately, I think, personally, that you've got one school of thought that was taught for a long time that was it's the Roman Catholic Church, it's the pope, it's all of this. And then the revelation of Islam has come out and people have left this whole papacy view. Do you follow me? People have just totally forsaken, no, we were wrong. I don't think so. I think it's a middle ground. I think if we look at the two, this is the original odd couple. And we can see them intertwined. They're going after the same thing. And we can see the two working together over the years. So first of all, let's take a look. It says they stood on the sand of the seashore. Now, if you're at the sand of the seashore, that could point to the sands of Babylon. I believe that would kind of point to that. And you've got that there because there's the water. Then you've got the seven heads, which could point to the seven empires that have ruled the world. Those seven empires, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire. What's the last empire to rule the world would be the Turkish Ottoman Empire. That Turkish Ottoman Empire was an Islamic empire that ruled the world for 400 years. Those are the seven empires I believe that it's speaking about here. The seven heads coming up of this beast. So what are they? The Egyptians. Now, let's just be honest here. Do we think there were Catholics back in Egypt's time? Pharaoh? Was Pharaoh a Catholic? Was Pharaoh a Muslim? But was Pharaoh following the adversary, the true beast? Yes. The beast is Hasatan. And guess what? He's sneaky. And he's used these empires, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and finally the Turkish Ottoman Empire to bring about his will to control the world, to dominate the world. Now, the ten horns here that it speaks about, many believe are the ten rulers after Alexander the Great. Now, there are those that say, oh, it's the ten nations of the European Union. The problem is there's a lot more nations in the European Union. Isn't that right? I mean, it's huge now. It's humongous. It's going to be bigger than the United States one day. I mean, heck, we may be a part of it one day, something even bigger. So if you look at, after Alexander the Great, he divided his land into six kings and four generals, okay? Now, let's look at verse 2. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like those of a bear, his mouth was the mouth of a lion, the dragon gave him power and his throne and great authority. Now, this correlates greatly with Daniel chapter 7. Now, due to time, we're not going to go into detail to this verse, but if you look at Daniel chapter 7, you can see this, first of all, this is an ugly beast. But if you look at what these parts symbolize and who they are, and it says that he was given power and the throne and great authority. Who is giving the beast power to speak and to do these things? HaSatan is. He's empowering him to do these things. Let's look at verse 3. And I saw one of his heads, as if it had been slain, his fatal wound it healed, and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast. That's Daniel verse, excuse me, Revelation 13 verse 3. Now, if you've ever read Left Behind books or seen the movie Left Behind, you know how they interpret this, don't you? Oh, this is the Antichrist and he gets shot in the head and then he comes back to life. How do they get that? I'm not sure. Because it's not talking specifically about one person here, is it? Not specifically. OK, let's look at it. It could be. It could be, right. In the Left Behind books, he gets shot at the UN, United Nations. OK, so if we see here in Revelation 13 verse 3, it says, I saw one of his heads. So that has to be one of those empires, because if the head were the empires, the Egyptian, the Syrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greece, Rome and the Turkish Ottoman Empire, if those were the empires, then one of his heads was like it had been slain, but yet it's healed. That means one of those empires is going to come back into power and into life, and the whole world is going to wonder after that empire. Does that make sense? We're not talking about a person here, but an empire. One of the heads that could be there. And if you look at this, if you look at the layout of this, the last of these empires was the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which was defeated in 1917. Important time, important day to remember. 1917 was when the Turkish Ottoman Empire was defeated, brought about the events of World War I and World War II, but the Turkish Ottoman Empire, the last Islamic empire, was defeated in 1917. Remember that, store it up in your refrigerator for later, because we're going to need it. After World War I, after 1920, Turkey and the power of Turkey and of the Arab states and Islam was destroyed. Now, we also know that in the past, you could say 100 years to 300 years, the power of the Roman Catholic Church has visibly lessened. There is not, you know, a pope ruling the world from what we can see. Notice I said what? From what we can see. But we see here that he's wounded and he comes back to life. So there's going to be a resurrection of this beast, of this empire. So it's pretty clear it's probably not going to be the Egyptian Empire. However, Egypt plays into the end of days. Remember Egypt. It's pretty clear it's probably not going to be the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, but what about the Roman, the Turkish, the Ottoman? Let's keep going. Verse 4, Revelation 13, 4, And they worshipped the dragon. Who were they worshipping? Not Muhammad and not the pope. It says they worshipped the dragon. They were worshipping Hasatan. Because he gave his authority to the beast and they worshipped the beast saying, Who is like the beast? Who is able to wage war with him? Now, I submit to you today a dual meaning in this. Who can wage war against Apollyon, against Hasatan, against the dragon? He's got many names. Allah is another one of those names. Who can make war against Islam? I mean, we can't even find Osama Bin Laden. Who can make war with him? It's easy to spot the Chinese tanks coming down the road. We can make war with the Chinese, can't we? We know where to bomb. We know where to go. How do you make war with Jesuit priests who have invaded every bit of the society? How do you make war with that? How do you make war with the religion of Islam where you don't know if that person coming up to you is going to blow you up in Israel or they're coming to buy one of your falafels that you're selling? Do you see how both of these play into this? Where Islam is not necessarily a government or a people but a religion. And guess what? The Roman Catholic Church fits this as well because what happened to the Catholic Church? The Roman Catholic Church ruled the world. How much of the world? Openly ruled the world from 538 to 1798. Openly ruled the world. What took place in 1798? The next world power, the next kingdom, which was the Ottoman Turkish Empire, was coming into power up until then. What I believe occurred after this time with the Catholic Church was this merging of church and state finally took place to where they could, on the outside, look like two separate beings. You've heard of the Illuminati, right? You've heard of the World Trade Organizations and the UN and the European Union. Now I'm not suggesting there's a smoke-filled room with a bunch of Republicans in it plotting to destroy the world or even Democrats. But what I'm suggesting here is that the adversary has had his hand in controlling and bringing about these things because he wants to conquer the world and believes that he can do this. He can defeat the truth. He can bring this about. Who can fight Islam? It's everywhere. Who can fight the Illuminati or the Jesuit priests that are out there? Because they're everywhere. It's worse than Santa Claus. He's everywhere. It's everywhere. It's everywhere, right? No more fat man holiday jokes, I promise. Let's look at verse 5. And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies and authority to act for 42 months was given to him. Now, you've got this beast and then you've got this one that's been given this authority to speak blasphemous things. And it happens for 42 months. Now, what's 42 months? How many years is 42 months? Three and a half years. This can come to play in several different ways. Number one, if we take it literal, I believe we're going to see at the end of days occur the dominion of Islam is going to increase for three and a half years to get greater. I don't think the world's going to have to make a choice of following Islam or not following Islam. The whole entire world. But I think we're going to see the dominion of Islam growing. How many openly Catholic nations are there? There's just one. You can say the Vatican. How many openly Jewish nations are there? There's one. That would be Israel. There are 54, I think, openly Muslim nations today. That's their religion. Something to consider. Now, get this. The Catholic Church openly ruled from 538 to 1798. Guess how many years that is? 1,260. 1,260. 1,260 years it ruled. And guess what? That's three and a half. You could say three and a half years. How many days are in three and a half years? 1,260. So there's another play here. Of showing us a pattern of interrelation between the two. Because if you go back to Rome and you go back to what occurred there, you go back to the Edomites. If you look back in the history, Rome and the Catholic Church leads you back to the Edomites. If you go back to the Islamic history, it goes back to the Ishmaelites. And Ishmael. And Ishmael. And it all goes back to Jacob and the twelve tribes there. Let's look at the next verse. Revelation 13, chapter 6, verse 6. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against Yahweh, to blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven. Blaspheme his name. This has taken place in several different ways. Number one, in 2008, the Catholic Church came out and said that every hymn that included the name Yahweh, they had four, could no longer be sung in their churches. This is true. They made a statement that said you can no longer say that name, we don't want to sing that name, Yahweh. Of course, they profess and proclaim Jesus Christ in the name of the Pope. And we also know that Islam does what? Islam does what? Equates Allah to Yahweh, don't they? They say Allah is the greatest, is equal to Yahweh. No, these are the blasphemies that are going forth for the name. Look at verse 7. And it was given to him to make war. So there's a specific beast that's making war with the saints to overcome them. The authority over every tribe and the people and tongue and nation was given to him. And all who dwell on the earth who worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world and the book of life of the Lamb, who has been slain. So we see here that making war with the saints. Making war with the saints. This is already happening with Ephraim and those in Judah. The enemy is making war. Now who is the enemy? It's the beast, it's the adversary. But what is he using? He's using the radical, fanatical Islamic people. And he's using what we could say the behind the scenes Catholic conspiracy for better words. And the papacy and what's occurring there. And if you go back to the history of Muhammad. And you understand, was his mother that was Catholic? Is that right? His mother was Catholic. But again, who's originating this? Hasatan in a plan to overcome. That the universal church speaking blasphemy against the name of Yahweh. Do we not see that? And it's not just in the Catholic church, is it? It's in the, sorry, it's in the Baptist church. It's in the Methodist church. It's even in the Pentecostal church. Because they're going forth in a different name. And they're going forth and they're doing these things and bringing this war. Let's look at verse 9 and 10. Verse 9, if anyone has an ear, let him hear. What am I supposed to hear? Verse 10, if anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes. If anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints. Killed by the sword. Killed by the sword. Of course we know that the sword is a symbol of Islam today. On their flags is a sword. One way that they kill is through the sword. But notice how this occurs. It says to anyone who kills with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. So if the adversary is using the sword to kill us, how are we going to kill the adversary? With the sword. So what is called the sword of the spirit? The word of Yahweh. How do we defeat the end times beast? How do we defeat these things that have been going on for centuries? Through the Illuminati, through Islam, through Catholicism. Through what the Wiccans are doing. How do we defeat it? Through the sword of the spirit. The word of Yahweh is sharper than any two-edged sword. I know someone that reads this verse and they tell people never, never, never buy a gun. They say because it says right here, anyone who lives by the sword will die by the sword. If you buy a gun, you shoot somebody with a gun, you'll end up being killed by that. You just need to trust Yahweh to supernaturally protect you. Force field I guess. A shield. I do not agree. I have attacked children. I don't have an attack dog or attack guns right now. I have attacked children and they work for me. They're like bullets that go forward anyway. But they're blaspheming the name, they're going forward. Islam, the name Islam itself means submission. Isn't that interesting? Revelation 13, 11. I saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke as a dragon. How many? Two horns coming up and speaking as a dragon. Now we could say one of these beasts is Catholicism, one of these beasts is Islam. I think they both play in very well. But this other beast, what could this beast be? Another beast coming out of the earth. So for some answers here, I'm going to turn back to Genesis chapter 1. And this is talking about Cain and Abel. And what happened there? Yahweh said, let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind. Cattle and creeping things, beasts of the field after their kind. So how is the world going to bring things forth? After their kind. You follow me? And if you go on to read through verse 19 of chapter 2, it talks about Hasatan coming forward and persuading and pursuing. And he goes to them and tries to get them to sin and tempts them. So what happens here? Yahweh says they're going to reproduce after their own kind. So if Hasatan is there behind them, then those who follow after him are going to do the works of Hasatan. Which is exactly what we see taking place in the world today. In 1 Corinthians chapter 15, verse 48, let's turn there. 1548 says, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual. For first man is from the earth, earthly. The second man is from heaven. As is the earthly, so are those who are earthly. As is the heavenly, so are those who are heavenly. Again, this idea of this wicked seed of sin and rebellion coming forth. Call it Islam, call it Catholicism, call it those who are following after their selfish ways. Hasatan is using them all. This is this other beast coming forward. People say, oh, that's the United States of America. Have you heard this before? That's what the second beast is coming up or so. 1548. In verse 11, let's look at the appearance of this. It appears with two horns. It appears with two horns. Revelation 13, verse 11. And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb. He spoke as a dragon. Now, but two horns here could be a picture of the Sunnis and the Shiites. Guess who's fighting in Babylon or Iraq today? It's the Sunnis and the Shiites. They're fighting against each other. They keep blowing up mosques. Why are they doing that? Because some are what you could say ultra Orthodox and some are conservative or liberal. And they're they're they're police. They're like a lamb. Peaceful, loving. Oh. Peaceful. But yet spoke as a dragon. Threats. Isn't that sound like terrorism? Speaking like a dragon. Evil, fierce words. So Revelation 13 shows us this. Now look at verse 12. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. He makes earth and those who dwell in it worship the first beast whose fatal wound was healed. So coming forward, is this going to be this person or this power? Because how many know that if Messiah has a body, guess what? The anti-Messiah has a body. It's not just about that one. Oh, there's there's the Antichrist. I knew it. Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin. Ryan Seacrest. That's the Antichrist. You know, it's not just about that. It's about his body. Given authority and has power. Authority and power to come forward. The power of the first beast. The first beast. Now, if that first beast was Catholicism, it ruled the world for 1260 years. If that first beast refers back to the Turkish Empire, we know what Islam did. So we can see a picture here. Who's the first beast? It is Hasatan. And he's using these twin powers to come together. Look at verse 12. To bring fire. Excuse me. In verse 13, it talks about performing works with fire. Now, could it be that. Muhammad is the prophet that brings together the Sunnis and the Shiites. Instead of fighting against each other, they began fighting against the rest of the world. Could we see that happening over the next several years? That's something that could very. Possibly occur in verse 13, it says he performs great signs. So it even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. Fire. And what happens when oil catches on fire? There's lots of fire there. There's a picture there. If you look at September 11th, now there's two schools there. There's a school of September 11th that says, oh, it was an inside job. Done by maybe America or by the Jesuits or maybe by, you know, this group, the Illuminati. And there's the other side that looks at it and says, oh, it's clearly Islam. It's clearly this was a war on terrorism that we have today. Think about that. Does that not remind you of fire from heaven and what happened to those buildings burning and the smoke going up? Is it not a picture of what we're looking at here? Maybe it's very literal, the power of the first beast. Great wonders. And look at verse 14. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs that were given to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and had come to life. So again, how was that first beast killed? By the sword. By the sword. By the word of Yahweh. The people must worship him or die, it says. Now it says those who dwell on the earth. Is this going to reach every corner of the earth? I personally don't think so. I think it's going to be in this area that it's speaking of here, the sand of the seashore in that area. And there's going to be some people in the jungles it's not going to affect, if you know what I mean. They're not going to have to make a choice of worshipping the beast or not. However, if we look at here and it talks about those who dwell on the earth because of the signs that was given to him to perform in the presence of the beast. This empire, this power of these people, this anti-messiah having this power to go forward with this deception. Look at verse 15. And it was given to him breath to the image of the beast. And the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. Worship or die. Deception. That is what's going forward today as the jihad movement. The dragon. You put all this together you can connect the dots. The adversary is working very hard to deceive many. Verse 16. He causes all the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 17. He provides that no one should be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast. Numbers out of a man. His number is 666. New American Standard. The deception. Like a lamb, speaking as a dragon, unless they have the mark and provide allegiance. Now we all know commerce shuts down without oil. Commerce does not shut down without, you know, communion wafers. But if you think that that's the Catholic Church's power, you're mistaken and I'm mistaken. Because their power, when their kingdom ended in 1798, openly, their power went behind closed doors. And so we can see here the power taking place in a lot of things that have occurred over history. In the wars that have occurred and all these things. Now I'm not a big conspiracy theorist. I don't think there's a conspiracy behind, you know, the tap water that we drink. There's drugs in it. There are those that do. You can find a conspiracy over anything. You know what I'm saying? However, I think that we have to use wisdom, it says. Here is wisdom and be able to see all this come together. That here you've got a couple things. The all, I believe in verse 16, he calls it all. The small, the great, the rich and the poor is in reference to all in the Middle East. All in the Middle East. In the Middle East, in the world, there are 1.5 billion Muslims. 1.5 billion Muslims. Add to that the one billion Catholics. That's most of the known world. There are 52 Muslim countries and one Jewish state and they all want that little bit of land. You don't think the Pope wants it? Huh. They all are going after that little bit of land. Islam speaks of a tax to use. And then we all know what's occurring with the dollar today and the euro. You've heard about that Amaro that might, whatever. I mean there's all these different thoughts about money. But the dependence upon oil cannot be mistaken. That we have for everything. The plastics, transportation, trading of goods going through that area. Here is wisdom, verse 18. Here is wisdom. Wisdom is recognizing the beast, which is Hasatan. And he's using, I believe, the first beast and the second beast coming out of the sea. And he's showing us here that we've got to have wisdom in the end of days. Wisdom to recognize as in the days of Noah, so will be when the Son of Man returns. Let's go back to the Mim a little bit. Mim is the letter of water. And it says he stood on the sand of the seashore and saw the beast coming out of the sea. What does it say? As in the days of Noah, so will be when the Son of Man returns. Yeshua said in Matthew chapter 24. What happened in the days of Noah? Let's turn to Genesis chapter 6. Bereshit chapter 6. The story of Noah in the flood. Bereshit 6, verse 5, it says. And Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every intent of thought of his heart was only evil continually. Verse 11. Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of Yahweh, and the earth was filled with violence. Verse 12. And Yahweh looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt. All the flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. Like produces after like. Verse 13. And Yahweh said to Noah, the end of all flesh has come before me. The earth is filled with violence because of them. And behold, I'm about to destroy them with the earth. So here. He says. In verse 5, in verse 11, in verse 12, in verse 13. Violence. The earth is filled with what? Violence. And we know that like produces after like. It says that in Genesis chapter 1, verse 24. So if Hasatan is someone's God, if they are worshipping selfishness, it's going to produce violence. Which is what's happening today. It tells us in Genesis chapter 24, it says. Because lawlessness increases in the world, the love of many will do what? Grow cold. What's the opposite of love? Violence. The Hebrew word used in these verses for violence is the Hebrew word Hamas. Look it up. Is the word Hamas. Or Hamas. Hamas. Hamas, if you look it up, means false witness or violence. Isn't that what Hamas is today? A terrorist group trying to operate in Israel as a political group. Creating violence. Violence as soon as today. December 27th. Reuters News. Israeli war planes combat helicopters talented to Hamas rules Gaza Strip on Saturday. Killing at least 155 people in the bloodiest day of Palestinians in more than 20 years of conflict. Militants in the Gaza Strip responded with rockets that killed one Israeli man and wounded others. Hamas came out and quote unquote, we are ready to release hell. End quotes. Upon Israel. Hamas threatens to release this. To avenge the dead. Palestinian President Mohammed Abbas said the Israeli air campaign was criminal. And the European Union foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, called for an immediate stop of Israel's response. Whose response? Of Israelite's response. The Hamas continues. The violence continues just as said. Yahweh was revealing the name of the terrorist group in Genesis chapter 6. As it is in the days of Noah. What happened in the days of Noah? Hamas ruled and reigned. What's happening today? Hamas is trying to rule and reign as a front. Because guess what Hamas is? It's a front to the whole of Islam. You don't think there are Iranians helping Hamas? And money? And weapons coming through? It's being used as a front to battle Yahweh's people. Now let's go back to this verse. Genesis chapter 24. In Bereshit, excuse me, excuse me, go back. Matthew chapter 24. He says, as it is in the days of Noah, so it will be when the Son of Man returns. We know what happened with Noah. But it reigned. We know that violence increased. We see the men there. We see Hamas there. Then it says in Genesis, excuse me, in Matthew chapter 24. It's given the parable of the fig tree. Of course, which is a picture of Israel blooming again. And he says in Matthew 24. This generation shall not pass. He says, therefore, I've told you in advance. Now how long is a generation? A generation could be 40 years. There were 40 years in the wilderness journeys. A generation could be 50 years like in a jubilee. A generation could be 70 years. And a generation could be 100 years. All of these years add up to a possible return of Yeshua in 2017. How is that? 50 years after the six day war in 1967. When Jerusalem was made the capital of Israel. That's an important time, isn't it? 50 years. 50 years brings us to what? 50 plus 1967. 2017. We know that the commandment went forth in November. November 29th, 1947. The United Nations made a declaration and stated that Israel would become a nation. Be returned to Jewish hands. November 29th, 1947. That is when the commandment went forth. Daniel chapter 2 speaks about when the commandment goes forth, you can begin to know the times and the seasons. Well, 1947 plus 70 equals what? 2017. It was in 1917 when the Islamic Ottoman Empire was finally destroyed. World War I and the Balfour Declaration took place in 1917. During the celebration of Hanukkah, actually, the Balfour Declaration said, it was General Allenby, rode into Jerusalem and stated that this land belonged to the Jewish people. Yeshua said, this generation shall not pass. The generation that saw the restoration of the fig tree. So we see that 100 years from 1917 brings us to what? 2017. Now, that's three witnesses. We've got 40, we've got 50 years, we've got 70 years, and we've got 100 years. How does 40 years play in? Think about it. If the 40 years could also be a generation, how does that play in? The mem is the number 40. It's a picture of the water, a picture of the beast coming out of the water. It's a picture of the generations. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Let's look at two possible scenarios. Number one, 2010, which would be the beginning of tribulation, if we're right. 2017 minus seven years equals 2010. What happened 40 years prior, in 1970? The rainy days of Noah, the 40-year generation, points us to 2017. What happened in 1970? Because you've got 2017 minus the seven-year tribulation equals 2010. Is that right? What happened in 1970 was a unique war, you might remember. It was called the War of Attrition. In 1970, Egypt attacked Israel over the Gaza Strip, believe it or not, over Jerusalem. And for 90 days, another symbolic number, there was war. There was a huge war that took place. And in 1970, the little land of Egypt, the little IDF, Israeli Defense Force, defeated the Egyptians in the War of Attrition for Jerusalem. You see, they were defeated in 1967, and that's how they lost the six-day war and lost control of Jerusalem. Three years later, Egypt mounted forces again and tried to attack and said, we want Jerusalem. The War of Attrition, which happened in 1970, most of us don't think of 1970 or the war, I've never heard of it before. But as I began to do my research, I'm like, whoa. Again, a fight over Jerusalem. Okay? In 1977, seven years later, President Sadat was the first Arab leader to ever visit the Jewish state of Israel. Do you remember that? It was huge. He was assassinated later because he did this. Sadat made the controversial journey which led to the Camp David Agreement. Good old Jimmy Carter. Sadat was the first Arab, did I say it right that time? First Arab leader. First Muslim leader to ever say, you know what? We're going to talk with the Jewish people. We're going to work this out peacefully. Why don't we put in a peace treaty? Seven years ago, we fought this war. But now, let's do a peace treaty. So 40 years after that peace treaty in 1977, when Sadat went in to Jerusalem for the first time, guess what leads us to? 2017. The end of another supposed peace treaty. Is that a coincidence? Is that a coincidence? I think it's amazing. That when Sadat came in, he actually spoke to the parliament of Jerusalem. Menachem Bein, who was the prime minister of Israel, welcomed him in. He said, behold our brother, he said. So if you can connect the dots here with me. With the men. We can see a picture of Revelation 13. We can see how Hafez is using, I believe, the papal system, the Illuminati, these groups that are there. The Jesuits, he's using Islam to bring about great confusion. He's using Hamas openly. We can see an upcoming return of Yeshua in our calendar, and in the Hebrew letters. Now. There are two forms of the Mem. Everybody with me? You've got the Mem, and you've got the Mem Sofit. The regular Mem that's written, and you've got the Mem Sofit that's written at the end of a word. The end of days are approaching, and guess what's going to happen? The Messiah, Moshiach, which is actually a Mem word, is going to come back and defeat the beast, and all who take the mark, amen? Listen, this teaching isn't here just, oh my goodness, the sky is falling, the sky is falling. No! The Scriptures say, encourage one another with these words, doesn't it? It says, encourage one another with these words. So I want to show you something really powerful. Are you ready to see something powerful in the Hebrew? We miss it because we study and we read in the English. Two things I want to show you, really good. First of all, it tells us in Isaiah 59, 19, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of Yahweh will raise up a standard against him. So how is the enemy coming in? Like a flood, right? What's a flood of? A flood of water. So it's telling us here that when the enemy comes in like a flood of water, get us to where we're going to die, that Yahweh is going to raise up a standard against him. No, no, no, no, no. Can I get a no out there? Somebody say no, real loud. No, that's not what it says in the Hebrew. Because in the Hebrew there is no comma. Do you know what it says in the Hebrew? Read it like this. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of Yahweh will raise up a standard against him. The enemy is not coming in like a flood. Do you know what's happening? Yahweh is raising up the standard against the enemy like a flood. As in the days of Noah, so it shall be when the Son of Man returns. That righteous flood is coming to wipe away Hasatan. So don't be worried. Don't be worried. The Spirit of Yahweh is raising up the standard like a flood. So don't put a comma there. You got me? So read it in the Hebrew and you'll see this. Something else I want to show you here. In Isaiah chapter 9, which is one of the messianic prophecies of Yeshua, there is a hint from Yahweh. I love these hints from Yahweh. But yet, because we don't read in Hebrew, we miss them sometimes. But in the Torah scroll, we see a hint from Yahweh in Isaiah chapter 9. Read verses 6-8. For a child be born to us, a son will be given to us, and the government will rest on his shoulders. His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Yahweh, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of his government or of peace on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it, to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore. The zeal of Yahweh of hosts will accomplish this. Verse 8. And Yahweh sends a message against Jacob, and it falls on Israel and all those who know it. That is, Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria asserting in pride and arrogance of heart. The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with smooth stones. The sycamores have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars. Therefore Yahweh raises. So it goes here and it speaks about Yeshua. And it says that a child will be born, and a son will be given, and the government will rest on his shoulders. His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Yahweh. In the Hebrew, there's something peculiar that is written in these verses. And you might can see it already. In the verse it says that the government may be increased, and of the peace there will be no end upon the throne of David, upon his kingdom, to establish it, to perform justice and judgment. This is verse 7. There will be no end to the increase of his government or of the peace on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it. We know this is speaking of Messiah, don't we? That's coming and he's going to restore the throne of David. King David. And it says there will be no end to the increase of his government. In Isaiah chapter 9, verse 7, it says, Limarbe ha-Misra. Limarbe ha-Misra, which in Hebrew is, His rule shall be increased. Limarbe ha-Misra, which says, His rule shall be increased. In English it says, There shall be no end to the increase of his government. Whose government? Messiah's government, right? Well, it just so happens that in the Hebrew scroll, when they get to this section of Scripture, and they spell out Limarbe ha-Misra, they don't make a mistake. But they use a final mem in the middle of the word, Limarbe ha-Misra. When it should be, Lamed, Mem, Resh, Bet, He, from Limarbe, it's Lamed, Mem, Sofit, and it's enlarged to bring attention to that very verse. That Yahweh was speaking down through the ages, down through the scribes, saying, Pay attention to this verse, because the Messiah is coming, and He's going to bring about this completion. He's going to bring about the restoration of the throne of David. And He will be a child born to us, the government will rest on His shoulders, and no matter who comes against Him, He shall reign. Add to this Revelation 22 verse 18. Blessed are those who guard the commandments, for they will be given the right to enter in through the gates of the city and eat from the tree of life. That's us. We serve this Messiah that's coming back. And the Mem points us to the return of Messiah, the transformation in our lives, and no matter who comes against us, when the enemy comes in, what's going to happen? Like a flood, the spirit of Yahweh will raise up a standard against Him. And he who lives by the sword will die by the sword. We're going to live by the sword of the word of Yahweh. We're going to defeat the enemy with that sword, and we're going to die. Our flesh is going to die to that sword. And through the Mem, we can be transformed and made anew. All this is in this little letter. Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing? And what Yahweh has for us. So may we learn from this, may we walk this, and may we have our eyes open and see as we prepare for the return of Melech Yeshua. Amen? Thank you again for listening to the Finding Emet radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. Search the Bible, submit your prayer request, or read an article on various subjects. The website is That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website, or write to us at Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. That's Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding Emet with Daniel Rendlin. May you find the Emet, and may the Emet, may the truth set you free. Find Emet