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The Finding Emet radio program focuses on understanding and living the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The power and meaning of names are discussed, emphasizing the importance of using the true Hebrew name of Jesus, Yeshua. The name Jesus is a translation from Latin and Greek, and it is revealed that the original King James Bible did not use the name Jesus. The significance of using the correct name for miracles and salvation is highlighted. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the www.emetministries.com website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. That's www.emetministries.com or www.findemet.com. CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. We're going to begin the teaching today with a verse from Proverbs chapter 30, verse 4. And this says, who has ascended into the heavens or descended? Who has gathered the wind in his fist? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name, if you can tell? What is his name, and what is his son's name, if you can tell? The name of this teaching is called, Name Above All Names. Now, just recently, the country of Jordan implemented a law that banned citizens from naming their babies after certain controversial figures. No more could babies in Jordan be called Osama. They said you can no longer name your child, your Muslim child, Osama, and no more Bin Ladens. Pretty good, I think, that they're doing that. They did not say you couldn't name him Saddam, but they did say you cannot name your child Osama, because he's a bad guy. And by the way, Jordanians, you cannot name your child Benjamin, because it might be reflective of Benjamin Netanyahu, an Israeli prime minister. And by the way, you're not to name your child Yitzhak or Isaac, because of Yitzhak Rabin, an Israeli prime minister. And you can no longer name your children Golda, or anything with gold in it, because of Golda Meir, one of the greatest Israeli prime ministers. They went on and named the past 15, and said we do not want any child growing up in this country named after these Hebrews, these Israeli prime ministers. Now, why would they do that? Why would they do that? The government realized the power and meaning of names, did they not? The government realized the power and meaning of names. Now, the names were said, you can name anything but this. They were given choices. Now, we know that biblically, names have great meaning and convey understanding. You've got Rachel, it means little lamb, for example. You've got Abraham, Avraham in Hebrew, that means what? Father of many, father of many nations. You've got Moses, think about Moses. When Moshe came out of the water, what did she say? I will name him Moses, Moshe in Hebrew, because I drew him out of the water. Names have great meaning, and they also are prophetic. We have a son named Judah, and I always said I wanted to name him Judah, because it means praise Yahweh. That's what Judah means. Well, think about Moses for a minute. Do you think his name was prophetic? He was drawn out of the water. He was pulled out of the water. Wasn't he used by Yahweh to draw Israel out of Egypt? Didn't they go through the waters? A prophetic name. And, of course, the name of our Savior, Messiah. In Hebrew, Yeshua, Yeshua, that the Savior was given a Hebrew name. Now, the Savior was born to a Jewish couple and was given a Hebrew name. 2,000 years ago, a little boy was given a special name. He wasn't named after a soap opera star or whatever, but in direction of angels. So, if you look in Matthew 1, verse 21, it says she will give birth to a son, and you will give him the name Yeshua, because he will save his people from their sins. Now, of course, the King James, we're all familiar with, we shall name him Jesus. Now, we all are pretty smart, and we know that the angels did not speak English 2,000 years ago. They simply could not have said, you are to name him Jesus. Or Jesus, okay? Because English or Spanish wasn't around way back then. Originally, the angels spoke the language of the Hebrew people, but these Jews understood them, and this baby was given a Hebrew name. The child was named Yeshua, which is the exact word for salvation. The exact word salvation is Yeshua. His name actually means salvation. Every time they used his name, they were actually saying, Savior, Savior, Savior. And yet, most of us don't read or write Hebrew, or very well. Yet, to gain the fullest comprehension and understanding, as we study the context of the Bible, the language of the Bible, and we use his true name, we put him back into context of his life. And the truth is, Yeshua's name was never meant to be changed. After Yeshua died, and he gave his life as the sacrifice for all sins, we see that Yeshua appears to Paul, Saul, in Hebrew, Shaul. And he appears to him, and it's actually recorded in three different portions of the Newer Testament, in Acts chapter 9, in Acts chapter 22, and in Acts chapter 26. We're going to look at Acts chapter 26, verses 14 through 15. And here, we're going to see that when Yeshua appeared to Paul, he didn't say, Paul, Paul, why do you persecute me? My name is Jesus, or Jesus. He said, my name is Yeshua. And in Acts chapter 26, verses 14 through 15, I, Paul, heard a voice speaking to me in my native tongue, in the Hebrew tongue. Acts chapter 26, verse 14. He said, I, Paul, heard a voice speaking to me, saying in my native Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? Why do you do this? And I said, who are you, master? And he said, I am Yeshua, whom you persecute. If there's any question of what his name is, if there's any question to what he recognizes as his name, I think this clears it up. In his native tongue, he says, I am Yeshua, whom you persecute. Now, in Acts chapter 2, verse 38, it says, repent, every one of you, be baptized in the name of Yeshua for the remission of your sins. Now, we know that that as, repent, every one of you, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. You shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts chapter 3, verse 6, we read in our King James. Peter said, silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give unto you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Get up and walk. Isn't that what we've read? Miracles being done in his name. Acts chapter 8, verse 16. For as yet the Spirit had not fallen upon them, for they had only been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. We read. It tells us that there is salvation in no other name. In Acts chapter 4, verse 12, there is no salvation. There is salvation in any other name. There's no other name given under heaven among men by which we must be saved. Now, if the name is important, as we read here, it is. For miracles, for all of this. Then I think it's pretty important that we make sure we're calling on the right name. Amen. And we all came into the understanding that we were calling upon the right name when we call it upon Jesus. I didn't call upon Russell Smith, David Smith, Joseph Smith. I didn't call upon any of those guys. I didn't call upon the angel Moroni. You know what I'm saying? I didn't call upon Hare Krishna or Muhammad or any of those guys. I called upon the name Jesus and I was born again. We were saved. However, as I matured in my faith and in my walk, I began to realize that that wasn't a Hebrew word. That wasn't his true Hebrew name. It's interesting that according to the American Heritage Dictionary, the etymological origin of Jesus, it says, Notice that it says that Jesus' name is from Latin and then Greek and then Hebrew. Talk about lost in translation. Three different languages placing their influence on the original name that the disciples were proclaiming, they were teaching, they were baptizing in. Did you know that the original King James, 1611, did not have Jesus either? Go buy one. You can order it from Christian bookstores, Christian book distributors, cbb.com. Order a 1611 King James and it has E-A-S-U-S, I-E-S-U-S. You see, the letter J wasn't added to the English language until much later. Then it turned into Jesus. If you look up the name Jesus in your Strong's Concordance, it sends you to Strong's Greek number 2424, E-A-S-U-S, of the Hebrew origin, Joshua, Yahoshua, the name of three other Israelites. That they equate the origin, you know, back to that, back to the Hebrew origin, the origin, you know, back to that, back to Joshua, Yahoshua, or like Joshua the son of Nun, remember him? A Greek translation called the Septuagint, we've all heard of that, of the scriptures, it was a Greek translation of the Hebrew, rendered Yahshua as E-A-S-U-S. Rendered it as E-A-S-U-S. Let me read to you something here. Around 178 C.E., common era, a pagan by the name of Celsus had a group of written debates with a bunch of Christians. And in one of those debates, he wrote, and I'm quoting from Celsus on True Doctrine, a discourse against the Christians, and on page 118, here's what he says. But of course they think otherwise. This is talking about the Christians, the early believers. They assume that by pronouncing the name of their teacher, their rabbi, they are armored against the powers of the earth and the air, that would be demons, and they are quite insistent on the efficiency of the name as a means of protection. Pronounce it improperly, they say, and his name is ineffective. They even say that Greek and Latin will not do. It must be said in the barbarian tongue to work. Silly as they are, one finds them standing next to a statue of Zeus or Apollo or some other god and shouting, see here, I blaspheme this god, I strike it, it is powerless against me, for I am a believer in Yahshua. Now, that's pretty interesting, because they call the Hebrew tongue barbarian, which we know the Greeks thought of that, called him their teacher, and said they wouldn't say it in Hebrew, they wouldn't say it in Greek, they wouldn't say it in Greek or Latin. So what's the big deal, though? We don't speak Hebrew, we don't speak Greek or Latin either. So the true, the real name, Hebrew name of the Savior is Yahshua. And again, we know that names mean something. They're not just letters joined together. You know how today you can name a child pretty much anything? Just sneeze and there's a name, there's a name of a child, that's what it's called now. Words, words mean something. Names specifically, especially in Hebrew. But most of the world knows him as Jesus Christ. They think Jesus was his first name and Christ was his last name. Is that not true? Is that not true? Okay, now, Yahshua means salvation, or specifically, Yahweh saves. Did you know that Jesus is a very poor Roman translation from the Latin that was poorly translated from the Greek, and it does not in any way resemble Yahshua, does it? Moreover, go to the Encyclopedia Britannica, and you'll see that there is a case that could be made that Iesus is a combination of two Greek deities, Eeu and Zeus. Now, there are many that don't agree with that. Think about the word Christ for a minute. Christ, from the Greek word Christos, which means anointed one. That's what Christos means. Now, here's what's wild. The Greeks would call each of their gods Christos. There was Zeus Christos. There was Apollos Christos. There was Diana Christos. It was basically a term saying this is the anointed God. Now, all the Greek gods were Christ. That word is translated from the Hebrew Messiah. You read in the New International Version, it uses Messiah a good bit, which is Mashiach in Hebrew, which means the anointed one. Now, that could be semantics, you could say. Well, they call me an anti-semantic, because I don't like those words, I guess. You know, if someone called you by a different name all the time, or chose not to use your true name, you might consider that rude or so. Now, we also know that Yeshua came as the Hebrew-speaking king of the Jews, did he not? And he said, I came in my father's name. Had he come in the name of Jesus, then he couldn't have come in his father's name. Because what is the father's name? Yahweh. Yahweh, spelled Yod, Yod, Yod. Hey, Bob, hey. Now, I'm not insisting or suggesting that those who call upon the name of Jesus are not born again. I'm not saying that they're not sincere. I'm stating that most of them, and many of them, do not know any better. They've never been taught. And yet, as we move towards, in Acts chapter 3, verse 21, the restoration of all things, the truth of his name is going forward. Think about the Passion of the Christ movie, proclaiming the true name to millions of people. Recently on, I got a call this week, a friend of mine was watching House. I don't know if you ever watch the TV show House. And the doctor is able to do this miracle work to heal this Jew that's there. And the doctor looks at her after she's healed. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. And he looks at her and says, just call me Dr. Yahweh. Now, you can look at that two ways. You could say that's not good that they're just throwing the name around. He said Yahweh. Look at me, I'm Dr. Yahweh. Or you could say, wow, the word's getting out. You could say the word's getting out. What about Bruce Almighty? When he logs on, it's supposed to be Yahoo, and it's Yahweh, it proclaims the name. Millions and millions of people coming across the name. What's interesting that you come across the name Yah, J-A-H, 49 times in the Bible. And specifically in Psalm 68, verse 4. And when you read this in the King James Version, it actually says the name Yah. It specifically says the name Yah. J-A-H, this is Psalm 68, verse 4. It says, sing to, in King James, sing to God, sing praises to his name, extol him that rides upon the heavens by his name, J-A-H, Yah, and rejoice before him. Sing to his name, Yah. Now, if the Bible's telling you to sing to this weird God named Jah, not Jah-Jah Beans, but it's saying to sing to Jah, that's interesting. But it's Yah, sing to Yah. Now, Yeshua said this in John chapter 5. In John chapter 5, verse 43, Yeshua said, I have come in my Father's name. Now, we know that the Father's name is Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh, pronounced Yahweh. Now, if you were to pick up your Bible, most Bibles, even the King James, in the preface of the Bible, explain that when you have the capitalized L-O-R-D or G-O-D, that it's the sacred name of Yahweh being used. That's why sometimes it's in all capital letters and sometimes it's not. When it's in all capital letters, it's telling you, the translators are saying, this was the name Yahweh. From the beginning, the name was given to man to acknowledge and to use. It's used over 7,000 times. Everybody say 7,000, 7,000 times. But it's been hidden in our Bible, it's in the King James version, behind the terms LORD and GOD in all capital letters. Now, we know that there's a problem there because if you're walking down a road and you sneeze and somebody says, God bless you, what if that person's a Satanist? Does that mean that God's blessing you or actually pronouncing a curse upon you? So, we like to be specific. We see, if we look at Exodus chapter 34, Exodus chapter 34 and in Exodus chapter 3, Yahweh reveals his name. It says in Exodus 34 verse 5, Yahweh descended in the cloud, or King James, the LORD, all capital letters, descended in the cloud, and stood with Moses there and proclaimed the name of Yahweh. And Yahweh passed before him and proclaimed, Yahweh, Yahweh, the God, or in Hebrew, the Elohim, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgressions and sin, that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and upon the children's children, and to the third and fourth generation. Moses made haste and bowed his head towards the earth, Yahweh has proclaimed his name, who are we to decide that a title is better? Lord is not his name, that is a title of his name. He is Yahweh, the King of all kings, amen, his son's name is Yeshua, the Lord of all lords, and yet many, many, many are guilty. Who are we to change his name? But many have done it. The Jews today do not say Yahweh. You would offend an orthodox Jew if you were to say Yahweh. They have taken one of the Ten Commandments that say do not take the name of Yahweh in vain, and they put fences around it and said, so that we don't mess up his name, we don't mispronounce it, we're not going to say it whatsoever. It's kind of like saying this, I don't want my child to be hit in the road, hit by, you know, playing in the road, so I'm never going to let my child play outside. They put those fences around it. So they use the word Adonai, which means master. They use the word Hashem in Hebrew, which means the name. They even have made up a new word called Adoshem, which means the name of the master. These are terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, these are titles. They're actually biblical titles, but they're titles. Just like we've heard Jehovah Jireh, my provider, Jehovah Nisi, the banner. Jehovah is an English version of Yahweh's name. It came about by putting Yahweh and Adonai together, long story short. These are titles. Now Yahweh said that this is my name. In Exodus chapter 3, he said, this is my name for all generations. It is the path to relationship. Amos chapter 5, verse 8, it says, holy and reverent is his name. Luke chapter 1, verse 49 says, holy is his name. Set apart. In Isaiah 9, 6, it says, his name is wonderful. His name is great. In Isaiah, in the book of Jeremiah, nine times it says, Yahweh of hosts is his name. Who are we to change it? Isaiah 54, 5, Yahweh of hosts is his name. And the Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, Jeremiah 23, 6, says, this is his name whereby he shall be called Yahweh our righteousness, which is in Hebrew, Yahweh Zerachenu, Yahweh Zerachenu, Yahweh our righteousness. Jeremiah 32, 17 says, the great, the mighty Elohim, Yahweh of hosts is his name. Now when the Hebrews were taken into the Babylonian captivity, they were there in Babylon. Think about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego in the Babylonian captivity. And while they were there, some of the practices of the Babylon infiltrated the true faith. One idea of Babylon is this idea of ineffability, that the Babylonians refused to use the names of their gods because they considered them too holy, too righteous to proclaim. They gave respect to their gods by not saying their god's name. And when the Jews returned from Babylon to rebuild Israel, remember Nehemiah, Ezra, when they returned to rebuild Israel, they took the sin with them. They came back from Babylon and they said, we're not going to say the name of Yahweh anymore, but only once a year on Yom Kippur, the high priest shall come out and proclaim it. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that. And even today, they do not use his name because they say it's too precious, it's too holy, and thus they violated the commandment, do not take the name of Yahweh in vain. By not using his name, they're taking it in vain. By not using his name, they're actually taking it in vain. Now we learn in Jeremiah chapter 16, verse 19, O Yahweh, my strength, my stronghold, my refuge in the day of tribulation, they shall come to you from the ends of the earth and they shall say, surely our fathers have inherited only lies, only vanity and things in which there is no profit. But just as Jeremiah was realizing this, so too we at this day, as the end of days comes closer, as tribulation comes closer, we are realizing what? That our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, things in which there is no profit. We've inherited, Christianity has inherited this sin from Judaism. That today, majority of churches do not teach the name of Yahweh, Yeshua. We've inherited vanity. By substituting Lord and God, instead of referring to him as Yahweh, the God of Israel, or Yahweh the Elohim of Israel, he's the Lord God of the Baptists. Now I'm not dissing on the Baptists, I is one, or was one, or whatever. But because the name of Yahweh has been set aside, because it's been hidden, because it was forsaken, or forbidden and forgotten, the true path has been blurred from many, many eyes. And I'll even say this, that the true path of salvation has been hidden from the Jews. His name is Yahweh. Romans 10, 13, whoever calls upon the name of Yahweh shall be saved. Now, some would say, oh, well, you've got to say it in a certain way. There are those out there that say it's Yahweh, with a V sound. There are those that say it's Yahweh. There are those that say it's Yahuwah. John chapter 1, verse 12 says, as many as received him, he gave to them power to become sons of God. Yahweh, even to them that believe, what? On his name, which were born not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of Yahweh. That because we have not been saying Yahweh's name, and because the Jews have not been saying Yahweh's name, and because Christianity doesn't say Yahweh's name, we've actually hidden his path of salvation from the world. The path of salvation has been blurred. His true identity has been blurred by substituting other things. When we say Yahweh's name, and we use his name, we can share the fullness and meaning of it. When you say Yahweh, people know what you're talking about, the God of the Bible, or the Elohim of the Bible. It's pretty clear. But when you use the generic term God, who knows what you're talking about. I read this week about a polygamist that's got 12 sons up in North Carolina. Got put in jail. He circumcised his sons at home with a pocket knife. I don't want anybody referring to me to be like him. You know what I'm saying? I serve Yahweh. Now here's the thing. When we use the name Yahweh, we can share its meaning. And so we're going to talk about what does the name Yahweh mean. First of all, it means I am that which I am. He always is. And yet we know that in Hebrew, the letters of the Hebrew language are pictures and symbols for us. Hebrew is much more like hieroglyphics than it is like English. In English, a Z is that's it. You know, you got a D, that's a D. An F is an F. But in Hebrew, each of the letters are symbolic and have great meaning. Let's look at the name of Yahweh and see what it spells out and see that as we begin to use his name, we will begin to clarify his path of salvation. The first letter of Yahweh's name is the Yod. Everybody say Yod. It looks like a little comma suspended in the air. And the actual word Yod means hand or arm. So if you say, I'm going to wash my hands, I'm going to wash my Yadayim, that's your hands. You got one hand, it's Yod, it's Yod, it's Yod. So the Yod is a picture of the arm or hand of Yahweh. Throughout the scriptures, the arm or hand of Yahweh is a picture of Yeshua, the Messiah. Psalm 8910 says, you scattered your enemies with your mighty arm, your mighty hand. The Yod is symbolic of Yahweh's essence. Yahweh is love. Yahweh has a wonderful plan for your life. And the hand of Yahweh is upon us to lead us towards blessing and healing and prosperity and peace. That's what the Yod stands for, the hand of Yahweh. And then Yod He Vav He, the He, it's found in the sacred name twice. And it actually is a picture of a man with his arms out like he's surprised. To behold is what it means. The He means to behold. The word picture is a picture of somebody kind of raising his hands or waving his hands to get attention. To behold something is to really pay it attention. Like an artist that stands back from his beautiful sculpture and looks at every crack and every crevice. We need to behold, we need to He, we need to see that selfish desires separate us from Yahweh. After Adam sinned in the garden, he saw that he was naked, did he not? He behold it. Well, years have passed, but not much have changed. Because of sin, we are still naked before Yahweh. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Yahweh, Romans 6, 23. Yod He Vav He is how his name is spelled. The Vav is the last letter in Yahweh's name. And it symbolizes a hook. And the word Vav means nail. In Israel today, if you were to go into a hardware store on the corner street, you know, of Jaffa Road or whatever and need some nails, you say, I need to buy some Vavim, some Vavs. I need to buy a Vav. Not a vowel. I need to buy a Vav. The psalmist understood this. Because the Vav is a picture of a nail. The psalmist said in Psalm 22, 16. The assembly of the wicked have enclosed me. They have pierced my hands and my feet. When the psalmist said this, he wrote that the Messiah's hands, his what? God's, were going to be pierced by a nail, a Vav. We see that Yeshua, our Messiah, has provided. The letter Vav symbolizes how Yahweh has provided salvation through his son. The Savior died to pay the price for sin. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of Yahweh is eternal life, Romans 3, 23. So together, let's look at Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh to unlock the mystery of salvation. Let's put these pictures together. Yod, the hands. Vav, the nail. Heh, behold. Behold, the hands. The nail-scarred hands. By examining the name of Yahweh, we can behold. And notice the word Heh, the letter Heh is there twice. Many have heard the gospel message. Millions know that the Savior was crucified, placed in a bar of gold, Millions know that the Savior was crucified, placed in a bar of tomb, and resurrected three days later. It's not just this knowledge that saves you. You've got to behold it. Amen? You've got to take it in. You've got to call upon the name of Yahweh and believe in your heart that Yahweh raised him from the dead and you shall be saved. You've got to behold him. So many people miss heaven by 12 inches from their head to their heart because they got it here, but they don't have it here. Behold, Yahweh has given Yahshua the name above all names, the Savior. And what's interesting is we see the Savior's name all throughout the Old Testament. In John chapter 20, verse 31, it says, These things are written that you might believe that Yahshua is the Messiah, the Son of Yahweh, and believing you might have life through his name. Philippians chapter 1, verse 9 through 11. Let this mind be in you, that which was in Yahshua, who being in the form of Yahweh, thought it not robbery to be equal with Yahweh, made himself of no reputation, took upon the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in the fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a tree or cross. Wherefore, Yahweh has also highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every name. With the name of Yahshua, every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth. And every tongue should confess that Yahshua Hamashiach is Yahweh to the glory of the Father. Yahweh has revealed his perfect plan of salvation in his very own name, Yahweh. Behold the hand, the nail-scarred hand. And again, the word Yahshua means what? Salvation. John chapter 4, verse 20, it says, Salvation is of the Jews. Isn't that interesting? Yahweh is salvation. John chapter 3, verse 23, this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of the Son, Yahshua, and love one another as he gave us his commandment. Yahshua's name also has meaning. So let's talk about his name for a minute. Let's talk about the name of Yahshua. If the name of Yahweh is highly symbolic, and it means behold the hand, the nail-scarred hand, what does the name Yahshua mean? What is it a picture of? First of all, it means Yahweh is salvation. Let's look at how Yahshua's name is spelled. First of all, it's spelled with a yod, a yod. Now, we just said that yod means what? Hand or arm, the arm or hand of Yahweh. The arm of Yahweh brings deliverance and victory. Whenever you read about the arm of Yahweh in the Bible, this is prophetically speaking of Yahshua. And then, if we were to use the most ancient writing of Yahshua's name, it would be yod he. He, which means to behold. Same name as in Yahweh's name, amen? He said, I've come in my father's name, to behold. Like a man standing there waving to get attention, to behold. Then, we see the vav, the vav. Now again, the vav is a picture of a nail. What's interesting here is that the vav is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. And in Hebrew, the letters are numbers and the numbers are letters, and each are symbolic. The number six is the number of man. Man was created on the sixth day. This shows us that Yahshua came as the son of man, as prophesied by Daniel. Yahshua came as Yahweh in his flesh. These are pictures. He came to have his hands, his God, pierced by the nail of his own body. No other name is given unto man for salvation. And I think sometimes we forget what Yahshua has done for us. It says, Psalm 22, 16, they have pierced my hands and my feet. But why would Yahshua have to die such a cruel death? Why did he have to do it? Well, guess what? That is revealed in the next two letters of Yahweh's name, of Yahshua's name. Yahshua came to offer salvation. He came to pay the price for sin, the remedy for sin. Did you know that in Genesis 49, 18, that Jacob prayed to Yahshua? Genesis 49, 18, he says, I have waited for thy salvation. In Hebrew, I have waited for Yahshua. Jacob trusted in Yahshua even before Yahshua was born in the world. Even before Yahshua was born in the world. In Psalm 62, David also proclaims this. Here's what he says. You, he alone is my rock and my salvation. Yahshua, I will not be moved. People in the Old Testament, Older Testament times, were born again or were redeemed by putting their faith in the salvation, the redeeming power of Yahweh. The sacrificial system did not, cannot, will not ever save anyone. In Hebrews 10, 4, it says, it is not possible that the blood of bulls or goats could take away sin. Salvation has always been by grace through faith. It started in the Garden of Eden. That's when grace started. Amen. I don't believe, personally, I don't believe in this age of grace that we're in right now. I think the age of grace started in the Garden of Eden. Yahweh began showing His mercy, His unmerited favor. His name doesn't just mean salvation. It is salvation. Yahshua came to save us from our sins. And I've said before, He didn't come to save us from the Torah or from Judaism. That the Torah, being the first five books of the Bible, show us how to live. Disobedience to the commands of the Torah is called sin. But the Torah is not sin. Romans 7, 12. The Torah is holy and the commandment is holy, righteous, and good. Yahshua did not come to save us from the law. He came to save us from our breaking of the law. Amen. He said, Matthew chapter 5, thank not that I've come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. That is an idiom. Just like we have an English idiom that says somebody kicked the bucket. In Jamaica, you say somebody kicked the bucket, they might not know what you're saying. What does it mean to kick the bucket? He died. Well, in Hebrew, there's an idiom that says you fulfill or you abolish the law. Today, even in Judaism, the rabbis are gathered together and one rabbi says something. And the group of rabbis agrees with him. They say, very good, you fulfilled the law with that interpretation. But if they don't agree, guess what they say? You have abolished the Torah. Yahshua said, I've not come to abolish it. I've come to fulfill it. And the last remaining letters in his name show us this. Yahshua paid the price for our sinfulness, for our Torah breaking. The last two letters in Yahweh's name are the ayin and the sheen. The sheen represents like a W, and it's one of the most widely used Hebrew letters. And the sheen in paleo Hebrew was a picture of a tooth. Today, in Hebrew, if you use the word sheen, you mean tooth or chewing. It looks like a molar. Tooth or chewing. Now, the last letter, this is good, in Yahshua's name is the ayin. And in ancient times, if you were writing the ayin, you would draw a picture of an eye. In modern Hebrew, the word for eye is ayin. The eye and the tooth, the ayin and the sheen, show us the power of sin. And combined, yod, hei, vav, sheen, ayin, show us the power of Yahweh. There's a legal term called rex talionis. Here's what it says. The punishment must fit the crime. In the Torah, the law of Moshe, punishments were given for different violations. The Torah explains in exact ways, in exact terms, how a person was to treat their neighbor and to worship Yahweh. Sin came if you disobeyed Torah. Amen. 1 John says sin is lawlessness. The punishment of sins is what? Separation from Yahweh. The wages of sin is death. And we've all fallen short, except for who? Yahshua. The Torah required justice for all of humanity's sins. Amen. The Torah mandated what? An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Exodus 21, 23 through 25. If there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise, bruise for bruise. The Torah requires an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a sheen for a sheen. Exact punishment. Guess what? Our crime is sin. The punishment is death. We are accused and Yahshua took our punishment and He died in our place. Torah justice required the eye and the tooth, the sheen, and it was met when the nail, the vav, hand, yod of Yahshua gave His life for us. When we behold what He did, that punishment for sin, mercy answers justice's call. Colossians 2, 14. He blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way by nailing it to the tree or the cross. John 1, 17 says the word was made flesh and did what? Dwelt among us. The word was made flesh. What word? The Torah. This word. The Alephbet. The living word came to give His life for us. Ephesians 2, 13. You who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Yahshua and are no longer aliens and strangers to the covenant of promise. We are no longer strangers. We are no longer no-name Gentiles. We've been brought near to the covenant. What covenant? The covenant made with Abraham. Abraham. Yahshua came in His Father's name, in His power and in His might. He upset the religious leaders of the day. He did it then and He's doing it now. Amen? I want to show you something here. In Matthew 27, 37. We've seen this over and over and over again. But because Yahshua's true name and Yahweh's true name has been hidden from us, we never put two and two together. So we see in Matthew 27, verse 37, they're crucifying Yahshua. They're killing Him. And it says, they took a sign and they wrote on top of it, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, right? They took a board and they wrote that. And they wrote it in three different languages. What were they? In Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek. In Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek. And who got upset? The religious leaders did, didn't they? Now, why would they get upset? They said, oh, change it. It should say, oh, He says that He's the King of the Jews. And what did Pilate say? What I've written, I've written. He had no idea what he had written. Because in Hebrew, what he wrote was, Yahshua ha-Natsri ve-Melech ha-Yahudim. Yahshua ha-Natsri ve-Melech ha-Yahudim. Why is that important? Why were the leaders outraged? Yahshua ha-Natsri ve-Melech ha-Yahudim. Yahshua ha-Natsri, from Nazareth, ve-Melech, the King, ha-Yahudim, of the Jews. Yahshua begins with a what? A yod. Ha-Natsri begins with a what? A hey. Ve-Melech, ve, begins with a what? A vav. And ha-Yahudim begins with a what? A hey. The name of Yahweh was above him as he was on the tree, the cross, whatever you want to call it. It was written, and everyone who looked upon him saw the name of Yahweh. What did he say? He said, if you will lift up his name, he said, I will draw all men unto me. When his name is exalted, sinners are convicted. When we use his name, he will draw people to us. He will draw people to him. Yahshua ha-Natsri ve-Melech ha-Yahudim. Now, both Judaism and Christianity have a benediction at the end of their services. It's pretty traditional. And it comes from the book of Numbers. Let's turn there. Let's turn there. And in the book of Numbers, this is called in the synagogue, the Eharonik Barakah, the blessing of Aaron or so. Number 622. And Yahweh spoke to Moshe saying, speak to Aaron and his son, saying, this is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. How were the priests to bless the people? By doing what we're fixing to read. This is the way you are to bless them. Verse 24. Yahweh bless you and keep you. Yahweh make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. And they shall put the name upon the children of Israel the name upon the children of Israel. And I will bless them. Haven't we heard that in the funerals and the services? The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you in the synagogues. They say to the end of every service, give a record to Yahweh. This is my record. Yah air Yahweh. You saw Yahweh. Shalom. Let's really grab what it says. This verse clarifies that we bless others when we use his name. Verse 22. Yahweh spoke to Moshe saying, speak to them saying, this is the way you shall bless them. How do we bless people? And it begins Yahweh bless you and keep you. We bless others by his name. Now the word for name in Hebrew, Shem. Shem is Hebrew for name. If I were to say my name is Danielle, I'd say Shmi Danielle. The word Shem is a picture of a mark, a memorial, an indication of character. He says, you shall bless them. You shall put my blessing upon them when you use my name. What's interesting is in the book of Shir Hasharim or in English, the Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 3. The Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 3. It says that your name is like oil. Your name is like oil. But the name of Yahweh is like oil. What is oil? Anointing oil. Amen. What does it say? That the anointing shall break the yoke. That when Yahweh is revealed as he truly is, it shall break the yokes that are upon us. The more we begin to understand him and have a revelation of his love, the more of the yokes that will fall upon us. We don't have to rebuke the demons. They're going to leave us. We'll conclude with Psalm 133. Let's put these verses together. Your name is like oil. Yahweh bless you and keep you. Psalm 133. In English, behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity. It is like the precious oil anointing ointment upon the head that ran down the beard, even Aaron's beard that went down to the collar of his robe. But the oil that flows from Aaron's beard. What did we say the oil was? The name that flowed from Aaron's beard brought about the blessing of what? Of unity, of anointing. Behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity. Unity in what? In Yahweh, Yeshua's name. As his name comes forth out of our mouth, as the truth is shared, blessings abound. And one of those blessings is unity. Why is unity important? Isn't that what Yeshua prayed for before he died? He said, Father, may they be one as I and the Father are one. To be one with him, to be one with each other. By the name. There are many out there, as you begin to use and say the name of Yahweh, Yeshua, that will not be open, that will not go forth. And to those, you shake the dust off your feet and you go on. And yet there are many who will be open and welcome that. And the unity that is there is like the precious ointment that flowed from Aaron's beard. And it's a blessing. As we come to Yahweh through his name, it brings us together and it builds our relationship. So I encourage people to pray in the name of Yahweh, Yeshua. People that I just began talking to, I said, just try it. Use his name. Use his name. Because one day, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, what? That Yeshua is Yahweh to the glory of Yahweh the Father. Isaiah 45, 22, makes this clear. We thought that was a New Testament concept. No, no. Isaiah 45, 22, look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth. I am Yahweh. There is none else. I am sworn by myself. The word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness and shall not return. That unto me every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. We started our teaching today with Proverbs 30. Who is ascended into the heavens or descended? Who has gathered the wind in his fist? Who has bound the waters in his garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name? Yahweh. What is his son's name? Yeshua. Now you can tell. Amen. The name above all names. The name of our Messiah. Amen. Thank you again for listening to the Finding EMET radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the EMET, the truth of the scriptures. Search the Bible, submit your prayer request, or read an article on various subjects. The website is www.FindEMET.com. That's www.FindEMET.com. CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at EMET Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, South Carolina, 29108. That's EMET Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, South Carolina, 29108. Thank you again for listening to Finding EMET with Daniel Rendlin. May you find the EMET, and may the EMET, may the truth set you free. Amen.

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