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The Finding Emet radio program aims to help listeners understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The program features Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries and offers free teaching articles and a Bible search program on their website. In a teaching session, the importance of faith or "Emunah" in Hebrew is discussed, using the example of Abraham's journey to the promised land. The speaker emphasizes the need to trust in the spiritual realm and open our eyes to its existence. Perception is not always reality, and believers must learn to operate in the spiritual realm for a fruitful walk in life. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the www.emetministries.com website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. Visit us at www.emetministries.com or www.findemet.com. CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. A priest and a rabbi were traveling on a plane. You've got to love it when it starts out like that. A priest and a rabbi were traveling together on a plane. After a while, the priest turned to the rabbi. He was sitting there with his yarmulke on, his long beard, his peyote, his little curls coming down. And he said, is it still a requirement of your faith that you do not eat pork? The rabbi responded, well, yes, that is still one of our beliefs. We don't eat pork. The priest then said to the rabbi, have you ever eaten pork before? To which the rabbi said, well, on one occasion, I did succumb and I tasted pork. The priest nodded in understanding, then he went back to his reading of the Apocrypha. So, some time passed, and after a while, the rabbi asked the priest, he said, Father, I have to ask you, is it still a requirement of your faith that you remain celibate? The priest said, why, yes, rabbi, that is still very much a part of our Catholic faith. So then the rabbi said, Father, have you ever fallen into the temptation of the flesh? The priest replied, well, turning red in the face, he said, yes, rabbi. On one occasion, I was weak and broke with my faith. Rabbi nodded understandingly for a moment, then he said, a lot better than pork, ain't it? Anyway, forgive me, forgive me. Different parts of the faith, you could say. Thank you, Brother David. I got a smile from him. So, there are parts of faith that are part of the Catholics, part of the Jews, part of the Messianics, and a central part of our faith is this Hebrew word, Emunah. Everybody say Emunah. Emunah. Emunah is not a scary Hebrew word. It's a Hebrew word that means trustworthiness or trusting. It actually means faithfulness. Emunah, translated many times in the Bible as faith, faith. That's what we're going to talk about today as the teaching is called How to Walk by Emunah, How to Walk by Faith. Now, the word Emunah comes to us from the Hebrew language from the root word, Amen, Amen, which means may it be so, may it be so. When you say Amen or Amen, brother, to the preacher, you're saying may it be so, may it be true, may it be so in my life. Emunah is that. Faith, Emunah, trusting belief, not a statement of belief. That's what, you know, you've got a statement of faith that many churches have, but a effect of belief. So when you think of Emunah in the biblical Hebraic sense, you're thinking of not a statement of faith, but an effect of faith. And how many know that faith did not begin, the first reference to faith is not in Matthew chapter one, verse one in the New Testament. Getting some heads nodding, yes. Actually, we see that the word Emunah is first used in the book of Genesis, in the book of Bereshit, in the book of Bereshit in Hebrew, which means beginnings. And in Genesis, we see it in reference to Avinu Avraham, which is Hebrew for our father Abraham. We see it in reference to him. And with Abraham or Avraham, he is told to leave his father's house, leave his father's home and to go on a journey to the promised land. Amen. That's what he's told to do. And here he's told to go to obey. And as he does that, he will be blessed abundantly. He will have many, many, many, many, many descendants. Bereshit, Genesis 15, one through six. After these things, the word of Yahweh came to Avraham in a vision saying, fear not, I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward. And Avraham said, Sovereign Yahweh, what will you give me, seeing I go childless, the steward of my house is Eliezer of Damashech. And Avraham said, See to me, you've given no seed and see one born in my house as my heir. And see, the word of Yahweh came to him saying, This shall not be your heir, but he that shall come out of your own bowels shall be your heir. And verse five, and he brought him out abroad and said, Look now towards the heavens. Count the Hukavim, the stars, if you are able to number them. And he said to them, So shall your seed be. Verse six, key verse. And Avraham believed in the word of Yahweh and it was accounted to him as righteousness. In Hebrew, Zadokah, as righteousness. It actually says, it says that he believed in the word of Yahweh. Not in the manifestation, but in the word of Yahweh. And it tells us here in Hebrew, Avraham Vehemim, Avraham Vehemim, which is Hebrew for and Avraham believed or he believed. And notice that his belief was accredited to him as righteousness, right standing with Yahweh. Now, in Hebrews 11, verse eight, it says, we hope. I said, we hope. Hebrews 11, verse eight, it says by Amunah, by faith, when Avraham was called to go out into a place that he would later receive as an inheritance, Avraham obeyed and he went out not knowing where he was going. Avraham was told to go and he went by faith. That's what faith is. It's not knowing what's over the next hill. That's what faith is. Now, wouldn't you agree that that's a contrast to today's world? You've got GPS phones, you've got world atlases, you've got MapQuest, you've got tight minute schedules. We better know when, where, how and why we're going to be. Where is the faith? Where is the Amunah? If we continue like this, will the son of man find faith on the earth when he returns? The truth is, look at Hebrews 11 and now in verse 10, it says, for Avraham looked for a city that's foundations and builder and maker is Yahweh. He looked for a city. Avraham looked towards a city which he could not see. He looked towards a city that he could not see. He had no map. He only believed it existed. Much like a trip to find Atlantis. Avraham went out with only the idea that the city existed. Do you understand that? How big of a step of faith this was for Avraham? People thought he was just hearing voices in his head. He needed to go see the local shrink and he picked up his family and they go to obey, not to obey, not seeing. And yet to Avraham, the city was as real as the ground that he walked on. That's how real the city was. You ever been there before? Would you agree that for most people, perception is reality? For most people, perception is reality. Think about this. To a two year old, Barney, the purple dinosaur, is real. Agree? Try cutting my VCR off sometimes. It is real. To a teenager, sometimes violence on a video game is real. It's liberating. It releases something. We've seen this happen in Columbine where they took it out in person. What about an adult? An adult with pain, with a migraine, for example, it's real. There is no hope. Without money, there's no problem. You know, our problems are real, you could say. Perception is reality. For most people, perception is reality. But that should not be the case for believers. You see, our senses, this is what I suppose, our senses of sight, of touch, of taste, what we hear, they mislead us. Do we not agree? Our senses can mislead us. Have you ever seen a fake diamond? Have you ever given someone a fake diamond? OK. Ladies, do you wear fake diamonds? You know, but they look real. They feel like a real gemstone. I mean, think about the power of deception. Elvis impersonators. Uh-huh, baby. Elvis impersonators. Did you see that? I can curl my lips. Uh-huh. That's right. By the way, his birthday, January the 8th, big Elvis fan right here. Elvis impersonators draw thousands of people. Bubblegum tastes really like freshly picked grapes sometimes. A cat's tongue feels like sandpaper. Our senses fool us. Because the truth is, there is more than just this physical world. I mean, there is a spiritual realm. I mean, I mean, there is a spiritual realm of faith, of Amunah, of angels, of demons, of miracles, of anointing, of power. There is a spiritual realm beyond what we can see that exists. And we must open, as you said, our spiritual eyes to be able to see it. Our physical eyes don't always see it. How many times have you seen Yahweh? Have you heard directly the voice, the audible voice of Yahweh? Most of us would say not every day. From the moment we are born, though, our minds are being shaped by the pattern of this world. We are taught, and therefore we believe this. We are taught man does not walk on water. We are taught that fishes and loaves doesn't multiply. We are taught that lepers aren't healed, and donkeys don't talk, and water doesn't turn into wine, and deadly diseases lead to death. That's what we're taught. Our five senses support all of it, do they not? What we hear, what we see, what we smell, what we taste, what we feel. And so what do we need to do? We need to realize that there's a spiritual realm and open our eyes to the spiritual realm and learn to operate in that realm. If we're going to have a fruitful, abundant walk in life here on this earth. There is more than just planet Earth, amen? And I'm not talking about Mars. I'm talking about more here than meets the eye. All right. Now, if you look in the book of Genesis again with Adam and Eve, Adam and Kava in Hebrew. Before the fall, what does it say? They walked with Yahweh in the cool of the day. She saw the power of Yahweh. She had a perfect relationship with Yahweh. You could say that she had 20-20 spiritual vision. But, everybody say but. But, when she fell, what does the Bible say? In Genesis 3-7, it says, and the eyes of both of them were opened and they saw that they were naked. At the fall, the perfect 20-20 spiritual vision they had, they traded it for earthly, worldly, bifocals that see only the physical. Do you see that? That before the fall, she didn't see the physical realm. She didn't see that she was naked. She saw Yahweh. She walked with him in the cool of the day. She didn't see a problem with her physical look. Some people need to hear that. And we are told that with the fall, that her eyes were opened. Not her spiritual eyes, mind you. But, you can maybe say her physical eyes. Now, her spiritual eyes were opened. She saw her, she went and hid, didn't they? They knew they had done wrong. But, they traded this 20-20 spiritual vision for maybe 40-40. Maybe really bad. So, today we're talking about how to walk by faith. 2 Corinthians 5-7. We walk by emunah, faith, and not by sight. Let me tell you something. In this verse, you could also say, we walk by faith, not by hearing. We walk by faith, not by taste. We walk by faith, not by touch. We walk by faith, not by the five senses that mislead us. We walk by faith, not by sight. Our spiritual eyes need to be opened to so much more of what Yahweh wants to do in us and through us. Amen? I'm excited about that because the Father's revealing that to us these days. He wants to bless us with an abundance of peace, of shalom, of miracles, of joy. Of healing, of power. Just as we have touch, and we have taste, and we can hear, and we smell, and we have these senses. What are the five senses? Come on. Say them with me. Sight, you can hear, you can taste, smell, touch. Is that everything? That's all of it? See. Just as we have these five senses, we need, and we've developed these five senses, we need to develop our sixth sense, or a spiritual sense, into the spiritual realm to really understand the Bible, to understand our place in this world. Now, in Hebrew, the world or the universe is the Hebrew word olam. We say in our blessings, baruch atah Yahweh melech ha-olam. Olam is the Hebrew word for world or universe. World or universe. So we say, baruch atah Yahweh, blessed are you, Yahweh, melech ha-olam, melech is king, ha is the prefix that means the, olam, universe, or world. All of our blessings, we say that, baruch atah Yahweh, melech ha-olam. But did you know that if you pull out the Bible and you look up the Strong's word, olam, you really see that it has another meaning. It means to be concealed, to conceal from the root word alma, alma, the root word alma that actually means to veil or to hide. What this means is that this world, this universe, hides the true reality. What this means is that what we see is not what we get. That we see the creation, but we do not see the creator. Remember the curtain in the temple, the Holy of Holies? That's what the world is. The world is a veil, hiding the presence of Yahweh. So when we say, baruch atah Yahweh, elehenu, melech ha-olam, you know what we're really saying? Blessed are you, Yahweh, king of the hidden, master of what has been concealed. Because what does the word say? Yahweh will reveal to us what has been hidden. The world hides a greater, more true, real world all around us. This physical world hides the spiritual world. And we see this in Isaiah 48. Yeshayahu 48. It tells us in Isaiah 48, 6 through 8, it says, You have heard and seen all this, and will you not declare it? I have shown you new things from this time, even hidden things, and you did not know them. They are created now, and not from the beginning. Even before this day, you have not heard them, lest you should say, see, I knew them. Yes, you heard not. Yes, you knew not. Yes, from that time that your ear was not opened. For I knew that you would deal very treacherously, and were called a transgressor from the womb. Here, Yahweh is saying there's something else greater behind there. And it's hidden things that you did not know, and your ear could not hear. The Bible says in John 3, verse 6, that the physical man cannot discern that which is spiritual. That the world, in reality, is just an illusion to reality. The world is just an illusion to the spiritual realm. That, in Hebrew, the rabbis have called this world, get this, this is good, Olam Deshikra. Olam Deshikra. Do you know what that means? The world of lies. Lies. L-I-E-S. Untruth. That's interesting because isn't HaSatan called the father of lies? And isn't HaSatan also called the prince of the power of air of this world? But this is the world, the Olam Deshikra, that the God of this world has blinded the eyes, it says in the Bible, with his lies. He's blinded us, our spiritual eyes. It tells us in Romans chapter 9, Romans chapter 11, that all Israel is blinded in part. Why? Because of the fall. And yet, as Yahweh is restoring all things, guess what he's doing? He's doing LASIK surgery to us. Praise Yahweh? He's doing LASIK surgery so we can see into the spiritual realm. The power of deception has tricked us. He's told us there's no more hope, there's no more healing, there's, there's, you can't do this. But what does it tell us in 1 John? Say it with me. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. That means greater is the spirit of the Realm of God in you than the master of this world. Now the prophets, Yeshua, they understood this principle to do the impossible. To cross over, you could even say. What did Yeshua say? Greater things shall you do. He said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, and now I give it to you. That our spiritual eyes could be opened. That we could actually see, if we open our spiritual eyes, an army fighting around us. We could see healing right there. We could see blessing right there. That whatever we need, if it's to sell those houses, it's right there. That miracle is right there. Within our grasp. Already provided. Hear those words. Already provided. Turn to 2 Kings. You know it tells us in Psalm 91-11, it says that he will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. All your ways. His angels are right there guarding us and keeping us. Do we believe that? Or is that just a nice verse we like to put on our bumper sticker or key chain? Haven't you seen that? The little car visor clip that says drive no faster than your guardian angel can fly. That's not what just guardian angels are for. They're to guard you and keep you in all your ways. And if we look in 2 Kings 6, we're going to read about in 2 Kings 6, Elisha. Now, is that the setting here for us? In 2 Kings 6, you've got the king of Syria coming against Israel. And he's getting ready to send an ambush against Israel. And every time that he gets ready to ambush Israel, Israel is there ambushing them. The king of Syria cannot win any battles because Israel keeps defeating them. So, he figured out there must be a spy. But then he said, no, there's not a spy. There must be a prophet that is helping them. So, if we look here in 2 Kings 6, verse 14 and 15, it says, Therefore he sent their horses and chariots and great armies, and they came by night and surrounded the city. And when the servant of the man of Yahweh had risen early and gone forth, see the armies surrounding the city, horses and chariots, and the servant said to him, Oy vey! Oh no! What are we going to do, my master? What shall we do? Have you ever said those words? Have you ever heard those words? What shall we do? What are we going to do? We can't get this to go away. We have this problem. What shall we do? In the physical, it looks impossible. But doctors say it's not going away. But doctors say there's no hope. The bank account says zero. Noche. Ephes. Zero. All the problems. And look and see what happens in verse 16. And Elisha answered, Fear not, for they that are with us are more than they that are with them. The fear that Elisha's servant had was based on what he saw. It was based on his senses. Elisha understood we walk by faith, emunah, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5.7. Notice here, he said those that are with us are more than those that are with them. Now he wasn't just speaking it like in a lot of charismatic movements. You can't say that you're sick. Don't speak it, brother. It might make it worse. He wasn't just faking it until you make it either. Do you know what he was doing? He was describing the spiritual realm. There's power in that. When we can see beyond the physical realm and describe what is in the spiritual realm, then we will begin to see it manifest. Because by faith, it says Abraham went to a city he never had seen. But did he really see it? I believe so. He saw it in the spiritual realm. Here with Elisha, we see that he is saying, he is describing what's in the spiritual realm. Physical truths and spiritual truths do not always agree. Can I get a big amen? Let's see a minute. Spiritual truths and physical truths do not always agree. Now the preacher will say, say it so it will become it. That's not what I'm saying. That's not what I'm professing. I'm saying, describe what's in the spiritual realm just as Elisha did here. Elisha was operating in the spiritual realm and confessing what Yahweh had already done. But what about Elisha's servant? Was he walking by faith or by sight? Which one? By sight. He was walking by sight. But notice that his physical eyes were already open. Let's take a look and see what happens. In 2 Kings 6, 17. And Elisha made prayer and said, Yahweh, I ask you to open his eyes that he may see. And Yahweh opened the eyes of the young man, of the servant, and he saw. And see, the mountain was full of the horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. The young man, he was young, you could say in his faith, you could say he was immature, was only seeing with the physical, was only describing the physical, and that led him to fear. What happened with Eve? Haba? When her eyes were opened and she saw that she was naked, didn't she go and hide? Wasn't it fear? That's what the physical, that's how we feel, we want to go hide. We want to just shut the door and leave everybody aside. We want to go hide. And yet here, he prayed to Yahweh, he said, open his eyes. Wait a minute, I thought his eyes were already open. I thought he saw that he was outnumbered. So what eyes was he talking about? His spiritual eyes. Amen. His spiritual eyes. He said, Yahweh, open his spiritual eyes. The truth is that when we are dominated by what we see, when we are dominated by what we feel, when we are dominated by what we hear, when we are dominated by our senses, we limit the power of faith. Would you hear me? We limit the power of faith. But the Word actually tells us, in the next couple of verses, that Elisha and his servant took the entire, everybody say entire, the entire Syrian army hostage. Talk about doing exploits for Yahweh. He took the entire army hostage. Look here, it says, and when they came down, verse 18, Elisha made prayer to Yahweh and said, destroy this people, I ask you with blindness. He said, destroy them with what? Blindness. Make them not be able to even see in the physical realm. He says, destroy them with blindness. And he destroyed them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. Yahweh did what Elisha said, by the way. Verse 19, Elisha said to them, this is not the way, neither is this the city. So follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek. He led them to Shomron. And it came to pass, when they were coming to Shomron, Elisha said, Yahweh, open the eyes of these men that they may see. And Yahweh opened their eyes and they saw, and they were in the midst of Shomron. And the king of Israel said, we got them now. This is a powerful passage if we can really get it in our spirit. Let it work on us. Let the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, work on us. That here, they came to harm Israel, and yet Yahweh opened their eyes to Elisha and his servant, and they were victorious. And we can learn here that before we see something on the outside, we've got to see it with our spiritual eyes on the inside. It tells us in 2 Corinthians 5, 7, we walk by faith, not by sight. So how many chariots, how many flaming chariots and angels have you seen lately? Because if we walk by faith and not by sight, maybe we should be seeing more of that and less of Nip-Tuck or American Idol. I'm into that. Had to go there, sorry. The sixth sense, not a physical sense, but a spiritual sense. A spiritual sense. Isaiah 35. Yeshayahu 35. Isaiah 35, verse 4. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not. Your Yahweh will come with vengeance, even Elohim with recompense. He will come and save you. Look at this, verse 5. Isaiah 35, 5. In the home of jackals, where each one lay, there shall be grass with reeds and rushes, and a highway shall be there, a way, and it shall be called the way of spent-apartness. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for those who walk the way. Wayward fools shall not go by it. No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up. They shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall have their walk there. And the ransomed of Yahweh shall return and come to Zeon. With psalms and everlasting joy upon their heads, they shall obtain joy upon joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Now, if that's coming, didn't Yeshua say the spirit of a sovereign Yahweh is upon me because he's anointed me to preach good news? To release those who are bound up? To release the captives? To bring sight? To bring about what we just read? To bring heaven to earth? Speaking of Elisha, Elisha's master, Elisha's rabbi, was called Eliyahu, Elijah, the prophet. And we actually see in 1 Kings chapter 17, 1 Kings 17, Elijah is in the cave. And Yahweh says to Elijah, I want you to go to the brook Shareth, because I want to speak to you there. Now, if I was Elijah, I would say, Yahweh, you're already talking to me. Why do I have to go there? But he said, no, I really want to talk to you. We want to talk to you. To this place of faith. You know, there are times when Yahweh speaks to us, and then there are times when Yahweh really speaks to us. There are places where Yahweh speaks to us. You could call these portals, doors, openings, closings. But the brook Shareth, for some reason, was a portal into the spiritual realm. Remember, the brook dried up, and what happened? It was fed by the ravens there. Yahweh spoke to him. In Revelation 4, it's interesting that there's another portal where Yahweh was speaking. And we see in Revelation 4, it says this. And after this, I look and see a door was opened in the heavens, and the first voice, what I heard, was like a shofar talking with me. That Greek word there for door actually means portal, for opening and closing. That Yochanan was there at this portal, and notice what was also there. The sound of the shofar. Miracles happen when we transcend this earthly, physical realm to the spiritual realm. Amen? Through a type of portal, which is called faith. Emunah. Emunah is that power. David called Jerusalem the center of the earth. That's a main portal or opening of Yahweh's power. I want you to think about a couple others. Enoch. Portal. Bethel, the house of El. He had dreams. You know Jacob. Another portal. Prayer. Isn't that a type of portal? What about Moshe and Sinai? The transfiguration. What about Nowak and the ark? The Beit HaMikdash, the temple. What about your home? What about this worship center? A place of worship. How many know there are also evil portals? Places where there's been maybe demonic worship, or maybe there's been things that have taken place, and even those places are open doors or portals. How many know that even in our homes we can have some open doors or portals that we have to close? You see, the spiritual realm, I personally believe, is not in some universe millions and gazillions of trillions of miles away. I personally believe it's right here in another realm. Now, it's interesting because science is beginning to prove that with parallel universes or such, but I believe that the spiritual realm, there are heavens here on this earth. We can't see them, we can't touch them, we can't taste them, but they're here. Just like in this room right now. Right now where we sit, there are radio waves. Are there not radio waves? All we have to do is get a receiver and tune in that receiver to be able to hear. That's what we ought to do with our sight, with our spiritual sight. Tune in our receiver that Yahweh is willing and able to move in our lives if we will believe and cry out for it. That we're not too far gone. How many know Yahweh doesn't change? Amen. So who changes? We do. The variable when it comes down to miracles and healings, I believe, is us and HaSatan, not Yahweh. In Isaiah 30, 18, this is really good. This is one of those verses when you get down, you just want to read. Isaiah 30, 18-21. Verse 19. Look at verse 20. That's what he wants for us. That we hear the voice of Yahweh with spiritual ears. That we see into the spiritual realm and he is poised and ready to move. Do you see that? Verse 19. I believe that we are too easily satisfied with what we get from Yahweh. We are too easily satisfied with our spiritual walk. I believe that. Yahweh wants to do more in us and through us. We have to recognize that need. The walk of faith is just that. We've got to learn to see again. We've got to learn to see again. My mother had some surgery recently, cataract surgery. And in one eye it went really well. The next eye it didn't go very well. So she and my father went back and he was not very happy. He told the doctor, he said, if you don't get this right I'm going to sue you. And within two or three minutes there's like seven doctors in the room. And they said, sir, we're not going to operate on you. We're not going to talk to you anymore. We can't do that anymore. So my mother, she was quick as a bullet. She said, oh don't listen to him, he's got Alzheimer's. She did. She said, he's got Alzheimer's, don't listen to him. Don't listen to him, don't worry about that. I need my eye fixed. And they said, we've done one surgery on the right eye. We've done one surgery on the left eye. And they said, ma'am, you're going to have to see again. You're going to have to learn to see again. We'll do another surgery, but you need to exercise your eyes. In the same way, we've got to learn to see into the spiritual realm. And not blame it on forgetfulness or Alzheimer's or whatever else. So three things for us to consider. Number one, recognize that emunah, faith, is the key. Faith is the key. I believe that faith does not move Yahweh. And the room goes quiet. I believe that faith does not twist his arm. I believe that prayers are not answered by depending upon what mood Yahweh is in. I believe, and I believe the Bible teaches, that faith, emunah, appropriates what Yahweh has already done. But in the spiritual realm, all of your needs are met. Because what does it say? Yahweh shall supply all of my needs according to his riches. Where? On the earth? Or where? In glory. In that spiritual realm of glory. That faith appropriates that. It doesn't beg him, oh, I'm better than they are, so give me this Yahweh. But it appropriates it. What he's already done. And that we've got to learn and recognize that faith is the key. And we have to learn there are some laws to faith. And in Luke chapter 17, we've got to learn what it teaches us here, which is to put faith to work. Luke 17, verse 7. Which of you, having an aved, a slave, a servant. Remember that, aved, Hebrew for slave or servant. Which of you having a slave or servant, plowing or feeding cattle, will say to him immediately, when he has come to the field, go and sit down to eat. Would you not rather say to him, make ready my supper, dress yourself, serve me until I've eaten and drank. Afterwards you shall eat and drink. Does he thank that servant because he had done these things that were commanded him? I think not. So likewise, when you shall have done all those things that are commanded you, we are unworthy servants. We've already done only that which was our duty to do. If you had a servant, wouldn't you put him to work? That's what faith is. And Buddha is that. In Acts chapter 3, verse 6, we see this one more time. In Acts chapter 3, verse 6, we see that Peter puts that faith to work. It's not about necessarily faith and works, it's about putting our faith to work. Acts chapter 3, verse 6. Kepha said, silver and gold I have none, but what I have, I said, what I have I give to you. Take up your mat, get up and walk. He said, in the name of Yeshua, the Messiah of Nazareth, rise and walk. And he took him by the right hand, he lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. He appropriated what was already done. Did he cry out, did he always say, oh Yahweh heal this man? Do you see that? Did he even blink for a minute or was it instant? Did he say by faith, I don't have any of that silver and gold, I'm going to give you something even better. I'm going to give you something even better, because silver and gold, that's going to rust, right? You're going to buy a new car, after a month it's going to get dinged. That shopping cart from the other side of Walmart will find its way to your car. That other car in your parking lot will find its way to your car. He said, silver and gold I have none, but what I have I give to you, in the name of Yeshua, get up and walk. He was appropriating what Yahweh had already done. He commanded the power of Yahweh to manifest, just like with Elisha. Just like it says in Isaiah 45.11. Isaiah 45.11, ask me of things to come, concerning my son, and concerning the works of my hands, command me. It doesn't mean we say, oh Yahweh, take my breakfast, come on, hurry up. But it's when we are speaking to that mountain, when we are praying the will and the word of Yahweh, we can command. We can command the spiritual realm to transcend. Food for thought. Food for thought. Number two, so number one is, recognize faith is the key. We're learning to walk by faith. Number two, realize the enemy's deceptions. Number two, realize the enemy's deceptions. The enemy's only power, I believe, is deception. We give him a lot more power, a lot more authority, but his only power is deception. Hasatan is our real adversary. But Yocanan, the book of John 8.32 says, you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Amen. The adversary has come to kill, steal, and destroy, to get us down, to get us depressed. And how many know that faith, many times, is not answered because of the adversary. It's not Yahweh holding his goodness back from us. Now the word tells us, in Colossians chapter 2, in Colossians chapter 2, it says, verse 13, And you, being dead in your sins, in the earned circumcision of your flesh, have he made alive together with him, having forgiven all your trespasses, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which is contrary to us, and took out of the way, nailing it to the execution stake. And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. In reading that, doesn't that not say that Hasatan has been spoiled? He's been defeated. He is defeated. I said he is defeated. That's what it says. He has no power. Yeshua's already done it. But don't we have to appropriate that? If we don't take the blood of Yeshua and appropriate that to our life for salvation, we won't have salvation. If we don't take the authority that Yahweh has given us against the adversary, Hasatan is going to eat our lunch. He's going to steal our milk money. He's going to do everything he can to take us down. We've got to take a stand when you've done everything you can to stand. Ephesians chapter 6, verse 10, Put on the whole armor of Yahweh, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy. We've got to realize his deceptions. Many times the variable is not Yahweh. And you've got a science experiment. You've got a thesis. Right? What else is involved? You've got a... a what? Hypothesis, or like a thesis, where you say, OK, this is what I think is going to happen. Hypothesis. Whatever. Hypothesis. You've got the experiment. And then you've got a variable always. Yahweh says, if you're evil, and yet you're going to take care of your son, If he's going to ask for bread, you're not going to give him a stone. How about me? How much more will I give you? When you ask. When you ask. When you ask. In Daniel chapter 9, In Daniel chapter 9, we're just hitting every good book here, aren't we? Donnie L. chapter 9. How am I doing on time? Who cares? Are y'all bored? You with me? Donnie L. 9. If you're bored, I'm sorry. Alright. Daniel 9. Are you hungry? Well, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5, 6. Booyah. Okay. Sorry. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Alright. Daniel 9, verses 20-22. While I was still speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin, the sin of my people Israel, presenting my supplication before Yahweh, my Elohim, for the set-apart mountain, while I was still speaking in prayer, even Gavriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, came close to me and touched me around the time of the evening offering. Ma'arif. And he informed me and talked with me and said, Daniel, I have now come to give you skill and understanding. Donnie L. was praying, and while he was praying, his prayers were answered. Within 20 seconds, the angel came, and he did that. How about that for instant gratification? That's awesome. Isn't that awesome? Instant. While he was praying, in the very beginning of his prayers, look at verse 23. At the beginning of your supplications, the commandment came forth, and I came to talk to you. Now, let's look at Daniel chapter 10. Daniel goes to pray again. He says, in those days, Daniel 10, verse 2. Verse Stein. Hebrew for two. Stein. How about that? Stein. Hebrew. Daniel 10, verse 2. In those days, I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no desirable bread, neither came meat or wine to my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, and in the twenty-fourth day of the first month, I was at the side by the great river. He prayed and he prayed and he prayed and he prayed. For three weeks, he prayed and he fasted. The answer didn't come. I want to ask you. If in chapter 9, his prayer was answered immediately while he was still speaking, why wasn't it answered that fast in chapter 10? Why didn't Yahweh answer his prayer? Ah, let's look. Daniel 10, verse 12. Very good. Daniel came. He said, Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day you did set your heart to understand, to humble yourself before Yahweh. Your words were heard, and I came in response. When he began praying again, his prayers were answered the very instant, the very second. But in verse 13, But the prince of Persia withstood me twenty-one days. And see, Mithael, one of the chief heavenly messengers, came to help me since I have been all alone with the prince of Persia. His prayer was answered when he prayed. Immediately, Yahweh gave the command. Uh-oh. Someone or something stopped. Yahweh? Hmm. Doesn't it seem to say that this demonic opposition stopped. Notice that Yahweh did not change. Yahweh answered the prayer immediately, but there was something hindering it. And notice the variable was not Daniel. Daniel was probably a whole lot holier than me and you. I mean, he was praying. He was nasty. He wasn't putting on oil. He wasn't showering. For three weeks, he had some major body odor going. Did he not? Think about this. And he's like, answering this prayer. Pray, pray, pray. Fast, fast, fast is what he was doing. And we see that the answer to the prayer came, but the prince of Persia stopped it. The demonic opposition. Submit yourselves to Yahweh. Resist Hasatan and he will flee. James 4, 7. Let me ask you. How much resisting have you done lately? I'm not talking about super rebuke mode where you rebuke everything. Where you eat a gallon of Häagen-Dazs ice cream and rebuke the calories going down. I'm talking about rebuking, resisting the enemy. Resisting the enemy. Number three. So, number one, recognize that faith is the key. Number two, realize the enemy's deceptions. And number three, release the unbelief. Release the unbelief. Told you it was going to be good. Money back guarantee. Mark chapter 6. In Mark chapter 6 it says, The disciples cast out many demons and anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them. Was that part of their ministry? Anointing with oil, casting out demons. Amen? Alright. Well we see that fasting had something to do. It stopped the enemy in Daniel. In the book of Daniel. Do you see that? It stopped the enemy. It's also key to fight our unbelief. That unbelief counteracts faith. Emunah. You've got faith on one side of a tug-of-war rope. You've got Emunah on the other. You've got faith on one side. You've got unbelief on the other side. And let me tell you something. You can have both at the same time. You probably do have both at the same time. Remember the man that prayed? Remember the man that prayed? I believe, but help my unbelief. There's that battle going on inside of us. Those butterflies. I know. When I get to praying sometimes, that unbelief manifesting. But in Matthew chapter 17, they bring to Yeshua this demonized boy, but they could not help. In Matthew 17, they bring to the disciples this demonized boy. They could not help. They had already cast out demons. And Yeshua told them very clearly in verse 20. Yeshua said to them, Matthew 17, 20. Because of your unbelief. For truly I tell you, if you have Emunah, faith, as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, remove from here to there, and it shall remove. Nothing shall be impossible to you. Now, most people read this section and they say, well, they had to fast and pray. Because what did he say? He said, this kind comes out only by fasting and prayer. And most people read that and they say, well, some demons are stronger than others. And certain demons only come out through fasting and prayer. But if you read it in context, it says very clearly, this kind, not of demon, but unbelief only comes out through fasting and prayer. Does that make sense? Fasting and prayer, because you know what fasting does? It tells our senses. It tells our taste. It tells our smell. It tells what we see. It tells what we hear. It tells what we feel. You are not in control anymore. Yahweh is in control. Because remember even how Eve was tempted. Wasn't it a fruit? Food? You got to love that, women. Tempted with food from the beginning, right? Okay, but here, it's very clear. This kind of faith. And it's not the matter that we need more faith. It doesn't say to each person given a measure of faith. That word measure there, it means ladle. Everybody's got the same. We don't need more faith. We just need the size of a grain of mustard seed. We need less, everybody say, less unbelief. Even Yeshua couldn't do mighty miracles in certain towns. Because of the unbelief. Remember when he went to raise someone from the dead? He sent them all out of the house. Get the mourners out because of their unbelief. They saw that the girl was dead. They smelt the body. But maybe they even felt the body. And he kicked them out. When we pray, Yahweh releases it. We've got to pray without doubt. We've got to rebuke Asatan. We've got to pray to receive wisdom and revelation. And we've got to continue to pray and thank him. And thank him. For already doing it. Romans 12, 1 and 2. We've got to have our mind renewed. Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world. Do you know what that means? Do not be conformed to what you see, what you smell, what you hear, what you taste. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Finishing up. In Galatians chapter 3, verse 29. One of my favorite verses in the whole Bible. Galatians 3, 29. You ready? Going to bring it all together. Galatians 3, 29. It says, You are Abraham's seed. If you belong to Messiah, you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Do you believe that? We are Abraham's seed. Are we not? That word for seed there is sperma. It means physical descendants. But it says, If you are Abraham's seed, you, if you belong to Messiah, you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. We are called, we, Israel, we are called to inherit Abraham's blessings. Not just natural blessings, amen, but spiritual blessings. Amen. We are called to inherit those. Romans 4. Romans 4 did this. Romans 4. It says, Abraham, who against hope, believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken to him, so shall your seed be. Romans 5, excuse me, Romans 4, 19. Abraham, not being weak in faith, Emunah, he considered not his own body almost dead, when he was about 100 years old, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb. He did not doubt. He did not doubt. He did not doubt the promise of Yahweh through any unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to Yahweh, and being fully persuaded that he had promised he was going to perform. We are his heirs to that type of faith. But notice what it says here. It says he did not consider his own body. He didn't ponder what he felt. He didn't ponder how he felt. He didn't ponder what he saw. He didn't deliberate it. Did you know this? You cannot be tempted with something unless you think about it. You'll never be tempted to shoot your neighbor between the eyes if you never think about it. It says here that he did not think about it, and then it says he did not doubt the promise of Yahweh. I believe some of us have got to be strong in faith and consider not our own bodies. Amen? We've got to consider what Yahweh's body is, because what he's told us, he's promised us 120 years. We've got to consider that, not consider our own body. It says in verse 20, he did not doubt the promise of Yahweh through any unbelief. And if Abraham did it, we are his heirs. It is not natural to leave home without a map. It is not natural to offer your most precious commodity, your only son, most loved person in the world to Yahweh. It is not natural to have children after you turn 100 years old. That's supernatural. And as his seed, we are heirs to his faith. We are to follow in his footsteps. We are to retrain our senses. Here's a verse to memorize. Hebrews 5.14 Write this one down. Hebrews 5.14 Strong meat. Don't we want the strong meat of the word? I'm tired of milk. I'm tired of milk. Don't give me that baby bottle. I'm tired of milk. I want the strong meat of the word. Hebrews 5.14 Strong meat belongs to them that are mature, who by reason of use have trained their senses to discern between good and evil. That's good right there. Strong meat belongs to those who by reason of use have trained their senses to determine, discern between good and evil. Remember Elisha's servant? Wasn't he young? Wasn't he immature? Had he trained his senses yet? No. But had Elisha trained his senses? Yes. Elisha saw what the servant couldn't see. Elisha was mature and could see what the servant couldn't see. So we believe that I'm healed if I'm healed whether I see it or smell it or feel it or taste it or hear it or not. And I use healing as an example. Spiritual things can only be perceived by our spirits. John 3.6 That which is born after the flesh is flesh. That which is born after spirit is spirit. The truth is we're walking by faith when we don't feel it. If you've got to have Holy Ghost goosebumps and feel the spirit that's not faith. Sometimes everybody say sometimes sometimes Yahweh will allow us to feel it. But I'm going to say 99.8% of the time we don't feel it. We won't always feel the presence of Yahweh but we have got to raise our expectations and begin to recognize that faith is the key Emunah realize the enemy's deceptions and release the unbelief. Now throughout the teaching I said that remember I said the word Ebed means servant. It means servant. And I said that faith is to be a servant to us. If you had a servant you'd put him to work. That's what faith is there for. Well if you take the letters in Emunah this is really good if you take the letters in Emunah which is Aleth Mem Vav Nun He Emunah Aleth Mem Vav Nun He and you add those letters together you get 102. The Gematria the numerical value is 102 of Emunah. Now you take the word Ebed Yahweh Servant of Yahweh and guess what? 102 102 That's what faith is supposed to be for us. But many times you know what we do? In the last ditch effort we reach for the medicine bottle or we complain when we should go for prayer and ask for others to pray for us. And I'm guilty of this. My wife will tell me I'm hurting. I'll say well take some medicine. But what does faith say? Faith says a servant of Yahweh says let me pray for you. Let me believe that you're healed. Silver and gold I have none. Believe me. Look at my bank account. I have none. But what I have I'll give unto you. That's what faith says. And when we're called to walk by faith not by sight. That's our calling. Amen. We're the heirs of Abraham. We've got to do it. Amen. I pray that I minister to you and you forgive me for the joke. Baruch Hashem Yahweh. Search the Bible. Submit your prayer request. Or read an article on various subjects. The website is www.findemet.com That's www.findemet.com CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Or write to us at E-Met Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 That's E-Met Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 Thank you again for listening to Finding E-Met with Daniel Rendlin. May you find the E-Met. And may the E-Met, may the truth set you free. Finding E-Met

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