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YHWH's Kind of Love

YHWH's Kind of Love




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The Finding Emet radio program focuses on understanding and living the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. Brother Daniel Rendleman teaches about Yahweh's Kind of Love, which is different from the world's understanding of love. Love is often misunderstood, but Yahweh's love is unsearchable and greater than anything we've known. The Hebrew word for love is Ahava, and Yahweh's Ahava brings salvation and compels us to share with others. Yahweh's love is unconditional and he loves us even in our sin. We are not qualified to receive his love, but he loves us anyway. Yahweh showed his love to Yeshua at his baptism, and he feels the same way about us. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the www.emetministries.com website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. That's www.emetministries.com, or www.findemet.com. CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. Today's teaching is called Yahweh's Kind of Love. Say it with me, Yahweh's Kind of Love. Say it again, Yahweh's Kind of Love. We know all about love, don't we? I mean, there's the dating game, for heaven's sake. We know what love is. We know all about this. People say I love spaghetti. People say I love chocolate, which by the way, I'm one of those. People say I love my girlfriend, I love my dog, I love the United States, whatever it happens to be. The world has its version of love, does it not? Most of the world thinks love is lust. They get the two confused. The world thinks that love and lust are synonymous, but Yahweh's Kind of Love is different. Everybody say different. Different. Yahweh's Kind of Love is different than anything that we've seen, anything that we've thought about before. It's different than anything you've been taught before. It's different than what the church has said. It's different than what Judaism has said. It's different than all of that. And it's greater and bigger. The Word says it's unsearchable. It cannot be measured. It's Yahweh's Type of Love. So if you'd like to take notes, we're going to call this Yahweh's Kind of Love. So think about the word love for a minute. If you were to define the word love, how would you do it? What would come to mind when you say love? When you say love? And we've said a few of these things. You know, we've got the lust issue and you've got boyfriends and girlfriends and boyfriends and all types of things out there that say they love each other. A group of professional people went to a group of four to eight year olds and said, what does love mean to you? What does love mean? These are four to eight year old children. What does love mean? Here are a couple of the answers. See what you think about these. Rebecca, age eight, said that when my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his fingers got arthritis. Billy, age four, said that when someone loves you, you can tell by the way that they say your name. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth. Carl, age five, I like this. Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other. Is that love? Lucy, age six, said that love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs. That means my wife loves me. Danny, age seven, said love is when mommy makes coffee for daddy, she takes a sip before giving it to him to make sure it tastes okay. Isn't that, that's pretty good. Little girl age seven said that love is when you tell a guy that you like his shirt and he wears it every day. Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well. Elaine, age five, said love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken. Chris, age seven, said love is when mommy sees daddy all smelly and sweaty and still says he looks better than Robert Redford. I like this one. Lauren, age four, said I know that my older sister loves me because she gives me all the old clothes she has so she can go out and buy new ones. Love, love, love. We think of love, it's a very basic concept. It's all over. It's all over TV, radio, books. I mean, you've got, you know, Daniel Steele novels all about love and this and that. But it's very misunderstood. Everybody say misunderstood. Misunderstood. We think we know about it, but like that good old country song, we've been looking for love in all the wrong places. I'll stop there. The Torah kind of love, Yahweh's kind of love is very different than the world. It's greater than the bond between a husband and wife and it's greater than really anything that we've been presented before. Romia 1133, the book of Romans 1133 says, Oh, the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of Yahweh. How unsearchable are his judgment and his ways past finding out. You know, too many times we get to where we think we have Yahweh or we think we have the law wrapped around our little pinky. I thought I did because I had the doctrine down pat. I knew what the Baptist faith and message said. I knew what Tim LaHaye said about the end times and I was teaching that in Sunday schools or whatever. And yet the Torah says that it's unsearchable. His ways are past finding out. And when we know that what it says in First John, First Jochanan, that Yahweh is love had told us that his love is unsearchable. It's past finding out. And I'm going to say some things today that could really rock your world, that could really rock your boat, that could really change the way you think and the way you act. Some of these statements are going to hurt. Some of these statements are going to be eye openers and some of them are going to go in one ear and out the other. I said some of these are going to go in one ear and out the other. I repeat myself because it's important to repeat ourselves, right? We got guys in here. Isn't that right? You got to repeat yourself for the guys. I said we got to repeat ourselves for the guys. OK, thank you. Anyway, in Hebrew, the word for love is what? Ahava. Ahava. Do you remember the day when you were born again or the day that the love of Yahweh kind of broke through the darkness of your life? And it was like you were a new person that day. You had that zeal. You had that, oh, wow. The grass was greener. The sky was bluer. You know what I'm saying? Even even your old girlfriend looked nice. I mean, everything was just better that day. Well, the truth is that that type of love, Yahweh's type of love is still available for us today. And if we really understood it and began to understand his Ahava, then our lives would be different. In Hebrew, the word for love is Ahava. Say Ahava. Ahava. Not Aha, but Ahava. Ahava. It is Yahweh's Ahava that brings us the good news, right? Brings us the salvation message, allows us to experience life, and helps us in our life. In 2 Corinthians 5, verse 14, it says, For the love, the Ahava of Messiah, Mashiach, compels us, because we have judged this to be true. Yahweh's love compels us to share with others, to live our life, to be a witness. His love compels us. It's compelling. We know what it says in Yochanan chapter 3, don't we? For Yahweh so loved the world that he did what? He sent his only son. He gave his only son. That was his way of showing love. How did he do it? He gave. And he gave his love while we were still sinners. Romans 5, verse 8, Yeshua showed his love for us in this way while we were still sinners. He died for us. We have not done anything good. Understand that. It's all wrapped up in Torah. Got to do this and got to do that and know this, miss, vote. That we forget the gift of salvation is free. Now following Yeshua may cost you everything. But he loved us in our sin. And he still loves us. And he loves your friends and your neighbors in their sin. It is unconditional. Let that word just seep in you for a minute, unconditional. No matter what you do, no matter what you've done, he loves you. No matter what you have done in your past, no matter what you go through right now, Yahweh loves you. He loves us. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says that unconditional is quote, unquote, absolute, unqualified, not conditional or limited. Oh, the fathoms of Yahweh's love. Unconditional. While we were still sinners. And let me tell you, we're not qualified to receive his love, amen. We've got bad hair days. You know what I'm saying? I mean, come on, let's think about this, ladies and gentlemen. Guys, when, you know, honeymoon's over, first night, you wake up and there she is without the makeup. It's like, who is this? You know what I'm saying? Who did I marry? Not you, baby. It never happened. Beautiful. But anyway, you know what I'm saying? It's like, wow. Then it's like, whoa, wait a minute now. What did I get myself into? When it comes down to it, is that that's that picture that we are unlovely. Yahweh loves us. Yeshua is the Lamb of Yahweh, slain from what? The foundation of the world. Amen. And it's interesting that Yahweh showed his ahava to his son at his mikvah, at his baptism. Before the Torah records any miracle had taken place, what does Yahweh say? Behold, he speaks from heaven. He said, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him. Before Yeshua had done any miracle, before he had healed anyone according to the Torah, Yahweh said, this is my beloved son. Let me tell you something. Yahweh felt that way about his son, Yeshua, and he feels that way about his son, Gregory, or Adrian, or Stephen today. He feels that way about David, John. He feels that way about you today. This is my beloved son. I have unconditional love towards you. I am well pleased. And you know what? That message is hard for us because we like the idea, some of us do at least, of a judgmental Yahweh. At least we want him to judge the church and those who don't keep Torah, right? But it's hard for us to fathom that Yahweh loves us, regardless of what we do, regardless of how much Torah we keep, or regardless of how much Torah we don't keep. Yahweh has given us his ahava, selah. Think about that. Now, we know that we've been called to walk in the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, ahava. We know that we've been called to demonstrate that love. But for us to do that, we first have to understand exactly what that ahava is. Now, we know some of that, but what is it really? Psychologist tells us that the average person has 60,000 thoughts a day. 60,000 thoughts a day. The average person thinks that many thoughts. So let me ask you, Sister Nancy, Sister Joni, if you were to categorize from the past 24 hours your thoughts, make a list of all 60,000. Think about your thoughts. What were you thinking about? What were they on? Now, we know that, what, guys have a sexual thought every, what, seven seconds? So we won't even talk about that. I said guys have a sexual thought every seven seconds. I have to repeat it twice for the guys. So we won't even put that one in the list. 60,000 thoughts, what were they on? Now, many of us, if we were honest, they were on our problems, our pain. They were on how we've been hurt. They were on how frustrated we were with someone. They were on our children. They were on taking care of business. They were on work. They were on our animals. They were on frustration. Maybe they were on blessing. Maybe we spent some time in prayer. Maybe they were on our sickness. What were your thoughts about? Maybe your thoughts were about, you know, what were you going to have for dinner? You thought about that all day long. Psychologist tells us that 60,000 thoughts a day go through our mind. And you know what they also say? That 80% of our thoughts are negative. Negative. Now, I'm no mathematician, but that's a lot. 80% of 60,000 is negative. When it comes down to it, our thoughts should be on and about Yahweh. And specifically, I want to say the love of Yahweh. Ahava of Yahweh. Hebrews, Ephraim, chapter 12, verse 29 says that Yahweh is an all-consuming, what? Fire. He's an all-consuming fire. His love is a fire that burns in us, yet we have to choose to allow it to purify us. It can be just a little spark or it could be a forest fire growing in us. But we all know we allow other issues to become front and center, don't we? Now, we do have a lot to discuss. We do have a lot of issues that we need to address. But I want to say a few things here. We should not allow, everybody say not, not, turn to your neighbor and say not, not. We should not allow our thoughts and our feelings to focus on the devil or demons or deliverance. We should not allow our thoughts to focus on our problems, our pain. We should not allow all of our thoughts to focus on, you know, the issues that we face, the frustrations that we have. We should not allow our thoughts to focus and dwell on the things you don't agree with April about or Melanie about. I'm going to say something very controversial, that we should not even allow or let our focus be on the mitzvot or the commandments of Yahweh. The truth is. We should focus on his love first. Yeshua said, you shall know the truth and the truth will set us free. As we walk in his love. Yahweh purifies us and as we focus on his love, you know what's going to happen? We are going to keep the commandments. We are going to have deliverance from these demonic attacks. We are going to have freedom from sickness and pain. We are going to have these things. But if all we do is think about them and focus on them, what becomes our God? The Torah scroll, couldn't it? Our problems, couldn't it? What the doctor said could become our God. Our work could become our God. And therefore, what we think about is who we worship. So we think on Yahweh. So let me ask you, do you want more power? You want to walk in the rock of Yahweh, then we got to walk in love. Turn with me to Yochanan, first John. We're going to be there for a little while. Chapter four. Yochanan, Alice, chapter four. And we're going to look at verse 16. To begin, it tells us. We have known and believe the Ahava that Yahweh has for us. Yahweh is Ahava, love, and he who stays in Ahava, he who stays in love, does what? Stays in Yahweh and Yahweh in him. First John, chapter four, verse 16. If you want to walk in the spirit, if you want to stay in Yahweh, what do you need to do? Stay in Ahava, stay in love. And the truth is Yahweh loves us too much to leave us the way we are. Praise Yahweh for that. He allows us too much to allow us to wallow in our sin or walk in the flesh. When we have a problem, when we fail, when we sin, when we face pain, when we face sickness, whatever it is, let me tell you what the first step we should do. Before we go to the medicine cabinet, before we go to the gossip, you know, email chat room, before we do anything, it happens to be we should pray to Yahweh and say, Yahweh, give me a divine understanding and revelation of your love through this. Open my eyes, my spirit, my mind, my thoughts, my inner being, that I could see your love through this. Reveal your Ahava to me in a greater way. So let me ask you. Have you done this today? So let's stop right now. Father Yahweh, we come to you in prayer. Tefillah. And we ask you to give us a greater revelation and understanding of your Ahava. We open ourselves to your Ruach. We open ourselves to your way. We want to know you and your word says that Yahweh is love. So, Father, help us today. To know your love, to experience your love. In our life, b'shem Yeshua, we pray. Amen. Every day, ladies and gentlemen, we should beseech Yahweh. So, to pray to him and ask him for a greater understanding is one thing. To study what Ahava is, is another. So we've got to understand what Torah-based Ahava is or what the scriptures call love. Now, the English term, as we said, has many different meanings. Kids even have their own meaning of it. But love in Hebrew is Ahava. And it's directly connected to action. It's directly connected to obedience. Strong, exhaustive concordance. Strong, exhaustive concordance in dictionary says this, Ahava is to have affection, sexually or otherwise, to love, to like, to befriend, to be intimate with. It brings the idea of longing for someone. Longing for them. In Hebrew, Ahava is a verb and a noun. It is an act of doing. It's not just a feeling. Ahava. It actually means in the Hebrew to breathe after someone or something. So, if we look at the word Ahava, it's spelled in Hebrew. Aleth, hey, bet, hey. And we know that many Hebrew words have a root word, do they not? Just like in English, you've got supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, a big English word. Well, to understand what that word means, you break it down to the root word, which could be super. Or it could be califragilisticexpialidocious, but I think super would give us a better understanding of what supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means. Well, in Hebrew, it's the same way. And the root word for Ahava is spelled, aleth, hey, bet. Aleth, hey, bet. And it literally means, Ahav, it means to give. Everybody say give. Give. And so we'll take up the offering. No, it means to give. True love, true Ahava is all about giving. What did Yeshua say? It is better to give than to receive. Now, we think that love is being the center of our spouses or our mates or a girlfriend's attention and receiving. That's love. You don't love me. What does that mean? Well, you're not giving to me the attention I want. Giving is the vehicle of love. He always fell in love with the world, but he did what? He gave his only son. Meaningful relationships, this is important, have mutual giving. Meaningful relationships have mutual giving. But what happens when you're giving all the love and you're not receiving any back? Then you feel like you're being taken advantage of. You know, if I wait a minute now, this isn't a meaningful relationship. There's not mutual giving on both sides. Many people or love, the English version of love, the world's version of love focuses on receiving. Getting this fixed or getting that, but Ahavah is all about giving. The Hebrew word Ahavah and the root word Ahav, Aleph, He, Bet, has a secret for us. And if we're going to look at these letters and understand Ahavah a little bit better. Now, the first letter in Ahav is the letter Aleph. Aleph. Everybody say Aleph. Aleph. Aleph. That's the first Hebrew letter in the Aleph Bet. It's not the alphabet. It's the Aleph Bet. And the Aleph Bet, the first Hebrew letter, is the Aleph. And that's also the number uno, one. The number one. Aleph symbolizes the one and only Yahweh Elohim. Yahweh is what? Echad. In Yo Yonah, Revelation 22, 13, Yeshua said, I am the Aleph and the Tav. He did not say I'm the Alpha and the Omega. He didn't speak Greek. Remember in the book of Acts where it says that Yeshua met Paul on the road to Damascus? And he said, oh, I heard a voice speaking to me in my native tongue, which was Hebrew. Yeshua was speaking Hebrew to Shaul or Paul. He still speaks Hebrew today. He spoke here and he said, I am the Aleph and the Tav. He says the first. There's only one Yahweh. What is the greatest commandment? Don't we know this? They came to Yeshua and they said, what is the greatest commandment? He said, Shema Yisrael, Yahweh Eloheinu, Yahweh Echad. The book of Mark, Chapter 12, it says, Hero Israel, Yahweh is our Elohim, Yahweh is one. If you are to love Yahweh or Elohim, with what? With all your heart, with all your mind, with all your being, with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. And then he said, the second is like unto it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There are no other commandments greater than these. No other greater commandments than to love Yahweh and to love each other. So Truahava starts with the Aleph, everybody say Aleph, Aleph. And it starts with loving Yahweh first, putting Yahweh first, understanding. The true Yahweh kind of Ahavah, the Yahweh kind of Ahavah, that's the name of the teaching today. So Aleph, Hay, Bed, Ahav. Aleph stands for loving Yahweh first, loving him first and foremost, learning from him what Truahava is. What's the next letter is the Hay. Now the Hay is the fifth letter of the Aleph Bed. The Hay is the fifth letter of the Aleph Bed. And in Hebrew, the number five symbolizes not judgment, but guess what? Chesed, grace, favor. The number five symbolizes Chesed. It's very symbolic. There are five books of the Torah, right? Five books of Torah. How many fingers do you have on your hand? You've got five fingers on your hand, OK? King David, David gathered how many stones when he went to fight Goliath? Five smooth stones. It is through Chesed or through the Hay that Yahweh loves us. Mankind loves Yahweh back through the same letter. And how is that? How do we love Yahweh? Through the Hay, the number five, through the five books of Torah. If you love me, Yeshua said, obey my commandments. If a man loves me, he will guard my words. My Abba will love him. He will come to him and we will make our stay with him. John Yochanan, chapter 14, verse 15. So first, we love Yahweh with the Aleph. He's one and only in our heart. In our life, we learn what a Habba is. Then through the Hay, we learn to love him and love our neighbor. Through the five books of Torah. And with the Hay, there is a line on the side and there's a line on the top that's connected and then there's disconnected. There's another line. You with me? That's what the Hay looks like. You've got a line going up. You've got a line crossing that at the top. And then you've got a line on the side that's disconnected. The three lines of the Hay are connected to the five books of Torah. The three lines of the Hay are a picture of loving Yahweh. How? With all of our heart, with all of our soul, with all of our might, with all of our heart, with all of our deeds, with all of our words, with all of our thoughts. Now, look at it this way. The horizontal line, the one that's on top of the Hay, is the realm of thought. Your mind is up top. So we are to love Yahweh with our thoughts and our thoughts should be focused on loving Him. Obedience will follow that love. Our thoughts should be focused on understanding His love. That's what that Hay is for, that top line there. The vertical line that's connected to that is a picture of speech. From the abundance of the heart, the mind, the horizontal line, what happens? The mouth speaks. You see it? So you've got the horizontal line of the Hay on the top. That is loving Yahweh with all of our thoughts. And then from the abundance of our thoughts, the mouth speaks. But the unattached line to the left of that Hay is a picture of our deeds or actions or intentions. That's what the Hay is a picture of. That many times what happens, our actions are not connected as they should be. We want to love Yahweh. We want to think about the love of Yahweh, but there's that disconnect. That's in the letter Hay. It tells us in the book of Proverbs 19, 21, there are many plans in a man's heart. Nevertheless, the counsel of Yahweh shall stand. So see this, you'll never look at the letter Hay the same way again. The number five is symbolic of the five books of Torah. You get the horizontal line. We love Yahweh with all of our hearts, all of our thoughts, with all of our speech and all of our deeds. Our thoughts are always connected to our deeds or our thoughts are always connected to our words. And then we have our deeds here. But you know what happens when all three are connected? If you take a Hay and you connect that line that's separated, it makes the Chet. Chet, everybody say Chet, makes the Chet. The Chet is the eighth letter of the Alephet. And the Chet is the letter of life. Eight is the number of life. You say the word Chaim, life, or you say L'Chaim, you drink. It's the life. Chet is the letter of life. So when you do connect your thoughts, your intentions and your words, guess what? There is life in that love. It's powerful. So we love Yahweh first. We love Yahweh first and we love him with our thoughts, our mind and our deeds. The Bet is the next letter here of Ahav. You've got Aleph, Hay, Bet. And the Bet is the second letter of the Aleph Bet. The second letter. Now, the Bet is a picture of a house. Follow me here. You live in a house, you live in a Beit. It's the name of your house. You've got the Beit Knesset, the House of Parliament in Israel. So you go home tonight, you go into your Beit, you go into your house. You have Bethlehem, House of Bread, Beit Lechem, House. The Beit is a picture of a house. Yahweh said, build me a tabernacle that I may do what? Dwell among them, make me a house. The first letter in the Torah is what? The Bet. Be'er Sheet. Be'er Sheet, Barah, Elohim, Alef, Tav, Hashem, Maim, Ve'ed, Ha'aretz. The first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, isn't it interesting, was not used as the first letter of Torah. The first letter in Torah is the Bet. Why is that? Because Torah was given so we could build for Yahweh a house. That's what the Bet is a picture of. And don't we know that we are the Beit HaMikdash, the what? The Temple of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Temple of Yahweh, 1st Corinthians 3.16. The objective of loving Yahweh, of understanding his Ahava is to be conformed to his image and to be a house, to be his house, to be his dwelling place in this world. So we walk together. How can two walk together unless they're like minded? We've got to be like minded with Yahweh, understand his Ahava, walk with him. Guess what? The Bet is what number? Alef is one. Guess what Bet is? Two. For where two or three assemble together in my name, I am in the midst of them. Ahava starts with you having the love of Yahweh in your mind, soul, thoughts and deeds and then reaching out to someone else. And Yahweh is in the midst of that connection. You build for him a dwelling place. The Allah reminds us to love Yahweh first. The Hayh shows us to express that love through Torah, conforming our thoughts, words and deeds. And when love is directed first to Yahweh, then a house is built to sustain his presence. That's why the Torah says love is the greatest. These three remain, faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is what? Ahava. What does Ahava mean? It means to give. Let me give you some insights about Ahava. First of all, you do Ahava and then you feel Ahava. You do love and then you feel love. Now, it's just opposite the world's way. If I truly love someone, whether I'm feeling loved or not, I'm going to reach out in love to them and then I'll feel that connection. It's similar to the mitzvot. First, you do the commandments and then you understand them. First, you keep Shabbat. It's experiential. First, you keep Shabbat and then you have a greater understanding of it. And true Ahava is not based on feelings. Feelings, nothing more than feelings. I'll stop. Wow, I've gone from looking for love in all the wrong places to feelings. Feelings. True Ahava is not based on feelings. Everybody say not again. Not. Now say not again. Not again. Not again. Feelings stop us from walking in Ahava, in the love of Yahweh. Get that. Because there are many times where you don't feel like doing it. You don't feel like giving. You don't feel like ministering. You don't feel like loving someone else. And those feelings stop us. You know what feelings are? Feelings are symptoms of the way that we think. As a man fakes in his heart, so he is. Proverbs 23, 7. Your feelings are symptoms of the way you think. And the truth is most of us, the problem is most of us think that we are unlovely. We think that Yahweh really doesn't love us. Yahweh is punishing us. Yahweh is doing this. Yahweh is doing that. We think other people don't love us. And our emotions are based on preconceived ideas. Let me tell you something else. We treat people the way that we feel. It's my Dr. Phil moment for the day. You treat someone the way you feel. If you're feeling in a good mood, guess how you're going to treat that person? In a good mood. But if you go to McDonald's drive-thru, which I'm sure none of us do, and you're in a bad mood, and that lady is there on the other side. Alright, welcome to McDonald's. Do you want to take your order, sir? What? I can't hear you. Welcome to McDonald's. Do you want to take your order, sir? I'm sorry. I can't hear you. Welcome to McDonald's. Do you want to take your order, sir? And you just, ahhh, you go off on them. You know what I'm saying? Because you're feeling in a bad mood already. You just peel out. You go straight to the window. You let them have it. We treat people the way we feel. If we're feeling annoyed, what are we going to do? We're going to annoy. If we're irritated, we're going to irritate. But if you are joyous, what are you going to do? You're going to spread that joy. If you're thinking of the love of Yahweh, what are you going to do? You're going to spread the love of Yahweh. You treat people the way you feel. Write that down. What that means is that, which is good. If people are treating you rudely, if people are mistreating you, think of someone that's mistreated you lately. Someone that was rude, obnoxious, annoying. Don't think of the rabbi. Think of someone that's hurt your feelings the past 24 hours. It simply means that that person was not feeling loved. Wow. Darn, she says. It means that person at the moment that they lashed out at you was not feeling love from either you or from Yahweh. When you act rudely, it's simply proof that you're not focused on the love of Yahweh. So I'm sitting here saying, oh, I've got to go to my wife and apologize. Got to go to this person and apologize. I got it because that's what is love does. If you react in that way, it's because you weren't feeling loved at that moment. And let's be honest, we get other things going on in our mind. Kids drive us crazy. Boss drives us crazy. Bills drive us crazy. And they would react that way. Not you, Bill. Other kind of bills. OK, we treat people the way we feel. Therefore, if we really felt the love of Yahweh, guess what we would do? We would show them the love of Yahweh. So. I told you this was going to be tough today. If you're not feeling the ahava of Yahweh, perhaps it's your emotions that is stopping you. Perhaps it's your thoughts. So what do you got to do? Get rid of that thinking, thinking and meditate on his word. Meditate, think about it, sing about it, pray about it. I could sing of your love forever. That's better. I could sing of your love forever. I could sing of your love forever. I could sing of your love. The first time I heard that praise and worship song, it made me sick. And I said, we don't need to be singing that. How dare we're not? This isn't a love fest. We're not having the orgy. We're not. Come on. It offended me. Because I'm like, Jesus is not supposed to be our boyfriend. We shouldn't be singing to him like that. I was in the church then. Do you know what though? Yahweh showed me. We should be singing of his love. We should be meditating on his love. We should be thinking about his love because it's his love that sustains us and keeps us. Amen. His love that Yahweh loved the world, he gave his only son. Our actions go along with what we think about, so we got to change our thinking. People see Yahweh through our love. Amen. Let's look at 1 John chapter 4, verse 11. Yochanan Aleph, chapter 4, verse 11. Beloved, if Yahweh so loved us, oy vey, we should also love one another. The love that Yahweh's given us, this ahava that Yahweh's given us, he's now said that we've got to turn around and love one another. Each of us have been called to this. To experience the love of Yahweh, Aleph, to keep his love before us at all times. Then once our mind is renewed to his powerful, unfathomable love, ahava, then we show it to others. Look at Yochanan Aleph, chapter 4, verse 7 and 8. Beloved, let us love one another, for ahava is from Yahweh, and everyone that has ahava is born from Yahweh and knows Yahweh. He who does not have ahava does not know Yahweh, for Yahweh is ahava. It tells us that if we do not tie our tzit-tzit right, then we do not know Yahweh. It tells us if we do not keep 100% glock kosher, then we do not know Yahweh. Is that what it says? It tells us that if we, you know, do not make the ma'ariv and the shacharit service at the synagogue, then we do not know Yahweh. No, it says, if you do not have love, he does not know Yahweh. You can be like a clinging cymbal, making a bunch of noise, but not know Yahweh. To be effective, each act of faith, each prayer, each good deed must come from the motivation of love. That's why I said we shouldn't focus on the commandments. We should focus on loving Yahweh, because you can keep all of the Torah and not love Him at all. So let me ask you this. Is your faith effective? Does your witness attract people to ask you questions? How about this one? Are your prayers regularly answered? Do you have the power of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, in you? And if you've said, you know what, yes, but I'd like it more. Yes, I want to see my prayers answered faster and sooner. Yes, I want to be a good witness. Yes, my faith should be effective. Let me tell you something. We've got to understand how faith works. Faith does not work by vain repetition. Faith does not work by this or by that. If you don't put gasoline in your vehicle, it's not going to go very far, is it? You can try to put something else in it, but it's not going to go. Gasoline, you know, you've got to have gasoline. The Word tells us in Galatians, chapter 5, verse 6, Galatians 5, verse 6, that faith works by Ahava. Faith works by love. If your faith needs to be empowered, it probably means that you need more love. You need either a greater revelation of Yahweh's love, or you need to show more of Yahweh's love. What did we read in the New Testament? What does it say about Yeshua? He was moved with compassion upon the people, and then He fed them, then He did miracles, then He raised Lazarus from the dead, because He saw the love. It says that He loved Lazarus. And He wept, and He raised him from the dead. That's one reason why we don't see many miracles today, because our faith has grown cold. Now, throughout the Scriptures, we read about people who were endowed with the fullness of Yahweh. Think about Moshe. He parted the Red Sea, didn't he? Think about Eliyahu. He called down fire from heaven. Yeshua raised the dead. The apostles healed the blind. They had the fullness of Yahweh, and were able to manifest that. Turn with me to F.C.I., Ephesians, chapter 3. Yahweh's kind of love. It's unconditional. Yahweh's kind of love includes our heart, our mind, our thoughts, our deeds. Ahava means to give. F.C.I., chapter 3, verses 17 through 19. The fullness of Yahweh is Ahava. People love to say, oh, I want more of Yahweh. That means you've got to be filled with love. We've got to be filled with His Ahava, not what we've known in the past. F.C.I., Ephesians 3, 17 through 19. That Mashiach may dwell in your hearts by faith, by Amunah. That you, being rooted and grounded in Ahava, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width, the length, the depth, and the height to know the love of Messiah, which passes human understanding, that you might be filled with the fullness of Yahweh. That when Yahweh dwells in us, Yeshua dwells in us by faith, it's so that we can comprehend with the saints, we can have an understanding of His Ahava. Of His love. Yahweh just wants to love on us. The breadth, the width, and then let's focus on verse 19. To know the Ahava of Messiah, Mashiach, which passes human understanding, that you might be filled with all the fullness of Yahweh. To know the Ahava of Messiah is to be filled with the fullness of Yahweh. That's powerful. Yahweh's love, let's put it this way, Yahweh's love equals Yahweh's fullness. So if you don't have all of Yahweh's fullness, if you're lacking in some area, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, maybe spiritually, financially, emotionally, whatever it is, then you need a greater revelation of Yahweh's love. Let's put it this way, if the past 24 hours you've had 60,000 thoughts, if you've felt empty, or left out, hurt, afraid, frustrated, tired, you felt, you know, just irritated, problems, then you need to experience more of His Ahava. And to know His Ahava, and to have His fullness, we've got to first understand that His love, again, has nothing to do with our performance. Now this is tough, but it's immense. Just because you keep Torah, doesn't mean Yahweh loves you more than someone who doesn't. You do not earn His love. Now we know that, but we need to hear it again and again, don't we? We are not keeping Torah to earn His love. He doesn't say, oh, there's my precious group, I just love them more than I love them. His love is unconditional. It's unconditional. He loves us because He is love, not because we are lovely. Because we can't be lovely enough, can we? Yahko, chapter 2, verse 10. If you have kept all the Torah and offended in one part, then you are guilty of breaking all of it. We've all fallen short of the glory of Yahweh. So what must we do? Hide ourselves in the cleft of the rock in Yeshua. So when Yahweh does see us, He sees Yeshua. So we've got to understand that. Then we've got to change our thinking and dwell on His love, and our attention should be placed on dwelling in His love. Loving Yahweh makes us holy. Let me say that again. Loving Yahweh makes us set apart, or kadosh. Now many people have this backwards. Many people think, oh, it's the commandments that make us set apart. We think that it's His commandments that keep us set apart. And the truth is, that's not true. A person can keep all the commandments of the scriptures and not be set apart unto Yahweh. If they don't have love. You might be set apart. You might be a freak. You might be, oh, who is that person? You know what I'm saying? People talk about you? Or is it just me they talk about? It's just me. We are to first love Him, and our obedience to the mitzvot flows out of our love to Yahweh. But many times people get it just backwards. We get it just backwards. I can speak with the tongues of angels. Do you know what the tongues of angels is? It's Hebrew. I can speak with perfect Evrit. But if I don't have love, I'm like that big old symbol on the bong show. Doink. Yeshua said, if you love me, keep my what? Keep my words. Keep my commandments. Notice the order. Love me, then keep the commandments. Not keep my commandments, then love me. Love me, then keep my commandments. Devarim, Deuteronomy 11, 1. Great verse. Deuteronomy 11, 1. What's this teaching called? Yahweh's kind of love. Yahweh's kind of love. Devarim 11, 1. Therefore, you shall love Yahweh your Elohim, and keep His charge, and His commandment, and His judgment, and His mitzvot always. We are to love Him. And how do we do that? By keeping His charge. By keeping His mitzvot. John 14, 21. He that has my commandments and keeps them, it is He that loves me. Our obedience is proof. Everybody say proof. Our obedience is proof that we love Yahweh. Here's something that'll get you. When you choose to sin, you're choosing a love of self over a love of Yahweh. The mitzvot are there to connect to Him. Remember we said that love is mutual giving. The obedience are there, do not make Yahweh love us more, but instead they help us to know Him and love Him more. They help us to walk in His ways. Yeshua said, if you love me, keep my commandments. So how do we prove that we love Him, to Him? How does He know that we are His disciples? By keeping His commandments. But then we are to share that love with one another. John 13, 34. A renewed commandment I give you, that you have a Chava towards one another. As I have loved you, so also should you love one another. By this, by what? By our Chava, all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Every person on this earth has a Chava. Every person on this planet has two basic emotional needs. Number one is to, we desire to feel love. And number two is we desire to show love. These are the two basic emotional needs that each person has. We all have two basic needs. To feel love and then to show love. Remember the root word of Chava means, Chava means to what? The root word of Chava means, Chava means to what? To give. Satisfaction is not found in getting all the attention from someone else, but giving. That's the greatest commandment. The Shema. And I will love you with all my heart and with all my soul, and with all my heart, and I will say the things that I have said to you today, with all my heart, and I will give them to you. And I will speak to you, and I will sit with you, and I will talk to you, and I will walk with you, and I will talk to you, And you shall love Yahweh with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your being. And these words I command you this day will be upon your heart. You will teach them diligently to your children. Speak to them with all your heart. And you shall love Yahweh with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your being. And these words I command you this day will be upon your heart. You will teach them diligently to your children. Speak to them with all your heart. And you shall love Yahweh with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your being. And these words I command you this day will be upon your heart. You will teach them diligently to your children. Speak to them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you retire, and when you arrive. You shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and let them be frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and upon your gates. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Everything here was about giving, not about getting. You are to love your neighbor as yourself. Now sadly, let's just go there. In most Messianic groups, and in this movement as a whole, there is very little love. There is very little forgiveness. There is bickering, and fighting, and complaining, and all we do is focus on our differences. Isn't that right? Well, I believe this, and you believe that, and therefore we can't talk, and I believe that. It looks like people would rather dwell on differences than similarities. That is not of Yahweh. That is not Ahava. That is not love. If Yahweh is Ahava, then to walk in Yahweh is to walk in Ahava. It is easy. Everybody say easy. It is easy to find things to argue about. Spend five minutes with me, and you will see my problems. Spend two minutes with my kids. You know what I'm saying? It is easy to find things to complain about, and have problems with. It takes a mature believer to show Ahava, and choose to put our personal differences, and personal convictions aside, and love one another. You think that verse means this. You think that verse means that. You choose to do this. You choose to do that. We come together because we agree. Yahweh is Echad. We believe in the name. We have this foundation. To forgive yourself is to show forgiveness when offended. Because if you are with someone, for any amount of time, you are going to be offended. I am going to offend you. You were not supposed to amend that. Come on now. He said amen to that. I'm going to offend you. But true love, Ahava, shows forgiveness. Do you know what else true love does? It offers acceptance. Hear me now. Ahava offers acceptance to those who are different. We are to show love and acceptance to one another. Whether they are here in their spiritual walk, or here, or way past us. Whether they have a head covering on, or whether they don't. Acceptance. Whether they choose to go this route with their faith, or whether they choose to go that route with their faith. Accepting them and loving them, even if they are different. What is compassion? It means to put yourself in their shoes. Isn't that what Yeshua did for us? True Ahava acts in patience and realizes that they are not perfect yet. And you are not perfect yet. We are going to have patience with each other. And as we come together as a body, we have to walk in Ahava. Otherwise, we don't need to meet. If we can't meet in Ahava, I'd rather shut the door. True Ahava speaks in kindness and makes a choice to serve others. That's what Yeshua did. But again, most messianic circles, what is it? It's arguing, it's fighting. Well, you don't homeschool your kids, and you don't eat all organic, and you don't do this, and you don't do that. Or, wait a minute. Oh my gosh, you're doing that? You're keeping that part of Torah? Ahava says, Beloved, let us love one another because love is of Yahweh. The more giving we do, the greater the love. When we express Ahava, we make a connection. Isn't that right? When you tell someone, I love you, you're making a connection with them. But you make a connection with them. When you obey the mitzvot, you know that you're making a connection with Yahweh. You're showing him that you love him. You're not earning his affection. You're showing him that you love him. Do you see the difference there? Do you see the difference there? You're making that connection with him. So let me ask you. What have you done the past 24 hours? We've talked about our thoughts for the past 24 hours. What have our actions been for our spouse, our rabbi, our children, our co-workers, our friends? How much giving have we done? Or, do we just kind of receive? Because Yahweh's called us to give. The Ahava of Yahweh is not just giving. Yahweh's calling us to give. Yahweh's calling us to give. The Ahava of Yahweh compels us, remember we started with that, to love with the same love he's given us. Yahweh's type of love is different. Number one, it's unconditional. Number two, it changes us. Number three, we reach out with it. FCR 318. That you may understand how wide, how long, how high, how deep his love really is. That you may experience it. That is so great, you'll never fully understand it. But this is the fullness of Yahweh is his Ahava. So to review, Hebrew word for love is what? Ahava. The root word for that is Ahav. It means to give. We talked about, we love Yahweh first, that's the alis. We talked about we love him with our thoughts, the he, with our speech, and then our intentions. And if all of these line up, we create a chet with our love and we create life. We talked about the bet that we are to be the dwelling place of Yahweh. That the love that was in Yeshua should dwell in us. Let's finish up with one of the most popular verses in charismatic Christianity. Let's have an understanding of it. And I'm guilty here, everybody. Because I memorized this verse but I didn't memorize all of it. As I was doing the study, I realized the error of my ways. I don't need a donkey to start talking to me. I saw the error of my ways, praise Yahweh. Joken on alis, verse 17. Ahava, and let's go up to verse 16. And we have known to believe the Ahava of Yahweh has for us. Yahweh is Ahava. He who stays in love stays in Yahweh. Yahweh in him. Verse 17. Love, Ahava, has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness on the day of judgment because as He is so are we in this world. If you hang around the charismatic circles you hear that verse 1st Yochanan 4.17 a lot. As He is brother, so are we in this world. You got the ghost. You got the power. But hey, they missed the first part of that verse. What does it say? That love has been perfected among us that we could have boldness on the day of judgment so that on the day of judgment because Yahweh's love has just moved in us and changed us from glory to glory while we're here on this earth that as Yahshua is, so are we. That as Yahshua's love compelled Him to go in the manifest miracles and to spread His word, guess what happened? We are the same in this world. That's what the verse means. That our Ahava is being just manifest in our life. The unconditional powerful love of Yahweh in each other so that as Yahshua is, so are we in this world. Relations 5.6 says faith works by love. When we make a connection with someone or when we love them there's that giving. Yahweh's called us number one to love Him first and foremost and number two to love each other which means giving and coming out of your comfort zones a little more. You could say I love Susie but if you don't make connections and give to Susie do you love her? Not. Not. According to Yahweh's kind of love. You could say you love Yahweh what does he say? First John 2.4 A man could say I know God I know Yahweh but if he does not keep the commandments he is a liar and the truth is not in him. So Abba Yahweh we pray right now that you would take this picture of Ahava that's been painted before us through your Hebrew letters through your word that you would help us to love you with your Torah to keep your love in front of us to understand that we treat people the way that we feel and that if we are feeling and thinking on your love we'll treat them with it. Father help us to make closer bonds and ties with each other in this assembly that we could show that love greater we could step out of our comfort zones and we could be willing to love again. Father how great and how awesome is your love. We can't measure it but your word tells us in Ephesians 3.18 that it is your will that we understand how wide and how long and how high and how deep really is your love. Your word tells us in Romans chapter 8 that I am persuaded that neither life nor height nor width nor breadth nor principality nor angel nor demon nor things present nor things past nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of Yahweh. Father give us a greater understanding and revelation of your love that we could share it with others. Forgive us for not acting in love. Wipe the slate clean today. Take our sins as the east is from the west. Renew us as in days of old. We pray. To Shem Yeshua. Amen. The website is www.FindEMet.com That's www.FindEMet.com CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website or write to us at EMET Ministries 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, South Carolina 29108 That's EMET Ministries 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, South Carolina 29108 Thank you again for listening to Finding EMET with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the EMET and may the EMET may the truth set you free.

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