Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Finding Emet radio program aims to help people understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. It features the teaching of Brother Daniel Rentalman of Emet Ministries. The program offers audio lessons, teaching articles, a free online Bible search program, and prayer requests on their website. The current teaching is called "Yahweh's Top Ten" and emphasizes the importance of having an open mind and being transformed by the word of Yahweh. The teaching will explore various topics such as understanding Yahweh, changing our thoughts to change our lives, and the top ten attributes of Yahweh. The number ten is significant in representing completeness and judgment. The top ten attributes will help listeners know Yahweh more intimately and understand the oneness of Yeshua and Yahweh. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rentalman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer requests. That's, or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rentalman, as he helps us find the Emet. Today's teaching is called Yahweh's Top Ten. Now I want to ask everybody at the very beginning of the teaching is to have an open mind, open yourself up, and to be ready, willing, and able to have your mind renewed by the word of Yahweh. Because the word tells us in Romans, chapter 12, verse 1, it says, Therefore I urge you dear brothers, by the mercies of Yahweh, to present yourself to Yahweh a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. This is a reasonable act of worship. Is that what it says? It says do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may be able to tell or test between the good, pleasing, and perfect will of Yahweh. We've got to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. So in today's teaching, we're going to really be transformed a little bit. And how many know that we don't have Yahweh all figured out? Now I used to think that. When I was in the churchianity, I really felt like I had Yahweh around my pinky thumb. I'd taken some classes from Andersonville Baptist Seminary. Do you all know where that is? Baptist Seminary. It's Andersonville, the big Civil War cemetery is there. And Seminary was there also. I'd taken some classes from that cemetery. And I was, you know, teaching at the Sunday school, and I was filling in for the preacher on Sunday nights, and I was working at a Christian bookstore, and I was leading worship service, and I was doing youth ministry, and I would sleep about one hour a day. And I was doing all these great things, and I thought I had Him figured out. I knew my doctrines. I knew my theologies. I knew what Kim LaHaye said about the end times. I had the seven points down of when the rapture was going to occur. I knew the Baptist faith and message. I knew the charismatic faith and message. We were kind of bad to costal, if that makes sense. That's just a mixed up Pentecostal, or mixed up Baptist, not sure. But I thought I had Him figured out. Well guess what? Yahweh said, no you don't. Figuring out Yahweh is almost like figuring out our wives. It just is never going to happen, and when we get really close, it all starts over again. No offense, of course, to my beautiful bride, but when it comes to understanding Yahweh, we need to know this. We don't have Him figured out. Amen to that? So today's teaching is going to bring some understanding to that, hopefully bring about some intimacy and closeness, and to explain and expose some truths behind the veil of His deity. Bring some clarity. And today's teaching is only a spark. Yahweh will start a spark that you can fan the flame in the greater teaching. Now how many know that you are what you think about? Not you are what you eat, but you are what you think about. You are what you think about. You do what you think about. If you're thinking about eating an ice cream, ice cream cone, you know the waffle cone with chocolate ice cream, maybe some nuts on top, that's my favorite. If you're thinking about that, you're not going to go order a steak, are you? You're not going to go to the ice cream churn where they have 24 old-fashioned flavors and say, yeah, something like a prime rib, baked potato, salad, thousand island dressing. What would that person do? They'd look at you like you had lost your mind. You see, the truth is, we do what we think about. You are what you think about. So when we change our thoughts, then we change our lives, we change our actions. Pretty good sense, doesn't it? Ephesians chapter 5, verse 1, it says, the imitators of Yahweh, therefore, like dear children. Proverbs 23, 7 says, it tells us there, as the man thinks in his heart, so he is. Second Corinthians 10, 5 says that we are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Yeshua. We are to get grasp of our mind and begin thinking on the right things. So when we focus our thoughts and our mind on Yahweh and on his characteristics, on his traits, then our own characteristics and our own traits are going to change. For example, if you go see a mushy movie, mushy movie, like a chick flick. Remember back, was it 97 when Titanic came out? The chick flick of the ages, the biggest box office movie. If you go see that movie, you leave there feeling all gooey and mushy inside. Unless you're like me and your heart is a rock. But you know, you leave there feeling, yeah, okay. You leave there feeling this love because you're thinking about that. So when we begin to change our thoughts and our minds to think on Yahweh and his characteristics, we're going to see that our lives will change. Amen? So we may actually continue this teaching for a couple of weeks. I don't know. We'll see. What we're going to talk about today is going to expose a lot of things. We're going to explain a lot of phrases of Yeshua, Paul. You'll be able to understand Paul a lot better. We're going to talk about good and evil a little bit, sickness and health, judgment and mercy, how the Word became flesh. We're going to expose a little bit about Sodom and Gomorrah. We're going to talk about how wisdom was the first creation. We're going to explain a little more about what it means to honor your father and mother, how to enter into the kingdom, how to get to the kingdom. And wow, that's a lot. That's a lot. So we better get started. At the end of every year, I guess at the beginning of every year, pundits and critics put together their top ten list. Have you seen these before? Have you ever heard of David Letterman? He likes to do his top ten list or so. Top ten news stories, two times man of the year. He's got their say about the best and worst of life. Countdowns cover everything from the fanatical to the funny to the whatever of pop culture. So I found a good top ten for us. We're going to have dinner in a little while. So I found a good top ten. Top ten phrases overheard at a potluck dinner. Are you ready? Number ten, oh, what an interesting texture. Number nine, I didn't know there were that many shades of green. Number eight, oh, Fred, don't get worked up. She told you it was a brand new band-aid, besides, you love potato salad. Number seven, Trudy, your egg salad bust of the rabbi, hmm, very creative. Number six, Jim, saying in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit does not excuse your double dipping. I like that one. Number five, top ten comments overheard at a potluck dinner. Number five, yeah, really, you say missionaries gave you this recipe? Number four, what do you mean the dog wouldn't eat it? Number three, I didn't think you could deep fry that. Number two, if jello and vegetables were meant to be together, Bill Cosby would have been a vegetarian. And the number one comment overheard at any potluck dinner, was that supposed to be crunchy? Oh, okay, anyway, that's a good top ten list of things you overheard. It seems that everything counts down. Everything counts down. You've got the countdown when a NASA ship goes into space. There's the FBI's ten most wanted. There's the ten best sell lists. There's all of this. Did you know that Yahweh, the Creator, has his very own top ten list? He does. And the number ten is very symbolic. You find it all throughout the scriptures. So we're going to talk about Yahweh's top ten list. Now there are ten creative utterances in the book of Genesis. Let there be light, let there be this, let there be that. Ten of those. There are ten virgins and ten talents in the parables of Yeshua. The number ten is very symbolic meaning. It's a meaning of absolute completeness. And it relates to the hand through the value of the letter Yod. Like we say, Yod-Heh-Bav-Heh. Yod is the tenth letter in the alphabet. It's the number of judgment and understanding. There were ten generations from Adam to Noah. There were ten generations from Noah to Abraham. And we know that Abraham was tested with ten trials. Pretty interesting top ten, huh? There were ten commandments, ten mitzvot. There were ten plagues. Israel rebelled ten times in the wilderness. There were ten sockets in the tabernacle. Are we going to talk about all that? No. That's not Yahweh's top ten. These subjects are important. We can discuss them. There were ten times when fire was called down from heaven in the scriptures. And there were ten times in the Bible when someone said, I have sinned. Even there were ten times when Yeshua said, I am this, in the book of Matthew. Excuse me, the book of John. He said, I am the bread of life. I am this. I am that. Yahweh's top ten is not just about his actions and involvement with man, but really who Yahweh is. It's different than anything you've ever heard or read, what we're going to talk about today. The list answers many questions. Here's what it's going to answer. How can I know the Creator more intimately? How is Yeshua and Yahweh really one? When we grasp this, we're going to understand a lot of those things we discussed earlier. So in the essence, I hate to say of David Letterman, we're going to count down one by one the top ten attributes of Yahweh. And these attributes, they're also considered his emanations. They're also considered his descriptions, his power, his radiance, his characteristics, his qualities, his stages, even considered his names, even considered by the Jews his garments or his points. These ten Hebrew concepts are going to help you know Yahweh better and identify with his power in a real way. I said in a real way. So are you ready for Yahweh's top ten? Everybody say real loud, I'm ready. All right. Hallelujah. Now the Hebrew word for counting, the Hebrew word for counting is sephira, sephira. Everybody say sephira. Sephira is the Hebrew for counting. So these top ten attributes are actually called sephirot, sephirot, S-E-F-I-R-O-T. These ten attributes are called the sephirot of Yahweh. And each of these sephira or the sephirot provides us a focus for study. You could just take one of these that we're going to discuss and just look it up and just study it and study it and study it. So the Hebrew word for counting is sephira and these are called the sephirot or the attributes of Yahweh. So each of these is a focus area for us. Consider a prism. If you take a glass prism and you shine light into it, what comes out the other side? A rainbow. A special rainbow with how many colors? Does anybody know? Ah, close. Ten. Ten colors come out of a prism, which this is a picture of Yahweh. It's called light. Amen. And when the light goes through, that true light goes in, then the colors come out forward and these sephirot express a different and beautiful brilliance of the master, Yahweh. So from our perspective, we look to Yahweh and he says Yahweh is one. And Yahweh is concealed in pure, brilliant, white spiritual light. Yet we also see him in the scriptures and in our lives revealing himself in different ways at different times. How can he on one side say, go kill everybody in that town, to the Israelites, then the other side say, Jonah, go preach to those sinners. If all you see is one side of Yahweh, it doesn't make sense, does it? But when you have the full picture of Yahweh, it all begins to make sense and you'll be able to get that picture a little better with this multidimensional picture of Yahweh. Now, I'm not presenting 10 different gods. You don't pray to these, but you look to one Yahweh and you see him revealed in these 10 sephirot. So let's open our hearts, open our minds to be renewed. To be renewed. How about one more top 10? Oh, come on. Come on. OK. 10 days of tribulation. There you go. How about top 10 signs you've eaten too much? Number 10, hundreds of volunteers have started to stack sandbags around you. Number nine, the doctor tells you your weight would be perfect for a man 17 feet tall. Number eight, you are responsible for a slight but measurable shift in the Earth's axis. I'm not looking at you, I promise. Number seven, right this minute, you're laughing up pie on the carpet. Number six, you decide to take a little nap. You wake up, it's mid-July. Top 10 signs you've eaten too much. Number five, the world's fattest man sends you an e-mail to back off. Number four, you were told to lose weight or else. Number three, getting off your couch requires help from the fire department. Number two, every escalator you step on grinds to a halt. And the number one sign that you've eaten too much is when you sweat, you sweat gravy. Eww, OK. Alright, let's look at Yahweh's top 10. Let's look at Yahweh's top 10. And we can actually place these top 10 attributes of Yahweh in a chart with one side on the left and one side on the right, and the left side being full of attributes of Yahweh that are, you could say, of strict or sternness of a father. And on the right side being attributes of Yahweh that are maybe soft and compassionate like a mother. One side is full of grace and devotion, while the other side is full of justice and fear. Then there is the middle column that we're going to look at that is the ideal balance of Yahweh. It's the ideal balance and harmony of Yahweh. So consider for a minute if the whole world was based on mercy. We'd be in trouble, wouldn't we? What if, for a minute, the whole world was based on judgment? There has to be harmony, and the rabbis have said that the world would cease to exist if the world was based on one. Now the middle way we'll see is the middle column of Messiah. Now this countdown that we're going to talk about is actually, we're going to see that it says that man was made in the image of Yahweh, in the Bet Salim Elohim, amen? This is Yahweh we're going to talk about. This is Yeshua. And each of these phrases describe Him. So let's begin with number 10. We're going to count down. And we'll start with Keter. Keter. Keter. K-E-T-E-R. Now the Hebrew word Keter literally means crown, or head, or will, or desire. And this word appears throughout the scriptures, specifically in Esther chapter 2, verse 17. And you can actually consider the first three that we're going to talk about as the mind of Messiah. If you ever want to know what the mind of Messiah is, it's going to be these first three attributes. You could call this the Ratzon Elohim. Here's a good phrase. Ratzon Elohim. Ratzon Elohim means the will of Elohim, the will of Yahweh. Now it tells us in Psalm chapter 10, verse 6, that blessings crown the head of the righteous. That's what Keter is. Keter is the crown. And you'll read in the scriptures, if you read in the restoration scriptures, it'll talk about crowns. And it'll use the word Keter. That is the crown of Yahweh. And it comes from the root word Kuf Tav Resh, which means to encircle like a crown or head. What's interesting is that this word also means to wait. To wait. When we are told to wait upon Yahweh, we are actually being told to put on his crown. To put on his will for our lives. Take our crown off. That's where Yeshua prayed. He said, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. He was referencing Keter because for Yeshua's kingdom to come, guess whose kingdom has to go? Ours. We've got to take our crown off and cast it at his feet. Doesn't that happen in the book of Gileadah in Revelation? So Keter is crowned. Interesting here, in Proverbs 14, 18, Mishle 14, 18, it says, The naive inherit folly, but the wise are crowned with knowledge. But your Keter would have knowledge. That's the mind of Mashiach. When we trust in Yahweh and walk in accordance to his razzon, or his will, we are crowning him as king. We are establishing the Malkut Hashamayim. That's a Hebrew for the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven. And the Keter is symbolic of, you could say again, the mind of Messiah. In the name, Aye, Asher, Aye. Who was, who is, who is to come. So if you're in search of Yahweh's will, divine perfect will for your life, you're actually wanting to put on Yeshua. The Keter. His crown for you. Number nine. Number nine. Chokmah. Chokmah. The Hebrew word chokmah. Chokmah is the Hebrew word for wisdom. Everybody say wisdom. It's easier to say than chokmah. Wisdom. Did you know that wisdom, or chokmah, is the first creation? Now we read in Genesis, in the beginning, Yahweh created the heavens and the earth. But we read in the book of Proverbs, chapter eight, Mishelei eight, that wisdom was the first creation. Does not chokmah call and binah lift her voice? She stands at the heights between the paths. She's taken her stand. It says in Proverbs eight, verse twenty-two, Yahweh possessed me in the beginning of His ways, before His works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from beginning, before the earth was. When there were no depths, I brought forth. When there were no fountains abounding with water, before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I was brought forth. While as yet He did not make the earth or the fields or the highest part of the dust of the world, when He prepared the heavens, I was there. When He set a compass upon the face of the depths, when He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the fountains of the deep, I was there. And it tells us here, verse thirty, I was by Him as one brought up with Him. I was daily His delight, rejoicing before Him. Chokmah. It means wisdom. Wisdom. Or potential, you could even say. That Yahweh created chokmah, and through chokmah, everything else was established. And chokmah implies to our ability to look deeply into something and to understand it. Doesn't it say that Yahweh searches the deep things? Through His chokmah. Now, chokmah could be regarded as feminine or as this side of Yahweh. Now, we've said before in past teachings on the website called The Restoration of the Ruach, that Ruach HaKodesh is the feminine aspect of Yahweh. Very, very interesting. That the word Ruach HaKodesh is a feminine word. And we know that the Ruach comforts. Amen. The Ruach consoles. And that from chokmah, Yahweh is revealing Himself here as wisdom. Isaiah 66, 13. Isaiah 66, 13. As one whom His mother comforts, I will comfort you, and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem. Yerushalayim. Isaiah 66, 13. Now, grammatically, in both Hebrew and Aramaic, chokmah is feminine. Just like in Spanish, you've got like, baño and baña. In Hebrew, you have masculine and feminine words. Proverbs 9, 1. Chokmah has built her house. She has seven pillars. She has seven pillars. And guess what those seven pillars are? These seven attributes, after we cover the first three, the seven pillars are the seven pillars of chokmah. What's interesting here is, if you're reading the Scriptures, you'll see that Yahweh is revealed many times in reference to chokmah and in reference to mercy as Yahweh. And when you see the word Elohim, many times it's in reference to judgment. Just another code for us to be able to understand. So this sefirot represents the passive side or the left side of Yahweh. Chokmah. Joy, you could say. So number nine. Number eight. Hebrew word. Binah. Binah. Binah. B-E-N-A-H or B-I-N-A-H. If Yahweh is full of wisdom, doesn't it make sense that he's also full of reason or logic? Amen? Binah is Hebrew for logic or reason. You could say that Binah is, you know, wisdom of something that happened but, excuse me, chokmah is wisdom of something that happened but Binah is understanding that. Understanding. Binah. Understanding. It's interesting that in the book of Job, Job chapter 12 verse 11, it says the ear examines words. And that word for examines, that word for examines is actually Binah. The ear Binah's words. It examines and understands that. But what does it say in Romans chapter 10 verse 17? Faith cometh by hearing Binah and hearing the word of Yahweh. Because the ear examines words, it Binah's words, so faith comes when Binah gets involved. When we begin to understand Yahweh. We begin to take the concepts of life and analyze them through Yahweh. Now here's what's interesting. Binah and chokmah work together. Binah and chokmah work together. First Chronicles 22.12. First Chronicles 22.12. It says, Yahweh give thee wisdom and understanding and give you charge concerning Israel that you may keep the law, the Torah of Yahweh. That for us to keep Torah, we've got to have Binah and chokmah. We've got to have wisdom, chokmah and understanding. Binah. We've got to have wisdom. We've got to have Binah. Understanding. So Binah you could say is to be able to determine between two ideas. Let's look at number seven. Yahweh's top ten. Number seven. Chesed. Chesed. We all need more chesed. Chesed. Chesed is grace, mercy. Chesed, Bistepha wrote, is actually an act with no cause. It's often misunderstood by religious circles as just grace alone, but it's better translated as mercy and love mixed together. Chesed. It's the favor of Yahweh. It is unconditional giving that is motivated only by deep caring. For Yahweh so loved the world he chesed the world that he gave his only begotten son. It tells us in Exodus 15.13, Shemot 15.13, it says, in your chesed you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them by your holy dwelling. Now notice in that verse I just read it said, in your chesed you will lead the people and then it said, in your strength you will guide them. The next in Yahweh's top ten is strength or Gevurah. Gevurah. G-E-V-U-R-A-H. Gevurah. And we see these two powers working together. It says, in your chesed you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your Gevurah you will guide them. Now chesed is pity and compassion again found on the motherly side of Yahweh. It is the mainstay of our faith. Chesed is the mainstay of our faith. If you don't believe me look at John 1.14. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we have seen His glory the glory of the only one who came from the Father full of chesed and emet full of grace and truth. We'll come back to that verse in just a minute. The idea of grace did not start in the Garden of Eden. Amen? From the very beginning. It was present at creation. It is the heart and soul of Yahweh. However everybody say however if chesed is allowed to run rampant it brings nothing but chaos. Haven't we seen that? People can just go to their priest they got chesed they got amazing grace they can do whatever say whatever act whatever and go off their very own way. Chesed has to be balanced out. Think of chesed Matthew chapter 5 blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy. But chesed needs gevurah. Just like wisdom needs understanding what happens if you are 940 years old you've got all this wisdom of life but you don't know how to apply it? If all you have is hope and wisdom what happens if you're 15 years old and all you've got is reason and logic and you think you know everything but you don't have any wisdom to apply it? You're off balance are you not? I used to think I knew everything now I don't now I know I don't know anything can I get an amen? Hallelujah. So you've got to balance it out chesed has to be balanced with gevurah so this is Yahweh's top ten number six gevurah gevurah everybody say gevurah gevurah gevurah is the attribute of Yahweh that balances chesed gevurah is Hebrew for judgment or truth or strength or discipline restraint it says that the rain falls on the just and the unjust gevurah gevurah is similar to the Hebrew word den or judgment and it brings order to the world this is Yahweh Elohim Elohim the word Elohim is dealt with gevurah the tablets that were given to Moshe were six handbreadths wide by six handbreadths tall by six handbreadths thick or so big tablets six times six times six equals 216 which guess what equals gevurah gevurah gevurah is you could say that Yahweh was moving in his gevurah when the rain fell with Noah's ark when the judgment came upon Sodom and Gomorrah when Yeshua took our sins for us yet how many know that there was also Chesed did Yahweh wipe out the entire world with Noah and the ark did Yahweh put our punishment upon Yeshua but yet is giving us his grace they're balanced out with Yahweh Yahweh doesn't have a moody day where he's just full of gevurah now what balances out gevurah and Chesed tiferet tiferet t-i-f-e-r-e-t tiferet the scales of judgment and mercy are balanced by tiferet does anybody know what tiferet means in Hebrew glory glory there are a couple of ways to say glory in Hebrew you can say shekinah the shekinah glory of Yahweh you can say kavod the heaviness the weightiness of Yahweh or you can say tiferet tiferet to balance it tiferet balances the left side of gevurah the right side of Chesed perfectly how many know that Yahweh abhors unequal weights and measures amen now you know what that means now I want to show you something else today mainstream churchianity is full of Chesed grace all you hear about is grace grace grace grace grace especially if you're Baptist right eternal salvation do whatever you want the message of grace is the message of the Bible amen there is plenty of Chesed yet it's also balanced out by gevurah but mainstream christianity focuses on the grace of Yahweh do whatever you want do whatever seems right but don't drink don't smoke of course don't be gay and do whatever you want don't do those heinous sins and Yahweh's grace will cover you Judaism majority of Judaism is focused on gevurah the strictness the firmness of Torah and they add to it thousands of laws in the Talmud the Mishnah they say don't do whatever you want they say be careful with what you're doing they say don't even say Yahweh's name because you might mispronounce it and they're focused on the strictness the sternness the law you could say and yet we've got the church that focuses on the spirit and yet we're told in John chapter 4 verse 24 it says we are to the father seeks those who would worship him in spirit and in truth Yahweh is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth you could say this Yahweh is teferet he is glorious amen and those who worship him must worship in spirit in chesed and in truth gevurah if we focus on one side or the other too much our theology our idea of Yahweh is off balance and what happens when something's off balance it falls down I'm going to do a teaching this coming Hanukkah on the dreidel because that's the thing about the dreidel it's off balance and guess what it does it falls down every single time if we are too balanced on the gevurah the strictness the firmness the sternness of Yahweh beating people over the head with the Torah scroll or King James only Bible then we have a misunderstanding of Yahweh but if we're only focused on the grace of Yahweh do whatever you want say whatever you want do it whenever you want eat whatever you want wear whatever you want then we're focused on the grace of Yahweh where should we be in the middle with teferet giving him glory what does it say in John chapter John chapter 1 it says the word became flesh what became flesh the word the word was made flesh literally made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the glory get this we beheld the glory the what? the teferet of Yahweh full of what? grace chesed and truth gevurah do you see it? I'm not the only one getting excited am I? that's this picture right here that the word became flesh Yeshua became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his teferet think of it this way it tells us here in Matthew chapter 8 Matthew chapter 8 verse 24 without warning a storm came upon the lake the wave swept over the boat Yeshua was asleep the disciples went and woke him saying master save us we're going to drown what did he say? you have little faith why are you so afraid? then he got up and he rebuked the winds and the waves and it was completely calm the men were amazed and said what kind of man is this? even the winds and waves obey him now you could say in this story that the winds and the waves are like the sternness the strictness the gevurah of Yahweh and the quiet that comes upon the seas would be the chesed of Yahweh the grace of Yahweh and who calmed them down? Yeshua the teferet of Yahweh and notice what they said what kind of man can do this? no man can do this no regular man can do this teferet is found in the bible it's actually translated glory crown body and even heavens teferet is glorious because it expresses the divine balance of judgment and mercy and this divine balance is not humanly possible unless we're walking in the spirit of Yahweh on one of these two sides we're either going to be full of wisdom and yet full of grace or we're going to be full of understanding and say you've got to do it this way or else Yeshua said if you have the faith inside the grain of mustard seeds you shall save this mountain be thou removed be cast into the sea be moved from here to there which that faith is in Yeshua putting on his crown walking in his beauty in his glory his teferet that's it Yeshua is the balance he's the crown of Yahweh amen doesn't it say every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that what Yeshua is Yahweh to the glory to the teferet of Yahweh number four top ten of Yahweh number four Netzach yeah we're going down we're counting down Netzach N-E-T Z A C H Netzach again on the motherly side you could say you can actually believe and I believe if you believe in the spiritual laws of Yahweh that Yahweh set up the world with certain spiritual laws like there are physical laws of gravity there are spiritual laws that Netzach is why so many things happen that the bible teaches that Netzach is why so many things happen and it's really defined as Netzach as eternal life as victory endurance or confidence Netzach eternal life victory endurance or confidence Yahweh sevaot Yahweh is host John 3.36 whoever believes what would be believe whoever believes benah in the sun teferet has eternal life Netzach but whoever rejects the sun will not see life for Yahweh's wrath Gevurah remains on him John 3.36 Netzach is all about victory and beauty the word is specifically used in 1 Samuel 15.29 1 Samuel 15.29 Yahweh is called the Netzach of Israel the victor of Israel it says and also the Netzach of Israel will not lie or change his mind for he is not a man that he should change his mind what does it say in Hebrews 13.8 that Yeshua is the same yesterday today and forever so when we have the Netzach we have that victory of Yahweh eternal life it speaks to this as being the power of speech in John chapter 12 it tells us in verse 25 he that loves his life shall lose it he that hates his life in this world shall keep it to eternal life he that loves his life shall lose it he that's just in the logic is going to face Gevurah he that's just in the binah they only believe what they can see in their mind shall lose it because they'll face judgment Gevurah but it says in John 12.25 he that hates his life in this world to hate this life in this world is to flow in Yahweh's chesed and his grace shall keep it to eternal life Netzach these are concepts all throughout the scriptures you could say Netzach is not to regret death you could say look up 1 Samuel 15.25 before the killing of king Emelech Yahweh says I am the victory of Israel number three Yahweh's top ten number three Hod Hod Hod Hod is a funny Hebrew word and it's often considered actions and words it's similar to the Hebrew word spelled exactly as the word Hayd which means echo in our world we are to take upon the Hod of Yahweh and echo his actions repeat his words reflect his character now notice that Hod is on the left hand side of Yahweh Hod is on the left side of Yahweh Hod is the power of splendor to advance to keep going no matter what Hod says to keep going Netzach says to eternal victory and if you look at your picture here they're on the legs aren't they? you keep walking Hod and Netzach are called two halves two halves to one body walking together they have feet to fulfill what Yahweh says write down Luke seven thirteen through sixteen and when the master saw her he felt compassion what did he feel? Christian compassion for her and he said to her do not weep do not have Gevurah or judgment and he came up and touched the coffin and the bearers came to a halt and he said young man I say to you arise what was happening to that dead person? what were they experiencing? Netzach eternal life he said arise and the dead man sat up and he began to speak what did he say speech was? Hod and Yeshua gave him back to his mother fear gripped them all and they began glorifying they began praising Hod Yahweh to ferret saying a great prophet has arisen among us Yahweh has visited his people who visited the people? Zeus? son of Zeus? Yahweh has visited his people Yahweh has visited his people Yahweh has visited his people that is Hod that's the power of Hod Hod would be speech it would be echo actions and words to advance to acknowledge that Hod helps us to understand that what we experience in this world is only 1% of reality but in reality this is only 1% that the supernatural world is 99% from the Hebrew word Hade which means echo by the way we fit exactly with the fruit of the spirit I'll show you that when we finish up we've matched the fruit of the spirit exactly alright so we're down to 2 counting down Yahweh's top 10 number 2 Yesod Yesod Y-E-S-O-D Yesod means foundation it means righteousness the sturdy and strong foundation of a building is Yesod the Psalms say this the righteous are the foundation of the world the righteous are the foundation of the world now think about Sodom and Gomorrah for a minute what did Yahweh say Yahweh in his Yesod said if I can find just a couple righteous then I will spare the city otherwise it will be that was Yesod otherwise it will be destroyed Gevurah Yahweh was looking for someone who would have Yesod foundation how many did he find did he find 100 did he find 50 did he find 10 no but Yahweh was flowing through the Sefirot and he said if I can just find someone who is walking after me who's got on the crown of Yahweh the Keter who's following after the will of Yahweh in the glory of Yahweh who is founded like a tree planted by streams of water whose fruit will never you know whose leaves will never wither and will bear fruit in seasons Psalm 1 someone who is founded then I'll spare the city but what happened at that point Yahweh in his divine reasoning and understanding be not he spared the righteous and those who were unrighteous faced his Gevurah El Chai Yahweh of life in John 17 24 Yeshua prayed this he said Father I want those that you've given me those will be the righteous Amen Yesod I want those that you've given me Yesod to be with me where I am to see my Teferet glory the glory Netzach or the victory you have given me because you love me from creation Chokmah Keter you can literally take a verse and see how Yahweh manifests himself and what's powerful about this is Yahweh says do not let the right hand know what the left hand is doing Amen why is that? because the right hand is full of mercy and the left hand is full of judgment and he says to be careful he says to balance it out to walk in his top 10 speaking of top 10 one more if I can top 10 signs you're at a redneck church are you ready? you ready? Brother Adrian Henrietta's ready top 10 signs you're at a redneck church number 10 the preacher says I'd like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering seven guys stand up that's a sign you're at a redneck church number 9 first day of Dearsong the first day of Deer season is an official church holiday number 8 prayers regarding the weather are a standard part of every worship service that's part of us isn't it? that's true number 7 the church directory does not have last names number 6 there's no such thing as a secret sin because everybody's close I guess anyway number 5 the only time people lock their cars in the parking lot only so their neighbors won't leave them a bag of squash that's true for us anyway number 4 there's a special fundraiser for a new septic tank we've talked about that number 3 finding and returning lost sheep is not just a parable it's a sign you're at a redneck church number 2 the final words of the benediction are y'all come back now you hear? and the number 1 sign you're at a redneck church you ready? people argue and fuss over whether the savior fed the 5000 with 2 bass or 2 catfish oy vey forgive me for that one forgive me for that one y'all waste top 10 we've got Keter we've got Chokmah we've got Binah we've got Keferet we've got Chesed we've got Gevurah we've got Netzach we've got Yesod we've got Hod and finally we've got Malkuth you've heard Malkuth before Malkuth Malkuth is Hebrew for kingdom Melech is king Malkuth is kingdom we say the Malkuth Hashemayim the kingdom of Yahweh kingdom of heaven the rule and the reign of Yahweh the Malkuth the Malkuth the Malkuth this is the rule and the reign of Yahweh this is the last and guess what it's the first what did Yeshua say the first shall be last Yahweh declares the end from the beginning guess what Malkuth is the same as Keter because you have the kingdom of Yahweh the Malkuth when you make him king you put his crown upon yourself when you begin to think like he does what does it say it says in Ephesians verse 10 it says put on the full armor of Yahweh that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy it says put on the helmet of salvation which says what does the helmet of salvation say Kadosh to Yahweh Kadosh to Yahweh when you put on his crown you're establishing his kingdom that's what Malkuth is it is the kingdom it says his kingdom shall have no end in the book of Daniel in Psalm 118.20 this is really good Psalm 118.20 that Malkuth is the gate of Yahweh through which the righteous may enter what was the gospel was it believe on Jesus and be saved I don't think so the true gospel was repent for the kingdom of heaven is near isn't that what Yeshua preached isn't that what John the Baptist preached repent do teshuvah turn from your sin return to Yahweh for the kingdom of heaven is near repent for the kingdom of heaven the Malkuth of heaven is near Yeshua was saying that and Yeshua we said was the middle the Malkuth himself it tells us that Malkuth it's really neat 1 Chronicles 29.11 1 Chronicles 29.11 I'll read it to you in Hebrew putting in these words and in English it says yours oh Yahweh is the greatness the power the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heavens and on the earth is yours yours is the kingdom 1 Chronicles 29.11 well guess what let's read it with Yahweh's top 10 to you Yahweh is the gevurah the greatness the gevurah the teshuvah the gevurah the tiferet the glory the hesed the netzach the hod for all that is in the heavens and earth yesod is to you is the kingdom Malkuth all of those attributes are in this verse all of those attributes are in this verse powerful this is the gate of Yahweh Yeshua said that to enter into the Malkuth what did you have to do be born again to enter the birth canal you could say of Yahweh to be born again now the kingdom of Yahweh many teach that it's just some lofty idea you'll enter the kingdom when you're raptured or when you die but it's actually here on this world of action that's what the kingdom of Yahweh is about that all of these sephirot that all of these sephirot culminate with Malkuth when we walk in chokmah, hesed, gehura when we walk in wisdom and knowledge understanding and glory and victory when we walk in foundation when we continue to go forward in our speech we are walking in the Malkuth we are walking after Yeshua we are walking after Him whereas chokmah or wisdom is the potential to be Malkuth is being it's the final manifestation that it's like the beginning to be born again is to repair that fallen state to get back to the image of Yahweh and I said that these are a picture of the fruit of the spirit this is a lot to take in a lot of Hebrew but this will get you started in your studies never just say gosh I don't know what to study start on the sephirot of Yahweh ask Him to reveal them to you the fruit of the spirit or the Malkuth of the spirit is love chesed joy netzach peace that will be teferet Yeshua is our peace amen patience keter crown kindness chokmah goodness gevurah why would Yahweh's sternness be goodness it's goodness amen because He does it justly faithfulness what would that be foundation gentleness hod and finally self-control binah but the fruit of the spirit the kingdom of Yahweh the Malkuth is love chesed joy netzach peace teferet patience keter patience kindness is next chokmah goodness gevurah faithfulness yesod foundation doesn't that make sense doesn't this just fit right in here faithfulness goodness gevurah gentleness hod do you understand it all fits it's the same concepts Yahweh's not changed Yahweh's not changed but here we can see it in a Hebraic perspective you could say even the positive and negative are balanced out in Yahweh that He's showing us His glory His chesed His kingdom it tells us that in Isaiah 11 9 that the earth is filled with the knowledge of Yahweh as the ocean covers the seabed and if we think we got them all figured out then we're wrong amen we need to study read understand each of these attributes and more of it's in the scriptures to really know Him to really know Him now the word tells us and it says knowledge makes you puffed up if all you do is you learn these fancy Hebrew words and you learn all about knowledge what good is it going to do what did we say at the beginning what you think about what you think about determines your actions so when we begin to think about and have the knowledge of Yahweh which is Seferot we're going to change our lives that we're going to experience the kingdom the Malkut of Yahweh we're going to balance out grace and mercy in our walk we're going to allow the wisdom the Chokmah and the understanding the Binah to help us so that these aren't just Yahweh's top ten but they're Melanie's top ten and they're Karen's top ten and they're David's top ten and they're Moshe's top ten and they're Adrian's and Gilberto's top ten they're Henrietta's top ten that as we begin to study and learn from these and begin to see them all throughout the scriptures this becomes who we are and no longer is the top ten a joke but it is reality it is reality ayeh asher ayeh crown me Keter Yahweh give me wisdom Chokmah Elohim crown me understanding Binah El with the right hand of his love make me great in the kingdom Chesed Elohim from the terror of his judgment protect me Geburah Yahweh with his mercy grant me beauty Tiferet Yahweh Zavaot watch over me forever Netzach Elohim Zavaot grant me beatitude and from his splendor Hod El Chai Yahweh of life make his covenant my foundation Yesod Adonai may my lips and my mouth may speak of your praise Malkuth B'Shem Yeshua Hamashiach Amen Thank you again for listening to the Finding EMET radio program. 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