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cover of "000443_Early Evening Ambiance in the City of Avray.wav"
"000443_Early Evening Ambiance in the City of Avray.wav"

"000443_Early Evening Ambiance in the City of Avray.wav"




This audio file captures the early evening ambiance in the city of Avray. It starts with the subtle hum of the city slowly transitioning from day to night. The sound effects, commonly referred to as SFX, beautifully capture the essence of the city. You can hear the distant chatter of people, perhaps returning home from work or heading out for the evening. The intermittent sounds of cars passing by add to the city's dynamic soundscape, with varying engine roars and occasional honks, providing a realistic touch to the urban setting. The foley sounds are intricately woven into the audio, adding depth and layer to the overall atmosphere. From the rustling of leaves to the faint footsteps on the pavement, these sounds paint a vivid picture of an early evening in the city. The audio ends as it began, with the ambient hum of the city, leaving behind a sense of tranquillity amidst the urban hustle.

Sound Effectsambiancesfxfoleycars

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