The audio titled "058212_Voice of an Angry Ghost" begins with an eerie silence, setting a chilling atmosphere. Suddenly, a spectral voice resonates from the void, howling with a ferocity that sends shivers down the spine. It's the disembodied voice of an angry ghost, brimming with wrath and frustration. The voice echoes with a spectral quality, like it's coming from the other side of existence. Its tone is sharp, filled with a centuries-old rage that has been contained for far too long. The ethereal voice fluctuates between a thunderous roar and a low, menacing whisper, creating an overall sense of escalating tension. The ghost's voice sends a palpable chill through the air, leaving the listener with an unforgettable, haunting experience. Its anger and spectral presence fill the audio, making it a perfect embodiment of supernatural fury. The audio ends with the same eerie silence it began with, as if the ghost has momentarily retreated, leaving behind an unsettling echo of its