The audio titled "Frozen Spear" opens with a distinct glitch effect, transporting listeners to an icy, virtual landscape. The drone sounds build up slowly, creating a backdrop that evokes a sense of vast, frozen wilderness. Suddenly, a sharp, metallic sound pierces the drone, resembling a spear thrown with a great force. This spear-like tone is sinusoidal, undulating in a way that brings to mind the image of a spear spinning mid-air while maintaining a steady trajectory towards an unseen target. The audio then morphs into a microtonal symphony, introducing subtle shifts in pitch that are almost imperceptible but add an extra layer of complexity to the soundscape. The audio continues to evolve, combining the glitch, drone, and microtonal elements, all centered around the recurring spear-like sound, creating an intense, immersive experience. The overall effect is as chilling and stark as the title "Frozen Spear" suggests, offering a unique sonic journey for the listener.