The audio titled "Groan of the Undead" is a spine-chilling compilation of eerie sounds that immerses you into a supernatural realm. The audio begins with a ghostly whisper, a subtle yet terrifying sound that seems to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. This is followed by a menacing growl that triggers an instinctual fear; it's the kind of growl you might expect from a ferocious monster hidden in the shadows. Suddenly, a powerful roar reverberates, echoing in the vast emptiness, evoking images of a terrifying creature expressing its dominance. The audio continues to take a spooky turn with the introduction of a demonic laugh, a creepy and unnerving sound that sends shivers down your spine. This laugh is not one of joy, but of dark pleasure, adding an extra layer of horror to the already terrifying audio. The audio then transitions into the sound of a zombie; a horrifyingly slow, drawn-out groan that is the epitome