This audio experience, titled "Parrots Known as Cockatoos," starts with the distant sound of a train chugging along. The rhythmic clattering of the wheels on the tracks sets a calming backdrop for the vibrant cacophony of birdsong that starts to fill the air. Suddenly, the distinctive calls of cockatoos break through the avian chorus. Their loud squawks and chatters are unmistakable, echoing across the wide, open field that the recording takes place in. The cockatoos' sounds are captivating, full of life and energy, commanding the listener's attention. As the scene continues to unfold, the occasional, soft rustling of a dog can be heard. Its movements add a subtle layer to the soundscape, evoking images of a loyal companion exploring the vast field alongside the listener. Intermittently, the rumbling sound of thunder punctuates the audio. The thunder's low, resonating boom contrasts with the high-pitched squawks of the