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cover of Punching Through a Wooden Door
Punching Through a Wooden Door

Punching Through a Wooden Door




The audio begins with a calm and quiet ambience. Suddenly, the pulsating sound of a clenched fist slamming into a wooden door interrupts the silence. This is no ordinary knock. It's the raw, forceful sound of a fist punching through a wooden door. The impact resonates, creating a sharp, splintering noise as the wood gives way. It's a powerful, visceral sound effect, enough to make you flinch. The audio concludes with the echo of the punch, leaving behind a chilling reminder of the violent act. All through the audio, there's an underlying foley effect, adding depth and realism to the scene. The sounds are raw and natural, making you feel as if you're right there, witnessing the action firsthand.

Sound Effectsfoleyhitsfxwoodenfistdoor

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