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cover of Rock on Fragile Ice
Rock on Fragile Ice

Rock on Fragile Ice




The audio begins with the tranquil silence of a winter's day. The crisp crunch of footsteps on fresh snow can be heard as an unseen presence crosses a barren, frost-laden field. The sharp, crystalline notes of the winter wind cut through the peaceful quiet, adding an eerie melody to the scene. Suddenly, a distinct, muffled crack echoes across the landscape as a rock is thrown onto a frozen lake. The rock skitters across the fragile ice, creating a rhythmic drumming that contrasts starkly with the serene atmosphere. Each bounce of the rock generates a new sound, a different note. The noise is both unnerving and engaging, a reminder of the delicate balance that exists within nature's winter masterpiece. The sounds of the rock's journey eventually fade, swallowed by the vast expanse of the frozen lake. The audio finishes with the return of the winter wind, its icy tendrils whispering tales of the rock's daring adventure across the fragile ice. It is a symphony

Sound Effectswinterfield-recordingicelake

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