In this immersive audio experience, aptly titled "Rubbing Metal," the primary theme revolves around the distinct and characteristic sounds of metal elements in interaction. As the audio begins, one can distinctly perceive the coarse rasping sound of metal rubbing against metal, creating a symphony of high-pitched squeaks and low grating noises that echo into the silence. The rough, scraping sound of metal, reminiscent of a blacksmith working his forge, is a constant presence, painting a vivid image of friction and resistance. As the audio progresses, the sound of wires being manipulated is introduced. These sounds are sharper and more sporadic, cutting through the continuous drone of the rubbing metal like sudden punctuation marks. The wires twang, their vibration resonating in the surrounding air, creating a metallic melody that contrasts and yet complements the main theme. The audio ends on a lingering note, the sound of metal slowly fading into silence, leaving behind a memory o