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cover of Squabble among Cats with Birds Chirping in the Background
Squabble among Cats with Birds Chirping in the Background

Squabble among Cats with Birds Chirping in the Background




This audio piece titled "Squabble among Cats with Birds Chirping in the Background" is a field recording, capturing the lively sounds of nature. The predominant characters in this audio are cats and birds. As the title suggests, the recording begins with the distinctive sounds of cats engaged in a spirited squabble. The sounds range from low growls to high pitched yowls, reflecting a mix of emotions like annoyance, aggression and frustration. The cats seem to be in a tense standoff, their voices rising and falling with the rhythm of their disagreement. In contrast to the discordant sounds of the feline spat, the background is filled with the soothing, melodious chirping of birds. The bird songs create a harmonious backdrop, their consistent and melodious tunes providing a stark contrast to the sporadic and raucous sounds of squabbling cats. The chirping seems distant, indicating that the birds are perched high in the trees or nestled in the safety of the bush,

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