As the audio begins, the tranquil ambiance of a quiet night is suddenly disrupted. The first signs of an approaching storm are heard, a distant rumble gently rolling across the landscape. The sound, "Thunder," is deep and resonant, echoing through the vast expanse of the sky. This is not just an echo of sound, but of nature's raw power. Without warning, the thunder grows louder, closer, like an orchestra reaching its crescendo. The sound is now accompanied by the faint, persistent patter of rain hitting various surfaces - leaves, rooftops, and the ground. The tag 'voda', meaning water in various Slavic languages, is interpreted here as the rainfall that often accompanies thunderstorms. Suddenly, a brilliant flash, implied by the tag 'blesk', which translates to 'flash' or 'lightning' in Czech, pierces the darkness. It's as if the heavens have opened up, illuminating the world below in a stark, white light. This