"Unchanging Signal" is an intriguing audio composition that immerses the listener in a world of complex, ever-present sounds. The primary characteristic of this audio piece is a constant, unvarying signal that forms a background noise throughout the entire track. This persistent sound is reminiscent of a buzz or hiss, suggesting a static or fuzz-filled environment. Alongside this unchanging signal, a myriad of other unique sounds come into play, contributing to the audio's rich textural quality. There are sporadic hints of crackles, akin to the sound of burning wood or crumpling paper, adding layers to the otherwise monotonous buzz. Intermittently, one can discern noises that resemble the soft, gentle rustle of snow falling or a light breeze blowing, breaking the uniformity of the underlying signal. Despite the variety of sounds, the audio maintains an unbroken flow, creating an immersive auditory experience. This audio is free-to-use and falls under the public domain,