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The number of Americans with type 2 diabetes has tripled since 1975 and is still increasing. Four of the top ten causes of death are chronic diseases related to diet. This is because of the Western diet, which is high in meat, white flour, vegetable oils, and sugar, but low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The Western diet is cheap, convenient, and processed to taste good. Since 1975, the percentage of Americans who have type 2 diabetes has more than tripled and is expected to keep on growing. Four of the top ten things that will kill you are chronic diseases linked to diet, so something's wrong. The diet most of us eat these days has become known as the Western diet. It includes lots of meat, white flour, vegetable oils, and sugar, and very little fruit, vegetables, and whole grain. It's cheap. It's convenient. And most of it has been processed to taste really good.