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GG Interview

Eden McGee



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This conversation is about the speaker's project on people who show God's image. They want to interview someone who has shared stories of God and became good friends with others. The speaker's parents traveled for work, and during their travels, they would meet people and invite them over for dinner. They would share stories of what God had done in their lives. This started after the speaker's parents got back together in 1982 and continued throughout their travels to different states. They would find churches to attend and meet people there as well. The speaker's parents believed in the forgiveness that comes from admitting wrongdoing and turning to God. They would invite people to church but never pressured them. The speaker's father, who was raised Catholic, realized that spirit-filled churches were more open to discussing the Holy Spirit and having a personal relationship with God. The speaker's parents made friends with people from different states and backgrounds through their tr Okay. All right. I'll be very careful what I say. I don't want to embarrass you. I don't think. Nobody's going to hear it except me. Oh, okay. I'm just using it to keep notes. Okay, wait, let's see. Where is my... I feel like I should be more prepared than I am for this. That's wonderful. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, where is it? Oh, I pulled it up on my phone. That's why. Okay. I put the notes on my computer so I'm having to find them. Oh, okay. Okay, there we go. All right. So, basically, this was about people of Holland Christian, and I honestly don't know a lot of people from Holland Christian that well, let alone the teachers. So, my teacher was like, well, you can really use anybody, like anybody who's like a family or something. So, the whole project was about people who show God's image in some way. And I remember that you had told me stories of people you had met that you told about God and like just became good friends with them. Yeah. So, I was hoping that maybe you could be the person that I would interview for that. Oh, okay. If that makes any sense. Yeah. All right. So, my first question is, when did you decide to make this kind of a goal or was it random? A goal to talk to people about Jesus? Yes. That particular? Well, so, I think that what put me in a position to be able to share what God has done in my life is because Papa, my husband, worked a job that he did a lot of travel with. So, because of that, we went to many different states where they have a nuclear plant, and once a year, they have a shutdown at a nuclear plant, and they like people that are familiar with what the nuclear plant runs on, and people that can then take care of whatever the situation is. So, we traveled a lot with that. Yeah. And in so doing, when we would go to a new state, then we've lived in Washington State and Oregon and Florida and California. So, we've been many different places where there's a nuclear plant, and generally, nuclear plants are located near a body of water. So, in Michigan with our lakes, that makes it relevant for the type of work that Papa does. So, we met different when we would go to a different state and find a house to rent, we would find a church nearby that was what we believed in, the Bible. And that is why we met people and just stayed friends with them and shared different things that God has done in our life. So, that's that story. Yeah. So, that was more of like sharing it with people in the church or sharing it with people that you met while traveling? Well, when Papa would meet people at work, he would invite them over for dinner, and we didn't know if they were church goers or not. We would just share with them what God had done in our life. Okay. Because at one point in time, seeking divorce, Papa was living a pretty wild lifestyle, and then he realized that wasn't right. So, he came back into my life and we got remarried, and then we were still traveling with his job. But he was always the provider for our family, which was honoring to Papa. He felt that that was always something he had to do, whether he was married or divorced. But now, since we've been remarried for years and years and years now, he is very much interested in what God's plan is for a family. Yeah. And not just somebody's individual interests and what they like to do and not include the family in that. Yeah. So, all the places that he worked, it ended up that he would meet people that didn't go to church, and he'd invite them over for dinner, and we would meet them, and some of them would come to church with us and hear the good news about Jesus. And some, you know, it didn't really seem like something that they were doing, but there was never any pressure. Yeah. We messed up, and we have to ask for forgiveness, and that's the good news. That's what Jesus wants us to do. Yeah. To turn to him and know that he forgives us, if we admit it. Yeah. You know? Yeah. So, that's kind of how our travels were around the country. Yeah. So, then... And so, with Papa being 74 now and Jesus being 72, it's all because of the Lord's guidance. Yeah. Yeah. So, then, this kind of became more of a thing when you guys got married. So, what was the next one? How long has this been a goal? So, like, I'm guessing since you've been married. Oh, how long ago? Oh, my goodness. Well, let's see. Aunt Brooke was born in 1982. So, that's when we got back together. Yeah. When Aunt Brooke was born. So, whatever that comes out to be. I can't do the math in my head right now. So, when Aunt Brooke was born is when you guys had started doing more travel and meeting these people or before? Oh, say what? So, you had it when Papa was going to work and bringing people home and inviting them to church. This was after Aunt Brooke was born? Yeah. After Aunt Brooke was born. Okay. So, I would say from 1982 on is when Papa realized, oh, he messed up because we already had two other children, your mom and Uncle Brad. And so, he made it his business to change his ways. And that was because of going to church. Yeah. And hearing about the forgiveness, you know, that the Lord gives people if they admit their wrongdoing. And so, that's kind of, you know, something that God did and just changed Papa's heart. Yeah. And Papa was raised Catholic and they don't do things the way that spirit-filled church people do. Yeah. Like, Catholics aren't really encouraged, you know, in his lifetime. He would never see somebody read the Bible, for instance. True. They go to Catholic church and Catholic services and they do talk about God and Jesus. But it just seemed like some of the spirit-filled churches were a little bit more open to all of what your life is about, your heart, not just what your relationship with God is by going to church every Sunday and that's it. Yeah. So, that's kind of our story. Yeah. So, it was kind of like a – Papa was in like a – having come back to your family, he was kind of like in a forgiveness state. So, he felt like he – to extend forgiveness to other people. Absolutely. And like I say, in his church, he would go to catechism classes. But they didn't talk a lot about the Holy Spirit and why the Holy Spirit is important in a Christian's life. Yeah. I don't know why, but that was just his experience. So, when he went to a church that we call a spirit-filled church, people that actually talk about Father God, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit who draws each of us, no matter where we live or who we are, what nationality, the Holy Spirit is what draws us to be attracted to. Why is this person different? You know? Yeah. What did you do on Sunday? You do that every Sunday? I mean, we have people talk, you know, a question like that. Yeah. So, that's kind of, you know, part of – after Papa started going to church and realizing, he didn't hear any of that in the Catholic church. So, that's when he, you know, he changed his ways, and we got back together, and we got remarried, and Aunt Brooke was born at that time. And so, from that point on, we've gone to spirit-filled, what we call spirit-filled churches, where they not only talk about the Bible, the Father, Son, but also the Holy Spirit drawing people to a better life. And knowing, why would we do that? Because it's the only way that God can forgive us of our sins when we ask something. Right. So, that's kind of how that all went down. That's cool. I know. And when you're the person, and you realize that God is so great and so wonderful, that all you have to do is admit your problem, sin, or whatever it is, and just ask Him into your heart, and then the Holy Spirit helps you to discern right from wrong. So, either people, what you meet, wherever you're at in school or in the store, or if you change jobs a lot and go to a lot of different places to live, like Papa and I did, it's like the Holy Spirit leads you to the people who are like-minded, so you can build each other up. Yeah. And so that's, I mean, so many people that we have met through Papa's work and just going to a church, and then those are the people that became good friends of ours. Yeah. And they all ended up living way different places because most of the people that we met, Papa met at the nuclear plants that he worked at, like your dad does, and so he met people that would come from all over, especially when they shut down the nuclear plant to do, you know, repairs and stuff. Yeah. So they called people in from all over the U.S. just to come there for that purpose, and once they get everything done on a yearly basis, then they give the workers a break. Yeah. And so even Papa, if he was to, let's say, we both were raised in Monroe, Michigan, and there are a couple different nuclear plants in Michigan, so whenever they would call, it's called an outage, they would call people from all over, even all over. If you had that type of experience, you could come there and work and help them do what they call a shutdown. Yeah. So that's why we met other people that were from other states, and some of them we didn't even know the Lord, but then accepted the Lord. Once they'd come over for dinner and we'd pray before our meals, what are you doing? Well, we always pray and give God thanks for our food and Papa's job, and so it's been an adventure. Yeah. It's nice when your father can put food on the table for the family. Yeah, definitely. Or mother, whichever. Do you remember the first family or person you invited over? Well, there was a family that we met from Davenport, Iowa, that showed up at church one day, and their last name was White, and they had an older child. I think each one of them had been divorced and they had an older boy, and then they got married and they had a little baby. And when we met them, we met them through church. And I think that particular meeting was in California at one of the nuclear plants that Papa worked at in California. Yeah. So that's one of the couples that come to mind, and they just got very plugged into the church because they were going to stay right there. They moved to that area, and the husband found work there, so that helped them to just plug into Jesus and that church. That's cool. I know. It really is. And, you know, like at Christmastime, we'll get Christmas cards from the people through the years, and so that's pretty special. That is cool. Yeah. The first time that you probably introduced someone to God, were you nervous? The first time what? The first time that you introduced someone to God, were you nervous? Yeah. I don't know that I was so nervous because, like I say, in my experience after divorcing Papa because he wasn't, you know, he broke our marriage vows. Yeah. And I divorced him, and then when I was on my own, and I met people, and I decided, you know, I don't want a life of anything that's going to cause me to not give Jesus all the honor. Yeah. And that's when I changed as well and decided, no, I'm not going to go do sinful things and go with my girlfriends and go bowling and meet people at the bowling alley and, you know, just things like that. So that was my decision not to do that any longer. Right. And so that's when Papa came around and said, hey, I want to be around my children, Brad and Rebecca. And I said, well, I'm going to church now, so that's what it's going to take. That's what I need to do. I want to follow Jesus. And so he did that as well. He came along, so then we got remarried. Yeah. So then, and you two getting back together, it kind of, like, solved the nervousness for you, I guess? To do what? So you said that when talking to people about God that you weren't really so nervous. Are you saying that that's due to when you and Papa were divorced, you were meeting new people, and then when you got back together, like? Yeah, and that was because I was raised that way. Okay, yeah. Yeah. So, you know, when I was raised that way and I found out what Papa was doing, I divorced him, and he didn't want to lose out on his child, Brad, and your mom, Rebecca. So he came back and said, I want to have my life with you guys. Yeah. That's when we got remarried. Because I could tell that he really did want that. Yeah. Yeah. So because of how you were raised, it kind of just came naturally to talk to people? Okay, say again? You're kind of breaking up a little bit. Because of how you were raised, it just kind of came naturally to be able to talk to people? Yes, because my mom and dad were very much about taking us to church. And like I say, we had a different church all of our lives than what the Catholic church presented. Yeah. And so that's what the difference was. Yeah, that is a big difference. Hello? Hi. Oh, are you still there? Yeah, I'm still here. Okay. Okay, sorry. You're good. My phone might be a bit far away from you. Can you hear me any better? Okay. All right. Another question. Yeah. So you said that the first people were the white family. If that's like your first kind of experience, how did it make you feel to talk to people about Jesus? Did you need a bag today? No. How did that make you feel sharing that experience? Yeah, like talking to people about Jesus. How did it make you feel? Well, after, you know, Papa came back and he went to a Spirit-filled church and repented and went to the altar, he changed. And so that made me feel very honored that God's Word is true and it'll work for anybody. But, you know, you have to admit when you've done wrong. And so because of that, then everything else changed when Papa started going to church. And so I just put it here. Okay, I'm checking out right now. Oh, no, you're good. Okay. All right. Got that. Okay, I'm good. Okay. All right, I'm good. Oh, okay. Yeah, so that, so in Papa changing and getting to talk to people about Jesus, like that experience. You good? Say what? Are you good? Yeah. Sorry, there was a lot of background noise. Yeah, I don't know if we're breaking up or whatever. But yeah, that's what changed both of our lives. And like I say, after Brooke was born, it just made Papa more realizing that God is about a family. Yeah. And, you know, for me too. So it was just a very hurtful situation to have to go through that. And after I went through that with Papa, I wasn't really, you know, doing the best thing either. So once we got back together, I started more of reading the Bible. Not that I, I mean, reading the Bible for myself. I always went to church and was part of the kids program. I mean, all my life with my mom and dad. But once I married Papa and then went to his divorce, I realized without God, you can really mess up. Yeah. And so that, that's when I had Aunt Brooke and I wasn't married to her father. I realized I don't have any room to say anything to anybody. If Jesus didn't forgive me, that would, that would not be good. But because I believed in forgiveness and the message that I'd heard all my life, that's what changed me. Right. And then it was, it seemed like the Lord would just bring people into my path that didn't really know him and know about the Bible. And when I started reading the Bible for myself, which I've done, I think for 15 years straight, trying to read the Bible through every year, it just really reinforces God's plan for each person's life and the joy that you get in just sharing, hey, I messed up big time. But when God forgives you, you're forgiven as if it never even happened. Yeah. That's a pretty, that's a pretty huge message. Yeah, it is. And that's why Papa and I, how many, how many years later? Yeah. Gosh. Well, Aunt Brooke is 41. So that's a lot of years to stay faithful to God's word and have spirit-filled fellowship at your church. And even though we've gone to many different cities with this job to work and before vacations and stuff, now that we're retired, it's just a blessing to know that when you trust God, he honors you wherever you go and he's always with you through the Holy Spirit. Yeah, that's good. And that's what our lives have been, you know, in the recent past and even now. We get to visit all of our children and grandchildren and see our families doing the same thing, seeking God's word and reading about God and not only reading it and seeking for yourself, but to see like-minded people who actually are joyful. Yeah. Yeah. So that's kind of our story, sis. Over the years of you talking to people, what have been like the range of responses to hearing about Jesus? Well, I think some of the people that were raised Catholic by Papa really didn't realize that the Holy Spirit is a part of the trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the three in one, that draws you in the first place. So people that just want to go, like men, for instance, that want to chase women and go to the bars, well, they may not be listening to the Holy Spirit. But when you meet a Christian and they see you reading the Bible or saying the prayer before you eat, then they say, Oh, wait, what is he doing? And so for that, they ask questions. And so that's kind of how with Papa's people that he's worked with and we've become friends with, and it's happened in every job that he's had. And I would say, oh, probably 10 different locations across the United States, and Papa also worked in Alaska. So John is not, you know, having just one area that he wants to call people in to know him. And when everyday people talk out loud about their fellowship with God, they're like, what happened? We don't know about that. And we say, oh, well, if you read the Bible, look, it's just John 3, 16. If God didn't love the world, none of us would have a reason for forgiveness. Yeah. So that's what's happened from then till now, and now we're enjoying our grandkids and getting them all over the place. And Papa's retired. And that's the best of it. Yeah. And it seems like each one of you making your own decisions and finding like-minded friends. And not that you're not going to be disappointed and go through some trials and tribulations, because the Bible says we're all going to do that. We can still have victory, because we know who we're trusting. Yeah. And it's not just our own opinion. It's God's word that will live forever and ever. Yeah. So then have you kept in touch with a good many of the people you've met? Well, usually at Christmas time, yeah. We'll get a card or call. And I think once we started having grandchildren, and like, you know, Aunt Brooke living in another part of the U.S., yeah, kind of. Not so much since we retired, because we've been making it more about our kids and our grandkids. Right. So that's kind of how that worked out. Yeah. And then how has this changed your perspective of people coming to Christ? I think that it's given me the confidence of whenever I meet someone, and they seem to gravitate to come to me, or Papa as well. You know, people will just say, hey, I've witnessed certain things that you do. What do you do that for? And it's because of asking God to be not just the God of the universe, but in our heart. Yeah. Asking Him into our heart. And so usually it goes along those lines, and they go, what are you talking about? And they say, well, we've read the Bible, and that's what it says, you know, that God is the one that can forgive you for everything. Yeah. But you have to ask, believe in Him, and trust Him, and ask Him. And once you ask Him for forgiveness, it's a done deal. Mm-hmm. So both Papa and I and the people that we've met have experienced that. And it's the coolest feeling to know that you're not trying to force anything on anybody. They're asking you. Yeah. Why are you like that? And we say, well, we weren't always like that. Mm-hmm. So that's what the testimony is all about. Yeah. Telling your own testimony. Mm-hmm. I like that, telling your testimony. Yeah. Okay, let's see. Next question. Okay. Have you had any experiences you would consider didn't have the best outcome? Didn't have the best outcome? Yeah, like they didn't respond well. Well, when you get pregnant and you're not married at the time, and you're divorced, that doesn't make you feel like you've honored God. Yeah. So at the time, it didn't feel like a good outcome. And because of confessing my sin of doing that, I knew that I was forgiven and that everything would be okay because God loves people. Yeah. And so that's why I just put all my trust in that. Once he forgives you, it's as if it never even happened. Nobody can say that. Now, as people, we have stuff in our memory, and we can remember this, that, and the other. But not God. He says, I'm not going to hold it against you. Once I forgive you, you are forgiven for all eternity. Just don't mess up. Yeah. Try not to mess up again. Yeah. But, like, there hasn't really been anybody that's been like, oh, well, I don't believe that or would try and argue with you about it. Not that I can remember that there was any kind of issues like that. And I think more of the people coming up to us and saying, boy, like when Papa was working, for instance, and he would react differently about a situation than other people would. Or if I was around some of my friends and they just wanted to go, you know, out and just do things that weren't very honoring to the Lord as far as lifestyle. So after we got through all of that and we started dedicating both of our lives to Jesus, then we wanted to make it more about having fellowship with people that were interested to know God as their Savior and Lord and their eternal life will be in heaven forever. Yeah. So then most of the conversations you've had with people are with people who are curious themselves. Yeah. The curiosity comes when you just, like, whether you're meeting them from work. And when I was working as well, I would meet people and, you know, just like friends. You meet a friend, you're like, oh, I want to hang out with that friend for a little bit. And then you would talk about what's going on with your life. At that point in time, we were going to church and I was going to church as well. And like, oh, and then we would invite people to go to church with us. And then they would hear our story. Yeah. Which is called your testimony in the Bible, you know. Right. What brought you to Christ and how are you living for him today? Yeah. And so just even, you know, telling you this story from the past till now, it's pretty much just like telling you. It would be like, why don't you drink, you know, at the bars like some of the other gals that we go out with? And I'm like, well, I did this one time and it didn't really turn out so well for me. So I'll pretty much stay away from that. Yeah. But not that, you know, you can make your choice what you want to do. But it just didn't work out for me. I wasn't raised that way. So I didn't have that example in my life. And that's where you have a lot of forgiveness and mercy for kids that their parents weren't raised to know the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, you know. Yeah. And know that he always has your best in mind, the three Trinity together, all three of them. Yeah. And that's where when you read the Bible, especially the New Testament, you get a lot of food, what I call food for thought. Because it has only inspiring and honoring things, you know, like the Ten Commandments, for instance. Right. You know, love the Lord thy God with all your heart, your mind, and your soul, and your spirit, and your neighbor as yourself. Okay, that's pretty huge. Yeah. It would take me a lifetime just to do that one thing. Yeah. And then when you have your own children and grandchildren, you just more and more and more want to honor God more. Because now you have these wonderful lives like you and Ellie and Liam in our life that we see your mom and dad doing the same thing. Honoring God with giving these children into their lives, you guys, you being the first. And so that just blesses parents which become grandparents. And that just makes us know that that's how God feels. Yeah. What experience have you had that you would say is maybe the best or most fulfilling in talking to people? In talking to people? Yeah. People that have never read the Bible or they haven't had an experience of their family reading the Bible or going to church and hearing the Bible, and expressing what I'm calling, you know, my story, which would be your testimony, my testimony. I'm saying, oh yeah, you know what? You make choices. And you either choice to go along with the crowd, whatever the crowd is doing, or you could take some time and believe that God is who he says he is. He did have a son born of Mary and Joseph. And the Holy Spirit is alive and well whether you believe in God or not. But if you do believe and you trust, then you know that God's got you. And if you mess up and you ask for forgiveness, he's the only one in the whole universe of life from then till now that can forgive you and it's never remembered again. Yeah. Now we might remember it in our own minds because we know that we did wrong and now we're trying to do right. But God says he forgets it as if it never happened. Yeah. Which is so beautiful. Who can do that? Yeah, really. And so I think that for both Papa and I, the realization of that, and that's God's promise and that's his word. If you repent, he's not going to hold it against you. Yeah. So I think that's the biggest thing that we live by now is to try to keep ourselves out of wrongdoing. Yeah. Was there an experience that you would say was the most impactful? Like someone who just, it really clicked with them or something? Well, I have to say that, you know, after I divorced Papa and then he realized that he messed up and he wanted to come back into the family, that was very humbling. And, you know, you have to develop a trust just like God trusts us to do what is honoring to him. So at that point in time, you know, I had gone through a rebellion as well because of just feeling sad and not liking what was happening. Yeah. So myself, I had to first know that if you ask God to forgive you for your sins, you're forgiven. It will be forever and ever. It will never be held against you because his forgiveness is that powerful. Yeah. Now, in our mind, we might remember some things, but he doesn't care about your mind. He cares about your life and giving it to him and trusting him with outcome. So I think that was the biggest realization in all of that when Papa came back after, you know, the whole thing that I told you before and realizing, you know, I want to be a part of my family. Yeah. I want to come back and have those experiences with my family, not just with my buddies that go off to work and go out and carouse and do whatever. Yeah. And so all of that can just be forgotten, forgiven, forgotten, and done. Yeah. But since you had that experience, you know not to repeat it. Yeah, definitely. So that's pretty much from then till now and like all the different jobs that Papa has taken across the US and, you know, just keeping true to that, to believing like every house, for instance, that God opened the door for us to rent that house. Yeah. For the time that Papa was working on that job. So we would always meet our neighbors, whether they were Christians or not. And generally, every single time somebody would say, Oh, do you mind if we go to church with you? Yeah. Or what are you doing? Oh, reading my Bible. Oh, what are you doing that for? Yeah. Well, it just helps us to know God better because he says it's his word. And if you read his Bible, then you're knowing him better. Yeah. Whether people believe that or not, that's what we are doing. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. Okay, I have like a few more questions. Well, honey, you know, it's like for you in your young life and experience so far, you've already, you know, had experiences with God yourself that you know how it's like incredible. You can't even put words to it. Yeah. And that's the beauty of it. You know, you can tell people it's what we call your testimony and know that the only reason you have that is because you trusted in what God's word said, period. Yeah, definitely. Was there a specific way that you would say you introduced people to God or was it more of like, kind of from what I've been hearing, you've been saying that like people have been more curious about seeing you praying or reading your Bible. So is it more like people seeing your example and being curious about it or was there a way that you like went up to people and like, hey, I wanted to tell you about God or something? Well, for me, I was never a person that just went out and just said out loud, hey, do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Yeah. And actually ask that question. More so, it would be in all the different places where Papa worked and we were around people. Maybe we would go to church. Maybe people had never been to church before at all. And maybe people had been there at church for a long time at different places. And that was always a new experience because of being, you know, a family that came into a community and you start going to a certain church, they would come up to you. So they're in church. So you kind of figure they already know Jesus. Right. For the most part. And so most of our fellowship has come through all the different places that Papa's worked and the different, you know, jobs that he took. And then when they were long term jobs, that's when we could move the whole family. And the good news is that the company would move the, you know, pay the expenses for moving us from place to place over the years. And that's what your mom and Uncle Brad's experience was. As they, you know, from 10 years up on, you know, they experienced a lot of that. And, you know, they would meet kids that were Christians, but generally they went to Christian school. So that was pretty much a good covering for them to stay, you know, in the fellowship with Jesus and other like minded Christian people. Not that we're perfect. Because none of us are. But that to know ahead of time that even if you mess up and you admit it and repent to God, that it's as if it never happened. Yeah. And people can't really, even me, when I say it out loud to you, I'm like, oh, this is impossible. But that's the thing. With God, nothing is impossible. And so once we are asking forgiveness, the only person that can remember it is us in our own mind or people that we've told our testimony to and say, oh, yeah, but what about when you did that? Like, oh, well, God says he forgot it. Yeah. And that's what I need to do. And if you want to hear why it happened, I'm telling you. Just like what I'm telling you is my testimony. Yeah. And that's where God says you did trust me to forgive you, and you're forgiven. Yeah. So what an amazing, interesting assignment you have. Yeah. They asked us to ask 15 questions, so I'm sorry if it's rather long. Oh, it's okay. I'm fine. I have three more questions, actually. Okay. Do you have any regrets from talking to people about Jesus? Like, were there any times you're like, oh, well, I wish I wouldn't have said that or I could have said something better or something like that? Or they didn't respond as well? No. No, never. Never that. Because if it came to the point where I was talking out loud about whatever happened in my life, it seemed like the Holy Spirit would take over and the people would want to know more. Yeah. And I'm like, okay. Okay, well, the real deal is it isn't very pretty on paper, but that's the good news. It doesn't have to be because that's what forgiveness is all about. Yeah. And just like I'm talking to you and telling you the real deal, I mean, this is not something that you want to talk to your granddaughter about. But, you know, knowing that Jesus already is forgiven, and, you know, if you're ever in a situation, no matter if you do wrong and you didn't really mean to, that's okay. Because all you have to do is confess your faults one to another, and you shall be healed. So that one to another starts with God. Yeah. Because he's a person. He's a spirit and he's a truth and he's a person. So, you know, start confessing to him first, and then if anybody asks and you share what I'm doing with you, your testimony, then that's powerful as well. Yeah, it is pretty powerful. So no regrets. That's pretty awesome. Yeah, no regrets. And that's why, you know, when you're asking me what that was about, I have to put it in the context of if God hadn't forgiven me, I would never talk out loud about this to people. Yeah. But because his forgiveness is real and everlasting, and it will never change. That's why, you know, I can talk about it, even though it's shameful at parts, but I can still know that God doesn't look at it that way anymore. Yeah. That's good. If so, what would you have done? Oh, wait, no, never mind. That goes with the other question. Okay, so last question. How have these experiences of talking to people about your testimony ministered to you in a way? Well, everybody that I have shared my testimony with has become a good friend. And over the years, like, let's just say 10 different moves for our family, and probably more than that, little moves, but big major moves with Papa's work through his career. I think that it was just so honoring to speak those words out, which I'm going to go back to just that basic Bible scripture that will always give people a curiosity, John 3, 16. For God so loved the world, you know? Yeah. Why was Jesus born? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. And so I think that is the biggest thing that I had to own it. I had to say, wow. Now, my memory takes me back to all the things that I shouldn't have done, but this is where the Holy Spirit takes over and says, nope, it's not held against you. Now, it's part of my testimony, which is what I'm telling you, and maybe why your teacher wanted the assignment. Yeah. And then the longer you live, the more precious that becomes, because you know that if you mess up, God will forgive you, and he says he won't remember it again. Yeah. And in heaven, we won't either. We'll just remember knowing that we trusted him and his forgiveness. Yeah. So when you and I meet in heaven, we probably won't even talk out loud about this. Probably not. But on earth, I think, you know, it's relevant. Yeah. To help somebody to understand how loving God is and he will always be that way, and he will not hold it against us if we admit it. I think, you know, how can you, there is nothing that can compare with that. Yeah, absolutely. Well, yeah, that's all the questions I have for you. Well, I'm the one who says granddaughters don't do what I do. Just trust God, and he will lead your way, and he will lead you to the right boy, which I'm kind of excited about what I hear. Yeah.

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