Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speakers are excited about their new visual show and promise more content in the future. They discuss the upcoming election and stress the importance of voting and being informed. They express frustration with the lack of coverage for certain Democratic candidates and express a desire for fresh, new politicians. They also mention the high cost of living and the need for unity in the country. The speakers mention their personal connection to the military and express their disappointment with the division in the country. Hi guys. Hey, we're back. Yes, we are. CLP. Episode five. Yep. I'm excited. I hope. Yeah, go ahead. I hope you guys enjoy the show. It's our first visual show, first video, and we're excited about it, and hopefully we can get a lot of more footage out to you guys, so stay tuned. Yeah, as promised, as promised. So we promised you guys on the last episode that we would be going live. This is the first event of the year that we're providing audio and video for you guys, so that's a major move. It's a milestone moment in CLP history, so we appreciate you guys rocking with us, supporting us all of our day ones. Yes, and it's more to come. It is more to come. It's new, but it's more to come. I know I say that every episode, but we got a lot in store for you guys, and like we always mention, we're just here to help put out information for our culture, and whoever adapts, gravitates to us, we're here for you also. For sure. For sure. Episode five. Here we go. Let's get it. We got some politic issues we want to talk about, so let's jump into that. Yeah, it's a big year. It's a big year for us. 2024, it's an election year. It's a pivotal moment in our country's history, and it's critical that we make sound decisions to support our initiatives, our goals, our aspirations, our community in the right fashion. You know what I mean? It's important for you guys to get out and vote. Let your voices be heard via the vote. Shout loud. Yeah, I've heard a lot of rumblings out in the media, on social media, in the streets, on the blocks, like, hey, it's more of the same. It's going to likely be a Joe Biden, Trump election, or runoff, or whatever they call it, and as a result of that, a lot of folks, especially from our community, they're like, all right, I'm not coming out. I'm not voting. Exactly, and that's the wrong move. It really, really is. It's the wrong move. Like my husband said, like, no matter what your beliefs are, right now, the country is in a crisis, and we feel like it's only going to get worse with this new election coming up. Everybody's really silent about it. Nobody's really talking about it, but we need to. We need to start addressing and coming together to vote. Yeah. I mean, even if you have adult children, like, get them registered. Check your city and state and find out if it's, you know, you guys can go get your kids over 18, 18 and older. Register to vote. Their voice needs to be heard. It's their country as well. For sure. And we are the free country. We want to make it, you know, a good experience for all cultures. I think what's happening right now is people are afraid. Like I said, I hear no talk about this election coming up. All I hear about is Trump, what he's done, his charges, allegations. The Republicans are out. You know, they're making noise. They're making moves. Yeah. The Iowa caucus, I think, is what it is. They just had that. And we had Vivek, the Indian brother, he dropped out, you know, and he's backing Trump. Nikki Haley, she's still in it. You know, they're doing their due diligence. They're trying to fight against the Trump machine, which I don't think they're going to be successful in it. He's going to be the nominee. That's just reality, right? But what's interesting is, on the Democratic side, they're just like, they've already propped Joe Biden up as the nominee, when there should be new blood, new fresh blood in the running. I think so, too. I agree. The media outlets aren't providing any footage. I always say 106 and Park. That takes me back to, like, my childhood. But the Breakfast Club reminds me of 106 and Park for some reason. Right. And, yeah, they are just missing the female, the third wheel. And I think we'll have what you're talking about, what we used to have, that energy, 106 and Park. And that's kind of like where we get most of our political news and information from. It's really, really sad because you can't trust the news outlets. You can't trust anybody. So we listen to certain people in Breakfast Club, Charlamagne. Charlamagne goes hard for the culture, for the people, to be exact. Yeah, Dean Phillips, he's a Democratic nominee or individual that's running for presidency. He was on there recently. I started following him as well. He has some interesting points. Yep. Kennedy, one of the Kennedy members, he has a throat issue. He's been on there a few times. He's got now, they've provided some coverage for him. Yep. But those are the two that I know of for sure that are out there. I haven't done much research on the Democratic side other than those folks. But the media isn't covering them. They haven't been on CNBC, MSNBC, Good Morning America. Not at all. It's a setup. You know what I'm saying? It's a setup. It's a setup. The writing is on the wall that it's going to be another Joe Biden, Trump showdown. And I hate that. I would like, personally, I would like some fresh, new politicians. I just think these old guys, they need to give it up, you know. Fresh and new, I believe, is what the country needs. You know, a president that can relate to all cultures. You get it? For sure. Yep. That's important. You know, Biden's 81, I believe. Trump is like 78, 79. But he doesn't, he's not moving like Biden is moving. Biden can barely make out a proper sentence in a lot of his speeches. Yeah, it's ridiculous. And, you know, aging is a beautiful thing, don't get me wrong. Yeah. This isn't a knock against aging. But for the president, I don't like it. Yeah, it's a tough situation to be in. I believe his age hinders, you know, him getting out and advocating for the U.S. Yeah. And then you got to look at it, too. Like, you know, we vote personally, we vote for what's in our best interest, you know, as a family, as a community, as a culture, as a, you know, business. We're really being in a business. Yeah, for sure. You know what I'm saying? So depending on the election cycle, depending on the policies that are presented, that's what's going to dictate how we vote. Exactly. And everybody has that right. But you look at the current state of affairs in this country over the last, you know, four years or whatever, it's been kind of crazy. It's been mad crazy. And everybody's gone crazy behind it. Everybody pretty much has lost their damn minds. Yeah, shit is expensive. Exactly. Exactly. Like eggs, how much are eggs? Like $8.99 a carton. Like, yo. That's why we're in the process of buying some hens and chickens around here. You know what I'm saying? We are certified black farmers. Yes, we are. University of Arkansas Pine Bluffs. Yes. Shout out to my nephew, Ryan. You know, he's an HBCU alum, University of Arkansas Pine Bluffs. Yep, yep. Shout to my cousins. Yep, yep. But everything is expensive. For sure. You know? We're basically paying for this presidential race that's coming up. So everybody needs to just get prepared. I look at it, this presidential election, like it's like a assassin, how they sneak up on you and then it's like, shh, I got you. Because everybody is so quiet about it. Everybody is scared of conversation about this presidential race that's coming up. And I think because of what we went through for the last four years with COVID and all of that, it's a lot of trauma. But we need to start talking about it. That's how I feel about it. We need to start talking about this election that's coming up. Our families, we need to get together. We need to start pulling together, you know, building our tribes because we're going to need one another. For sure. Yep. And that was one of the things back when, you know, before Biden, when Trump got elected, you know, it kind of sent shockwaves through the country. Sure did. The community, everybody was freaking out, like, oh, what's going to happen? What are we going to do? It's like, all right, life goes on. Yep. But one of the things I said on that day when our daughter came over, she was freaking out. I'm like, you know, we're going to be all right. Everybody's going to be good. Exactly. It's just a person in an office doing his thing. But, you know, it's like, well, what that did do for us, though, as a culture, I'm like, it's going to light a fire under our asses. Yeah, you sure did say that. You know what I'm saying? Yep. It's going to light a fire under our asses to get out there and do what we need to do, you know what I mean, and whatever it takes. Because we need to – we got a lot of work to do as a community, you know. Yeah. We got a lot of work to do. And if that's what it took to get us going, so be it. Now the ball is in our court, you know. We control our destiny, you know. So let your voices be heard. Let your vote be heard. Yeah. And choose who you want to choose, you know what I'm saying? Yep. And then, too, looking at the Trump era, you know, this country is divided. It's the most divided it's ever been in a very long time. It's ridiculous. It's crazy. And it's disgusting to me. I really – as an officer wife, I think I mentioned this a couple times on previous shows, my husband is a veteran. It's like a slap in the face to him. It really disgusts me how divided we are. Like, as a country, no matter what color you are, like, my husband served three terms, Afghanistan, Iraq, whatever you – whatever. Yeah. But now he's in the U.S. and still has to fight his own people, and I have a problem with that. I really do. Yeah, so, like, we're the most divided. I understand that. I empathize with you, babe. I get it. You know, I understand. It sucks watching it. It sucks. Yeah, we have different perspectives, too. Like, military people, we just lock in and do what we got to do. Exactly. We've been trained. I understand that. All right. Marching orders, this is where you got to go. This is what you got to do. This is where you got to be there, you know. But it's not easy for the family members. Right, right. There's so much to that. Yeah, that's another. You can unpack that on so many levels. Like, we talked a little bit about that on the last episode, too, like how, you know, when you're in the military, it defines you. That's your identity, you know, and sometimes it takes getting out to find who you are. Exactly. But I think where I'm going with that is it saddens me that I have to watch you fight your own people here, Americans, and I think that's where the country is headed, like the next Civil War. People don't get that. Like, literally, we should not be in this position is how I feel. We shouldn't. And it's crazy. Like, it's, you know, this country, 250-plus years old, and, you know, it's like history repeats itself. History is repeating itself. My people, my grandfather served in World War II. He got shot in the ass smoking a cigarette in a foxhole in Germany, and he stopped smoking cigarettes after that as a result. It's trauma. You know. There's a lot of trauma behind that. But, you know, he went out, he fought for the country. Exactly. He fought for what he believed in. He fought, you know, for whatever his reasons were for joining. Well, no, he didn't purposely join. He was drafted. So he went out and did what he did, and he came back. But he had to deal with the same bullshit we're dealing with 100 years later. No, probably not 100. About 50 years later. You know what I'm saying? So it's crazy. You know, we got a long way to go. You know, this country provides great opportunity. Yeah. You know, the playing field is far more level than it has ever been, and we talked about that on the last episode. Everything you need is available to be successful in this country. We got a long way to go to be that more perfect union that the founding fathers created this company to support or to aspire to. Yeah. But as a culture, we got to do our part. Yeah, for sure. We are not doing what we need to do, and that's on us. For sure. And this is a shot at the U.S. from me, from CLP. Like, how in the hell are we going to help other countries when we're so fucked up? Like, let me tell you, I lived in Germany for three years. I've lived overseas, like, for maybe nine years total. But what I want to say is I feel like packing my shit, my kids, my grandkids, and move out of the country again. And I can do it. It's just I don't want to leave our loved ones behind, the people that I am advocating for, who we're advocating for. And that's why we created CLP, just to literally start advocating for you guys, getting our voices out to be heard, you know, joining the mission of other podcasters that's trying to push the culture forward and people who are in need and cannot advocate for themselves. They don't have the means to advocate for themselves. That's why we created this. We don't care about money. We got our own damn money. We don't care about none of that. All we want to do is help and advocate for you guys. So fill us on that. Yeah, for real, for real. You know, shout out to CLP 2024. We're making major moves. I'm proud of us. You know, we're putting a lot of, for real, for real, we're putting a lot of tools into the diaspora. You know, we coming correct. You know what I mean? So it's on us. It's on us. The ball is in our court. Yeah. There is, if you guys pay attention, and I'm from Chicago. We're both from Chicago. Our family is from Chicago, born and raised. And I think we touched bases on this on the last podcast show, Episode 4. There's nobody else to lead us. We got to start leading ourselves. Quit wishing, hoping, and praying, and get out and build up your communities. Lead your people. Lead your families. I don't care if you're a female or a male. If you the leader, you got it. Lead your family. Put your family together. Put your family first because in a minute, we all going to have to stick together and pull together. And that's what Marlon and I do. We build and pull our families together, the ones that want to be kept. And you look at, you know, you look at, and, again, this is, you know, I always go back to the ball being in our court. You know, we control our destiny. You know, everything we need to be successful in this country is available. It's right here. You got to go get it. You know, but it's an interesting thing that I came to the realization of recently is, you know, look at other cultures and how everybody kind of does their thing individually as families. You know, they start out, they go to school, they get good grades, they graduate, they go to college, they get a degree, they go to school, they meet a nice man or woman, they get married, they have children. Right. And the cycle continues, and they provide for their children, and then those children go out into the community and do their thing. Yep. And the cycle, it's a cycle. You know, they're not looking for a savior. Help or handouts or, no, they're grinding. Yeah, and not necessarily from, you know, at least the point I'm trying to make, is not necessarily from a handout standpoint but the savior standpoint. Because of our plight in this country, we've always had somebody to aspire to. I'm looking at one of the pictures in my office right now, my studio. You got, you know, Malcolm King, Martin Luther King, King, you know, Obama, King, Nelson Mandela, King. We've always had men in our community, women as well, beautiful, strong black women in our communities that we look up to, that pulls that energy in the direction that we need to pull to get everybody moving in the right direction. Systematically, most of them have been canceled out, you know, barring a few in current state, but especially back in the 60s, 70s. A lot of them were canceled out purposely. And then you look, you fast forward to today. There ain't nobody. And the point I'm trying to make is you shouldn't be looking for anybody. No. You have everything you need. Within yourself, you are great. You have everything you need, you know. Do your part. Take care of your people. Exactly. Then get out, you know, do good in your community. Yeah. Start businesses, hire your people. It's never too late. It's never too late to get on this bandwagon my husband is referring to. It's never, never too late to push your family forward, stick together and ride that shit out because at the end of the day, that's all you're going to have. That's all you got. Yep. Yep. And I do want to point out too, we're not Democrat. We're not Republican. We are for what's right. And what's, what's, what's, you know, what's right. Yeah. Those titles and shit. Like, yeah, we don't need a title used to divide, man. We don't need a title from religion to politics to all that. Just be you. Yeah. And just be you create your own space. Create your own vibe. It's cool. Trust me. What I say, we had to learn this too. And then I want to point out again, we don't talk about any topics here that we have not been through or, or, you know, experienced in some type of way. Be yourself. Move your kids for the way you need to move them forward, but just make sure you are setting your family up to be self sufficient because that's, what's going to be needed. Yeah. And then, and then it's just a trickle down from there. You know what I'm saying? Yep. So, and then, you know, then you, then you kind of transition to sports and politics. Yeah. It gets, it gets, it gets crazy. Sports, the workplace, all in friendships. We, this politics game, all this stuff can be a fact. It can affect a lot of situations and it's, excuse me. It's really, really like this. Be you, do you, and your tribe going to come. But if you fake, you're, you're never going to find your real tribe. I don't care if it's, I don't care if it's even your own family, like find your tribe. Find your tribe. And I bring this up because we're talking about politics here. Like some people move with politics on how they coworkers moving, how they, how they click moving. And your family is suffering. That's the wrong way to move. Like you got to move in a way with politics on how it benefits your family. That's how me and Marlon roll. Yeah. And you know, when you, you know, those, those good brothers and sisters out there that say business, you know, you gotta, you gotta vote and you gotta align yourself with policies and, and candidates that support your business ventures. Yep. You know what I mean? Like the last episode, you know, we talked a little bit about taxes, you know, how to, how to legally, you know, mitigate your tax liability. Politics plays a big part in that. A big, a huge part. So first off, you got to identify who you are. What are your values? What are your morals? And then you align yourself. First off, we got to learn ourselves as a culture, as a community. We have to move as a unit, not as individuals. We are the only country. We are the only people in this country that moves individually. We have a lot of, we have a lot of. Preach space. We got a lot of brothers and sisters out here that have become very successful and doing good things, you know, but as a unit, as a cultural unit, we're falling behind in a major way. And that, that plays a part in politics. You know, you got to move as a unit. Your unit has to advocate for the unit's best interest. Yep. Quit pro quo, that term, quit pro quo, favor for favor. Yep. I'm going to give you this vote, but I need you to do something for my people. Yeah, our votes are very valuable. Yeah. And to that point, when you look at how we voted as a culture over the last 60 years, we voted democratically, but then sit back and look, and I'm not advocating for it, I'm just speaking the facts. Yeah. Then you sit back and you look like, all right, what has the Democratic Party done for my community over the last 60 years? Exactly. In my opinion, I think, you know, and back then, we started out as Republicans, you know. People don't get that. People don't know that. Touch base on a little bit of that. Yeah. After, you know, we as slaves were free in this country, we all voted Republican. Those conservative morals and values, less regulation. You know, we were very, you know, religious. We were aligned and we were in step with the Republican Party, and we did well. I feel like we were far better off culturally back then than we are now, because we moved as a unit. The Black Wall Street, we had multiple Black Wall Streets. Yes, yes. We were clean. We respected elders. We respected the women. We respected children. We took care of each other, basically. We took care of each other. We took care of our – it didn't matter if you was family. It didn't matter if you needed a helping hand. We were there as a unit, and that's where we need to get back to. I love that, and I feel that energy, and I'm so inspired by that, and thank you for that. Yeah, for real. Like, I hope y'all are inspired like I am just listening to my husband talk about this situation, because this is what we need. It don't matter. It don't matter what's going on. It don't matter what happened. We still can do this, and we still can overcome. I sound like Martin Luther King, huh? But I love that. I love that. We can overcome. We can overcome. We can overcome. And that puts us at the 1960s Civil Rights era when there was a transition from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party. We started voting democratically because the Democratic Party instituted the Civil Rights Act that gave people of color, African Americans, rights in this country, right? Right. But it was strategy. Oh, I ain't going to say, but it was strategy. I can't put myself in the minds of the lawmakers, but I'm just speaking on what happened. We transitioned to the Democratic Party during that period, but in my opinion and based on the numbers, it destroyed our community. The prison, the crime bills, the cocaine epidemic, you know what I mean? Like all of that, the welfare, the government stealing the welfare program from the Panthers. Yeah, and we're paying for it right now. We're paying for it. You want to know how we're paying for it? You guys look at all these killings in Chicago, all these high poverty cities, areas, and people ask me all the time because they know we're from Chicago. I'm from Chicago. Oh, why are they killing everybody? God damn it, because there's no fathers in the house. They all locked up from these bills my husband is talking about right now. So we're paying for it right now. Byproducts. Yeah, we're paying for it. Not dismissing the fact that, again, we have to do our part, but it's not as simple as saying, oh, YX is not Z. It's an onion. It's mad layers, you know what I mean? And then now moving from the 60s to now, and I remember me coming up just speaking on how we vote as a people. I voted early on. I voted democratically because my parents voted democratically. That was just what you do. You are supposed to, in our culture, you do what your people did. Exactly. You eat the way your people ate. You believe in the religion that your people believe in. Yep, you follow suit. Yeah, and, you know, and then over time we became our own, and we developed our own minds. And, okay, well now I have a different view on things. Yeah. And I think critically. I think analytically. And, again, look at what these parties are advocating for. Align yourself accordingly. Exactly. Don't just vote because this is just how it's always been. I'm following my crew, my clique, my family, this and that. No, you vote for what's going to benefit your family. But I will say this. I think this upcoming election is going to be different. We're going to be voting to basically save our lives. Yeah, save the lives of this country. Yeah, it's going to be different. We're going to have to kind of put some of that shit to the side and kind of, hey, no, it's going to be kind of, and I don't want to scare anybody. It's just how I think and what the energy tells me, like, it's going to be killed or be killed. Like I said, we could possibly be in another, this election could possibly thrust us into the next civil war. Yep. And that's scary to me. So I take it very, very seriously. And whatever I have to do, I'm just going to say it, whatever I have to do, whatever we have to do, that's what's going to happen. And that's one of the reasons we started this podcast, just to get our voices heard, get out on the airwaves, put knowledge out, gems out. Like, because some people are really, really, like, dumb to the fact. And when I say dumb, I mean that respectfully, like, they just don't know. So we here to school, y'all. And you don't have to take our way. Choose your way. That's what we're advocating for. Choose your way. For real, for real. Yep. That's it. You know what I'm saying? So that's, you know, COP, episode five, changing lives. You know what I mean? We're putting political gems out. You know, we want to put some good energy out there and guide us as a culture, as a community in the right direction. We ain't experts. You know, we ain't professionals at this, but we done lived life. We got a lot of experience. And we have been through it all. Been through a lot. Yep. Been through it all. We've been around the block. You know what I mean? And we got this. So we got a little bit of credibility when it comes to this. We got this. You know, take it as you see fit. Yep. And we want to make sure that you guys have it, too. And we want to let you guys know that, like I said, and I keep pointing out, it's never too late. Find your tribe. Get with your tribe. And make it what it is because you're going to need it. For real. For real. Yep. That was good, babe. So, you know, as always, you know, we got a COP toast that we like to transition to. Oh, yeah. A COP toast sports talk. Yeah, yeah. Let's do it. It's where we pop a bottle. You know, we pull up some champagne. We talk to it. Yep. But, yeah, and also, too, if you guys, while Marla and my hubby is popping for the toast, we do this every episode. We're going to toast to our sports talk, our sports set, or whatever you want to call it. But contact us. Hit us up on Instagram. DM us. You can, our COP number, 661-300-8393, if you want to talk more about this. If you need any. Mommy and Mike Jones, 201-330-8004. Hey, Mike Jones up on the load. All right, babe. Hey, we got to crown this joint. I'm a bunch of youth, and they don't know what the hell I'm talking about. They're like, Mike Jones, who? Mike Jones, who? Oh, Lord. But, yeah, to the youngsters, y'all, and it's not all about money either, how much money you get, what you don't have, the resources. Hey, go on your corner, your street corner. Just spark a conversation with somebody and see how you can connect and network with moving the culture forward. That's a start. And you don't need no money for that. No. Not at all. No. You just got to have a vision. You got to have a mission. You got to have a passion. And not be scared. Like, we got to kind of get out of that phase of we're overstepping our boundaries. Oh, we got to wait for the leader to speak to see which way we're going in the world. No. Use your voice. Stand up and lead your family and lead your tribe. I just love that. I love everything about that. Like, teach. Teach. And I'm a boss. My husband is a boss. But we're teachable. Yeah. We're always teachable. It does not matter in what it is, marriage, family, business, anything. We're always teachable. And we're always positioning ourselves to be taught so we can pass the knowledge on. Right? Yeah. We got this. We got this. But we got to start somewhere. Come on. Let's come together. Yeah. Drink from the cup of abundance. So feel me on that. Like, I want to make sure we're putting out the right tone, the right energy. Drink from the glass of abundance, not the glass of scarcity. You know? Yeah. We are kings. We are queens. Queens. Queens, stand up. Hey. Because you may have to lead the pack. Yeah. Let me tell you. We are God. That's it. We are royalty. We got to start acting like it. Queens, if you're leading the pack, lead it. Like you're leading or running an empire. That's what I do. Because sometimes my husband is not always able. Yeah. Being a veteran, that comes with a lot after. Well, we're not really after yet. Maybe next year we'll be after. Maybe. But it's still hard. Sometimes I got to put on the boss cap. And I'm fine with that. Yeah. I'm going to lead. Yeah. That's right. I have my days. You know? I have my days. I know. I have my days. Yeah. We have our days. You know what I'm saying? But that's the strength of a strong relationship. 20 plus years in, a couple decades. You know what I mean? You figure out how to support each other. We know the vision already. We know the mission. So when he down, I put on that hat and I carry the mission. And I lead the fight. I carry the family. When I'm down, he going to put it on. We both up, we both leading. We both up. We both leading. Yep. Because guess what? Our children and our grandchildren are dependent on us. And you got to have that same mentality, that same energy, that same motivation. You know what I mean? Like we are built for each other. We were put on this earth purposely to be where we are now. Nothing happens coincidentally. Everything happens for a reason. The universe is in perfect order. You know what I mean? Yep. Strong black women are here to support our strong black men. Yep. You know what I mean? So we got to stand on business, as my guy Big Perk say. Shout out to NBA today. Shout out to my guy Stephen A. Smith. Stand on business. Carry on. Stand on business. You know what I'm saying? So. I love that, babe. I love it. And I'm just so, like I said, I'm intrigued right now. And I'm inspired. I'm hoping we are, you know, motivating people right now. I really, really do. Yep. Yep. So we were getting to the CLP toast. Let's do it. Yep. Let's go. Pop it. Yep. Pop it. Boom, boom. Boom, boom. Click on. Ah. Yay. Woo. You got it, babe. There go the glasses there. We got it. Let's do it. Yep. And while we wait for my hubby to finish pouring for the CLP toast, I just want to say again, thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for subscribing. Oh, my God. You guys have been so, so supportive. I really, really appreciate it. I really, really do. Thank you. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. I'm going to be pouring like I'm on a jet. What can happen when you are a celebrity or famous within an organization like the NFL? They can take you down. So you got to kind of be careful with how you're moving. You have to have a plan. I'm not saying you have to sneak or hide or anything to that nature, but I'm just saying pay attention to that because this man risked his whole career just to advocate for the African American culture. This country is, and I always give the country the benefit of the doubt. It's beautiful. There's no better. There's no stronger country with more opportunities than the face of this earth. Exactly. Let's set the record straight. Yep. But we got some ways whereby we have to live with as a country just starting out and it's going to take time to transition beyond that. Healing takes time and you got to identify and be accountable and a lot of that hasn't really happened within this country. So presenting yourself in the fashion that he did or even us speaking on this in corporate like we speaking on it right now, standing on business, it's going to turn people off. It's going to rub people the wrong way. So that's part of it and then with him in the NFL, from a business standpoint as owners, if you're on the other side of the stick, you got owners that are advocating for the bottom line, they're shareholders. You got to do what's in the best interest of the brand and I get that too as a boss. So all of that played a part in what happened with him. Yep. We understand it. We understand it. As crazy and as unfortunate as it is, I get it. Me too. You know. Yeah. But it's unfortunate that this man had to, you know, he sacrificed his whole career. But then just, and then this is one thing I think about too, it's like just imagine if his whole team kneel with him and then that domino to the whole league kneeling with him. That was the problem. Just imagine that. Our culture did not support him. I will say some people did, but what needed to happen was everybody that was black skin tone in the NFL, they should have been kneeling. They should have been advocating. It would have been a whole different outcome. That's how I see that situation. I feel like they abandoned him. He was left alone and I know he feels that even if 10 people, even if one person, one African American from each NFL team would have kneeled and bowed and follow suit, yes, it would have been a huge impact, even if the African American coaches would have kneeled. But I do want to say this too, in this fight, it's just not us. We can't do it alone. We need our Caucasian sisters and brothers. We need other cultures, our Hispanic cultures, our people from other cultures kneeling with us. That's the only how I feel like is going to work. That's what I say to you guys that's running in these packs with other cultures. They need to be able to support you in your fight like you support them. That's how I roll with my people. Like I said, I think the last episode, episode four, people don't get me. My friendship relationships, I am so diverse. If you know me, I'm so diverse. In California, I'm like pretty much a loner because my friends are all over the world. Let me tell you, I have people here too in California that I admire. I'm on a friendship level with, but let me tell you something about me, honey. I'm so diverse in that area. I love everybody. I rock with everybody, but you got to show me the same respect that I give you for your culture. You got to understand where I'm coming from. You got to support me like I support you and my country supports you of being here. If I don't see that, I can't rock with you. That's just how it is. I love my friends. I love my people. One thing about me, my friends, they going to tell you, Tish go hard for me. I don't care whatever it is. If you in a fist fight, you call me, I'm boots on ground. I don't care if your family's starving. You call me, I'm there with $300 worth of grocery. You ain't got to pay me shit back and you ain't going to never hear about it. That's the friend I am. It don't matter if you white, black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever you want to call it. If you my friend, that's how I'm rocking. That's how we rolling. That's how we do it. I don't care who you voting for. I don't care what you're doing in your work life, but when you with me, you got to be 100% real. That's it. Shout out to that. We're going to toast to that. CLP toast 2024 episode five. We out here. We got some playoffs though. We got some playoffs though. We got it. That's what we were doing, the CLP toast. We kind of go there, y'all. We can be talking about one thing, going to something else, but Superbowl, so tomorrow, let's talk about tomorrow first. It's Lamar and Mahone. I think I'm rocking with Lamar. I am. You think so? You think you're going to rock with Lamar against KC? Yeah. I like the Chiefs. I have nothing against the Chiefs. Only thing is right now, I just don't really ... I would say Mahone's ... I think I pointed this out to you this week. You see how crappy they was playing the whole season? That's how they are, but they're going to make the playoffs. Yeah. They always step it up at the end of the season. Right. Don't get it twisted. They're a good team. That quarterback, Mahone, he's going to have ... I'm projecting him to have more Superbowl rings than Tom Brady. Y'all heard that, right? That's how far I'm going with that, but ... I honestly can see that happening, especially if he get this one. I don't think he's going to get this one, but yeah. You don't think? No. Okay. Like you said, I think Lamar and the Ravens are going to take the AFC side, and then on the other side, you got the Lions and the Niners. I'm still pulling for the Niners. I still got the Niners. Me too. I would like to see the 49ers win the Superbowl, and that's who I'm going with winning the whole thing. But tomorrow, I think Lamar will pull it off. And shout out to Kansas City. Our son, Levante, he's a fan. I have friends that's fans, and I'm rooting. Like I said, I love my homes. One thing that I don't like that I want to touch bases on, and a lot of commentators have been pointing this out. I don't feel like the Taylor Swift shit missed me with that because it's so ridiculous. I mean, I like her. I think she's a great singer, all the above. But I'm like, okay, that and Superbowl football, it don't mix to me. I'm like, it's too girly. I feel like Kansas City is good from a business. I'm a business woman. But she got the Swifties up in that thing, though. Yeah, it's the money. They're generating lots of money. They're targeting the younger audience to get them involved with football. When I have my business hat on, I understand that. It's genius. But as a fan of NFL football, I don't feel like that shit. It's so whack. It just takes the football out of football. It's like making a footy football. I don't feel like all that pretty shit. Get out of here with that. I feel like, okay, y'all want to put somebody there and put Mary J. I would have even took J-Lo, some swag, some oomph. It gives you the ride in football. Yeah, it's like Taylor Swift. I'm like, I don't want to hear this shit, and I don't care. I just want to watch football. I want to drink my drink. I don't give a damn about what she got going on, but I know it's a business deal, and I know she cashing out. She bringing them a lot of money. Shout-out to that. I'm not knocking that. But when it comes to actual football, I'm like, take the girly shit up out of it. For real, for real. Shout-out to that. Toast to that. Let's keep football. Let's keep American football. I know. Because I feel like what this is going to do, it's going to set a tone. Now, each team is going to be rocking with who? The star's girlfriend. Like, all right. But then these girlfriends probably going to be trying to stump with them more to put their brand up. Yeah. Who is going to be next, Britney Spears with the Eagles, somebody with the Eagles? Britney Spears down bad. No, shout-out to Britney Spears. She's mentally ill. She is a sick young lady. And what I mean by that, she needs help. And it's hard assisting. I know I'm going into another topic. I told you guys this is what we do from time to time. So now I'm going into my psychological brain situation. Britney Spears, she's a prime example of how hard it is to take care of adult mentally challenged children. You know? So, yeah, shout-out to her. I hope she gets the help she needs. And that's that. Get off Instagram. Showing your little booty. Yeah. Not good. Not good. Not good. She's just sick. She just needs help. But back to politics and football, how do you feel about, I want to say, like the league and how they influence them with voting and so on? So I think that they are trying to get it. They are trying to move in the right direction. You see a lot of the slogans on the field and their helmets. And you got Jay. You know, Jay is like the creative director. It's a lot more diversity. Yeah. Yeah. You got Jay involved. And, you know, he's making moves. And he's partnered with Roger Goodell in the league. I think they're trying to get it. But they still have a long way to go. They do. It's going to take a little bit more than hip-hop music. It's going to take a little bit more of hiring an African-American rap mogul to be the face of your, what, music brand, whatever it is. You guys got to get out and get involved with the people. Yeah. You know what I mean? Get out, get involved with the people. Get involved with the players and what their needs are within their families. You know? And I think that would kind of give them an understanding of who we really are. We're not just rap music. No. We ain't just a dance and a trend and a viral video. Yeah. That's how they look at us. We're like a pawn to them. But, again, we control our destiny. If you put yourself out there, there's somebody out there that's going to exploit you. Yep. You throw a bag of money at us and we, oh, I don't give a damn. I'm going to take this money. Fuck you. Yeah, for real. And that's the wrong attitude because when this shit go down, them people that you threw away, those are the people that you're going to need. So get your shit in order. Everybody, let's go for everybody. Trust me, right now, like I said, this is something that I have been through. I've been in relationships like friendships and just with family members. I know who is worth the fight, me fighting for. I know who I need to fall back on. Like, hey, girl, you know, let's talk about this. Let's get together because, shit, we might have to come together, shit. We might have to come together and, like, hey, move our families forward together. So I don't want to be at odds with you. I want to support you. You're my family. No matter what happens, you're my family. And if you know me, if I love you, if I care about you, if I support you, one thing I'm going to always let you know is I got you. If you ever hear that from me, I got you 100% no matter what we've been through. Yep. That's why I love you. That's why you're my wife. That's why you're my wife and my body. I kiss you right now. I want to kiss. I kiss you up here. I kiss you up here. That was sweet. I can't put that out to the top. I know, I know. You're so sweet. I'll give you a kiss as soon as we get off air. I love you. I love you, too. Two more things, two more things, though. Belichick still ain't hired. I think he should not be hired. I think he needs someone to advocate for him. And I say this to a certain extent. He's old. We just talked about this with the presidential race. This carries on into the NFL for me. He's done all he can do. He's how old? Like they need some fresh new talent as far as coaches. And you can go back to our previous episode. I thought he was going to Atlanta. No, he shouldn't go to Atlanta because what? He has only two more, two, I would say. Three more years, maybe. I won't even say three. One or two years of coaching and then they got to rebuild. I think he needs to retire like right now from the NFL period. Man, please, sir, go enjoy the rest of your life. You've done everything. Everything. And before he even gets through that first year or two, if somebody hires him, these teams know that they're going to have to revamp their whole situation. He wants the keys to the castle. He wants to be able to do whatever he wants to do, how he wants to do it. And then in two or three years when he's done, then you're going to bring a younger coach in more than likely because ain't nobody else really out there like him other than maybe Pete Carroll. Then you got to bring a younger coach in and then you have to flip it all back to, all right, the owner is going to do his part. The GM is going to do his part, him or her. And then the coach is going to do their part. So ain't no team trying to deal with that. You know what I mean? So maybe that's the reason why. They don't listen. These old coaches, they do not listen. And this just sparked a new topic. The Cowgirls. Y'all know I don't give a damn about the Cowgirls. Let me tell you, Jerry Jones, this is the reason why they can't win a Super Bowl because he can't be told what to do because he's in old age. The coach will never lead them to a Super Bowl as long as Jerry Jones is in As long as Jerry Jones is active, I'll say that. I can pretty much guarantee every play Jerry Jones got to sign off and check off on it. You can't be a coach and you cannot coach that team. And let me say this, shout out to Dak. I love Dak Prescott. I love him. I really hate that. And this is with our men of color again. They cannot be great because of the hype. Some of them can't be great because of the hype. You got to live up to certain standards. If he was on another team and he lost a damn game, it would be just that. The commentators would talk about him maybe for a day and then it would be gone. Put him on Bears. Put him on Atlanta. Dude, it's just like the Lakers. It's Hollywood. It's so much pressure and I hate that for Dak because I really look at him as a good quarterback. It's just he has to be sensational for the Dallas Cowgirls. Hey, Dak, if you want to come to a team, you ain't got to worry about the owner talking on the radio, sending his notes to Stephen A. Smith. Dancing all in the videos. With these bubbly suits. Come to Chicago. We're going to hold you down. You hear me? We got you. We got you. That's what we're talking about. Like, man, get a dude some peace, man. Give him some peace. Give him some peace. All right. You know what I mean? And then Justin Fields. You know what I mean? We'll see. They better not trade him. I thought he was going to go to the Atlanta foul because we're about to check and then, you know. That would have been great. But he still might go to the foul. And let me tell you this. If you know me, I'm a player fan. Chicago, I will always be a fan of. I don't care how many quarterbacks come through there. I don't care what's going on. But I am also a player fan. So I tell you right now, Justin Fields go to Atlanta, you're going to see me rocking some Atlanta gear. I'm following him. Just like LeBron. I don't care for the Lakers. I do not care at all. Shout to the king. LeBron went there. Oh, I'm following him there. And I will be in the house. Lakers playing the Bulls February 9th. My husband and I. Hold on now. What? Who you going for if the Lakers play the Bulls? I'm going for the Bulls, of course. I'm a Bulls fan. I'm a Bears fan. But I'm a LeBron fan, too. I get to see him. Shout to LeBron. Yep. My cousin, Snoopy, she's coming into town. Her and her fiancé. So we'll be at Crypto, and we will be in attendance. So I have the best of both worlds. For real. For real. I get to see the Bulls play, and I get to see LeBron play. Yep. Let's get it. Let's get it. COP Episode 5. Yep. Episode 5. Yay. First live event. I kind of like this video thing. You like it? You want to do it more? Yeah. We'll figure out when we want to do it next. Yeah. But, yeah, I like it, too. It's a beautiful thing, and you're beautiful, too, by the way. Thank you. And you're handsome, sir. Thank you. Smooth moves, guys. This a wrap. Peace. COP.