Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
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Ryu and his group reach the shield and notice Pulsar is on. They board the cruiser and head towards the wind sources' location. The wind sources are performing a ritual and they enter a dragon-like structure called Ryugu. Inside, they find a wall with ancient writing that tells the story of Ryugu and its imprisonment. They continue through a tunnel and come across a door with an inscription. As they enter the room, they see a grave site with decaying bodies. They proceed to an enormous throne room where the wind sources are feeding a stone dragon with energy. They are paralyzed by Hagashi and Ryu is freed. Ryu grants the group the power of retaliation. They exit Ryu and head to the present Ubership. Ryu reveals that he wrote the inscriptions. They arrive at the kingdom of Rasusi and Ryu is surprised to see the mortal king. Chapter 12, Ryu and Ryugu. Once they make it to the shield, they notice Pulsar is on. Heger still is waiting on the cruiser. He already can tell they didn't succeed. They board and take off in the direction of the wind sources. It isn't long before they locate them off the coast of the other side of the island of Kotopi. They slow the cruiser down to the speed of an average hot air balloon as they drift closer. Wind sources are performing a sort of ritual. The three others are in a trance in the sky surrounding Hegeshi in the center. They are all teeming with energy. He is doing hand movements at rapid speeds. The sky itself is clear of clouds, but it seems morbid, as though the wind sources have sucked the very life out of everything around them. Mayuria casts the fire spell, but it disappears into nothingness from the cruiser. On the sea, a whirlpool starts up, and it grows and grows. Something awesome has risen up, a fortress with a dragon-like face. The creature is a structure, and it is immense, unlike anything else in the world over. Kaira says, Ryugu? The wind sources stop their ritual flying down. They enter inside of it through the dragon-like mouth. The group lowers the cruiser. They had allowed their weapons to soak in the crystal residue. Saru still has not told Kaira he has what remains of his sword, but one healer already among them. They have Vanity stay back with the cruiser. Finally, they venture into the mouth opening of Ryugu. Inside, the group falls through complete darkness, unable to hold on to another, but the fall is only for moments. Towards the end of the fall, they all seem to fall through each other. Then, suddenly, they all appear together on their feet standing in front of a never-ending wall. Mayoya, ecstatic, says, That was incredible! Kaira puts his head down, shaking it. Saru reaches at the wall, but his arm goes through. He is so baffled by this, he hurriedly snatches it back and examines his arm to make sure it is all right. Kaira says, This may sound unbelievable, but I think we are in another dimension. Saru says, Another Daimushin? Huh? What is that? Everyone looks toward Kaira, clueless. Mayoya says, They are said to be doorways to other realms outside of the Jaka. Kaira says, They are products of science, not magic. They are hypothetical. It actually would make sense someone or something would put Ryugu in a place like this because it is basically in a mixed pocket. Kaira says, We learned about them in our youth. Time may even be different here. Right then, an ancient written language writes across the wall before them. Everyone goes silent, but no one knows what it says. Then what is written begins to translate in everyone's mind as a voice they all hear at once. It says, Long ago, when the world was quite new, to bring order, the chief species of the Rajaka settled on a union of their peoples. This union took place among the Falcro and Damiyo people. The group has no idea who these peoples are. These peoples were so feared in the early prehistory, the other species of the world, including the dwarves, feared them as gods. The chief of the Falcro was Yunaimina and the princess of the Damiyo was Manamanna. Their great union produced the high breed, Ryugu, the most terrible force ever released on the world. Insane in nature with an unquenchable bloodthirst for power and its youth, Ryugu, a despot, wrung war on both bloodlines of his peoples, absorbing their energies into itself in order to grow stronger. It wreaked havoc across the Rajaka. In the end, Manamanna, with the help of Retalashu and Ereshu, forced an extra-dimensional opening in space. Manamanna, the last of his blood kin, used the fact she was his mother to lure it, unable to kill her child. She used the last of her essence to seal Ryugu within a mystical casing of her own body within Ryugu. That done, Ryugu was sunk at the bottom of the high seas, never to be found for all time. Ryugu, though, still lives, longing to experience life once more, but only the power equal to that which encased it can free it. Anyone or anything which does so, Ryugu will come under the command of and be made a god. Kyra says, how could anyone touch us? Such a being, and all of this differs from anything we have ever heard. Myoja says, the Rin sorcerers probably believe they can match its power if it gets out of control. Kyan says, who wrote this? The Ra, which was before them, fades to reveal now they are in a tunnel structure of a fortress. They begin running and eventually start to believe they are moving in a complete circle as the area seems to not stop. Finally, the tunnel begins to get wider and wider as they go along it. Finally, they come to a door which they all realize was not there before. It's bigger, slowly, as it does, they notice a small inscription that continues to grow until it is readable. It is in the ancient language. At this point, it translates in their minds once more, it says, to whom this may concern, Ryugu is ahead, only able to be freed by one possessing the full power of God. For its freedom, Ryugu will come under their control, and that being will be granted the power of retaliation, if ye be worthy. Step four. Kyan says, its mother, Manamana. She could not have written this. As he utters these words, the door fades into an entrance to a room. Inside is a grave site, with the dead standing and decaying before them. Everyone steps back but Kaira. Kyan and Mayuri hold another, and Mayuri reaches for Kaira. Kaira, on the other hand, steps forward, at which point, it seems to short-circuit out. Now they stand in an enormous throne room at the top of a flight of stairs. At the bottom, the wind sources all are around, floating on different portions of a gigantic stone figure of a dragon. They are feeding it energy. The group is stunned by this. Serval reacts, though, by calling out to Kaira and giving him the bag he has with the remains of Kaira's sword in it. Kaira looks at Serval and actually smiles. As they all turn and begin to run downstairs, they are blown back up by an unseen force. They are stunned but not unconscious. Hagashi's disembodied head appears and says, We already told you that you all were invited to join our world when we remake this one in our image, so settle down as there is nothing you all can do as our work is done. The group, when he says this, becomes paralyzed, unable to move off the ground. Kaira struggles, as always, but to no avail, and Serval is unable to summon anything. Kaira's struggling answers, We were told of what happened to Ryu. It was said you were there, but that doesn't seem right. Hagashi answers, No, indeed, it doesn't. Of course, that was before my time, little more than a tale I told. My people, the dwarves, told me of its whereabouts to my youth. Once I possessed a certain degree of power, I went looking for it, as only I was capable I found it eventually and read the descriptions of what really happened, and forced to tell the world. No, I was unable to free Ryu, though, but I was capable of coming to grasp the notion of a plan, which one day did. He laughed and fainted. Kaira says, What an insufferable one. The wind sources pulled all of the energy needed within Ryu's stone figure. Its structure glows various colors, causing the four to fly away from it. They are startled by the power it gives off. The colors begin to coalesce, growing white hot. The structure bursts into light, which is blinding in all directions. The four cover their eyes while the group is freed from their enchantment. Ryu stands revealed in all of its awesomeness, radiating with energy. Hadeshi says, Way, way to make an entrance, but how does she? After a slight pause, Ryu says, Ah, this, I can speak once more. You, brethren, have given me freedom and a language once more. You are my keepers. For this, I will grant you the power to retaliate. With this statement, Ryu begins to concentrate. There is such a release of pure energy the group is thrown as is so much of the area. The four, though, are enveloped in energy which rises around them. The four can be heard laughing exceedingly as it all ends, and Ryu looks at them crackling with magical energy. They all express how incredible they feel and praise each other as well as Ryu. Kira says, What would you like to see first, our new friend? Ryu says, Why, the present Ubership? Manami says, Yes, we should definitely go there. I never liked that place anyways. Nishi says, Exactly. Cayenne and some of the others say, No. Ryu and the wind sorcerers waste no time in exiting the area. They fly straight up tearing into pieces the fabric of the chamber. They tunnel out of Ryu, reducing it to no more than a rubble as waters flood in. They take to the skies, the portions of it which were extradimensional. Ryu tries to latch on to Ryu, but the dragon, mightier than ever, absorbs those enemies into itself. The group, lost in the diverse water, moves with Kaira carrying Suru. Suru channels his energies and lets Kaira know he has been working on his abilities. He summons the armored figure once more whom he believes his name was Balder. Balder flies them out to the cruiser. Needing fuel, they will have to retool before heading to the kingdom. Ryu and the wind sorcerers arrive in the kingdom of Rasusi in no time. Takeshi asks, Great Ryu, I have always been curious who or what wrote those inscriptions inside? Ryu says, This realm, it has changed so much since I last was upon it. All those things. Why? It was I. I eventually learned how to project my thoughts out. And that is why Ryu, who appeared as he did, does still write you. How talented it is, but how does he get startled by the thought of the statement that it just made? As they appear before the castle of King Rasusi, the royal army comes forward and the king stands on his steps. Ryu is baffled by all of this and asks, The ruler of the realms but a flesh and blood mortal and none of you had fared to take this place as thine own? Ryu looks at them with an unsure expression. Enemy says, Great Ryu, we all live by orders of things. Not so we feared what each other might do had the other done so at least on my end. Ryu says, Very well. Let's be on with this then. They waste no time letting off magic at the army and starting the conflict. Ryu, though, charges the entire castle and demolishes it tearing it to a slumber. The king and his family perish in the demolition. I Knight challenges Ryu but Ryu kills him and his summoning spirit. The wind sorcerers destroy the army and damage most of the surrounding area. Soon they have finished. Once everything is done, the wind sorcerers fly over to Ryu. They let it in on their plan to end this world and remake it in their individual images as different domains. Ryu, for the first time, gives them a smile as it listens. Then after a brief pause, Ryu reveals his true colors, attacking and devouring them for absorbing their very life forces back into itself. It reveals all of this was no more than a ploy to get free. It understood how much energy was required to free it, and that that very same energy would render most of the world helpless. Once it saw that the kingdom was of no real threat, it realized the world was it. Also, that to make the world over is absurd because it would expend too much energy, and that for all the energy they have received, it was just a portion of its own power i.e. it brainwashed them into believing they were more powerful than they actually were. The four die horribly. Now nothing stands in Ryu's way as it declares itself sovereign of Rajaka. It begins transforming that area into its throne and sending out messengers to announce the change in power.