Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
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A group of travelers arrive in a village called Amoeba on their quest to find the shrine of Hagashi. They meet a man named Adam who mistakenly assumes they are cult followers. They stay the night at Adam's house and receive a map from him. They continue their journey and encounter a potion seller named Adana. They buy potions from her and continue on. They come across a secluded home and ask to spend the night. They are greeted by a woman named Olga. The next day, they meet a young boy named Ford who warns them about the danger ahead. They follow him through a forest infested with centaurs and engage in battle. They eventually reach the village of Amoeba and prepare to head to the shrine of Hagashi. They drink a potion that rejuvenates them and rest before continuing their journey. Chapter 3 They reach Amoeba on Bayou Strait and knock on the first person's house there asking for food and water. The man who answers is Adam Spacey. He says, Why, hey, come in. I do have a room in the back. Not enough bed for everyone, though. I'll bring you food. Tell me, what brings you here when I get the food ready? Saru says, He's too nice. As they reach the back room, Kahira says, You all want to talk? Man, am I a follower? Saru says, I'm not. Then don't talk like that. Adam thinks they seem as though they are the followers. Soon it's time to eat. They all come to his dining room area. As they eat, Adam says, What brings you here? Oh, and I laughed a bunch. Kahira says, We came to Amoeba seeking the shrine of Hagashi. Adam says, Oh, really? Why did you say that? Says Kahira. Adam says, Well, I mean, you cult followers came to Bayou Strait seeking the shrine of Hagashi. Truly, you cult followers are fascinating. Kahira and Moroka both say, Cult followers? Adam smiles saying, Yes, you didn't think I knew, hey? I mean, you can't hide something like that. Tonight must be prophet night or something. And you were told by some druid that the real birthplace of Hagashi was here, not Amoeba. So his shrine has to be here as well. Well, he could have been born here, but I... At that moment, Kahira pulls his sword and goes toward Adam. Adam in shock says, Oh, did I disgrace you? Moroka flies in between them and says, Easy now, Kahira. And no, they really believe we were in Amoeba based on an assumption similar to your statement. We are not cult followers, just travelers, some with a temper. As she looks toward Kahira shamefully, as they move from Adam, he says, Sorry, people about that, but I am a mapmaker. I can give you an accurate map in the morning, but do stay. Kahira says, We can't. But Moroka throws her hand towards his mouth and says, We'll stay. As they head to the back, she tells Kahira, You can't almost attack this man and then just up and leave, especially when his hospitality toward us was only good. They head to sleep. The next morning, they make up their living space. They take baths and eat breakfast prepared by Adam. As they head off, Adam gives them the map. The crew takes what would appear to be the long way at the behest of Moroka. Kahira spots a rather large estate and walks to knock on the door. As the others wait on the steps, a beautiful lady opens the door. One of Kahira's eyes opens wider to watch the lady smiles. Saru has turned and smiles heartily while Moroka frowns at all of this. The lady says, I am Adana, the best potion seller in the area. How may I help you? Kahira says, Oh, a potion seller. What do you sell? Adana says, I sell potions of elixirs, antidotes and ethers, all used for different levels of healing, including up to the point of death concerning the elixir. Ten pounds each. Kahira says, give me one of each. Saru says, you all possess a lot of pounds. Kayin says, yes and no. Kahira used to own his own store. Kahira pays the lady after receiving his potions, then they head off. The day passes by slowly into the night, which flows just as slowly. Kahira and the others roaming through Eastern Cha region come across a home. The home is by itself with no neighbors surrounded by a lush forest of strange plants. Kahira says, maybe I should go see if anyone lives here and would mind us spending the night. Moroka says, yes, you go ahead. We'll wait way over here. OK, go. Playfully, she gestures him away. Kahira walks over alone and knocks and suddenly a beautiful lady again opens the door. Saru thinks this fellow would appear to have a streak of luck. The lady says, my name is Olga. Are you here for potions? Kahira says, sorry, but we recently bought our fill of potions. We were wondering if you would let us rest at your place for the night. We're travelers on a quest. The night creeped on us before we could reach our destination. Olga says gladly. As Kahira returns to tell the others only to find Saru already standing almost right beside him. Kahira shakes his head as the others walk up. Moroka says that pretty face only proves she's a witch. Cayenne smirks, looking at his wife at this statement. The next day as they head off, Olga tells them to buy something next time. She goes to pick from the forest behind our home. Eventually, they arrive and go to Kintar. Moroka says, are we? After we get through here, we'll be in Amoeba. Then, though we have to pass a forest of centaurs, Saru says, centaurs? We'll perish for sure. Kahira says, we'll just have to take our chances. Mayuri and Cayenne embrace hands tightly at this moment. Right before them, a school lets out. The students either head home or do whatever they do after school. One young lad doesn't. He walks looking toward Kahira and company. Standing by a wall, he listens and watches them as they converse. Mayuri says, yes, Kahira has a point. We don't want to get involved with anyone from this village. They drink from the water well and head into the unknown forest. As they step into the forest, the young lad from the school stops them. He says, stop you fools. I am Ford. You are making a grave mistake stepping into this forest. They turn and look at him. Ford says, I am from the school you just passed by. Mayuri says, you followed us here? Ford says, yes, modest looking. Kahira says, why? You do know you could get hurt. I could hurt you. Saru looks toward Kahira. Ford fearfully says, because you guys look interesting. And that being so, if you all walk straight in danger, we'll encompass you all in the form of herds of centaurs. I know a way in which if followed, instead of herds, an individual will only face a few. Maroka says, okay, we'll follow. Kahira says, we will? He could be a traitor of the village who assists the centaurs for ransom. Maroka says, Kahira, really, he's a child who just got out of school. Kahira says, so. Maroka says, oh, come on. Kahira lowly replies, oh, all right. They head with the lads to an edge of the forest, and Ford says, silently head through here. Don't say a word. If something sounds as though it is moving, freeze until it passes by. It's very likely no fighting will take place until the very end. Kahira says, so we'll fight no matter what. Ford says, I'm afraid so. To this, Kahira smirks. They begin silently walking through, but after three freezes, they stop, tired and a bit exhausted. They sit on a column of rocks. Maroka thinks, thirsty. I should have drunk water earlier with the others. They are spotted by a centaur who charges straight toward them. Mayuriya silently says, nobody move. They look toward her as the centaur moves in closely. Mayuriya secretly pulls a dagger. She quickly throws it directly at the centaur. When it hits, it strikes so hard into the side of the centaur, his body is flung to the ground. The centaur gives off a loud roar. The crew notices at this point the entire forest goes quiet. They begin moving in silent, yet as fast of a pace as they can through the forest. They reach an opening, but they can tell something isn't right about it, as they see this isn't the end. The end can be seen, though. The opening allows the sun in. There are no trees in the surrounding, only plants, small animals, and some rocks, which lead to a pond. All the quietness ceases as two armed male centaurs leap forward. Another female slowly rises out of the pond. They are all stone-faced. The armed female centaur says, murderer! A worked-up Mayuriya, startled by her words, quickly throws and strikes her with the dagger. The female centaur in agony collapses in the pond. Saru goes for one of the males upon connecting their sword and lance clash. Noticing Saru and his background coming, Saru moves backward. Kahira leaps through the gap and strikes the sword of the centaur with his sword. The force knocks the sword loose of the centaur and Kahira dispatches him with a slice to the ribs. This causes the centaur to fold. Kayan and his centaur clash back and forth with their swords. Moroka, from above, launches downwards, striking them in the face with her mystical gauntlet she wears. The effect is greater than anyone would have imagined, breaking the centaur's jaw and causing him to release his sword. Kayan then proceeds to gut him. The centaur falls under the womb. The sound of raging horse steps is heard like a wave rushing in. The group runs as fast as they can. Moroka flies until they reach outside of the forest. They run until they reach the nearby village, breathing hard, profusely. They understand the centaurs in the distance will come no further. They know villages are off limits. They stop to see the village of Amoeba before them, which is a weird view in that the ancient face of Hagashi is cemented in the background. It is carved into the mountain portion, similar to how previous Manami's face was in Nari. Kahira, Kayan, and Mayuriya look off in disgust. Then Kahira, catching his breath, says, We head straight for Hagashi's shrine after we drink this potion. Moroka says, Thank goodness, because I am so thirsty. Kahira drinks the first of the potion and smiles. He hands it over to Moroka. She drinks the next of it and says, What a refreshing taste. Kayan drinks the next of it. He says, It tastes like wine. Mayuriya drinks after and says, Sweeter than the sweetest wine I drink. Saru is the last to drink. He says, I've never had wine, but it was delicious nonetheless. Kahira, then looking towards Saru, says, You received the last thing, leftover spit. Saru looks toward him with a smirk. The group is renewed to a state of well-being in mind and fully recovered in strength. They head for the shrine, walking straight through the village. They eventually notice a range of hills between the actual end of the village and the shrine, so they decide to rest. This due in no small part to having just faced a slew of centaurs that locate an end and stop the rest. Chapter 4 King Rasusi, who was unable to catch the group when they were still in the area, was eventually overwhelmed by the reports of the fear. He, as well as the high knight who was recovering, had to face the fact the group were not lying, and the task to face the might of the four sorcerers of the wind and rebuilding a fear became their main objective. They really had no room to even focus on the group, whom, being untrained in their eyes, they assumed would perish on their crusade. That evening, as the group is gathered together outside of the inn, sitting amongst another they talk, Mayuriya says, We are not killers. I say this because, increasingly, as we fight trying to make our way to the sorcerers, it seems everyone and everything is getting caught in the path, seemingly drawing us to... that point. With these sorcerers who destroyed our families and livelihood, I had no problem with their deaths, but anyone who comes in our path? Kayan says, Mayuriya, I agree with you. We are not... built for this. Not even Kahira. I mean... He assails me. We farmers. But we were taught to defend ourselves. To know our protectors. King Rasusi and his... guard are not... are even up for the task. We have little choice. During this whole speech, Kahira stubbornly looks away with his hands crossed in silence. Having stood up once, Mayuriya begun to talk. Near him sits Moroka on a boulder who stares at him sorrowfully. Saru sits on a boulder nearby Moroka. He looks at Mayuriya and Kayan. Saru says, We are not killers. This is true. But on something like this, a mission, if you will, to bring entities to justice. Everything and anything will get in our way. We really have to keep faith and we tell you that in... the process we are not overwhelmed by the blood we will most assuredly have to shed. Kahira then says, Spoken well, boy. And walks off. Moroka by this point has put her head all the way down in the direction of Kahira. The next morning, they make their way through the large village of Amoeba. It is the largest village they have encountered thus far. They reach the hills which are medium sized. They cross ten before reaching one larger than the others. As they reach over it, they see a lady at the bottom looking at the shrine. Kahira reacts by saying, I'll handle this. Before the others can stop him, his pace brings him directly to her. His intensity immediately causes her to whirl around toward him, her eyes blinking at the sight of him. The lady says, Huh? Have I done something wrong? Kahira grabs her shirt and says, How could she follow her? You can't possibly be of some form of defense to the shrine, could you? Saru shakes his head looking down. Kayan and Mayoya look at one another puzzled. Moroka flies over to them and says, Kahira, this has got to stop. Let her go. She's powerless. Kahira says, Hmm. He lets her go and says, Speak. The others have by this time made their way to them. The lady says, I am Psycho Zin, a teacher of the village, not a follower of Hagashi. He, I mean, they were here earlier, ones who dress favor him. They were about to partake a journey to catch a demon of the West, gathering energy to free a dragon, I believe. Kahira says, Oh, you speak truth, but how did you come across this detail of information? Psycho says, I was inside. I've been one who sneaks inside the shrine since my youth. It really is nothing special to get in. Now she is pointing. Just go in through the hole there. Kahira says, thank you. They soon are inside and Kahira says, Hmm. Almost exactly like Menemes, though smaller. The shrine on the inside truly has a striking resemblance to Menemes shrine. The demons area is quicker to locate, though the entity is not there. Cayenne says, All the same, but where's the creature? At this moment, a voice of horror sounding similar to the combination of many voices all at once speaks, Huh? Is this a hunt? Can an entity of the shadows get in on it? Or am I that which is being hunted? Now, Yoya says, its voice is all over and horrifying. Where could it be? Cayenne says, hiding in the shadows, nothing more than a coward. The voice says, No. Kahira and Moroka head off from the others with Kahira looking toward corners. Kahira says, I have a bloody blade for you, creature. The voice says, Don't make me laugh. Seru, who was behind with Cayenne and Yoya, has left from them, says, Its shadow has appeared. Watch the ground it moves across. Light peers in, stemming from the outside entrances, which incorporate Hagashi's stony facial structure. From this, the imp in the form of his shadow moves swiftly around, both across the ground in the light area and in sound. When it's near, Cayenne says, There it is, pointing with one of his swords across from where he and his wife are at the ground. Now, Yoya launches a dagger at the area. Seru says, Kahira, Moroka, we have it. The imp leaps forward from the shadows at them. Seru swings his lance at it, while Yoya goes to reclaim her dagger, which is stuck in the ground. Kahira rushes over with his sword drawn, with Moroka telling him. The imp knocks Cayenne and Mayoya away. Kahira, as he arrives, catches Seru, who is kicked by the imp. Mayoya, from behind, strikes the imp with the dagger. Cayenne and Moroka help her off the ground. The imp's laughter pervades the entire situation, seemingly coming from all directions. It runs from place to place, and Seru swirling his lance over his head. throws it toward the creature like a spear. It knocks the creature off of its path, allowing Kahira to move in and pierce it with his sword. The imp retaliates by slashing at them with his claws, cutting Kahira across the chest. Kahira steals stone faces. If nothing occurs, guts the creature. Even further, he pushes the blade deeper, damaging vital organs, which causes the creature to holler. Then he violently pulls his blade out. He looks toward Mayoya and says, Hit it with all you've got. Understanding what he means, she begins harnessing a powerful spell, which will be enough to damage the actual shrine. Moroka has rushed over to Kahira as he is making his way from before the beast. Everyone but Mayoya and Cayenne, who stands by her near an entrance, is making their way out. Moroka says, Please, Kahira, move slow so I can heal you. Limping, Kahira was moving as fast as he could, though bleeding, while Moroka struggled to hold on to his bigger than her body while floating. He moves slower, which allows her to start healing him. She has removed her mystic gauntlet and lays her hands on his flesh area where the wound is. Her hands are nervous, so she shakes, but they are teeming with magical bright energies, which heal. His flesh restructures itself as though brand new, while the blood dries. Moroka blushes intimately. Mayoya releases her Combination spell, which is basically a bomb composed of fire, water, and wind energies, causing Cayenne to step away from his wife. He is astonished as she is by the awesome release of energies. They rush as a wave of various colors of water and fire bursting about. The wind is hurling everything in a direction before the two. All of this force is rushing right at the creature's body, of which unable to move because of its wounds can only holler in pain. Once the energies connect with the imp's body, it gives off one final scream as all of the power concentrates and explodes. Mayoya and Cayenne are already out of the shrine, running as fast as they can. This causes the shrine to collapse as the prior one did. Saeko is still outside near the hill. She is speechless as the shrine begins to fall in itself, shaking her head. She realizes she had no idea what this bunch were actually up to, and that they, for the most part, must be dangerous. The others have stopped and turned as it falls, only to see that Mayoya and Cayenne made it out all right. Eventually, they all are together and hug. Mayoya and Cayenne are happy to see Kaira is fully healed. However, Saeko has already left, and they walk off toward the village. As they notice people have emerged curious how the shrine has fallen, they walk around the village instead. Cayenne says, How are we going to get to the other shrines? They are across the sea, and they may take us some time to actually get to them. Saru says, And don't forget that lady spoke of a creature the sorcerers were after. We need a form of transport. Mayoya says, Cayenne, remember we once heard of a place which crafts hot air balloons up north? A place called Turin? In the Haiyu region? Cayenne replies, Yes, I think I do, Mayoya. Saru says, So, we should go to this place and try to get these balloon crafters to produce us a transport which can move us at the speed of wind through the sky? Kaira says, I'll never call you Menoma follower again, friend. This statement causes Saru to smile. Moroka says, Yes, this sounds great. We will have to more develop this idea, though, on the way before we tell it to anyone. To Turin it is, then. As Moroka says this, Cayenne, Mayoya, and Saru look back at her smile and begin to run. Only Kaira is still behind with their walking. It would appear they have begun to loosen up among another. Kaira, still devastated by the loss of his daughter, Suchi, refuses to open up. He still prefers to go it alone, though Moroka, who was drawn to him by the anguish she felt stemming from him in her dream, refuses to leave his side. They reach another forest. They walk calmly through until they all realize the last forest they were in was teeming with centaurs. They look alert at another, as Moroka recalls this forest should possess centaurs as well. It isn't long before they hear the sound of horses coming in their direction. As they all take off running, Mayoya falls and Cayenne quickly snatches her up while still in motion. As he has to drag her along, she screams. Cayenne looks at her, confused. Mayoya, in pain, says, You dislocated my arm. This causes him to stop and Suru to trip over a rock to which Kaira catches him. The centaurs are closing in on him, but Kaira has a cold, hard look on his face. He tosses Suru ahead of him. He then rushes over to Cayenne and his wife and tosses them as well over to where Suru is. He then pulls his sword facing the direction of the incoming centaurs. Moroka sees them all tossed to where she is and looks back toward Kaira. Moroka thinks, He is the strongest Rajakin I have ever seen. He's so brave, but reckless. I cannot let him die. Not now. No. Not ever. She proceeds to quickly heal Mayoya. Then she flies over to Kaira as fast as she can. Kaira has already stabbed and taken down one centaur. It clashes with another, though he has been wounded. With tears in her eyes, she looks arrogantly and concentrates it, giving off energy. She, utilizing the energy, lifts up Kaira and flies him out of the forest as fast as she can, catching up with the others who are already making their way out. They are shocked at the sight of her carrying him. She places him down and begins to heal him. The centaurs have seemed to have stopped following him as they have reached outside the limits. Saru says, He was going to sacrifice himself for us. Moroka, after fully healing him, collapses while Kaira begins to get up. Mayoya rushes over to pick her up. Kaira says, She's all right. She's suspended a lot. Cayenne says, Let me help you up, my friend. Cayenne gives him a hand while Saru dusts him off. Kaira says, Ah, Saru. I saw you almost about to cry when you thought I was near death. Saru, realizing Kaira has actually loosened up a bit, replies, Me? I think that centaur stabbed you a little too hard and you are seeing things. Kaira turns toward Moroka and Mayoya and says, Moroka, my friend. I owe you my life and I will repay you. Moroka, looking toward Kaira, smiles intensely while Mayoya, looking down at her who is beside her, says, Chapter 5, If One Should Fall A day later, they camp near Olga's house and buy some more potions. They are heading west. Soon, Kaira spots a huge estate which compares to Adana's but is in three separate portions. Mayoya says, This would appear to be the estate of the Venti clan. They ruled the world prior to the Rasusi clan. They had a reputation of being far more peaceful, though. I'm sure they will hear our story, maybe even help our cause. Kaira says, But they may be no different than King Rasusi. Mayoya says, Kaira, my husband. They can only tell us yes or no. And besides, remember, I told you my mother's family was helped by them years ago. When I was but a girl, they helped with our farm. That is why we are still in business. Kaira replies, We're still in business. Milady? No. That was due to me. He says with a smirk. Mayoya says, What did you just say? But Kaira moves in and kisses her on the lips before they can go any further. Moroka laughs. Kaira knocks on the door and someone replies that they will momentarily answer. The others look at the vast and peaceful landscape. There does not seem to be a sound of loudness. A peaceful lake nearby washes back and forth with small sea life which swim about it. The door opens. A lad no older than Saru answers, staring not at Kaira who is in front and center, but Mayoya who is close behind. He says, I am Prince Dawson Vante of the Clan Vantes. How may I help you all? Kaira says, You answer the door like this, but will you truly help us? Prince Dawson says, I suppose some would answer back that it depends. But I on the other hand will say I will do my best. Please do come in. They come in to his rather large living room area and he invites them to sit. Kaira and Mayoya tell him who they are and why they have come. They emphasize on the global threat and are amazed to find he is already aware of it. Finally they tell him about flying transport they have in mind. Prince Dawson tells them they may stay at his quarters tonight while he thinks over how he can help them. He has his servants replace their clothes, feed them and show them the guest quarters. The ruling families of prior on Rajaka keep the titles of princes and princesses. They are allowed to act as sovereigns of their personal areas and help those whom even the ruling families at any current time wouldn't. But if the ruling family requires their hand, they must forfeit whatever is required. The prior ruling families in times past even were known to have personal guards. These were actually armies who steamed from the bloodline of the ruling house. As a form of monopoly, the clan Rasusi outlawed this viewing it as a form of threat to their rule. They ordered the personal guards to be absorbed into their the world army. The prior clans in fear have resorted to having servants who are trained in warfare in an abundance hired. Later when the group is walking back to their quarters, Mayoya says, You all know we should have come here in the first place, right? To which Kahira responds, Not all the flames in death could have convinced me to take a route beside the one in which I took getting here. You can stay if you want, but their blood is what I require. Kahira walks to the bathroom and slams the door. Saru says, Dang, you've gone and pissed him off. Mayoya says, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I will try to cheer him up. She goes and knocks on the door, but Kahira says, Mayoya Jew, I know that is you. I will not be interrupted, so leave. Kayan walks over and picks up his wife's hand and says, Milady, you know how he gets. Let him be for now. They all leave and go to their individual room. In their room, Kayan says, Let's sit. Once they sit down on the bed, Kayan says, You know I know him a little better than you do, and he can be a tad stubborn, especially when angry. We both know he takes things a little too serious. But, Mayoya, do remember he is in mourning, so we have to watch what we say to him. All the while he is saying this, she is just nodding her head yes. Mayoya says, I do so love when you call me Mayor. Mayoya thinks, I will still talk, speak with him. Kayan, and you already know this. Kayan looks at her smiling. She, knowing this, turns and looks the other way, blushing. He gently rubs her warm brown cheeks, causing her to smile exceedingly, though still looking away from him. He kisses her right cheek, causing her to look at him unable to stop smiling. He places her hands in her lap and pulls off her robe. She wants to kiss him, but Kayan persuades her not to by placing two of his fingers on her lips. He places these two fingers in her hair and runs them through her curls. He bows and takes off her shoes. He tickles her a little, causing her to burst out laughing. He lays her on her stomach and massages her back. He just smiles. She just smiles and closes her eyes. Hours into the night later, almost everyone is asleep, but Mayoya isn't. Mayoya gets out of the bed and walks to the living room area of the quarters. She has put on one of Kayan's much bigger shirts. Kahira is wide awake in the darkness, sitting up on the couch. Kahira says, I knew you'd come, just as when we were children. Can't sleep when we get mad at another, not without settling it. Though his voice is rather dry, he does produce a half-smile when saying this. Mayoya says, Kahira, you always have known me too well, my friend, and I am sorry for what I said. Now please, get some rest, for we do not know what tomorrow will bring. They both then rise, hug, and head off to bed. The next morning after they all awake, Prince Dawson's servant tells them to meet him at the main quarters. They arrive and eat breakfast first. After they are finished, Prince Dawson takes them to the living room quarters, which is very spacious. Here they all sit, but Prince Dawson, while his servants depart the area. Prince Dawson says, From what I have been informed by my informers, the sorcerers have been to two remote areas they have slain. No, that's not the right word. Absorbed entities. The land of Braiguel is a constant for them, which is the land of the druids. The druids are supplying them with information about ancient relics. This isn't all, either. There is something about a dragon which I don't understand, and about the balloon supplies I offer you all ten thousand pounds if that is sufficient to help. The group is speechless by the last statement, but all uniformly stand up when he says it. Moroka breaks the silence and says, Ten thousand pounds? But how will we ever repay you? Prince Dawson says, For all your hardships thus far, the money is not sufficient. For me, money comes easily. All I ask in return is you all make good on your cause. Do not allow these individuals to go unpunished, and use some of that money to get stronger. I really believe in your cause because I wish I were in your places. Having adventure and saving the world instead of holding a title. A title which requires no danger, and keeps me safely handling affairs of my realm. You all are heroes, and I believe in what you are doing. At first they all just look at another. Then Saru breaks the silence and says, Well then could you give us... But Moroka covers his mouth before he can finish. Prince Dawson then gives Kahira the pounds of money. He walks them to a nearby forest and departs. Kahira says, He was the real hero, though he called us one. Moroka says, I agree. As she flies over closer to Kahira. Mayuri says, I actually think he was a little naive, and his age is why he helped us. But to retaliate you, I am not ungrateful. Saru says, Yes, well, I just wanted his fortune. He could have took my place among you all. He smiles as he says this. Kayan says, Oh hush Saru, that isn't funny. Though he laughs while saying this, but I believe Mayuri is right. I think he is the rightful one to be king. As they arrive to a village in the Hauyu region, they walk almost through it. They only stop when Saru notices a young lady out in the open standing and painting. He, gesturing with his hands toward Kahira to stand back, goes over to introduce himself. Kayan whispers to Kahira, Do you believe he will charm her? Kahira says, No, my friend, but let's watch. As the young lady concentrates, seemingly drawn from memory, Saru slowly rises from behind her, painting. Saru says, Ah, a beautiful lady who can paint. You must be a special kind of wonderful. She says this while smiling, looking deep into her eyes. For a moment she continues painting, then she stops and looks toward him, smirking. The young lady says, Clever, clever lad, aren't you? My name is Michelle, and you? The others are laughing, looking at another and shaking their heads from afar. Saru answers, I am Saru Onorai, and I am no lad, but a man. Michelle says, Sure you are. Are you here to purchase a painting? She says that she looks at him about ready to laugh, but holds off. Saru comes around and looks at the painting and smiles as he sees it's a picture of her. Saru says, Um, no, I am not. Oh, you are very talented. Michelle says, Then how may I be of service to you and your friends? Saru, blank face, says, We, I just saw you and thought I would. Michelle finishes for him, Be on your way so I can complete this painting, please. She says with a plain serious expression. Saru shamefully walks back over to the others. When he gets back over to the others, even though they know what happened, they ask anyways. Saru keeps walking and says, She was too old to understand. To this they all laugh and catch up to him. As they make their way along to Toru, Moroka says to the prince's statement about getting stronger, Nayoria, Saru, and I will definitely grow stronger and magic because of our constant use of it along the way. Soon they reach the plains of Toru. Before they can even take in the scenery, though, they are greeted by a layer of thrown flame. This is enough to scatter them from by each other. Alert, they have drawn their weapons and are ready to face whomever has tried to attack them. It is revealed the flame was produced by a Rokusuo, a lion-like native of the location they are in. Ferocious and large, clad in armor, it walks up casually growling and laughing on all fours. The Rokusuo says, Aye, I see I got your attention, warriors. Do you all prefer knowledge? Gehira says, I prefer your head, knowledge giver. The Rokusuo says, Threats, promises, and death, oh my. The Rokusuo lashes out, leaping towards Saru, who was about to stumble. Gehira runs over, though, and pushes him out of the way. This caused the Rokusuo to land ungracefully. Gehira strikes at it, but to no avail. Its armor protects it. Cayenne says, Nayoria, remember, its armor protects it. Nayoria nods her head, realizing there is no point in throwing darts. The Rokusuo knocks Gehira out of the way with a headbutt. Saru comes down on it with his lance, which doesn't pierce its armor. The Rokusuo slaps him out of the way with one of its iron-clad tails. Gehira performs a swath slacker, to which the Rokusuo rams into him. The Rokusuo spits flame at him, which Gehira dodges. Moroka, angry, comes down on it from above, striking it with her mystic, gauntlet fists. The impact is enough to damage the armor. Cayenne, noticing the opening, completes the swath suicide attack, piercing the flesh of the beast. Then Saru immediately impales it. Badly wounded, the Rokusuo has fallen down. Saru says, Now give us our knowledge. The Rokusuo replies, No. The group gasps. Hehehehe. I may be about to die, says the Rokusuo, but I will not give you anything but this. The Rokusuo opens its mouth as wide as it possibly can and releases one last massive fire spell blast. The blast seemingly goes directly at Gehira with enough heat to burn him alive. The very grass underneath it vanishes, revealing the earth, which hardens. Gehira is unable to move quick enough. Almost everyone seems paralyzed, everyone but Moroka, who is in motion. She intercepts the course of the flame with her gauntlet. The Rokusuo falls. The flame is too much for her to miss the gauntlet, though, and it is readily consumed. Moroka screams in agony as the flames burn her completely. Her skin hardens and explodes. No more than a charcoal skeleton remains. Gehira, no longer able to hold in his feelings, screams, No. Most of the others are already crying and have dropped their weapons. Gehira, who is now on his knees, is by where her remains decay in flame, staring in. Gehira, from a low pitch that rises, says, Everyone. Everything. Everyone. Everything. Every single thing that seems to be dear to me, that comes close to me, dies. Saru comes over and says, You can't blame yourself for this. Gehira replies, Yes, I can. She should have let me die. Kayan, whose head was on Mayuri's shoulder, rises, looking toward Gehira. His eyes are full of tears. He leaves his wife and rushes over. Mayuri is startled. Kayan grabs hold of Gehira's shirt and says, You cannot be so pitiful, so wretched inside as to believe that. Gehira, looking up to him dry-eyed, stumbles and mumbles, I deserve it. Shut up. You blame yourself for every single freaking thing. Everything. Minyu was not your fault. She would have given you a child no matter what. Tsuchi was not your fault. We were all in the wrong place at the wrong time, darn it. And Moroka. She loved you. Believed in you. She wouldn't have had it any other way. And you can't let her death be in vain. He embraces him as tightly as he can, mumbling. All of that stress is too much, my friend. For a moment, they all carry on like this, with Mayuri and Tsuchi both crying. Then, Gehira rises up and stares down at Moroka's corpse. He then says, I died when Minyu died. I died when Tsuchi died. And now, when Moroka has died, I die once more. Kayan looks at him, unable to even form words to challenge him. Deep down, he wants to believe this actually means Gehira will carry on. Right at the moment, everything suddenly is interrupted as flowers of various colors grow out of the ground. Everyone looks over before Gehira where it occurs, seemingly a miracle. The plants grow rapidly until they stand seven feet. They begin to freeze until they mold together and explode. The smoke of the ice transforms into the shape of a woman, and it stands fully clothed as the smoke fades. Gehira says, come to take our souls? The entity says, I am Kurai. Her hair and eyebrows are white as snow. So are her tongue and the iris of her eyes. Her skin complexion is vibrant and caramel. Her entire body seems strange, a cold of some sort, and rather tall. When she speaks, her teeth are noticeably clean, while her breath is as though a cool breeze. The energy around her is that of the Arctic, but she seems unaffected. Mayuri is jealous. Gehira, Kayan, and Tsuru are locked in with their eyes lustfully. Tsuru manages to utter some words. Isn't she the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? Kurai says, Gehira, please do not kill yourself, or those you have lost lives will be in vain. Your world depends on the choices you make. Gehira says, the world? At once he sees a flash of numerous people from all over. Then he sees a flash of their corpses. Gehira puts his head down, then rises it and says, understood. Kurai looks deep into Gehira's eyes and heals him to a point he appears bigger and healthier than any time prior. Gehira, looking toward Moroka's corpse, says, can you restore her? Kurai says, she is already too far gone. Her essence sent me. Continue your journey. Moroka would have you visit her homeland, Godopi. But first, travel to Bugoa with the transport. Goodbye. Kurai then shifts to snow, which blows away. After a moment of silence, Gehira says, first, let's bury her while we have a chance. They bury what's left of Moroka and leave the ground unmarked.