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Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 6

Last Destiny Volume 2 Chapter 6

Eric Coley



The story of Last Destiny is one of fantasy, science fiction, joy, love, friends, etc. it is passion and heart timeless. It is solid and unique a remnant of some child's dream that grew into so much more and now here it is for whoever will listen. . .

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Charlotte, Helen, and Coffee Pot are adjusting to life on the high seas. Charlotte and Helen are skeptical of Coffee Pot, but Coffee Pot seems to have taken a liking to Helen. They encounter pirates and engage in a fight, during which Coffee Pot displays magical abilities. They eventually meet a young Iowan named Peter, who asks for their help in defending his village from invaders. Charlotte and Helen agree to help and follow Peter to his friends. One of his friends, Lajuella, seems fascinated by Coffee Pot. They leave the friends' building and continue on their journey, led by Peter and Will. Chapter 6, Charlotte, Helen, and Coffee. On the high seas, the crew of Charlotte, Helen, and Coffee Pot is awkwardly adjusting to another. As Charlotte steers and Helen watches the sea, Coffee is caught in the middle of a contest. Repeatedly, Charlotte and Helen observe Coffee Pot. They're still skeptical of it and don't fully know what to do with it. Coffee, on the other hand, has been observing them, but because they haven't done much, it hasn't. Nothing to do, to go off of. They haven't even gave it commands. Helen finally walks up to Charlotte as she steers. Charlotte says, how are our emotions supposed to affect it? Helen says, not now. We should be focused on adventure. Hey, you know how adventure might be what it needs. Charlotte, with a nervous expression, says, Helen. As she looks behind her, Helen says, why would you say my name when I'm right here? As she turns and sees Coffee Pot standing right behind her, she walks into Charlotte. Charlotte says, hey now, holding Helen away from her. Charlotte says, he's mainly yours. Helen, insulted, says, mainly mine? We, no way. Jim was your love, so he's yours. Charlotte firmly says, not going to work. You let him follow you to the ship. Helen, bemused, says, that's not fair, and you know it. I'm, I am, Charlotte says, scared of him? I know, but he loves you, and starts smiling. Helen looks ticked off and says, you always did have white words, and why do you keep calling it a him? Then a soft, childlike voice says, because I am a him. Charlotte and Helen jump into each other's arms, looking at Coffee, who still looks up to Helen. They are dead silent as they wait for Coffee to speak again. Coffee says, I, I desire a thing to do. As Charlotte and Helen pull from another, Coffee walks over to Helen. Helen is so afraid her arms go up in a run manner. She is ready to cry but turns away so Coffee cannot see. Coffee, too big to be held, holds his hands up as though it desires to be picked up by her, but she refuses to turn. Charlotte is lost by all this. Coffee gently goes to Helen and embraces her. Helen, overwhelmed, unable to move, puts her head down. Charlotte smiles. Charlotte thinks he really does have a piece of our old friend in him, but why is he taking a liking to her instead of me, then? Coffee says, can you teach me how to better speak? As he still holds a very scared Helen. Helen, worried eyes, blurts out, if, if you let me go. She appears so awkward while being held with the most unsure of expressions. Coffee then lets her go, turns and says, one of us. Charlotte and Helen look ahead and are startled at what they see. Charlotte and Helen say, a ship. As a ship seems to be heading straight for them. Charlotte says, be on guard, everyone. Helen, he does your job better than you. Helen gives her a ridiculous expression, then bows for their swords. As she gives Charlotte her sword, they place them in their sheets. They prepare to brace themselves for impact. Coffee follows Helen while Charlotte sits down in her chair, tightly grips the chair handles. Coffee and Helen go down to the steeks of their inner cabin. The other ship collides with them violently. As soon as the impact settles, Charlotte pulls her sword and others come back to the top. A band of four pirates hop aboard their ship. Advances to the area, they get ready to scatter. A blonde-haired Ionian says, an odd-looking druid may have our only threat. They have treasure, though. I can smell it. Charlotte and Helen's eyes open wide as they look toward another. The blonde Ionian says, Nick, Penny, Spray, take them. Helen tells Coffee to get down. She pulls her sword. The three named invading pirates rush toward Helen and Charlotte. Nick and Spray pull their swords while Penny pulls his dagger. As they all five come to another, Charlotte crosses swords with Nick while Helen crosses swords with Spray. Penny runs over to Coffee. Helen looks over to Coffee and gets emotional. Penny swings his sword at Coffee. Suddenly, Penny's hands catch fire as Coffee rises up. And Penny is frozen solid as his bare screams got silent behind a sheet of ice. The others stop fighting, gazing over. Coffee did not cast a spell. He summoned it. Nick hollers toward Spray. We need to get this over with fast. The unnamed lead pirate has went down. Charlotte and Company's cabin stares. Spray slices with her hook at Helen, causing her to back away from her. She then moves in and trips Spray. Helen knocks away Spray's sword, points her blade at Spray's throat. Charlotte crosses swords with Nick until she kicks him in the leg. Nick drops his sword, falling in pain. Charlotte punches him in the face for added measure. Angered, Spray lashes out, knocking the sword away with her hook. Helen just kicks her harshly in the stomach. Spray coughs up blood laying on the floor. Charlotte and Helen head to the lower steps. The lead invading pirate comes up with a hefty bag. Helen says, drop the bag, leader man, or your crew and you die. Helen with no expression on her face has her sword pointed toward him. The lead pirate says, Stuart is my name. Where are my crew? Charlotte does hand motions as if she is about to cast a spell. Stuart drops the bag, then pulls off his sword and sheath and drops them. He politely walks up the steps past them as they move out of his way. Charlotte violently says, we will kill you, so go. Stuart looks around at his crew and is shocked. Stuart desperately says, but how in any? How would we thwart him without killing him? Charlotte casts a fire spell with such precision it completely thwarts Penny, who falls disoriented as to where he is. Nick picks him up. Stuart helps up Spray. They all board their ship and leave. Charlotte says, mirror images. We've done the same so many times. I'm in awe having it done to us. Helen says, almost. Coffee walks over to the side of Helen. Helen looks down at him and says, welcome to the violent seas, Coffee. The next morning as daybreak settles in, Helen sails with Coffee sitting by their command chair. Helen's eyes are bloodshot red. She is visibly tired. From below comes up Charlotte yawning from the cabin area. Her hair is all over, arms stretched out. She is half-dressed. She looks over to Charlotte and a smile toward another. Then she looks at Coffee oddly. Charlotte thinks, does it think she is its mother? So awed, his attachment and fear of her. She chuckles. Charlotte says, I want some brew. You prepare to get some rest. A little later, Helen has gone to bed. Charlotte steals the ship while Coffee stands near one of the edges. Every once in a while, Charlotte looks toward him. She thinks he doesn't like her, but laughs at the thought like someone calls him an ape. They are just about to pass the island of Agua and Ojai. On the shore of the coast is a curly-haired young Iowan lying face down in the sand. He awakens just in time to see the ship. He wipes away the sand and jumps up and down screaming, help, repeatedly. In due time, Coffee screams back at him, help, repeatedly. Charlotte is lost. She doesn't know what is happening. She leaves the steer and walks over to Coffee and sees the lad screaming. She then decides to sail over to him. As they arrive, the lad points toward his sword and says, there is danger here, grave danger. Can yous help me? Charlotte and Helen just look at him seriously. Coffee is just there. They climb down to the shore. The young Iowan says, well, yous came this far, so I'm sure Ives can trust you. Charlotte, very sternly, says, what do you desire help with? And what is this grave danger? Her arms are crossed. The young Iowan says, name is Peter of Ojai. The Oba Nation is invading Ojai. We're under siege. Many of our families have left for parts unknown. My friends and I, well, we're fighting a good fight, but it's not enough. And Helen says, you are tired of fighting and want to find your families. Peter, tears in his eyes, says, I, don't tell them. I mean, I dos want to fight, but we can't win. Ives and Will and Lajuella are just kids. We want to go home, but none of us has it in the other to say it. I just want to gather us up and go. Charlotte and Helen look toward another. Then Helen looks towards him and says, yes, we'll do what we can. Just show us the way. Helen bends down to coffee and says, this is what we do, too. And sometimes there's money in it. And she forms a slight smile. They jog through the jungle area at a slow pace, Peter guiding them. He leads them around the way, which seems a big circle, but he claims it is a boulder-less area. The area is not so ravaged as it is abandoned. Charlotte eventually asks, so how far are we from your friends? Peter says, it isn't too much further. He thinks, Lady Pirates, well, Lajuella sees them. She may abandon us for them. They continue jogging along. They walk soon until they reach a building with much damage to it. The building is pretty clean on the inside. Peter holds that Lajuella is the one responsible for that. His friends are on a higher floor. They are resting together under separate cloths. Will is an elf, while Lajuella is an oddly-dressed child I own. The room is full of dust, nothing else. Will awakens, hey, Peter with the reinforcement, thank you, I thought you abandoned us. Lajuella awakens, yawns, and says, beautiful blades, marvelous designs. As Charlotte and Helen look at their swords oddly, Will and Peter look at their friend in shame. Will grabs his sword and says, what's that thing, a druid? Pointing at coffee, Lajuella says, our route to glorious victory. Helen whispers to Charlotte, worse than me. Charlotte blesses. They leave the abandoned building, and Will leads them in the opposite direction from which they came. As they rush along, Helen says to Charlotte, isn't our ship the other way? Charlotte says, we are not being led by the same person. May have he knows a safer route. Helen stares toward her confusingly. Soon they go to an area where a home complex has been torn down and a unit of outlaw soldiers sit, abandon homes, and juggle the surrounding area. Charlotte and Helen look toward another blank expression. Will stops and turns toward everyone, smiles, pulling his sword. Will says, bang, this is the strongest unit I could think of. Once we have taken them, Prince Belgium and his castle will be ours. Peter slams his hand into his face while Lajuella rises her dagger high. The soldiers cut off guard, raise their spears, and rush toward them. As they become locked in combat, Charlotte begins shaking her head. Anger. She cuts her enemy swiftly, being cast as a lightning spell. The magical spell is strong enough to dismantle all of the outlaw soldiers. Charlotte hollers, enough. Her right fist is raised, face level, almost as if she were going to die. Her expression is one of pure anger. She looks directly at Lajuella, William, and Will, who are front and center. They turn toward her. The girl, Hyoyeon, smiles while the elves smirk. Charlotte violently says, this is enough. Have you two lost your minds? We cannot win this, at all. Peter, who looks toward her frightened as she continues, you may have been the only one amongst youse who has sense, but youse could have informed them what we were going to do. This is no more than a child's crusade. We came to take Lajuella to safety, not to die fighting an entire army. Therefore, back to the beach we go now. Will struggles to speak, but, y'all, we, we, Lajuella, tearful, says, y'all are so beautiful and valiant, and they are only in sections until the kings. Peter turns toward his friends and says, now, now, Lajuella, Will, you know the danger. I've heard the crying at night, the tears. This is too much. We all really just want to go home, and none of us want to admit it. I admit it. Here and now, I is leaving with them. If he is not, so be it. And Charlotte and company, along with Peter, pause for a moment, putting up their weapons, then depart. The Lajuella and Will in tears look toward another, nod, and finally follow them. The Aguas soldiers were alerted by the magical energy display of Charlotte. Masses of soldiers are heading in the direction because there's a response. Charlotte and company can hear them. The company rush at a fast pace as they can because of this. Ellen, once they reach the jungle area before the beach, as the night fell, it formulates into a massive ice shield, blocking anyone from following them further. As they reach the ship, the Lajuella is thrilled at their ship before she even boards it. They all climb the ropes and lower steps abroad. For the child and all of the children, it is their first time aboard a ship. They explain that only Will's family has for sure known of whereabouts. Therefore, mix become the company's next destination. Ellen asks Coffee, Hey, youse, are you all right? Coffee looks the other way as though he isn't aware he is even talking. To this, Ellen smiles. A day later in Ojai, something which has been brewing behind the scenes unfolds. Two highly regarded Agua soldiers make their way to their commander. They are male and female Iowans and lovers behind closed doors. As they walk in line, step with one another. Other soldiers damage the area around them. They break windows, tear down doors, and set fires. They beat down Ojai citizens and the remains that they have captured. But these two keep their faces forward. They reach a ravished mansion which has on its front steps twin flags of Agua. The fruit symbol on the flag represents what Agua is the world over known for. The two salute the flag as they enter. The Agua soldiers inside know exactly who they are and bow their heads. This continues until they reach the master bedroom. An Agua soldier in front of the door salutes them. They enter into a room with several weapons on the walls, a desk, and an Agua official with an altered Agua symbol. The only lighting in the room is from the windows. When they enter, the two Agua soldiers bow their knees and head to the ground. The official smiles and rises out of his seat. He walks over to them while they are still kneeling. He says, Sileon, who is the male, and Corday, who is the female, my greatest accompaniments. Rise. They nod while still down, then rise. Both respond by saying, Colonel Sam Meade III, commander of the Agua Army. We report his orders. Colonel Meade says, Yes, I take it you two are ready. They nod. The bloodshed has gone on long enough. The two of you have made it clear you support my resolve. We have done, and shamelessly may I add, as High Prince Belgium ordered, we have taken our cousin Tenchu so he may appear before his father, the king, and before his siblings. In doing so, we have ravaged the likes of our own blood, running him from their own homeland. The reward is not worthy. He chose us to do this in secret, knowing full well this would grow out of hand. We have become laughingstocks, losing rank, among other things. And at this point, I have resolved to go before our majesty, and to this end, all. And if he refuses, there will be blood upon the floor, and the first will not be mine. If you choose to deal with me. Sileon loudly says, Aye, sir, to the death. Corday loudly says, Aye, sir, to the death. At the borders of Obwa and Ojai, in a masterful palace, lives an overindulgent Obwa prince. He acquired this palace once his first unit reached Obwa. No one but a large cavalry knew his actual motive. He is the head, as the head, of Colonel Meade, who didn't trust the situation, but could not be the one to refuse. He receives reports every day about the advancements, so he knows this has been a one-sided victory. Yet, he still took and took until most of his father's entire army had to come to his fall. His lives have, instead of making him great, his father and siblings' lives have made him a generational laughingstock. But almost driven to the point of madness, he refuses to admit so. And as a consequence, he keeps pushing his army to do more heinous and obscene action. At this moment, the foolish prince, Belgium, unaware of what is hidden, wags stares out the window toward Obwai's jungles. Delusional, Belgium says, I still have to drive this drill in so that mine's enemies, mine own siblings, may remember my name in their brains forever. This is the clarity I have come to. How pathetic. No one ever realized before me how gratifying it would be to take Captain Oljai. When this is done, and it will be soon enough, Algon and Dina are next. He continues looking in the distance at those in the room behind him, fearing to even breathe for her.

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