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cover of Foundation of Faith Building with God UNEDITED
Foundation of Faith Building with God UNEDITED

Foundation of Faith Building with God UNEDITED

Erik Craig



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The speaker prays to God to bless and protect their home, asking for the foundation to be built on faith. They ask for their home to be a place of peace, welcoming to others, and a stronghold against the challenges of life. They also pray for strength in raising their children to have faith and courage. The speaker acknowledges that their work is meaningless without God's blessing and asks for rest and assurance in His promises. They pray for their home to be a place of hope, love, and abundant blessings. They dedicate their home to God's glory and ask for restoration and healing within its walls. They hope their home can be a place of solace and strength for the wounded and weary. They ask for daily renewal and for their home to reflect God's joy and peace. They acknowledge that without God, their efforts are in vain and ask for His presence to always abide in their home. Foundation of Faith Building with God Psalm 127 verse 1 O Almighty God, architect of the universe and keeper of all, we stand before you with hearts full of gratitude invoking your sacred presence in the sanctuary of our dwelling. As we come together in humble supplication we recall the words of Psalm 127 verse 1, Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labor in vain. In this spirit we beseech you to lay the foundation of our home upon the bedrock of faith so that our household may rise firm and steadfast under your divine guidance. Holy Creator, we ask that you permeate each stone and beam with your grace that our abode may be a vessel of your peace and the fortress of sanctuary against the tempests of this world. May our doors swing open to welcome the stranger with hospitality and may our walls resound with the echoes of joyous praise and fervent prayer. As the watchman stands guard in vain without you we recognize that it is your vigilant gaze O Lord, that truly watches over us. Ever-loving Father, we honor the promise that children are a heritage from you. Blessings like arrows in the hands of a warrior. Strengthen us in the task of nurturing our young that we may raise them to wield the bow of faith with precision and courage unashamed in the face of adversity as those who trust in you will march unscathed through the gates of challenge. Breathe life into our pursuit of righteousness within these walls that every brick laid in your name may resonate with the frequency of your eternal love. Let us remember in every sunrise and in every labor that without your blessing and providence our work is but chaff in the wind. Grant us rest in your promises, O Lord, that restful assurance that blossoms from knowing we are cradled in the palms of your hands. Grant us rest in your promises, O Lord, that restful assurance that blossoms from knowing we are cradled in the palms of your hands. Grant this dwelling, O Lord, a bountiful harvest of hope where faith blooms in every corner and love is cultivated in every room. May the fruits of the Spirit seed our garden and enrich our table where bread is broken with grace and every meal is a testament to your boundless providence. May the fruits of the Spirit seed our garden and enrich our table where bread is broken with grace and every meal is a testament to your boundless providence. As we build with you, we acknowledge that it is not by the strength of our hands but by your will that our home shall become a beacon of your unfailing love and the temple of your endless mercy. Lord, we await with eager hearts the day when our quiver is full rejoicing in the bountiful life that you provide. Your watchful eye is our shield. Your word is our foundation. We dedicate each stone and timber of this home to the glory of your name. We pray for restoration and healing within these walls that they may hold testimony to your Your watchful eye is our shield. Your word is our foundation. We dedicate each stone and timber of this home to the glory of your name. We pray for restoration and healing within these walls that they may hold a testimony. Your watchful eye is our shield. Your word is our foundation. We dedicate each stone and timber of this home to the glory of your name. We pray for restoration and healing within these walls that they may hold testimony to your miraculous power and unfailing compassion. May this house stand as a place of restoration where the wounded find solace and the weary gain strength. God of hope and healing, renew us daily with your spirit that this home may reflect the joy of your salvation and the peace of your presence. Let our every breath acknowledge your sovereignty and our every action demonstrate your love. Unless the Lord watches over the city the watchman stand guard in vain. So we humbly ask bless, protect, and abide in this house today and always for unless you are with us we dwell in vain. Amen.

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