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Ari Dason reflects on her new lease on life after choosing Troy as her partner. They have a budding relationship and are planning to have dinner together. However, Ari is cautious about revealing their relationship at work. Meanwhile, Ari's friend Misha is curious about Ari's ex-boyfriend Sarik, who is about to be released from jail. Ari is adamant about moving on from Sarik and ending their relationship. She discusses her frustrations with Misha, who warns her that Sarik may not let go easily. Ari is conflicted about her past with Sarik and the challenges it brought to her life. Chapter 2 Ari Dason One month later, choosing me for the first time ever gave me a new lease on life. A sense of optimism radiating through me as I entered my office building. Serik was unquestionably my life, my love, my soulmate. He had always been my beloved and my forever love. The desire to marry him and to have his children was strong, but there had come a point when love alone just wasn't enough. Navigating the revolving door, I clutched my personal belongings and fumbled for my ID badge to gain access to my floor. After exchanging greetings with a few co-workers in the lobby, I patiently waited for the elevator that would whisk me away to my corner office on the fifth floor. Hold the elevator, a deep baritone voice called out a few feet away from the closing doors. He managed to stop the elevator with his hand, allowing a few seconds for the doors to reopen before stepping in beside me. At 8.30 in the morning, the chances of finding an uncrowded elevator were slim, and it didn't seem to bother the other employees as they squeezed themselves into the three elevators the building had. Good morning, Miss Ari. He greeted with a smile, his chestnut brown eyes sparkling in the morning light. I tried to contain my emotions, mindful of him being both my current love interest and the owner of the company. Good morning, Troy. How was your weekend? I asked, attempting to engage in small talk until we reached our floor. A warm smile graced my face as he looked at me with adoration, a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time. It was great. I had dinner with my beautiful girlfriend, and she actually agreed to spend the night with me tonight after work, which is a first. He chuckled, the corners of his mouth curling up into a genuine smile. I flashed back a huge grin, knowing only the two of us were in on the inside joke we shared. Hopefully she's not a pain in the ass like that last one. I would hate to have to put my hands and feet on her behind you, I added with a grin. As the elevator chimed, indicating we had made it to our floor, I waited for it to come to a complete stop. Troy allowed everyone to go before us, before stepping to the side to let me squeeze through the few employees still occupying the small space. He smiled brightly at me, with his hands extended for me to exit the elevator. After you, my dear. Thank you, Troy, I replied, flashing an innocent smile. After getting out of the elevator, I wondered what I should or could say before starting our day. Trying to break the awkward tension, I cleared my throat, and Troy followed suit. We still on for dinner at my place later on, he asked, pivoting his body toward me. Trying to ease my mind off the situation, I nervously shifted back and forth. Yes, we're still on for tonight, but honestly, Troy, I would rather for us go out instead of our usual Netflix and chill. Yeah, of course, babe, whatever you want. I'll call and make reservations somewhere nice, he replied, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in closer. My heart pounded hard as fuck in my chest, as his sudden display of affection at the workplace, no less. But I accepted it, grinning like a schoolgirl who had finally got her crush to notice her. I couldn't lie, it felt absolutely wonderful to have someone other than Serif accept my signs of affection and reciprocate those feelings. Letting me go from his tight grasp, he anchored his attention back to me, snapping me back to reality. Okay, I should be ready to go about 630. You can pick me up at my house, I smiled. Okay, love, it's a date, he replied. He leaned in, skimming his lips along the side of my cheek. Okay, love, it's a date, he replied. Okay, love, it's a date, he replied. He leaned in, skimming his lips along the side of my left cheek before placing a quick peck on it. I'll see you at our 930 meeting with the rest of the staff. Okay, see you in a bit, Troy. I turned to walk away when Troy's voice calling me caught my attention as I prepared to leave. I paused and turned around to see what he had left to say. I spun toward him, wondering what he might have to say. Though I was entirely in favor of Troy's point of view, I was not enthused about the possibility of someone in my division coming across us together. With the way these hoes in this building gossip, I was not in the space to divulge my budding relationship with Troy, or for those same jealous hoes to think my recent promotion had anything to do with my relationship with the boss. He rushed toward me as the first of the elevators opened up, letting out more of the employees who worked on the floor. The lack of space and the many employees barreling through caused us to settle for being closer to one another. Troy moved in closer, head lowering to my ear, and whispered, I didn't get a chance to tell you how fucking good you looked in that sexy-ass pencil skirt, red blouse, and heels. I'm so happy to see you wearing the heels I got you. It compliments your skin so damn well. Mmm, I can't wait to finally see them thick thighs over my shoulder while I eat the fuck out of that sweet pussy. It's been too long since I tasted that sweet little thing. He vocalized before his lips touched and quickly sampled the sound of my neck. I could feel the heat of shame tent across my cheeks from being both turned on and ashamed that I was allowing myself to feel for someone other than my ex. My breathing grew faster and more audible. I fanned myself to cool my body temperature, which I was sure had risen to a dangerously high number. Before I could respond, my homegirl, Lamisha, stepped off the elevator, hands filled with her mahogany gold accent briefcase and a bag from Dunkin Donuts, smiling wildly at us. Hey girl, I tried calling you to see if you wanted me to grab you something since you don't like this weak-ass food this place gives. I laughed, a light-hearted chuckle escaping my lips. Troy excused himself and headed towards his office to prepare for our Monday debriefing while Misha and I headed towards my office. Misha was my secretary and we shared a bond like no other. Misha was my Maya and I was her Joan from my favorite show, Girlfriends. We found humor and gossip about everyone and everything in the office except my recent budding relationship with Troy. When it came to Troy or anyone I was dealing with, I made it known up front I would limit my information I would share with her. Misha was known for being the gossip girl of the office, so my relationship with Troy was not up for discussion, period. Girl, what's up with you and boss man, she asked, her eyebrow raised at her question. Now I knew I told this chatty-patty hell for several times not to mention my man, but I guess I had to check her once again. I touched my bottom lip with my index finger and grimaced. Now Misha, you know there are two things I don't discuss with you. She sighed and joined in on my list of no's and hell no's in the workplace. Yes, yes, I know you don't talk about your finances and your new man. We said that last part together. I smiled before joking lightly to ease the tension. Once I know for sure where Troy and I are headed, I may one day open up and share more with you about us. She nodded, grinning genuinely at my response. Okay girl, I understand and I promise I won't ask again, but Lord, I knew there was going to be a but. I twisted my lips and looked at Misha knowing what she was about to say would not be suitable for work ears. So I hurried her loud ass to my office and shut the door behind us. Okay Misha, now that we are out of ear hustlers earshot, what? She giggled, placing her hand on my shoulder and said, I know that Troy is off limits and all. Yes, he is so, so. She smiled, her eyes brightening just a little as she spoke. What you gonna do about that sexy ass thug, Sarik, when he gets out bitch? If my calculations are correct and I'm pretty sure they are, he should be coming home in a few days. My heart sank because I knew she was right. Although I could have waited a few more weeks for Sarik's release instead of putting an end to us, I didn't want my life to revolve around Sarik and the back and forth jail sentences he kept getting himself into. I sat behind my handcrafted solid wood desk, a gift from Troy when I was promoted to director of marketing and branding. The beautiful desk was made of white and gold with a natural veneer finish in the unique rectangular shape. It was elegant and gave off an appearance of a lady boss, which was something I was all for, especially working with a large group of powerful men such as Troy. As I cleared my throat, I refocused my attention from images of Sarik and me and how happy we used to be to Misha who dragged a chair closer to my desk. Unlike my rule of not telling my personal business, I figured I could make an exception, filling her in on Sarik, since me and him was over for real this time. Sarik and I are no longer Misha. I blocked his number from my cell and I have made every step possible to let him know this time I'm dead ass serious. I don't care if he has a week left. Hell, I don't care if he has a day left. I'm not fooling with him and his jailhouse promises. I exploded, fingers tapping the top of my desk. Just thinking about Sarik and the shit that he put me through all these fucking years irritated me to the max. Okay, girl, chill. I get you are annoyed and whatnot, but you and I both know that Sarik is not going to let you go easily. You guys are high school sweethearts and have been through a lot together, so good luck with that nigga moving on when he gets out this week, she reported. I gawked at her, aggravated at how true her statement was. For the last three years, juggling two jobs and going to school four times to provide for Sarik and myself put a significant strain on me. I swore those three years of busting my ass to make us work and take care of us caused me to be resentful. I twisted my mouth to mask the sour expression escaping my face. He can do whatever he wants, but it will be far the fuck away from me. I have moved on. Misha nodded along as I spoke, stopping briefly to ask, if you are so convinced that you and Sarik are done, why are you still holding on to that? Her attention was drawn to the small picture nestled among the many other images of my family and friends. Raising my eyebrow and offering a questioning gaze, I examined the picture in question. My fingers reached for it and I studied the happy expressions Sarik and I had. We were so young, running wild and free in the streets of Southside Jamaica, Queens, without a fucking care in the world. What I would give to feel this feeling again. You're right Misha, if I wanted to rip myself of Sarik, I need to rip myself of all things associated with him. I nodded. My eyes became fixated on my ring finger and the four and a half carat pear shaped ring that sat nicely on the top of it. Without second guessing, I quickly slipped it off my finger, making it disappear into my hand. I exhaled deeply and placed it in the top drawer of my desk. I followed this same pattern with the picture. Instead of saving it like I did the engagement ring, I disposed of it in the garbage. A sense of calm floated through my core and a floating session of inner peace lifted from me. Warmth spread throughout my body and I relaxed mentally with my decision. Now that that's settled, let's get ready for this meeting. You know Troy hates it when we get there late, I added, smoothing the front of my skirt down. Misha smiled, stretching her arms out wide to embrace me in a hug. I'm so proud of you girl. You actually are being true to yourself and not falling for the bullshit. You don't know how many girls try to break from a bad situation and never do. I took a deep breath, savoring the moment. Yeah girl, I do. That's why I chose me. Our discussion was cut short by the ringing on my desk phone, probably to let me know we were being summoned to the conference to talk about a new campaign we were to undertake. You want me to get it boss? Misha announced, directing my attention to the phone. Nah girl, I'll get it. If it's Troy, I can smooth things out to avoid us both getting in trouble for being late. Lifting the receiver from the phone, I placed the phone to my ear and answered. Hello, Ari Dayson, how may I help you? I answered with a huge smile on my lips. A silence filled the phone as the person on the other side remained silent. I removed the phone from my ear, wondering why the person on the other end was being weird by not saying anything. Repeating what I said, I asked again. Hello, Ari Dayson speaking, how may I help you? Hi Mookie. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open. Freak? I stuttered, whispered, struggling to find the right words to speak. Yes Mookie, it's me ma, a nigga home early and I'm coming home for you and everything that's mine. He responded in a satisfied voice. Taking a shaky breath, I quietly mouthed the name Sarit to Misha, just in case she hadn't heard. Her expression was immediate. She became speechless, clearly taken aback by my ignition. No shit, are you serious? Misha mouth, eyes bulging out, I nodded my head, wishing what I was saying was a lie. Sarit, why are you calling me at my job? I meant what I said last month. I am seriously done with you. No Mookie, we're never gonna be done boo, never. You belong to me. So tell that lame ass who has been occupying your time that daddy's home. I'll get up with you soon ma. And with that, he hung up, not giving me a chance to respond. I cradled the phone in my hand, replaying what happened in my head until it was time to start our meeting.

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