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Take 3 Jonesboro read

Take 3 Jonesboro read

Erik Craig



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Voice Oversilencemusicmusical instrumentspeechsidetone

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The northeastern parts of Arkansas, including Jonesboro, Blytheville, and Paragould, hold a special place in the hearts of the people who live there. It is a place where the importance of being a good neighbor, valuing family, and recognizing real heroes is still cherished. Northeast Arkansas is not just a location, it is a part of their identity. St. Bernard's has been providing excellent healthcare for over 100 years, keeping the community safe and healthy. you you from Jonesboro to Blytheville to Paragould and throughout the northeastern parts of Arkansas life around here remains something special this is still home to the idea that life is a wonderful thing best when shared here you can still learn that being a good neighbor is important that family is everything and that heroes are real northeast Arkansas is more than where we live it's who we are it's where we raise our children make memories and make our marks on the world through good times and bad times through sickness and health we share hopes and dreams and life this is the heart of who we are kept safe and healthy for more than 100 years by the heart of great medicine st. Bernard's the heart of great medicine

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