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it's a good day everyone welcome to short stories FM I hope everyone is going to enjoy today's story I come to you with a short story of an orphan girl here comes the episode 1 there was a village called Muyeshe outside Giani town in this village there lived a girl who was an orphan her name was Samaritha Samaritha's mother was killed by a drunken father when Samaritha was 8 years old Samaritha's father was arrested and convicted for 35 years he was a coward because he couldn't bear the pain of being in jail he couldn't act up from his own action he killed himself in his third year in jail later who was Samaritha's aunt her mother's elder sister she took her in because Samaritha's father's family hated Samaritha. She was married to a very wealthy man who owned many businesses in the village and some in the town of Giani his name was Shigwili. Shigwili means a very wealthy man of course he worked very hard in his life and Fuleka was a hard worker too. They had two sons named Thomas and Kaizen who loved and supported their cousin very much. They were older than her by five years. Samaritha was a very clever girl she passed a metric with flying colors by the year she passed the metric Kaizen and Thomas were working in Johannesburg and they had their own families but they will call to check up on her sometimes they will come back home to spend time with her and sometimes she will visit them in Johannesburg. The year that she passed the metric her uncle Shigwili suggested that Samaritha must take a gap year. Fuleka never had to worry about Samaritha because she knew that her husband loved Samaritha very much. She was still holding on to her husband's word that he promised to love and take care of Samaritha as his own. Samaritha was very disappointed to see that her aunt is very happy about the suggestion of her uncle because she knew that Shigwili is only doing this for his own good. When Fuleka leaves in the morning to a busy saloon in the town of Giani Shigwili will take advantage of Samaritha. Samaritha is a very clever girl. She was given one tuck shop to manage in the village. Many things started improving since she was the manager there. Her aunt was very happy and proud of her. She will say you remind me of my sister. She was a hard worker. You wouldn't go to bed hungry even if there's no food. She will make a plan. She was a very clever young woman. May her soul continue to rest in peace. Now Shigwili continue with his evil acts. He will sometimes fetch Samaritha at the tuck shop and ask other workers to look out for the shop so that he can go and sleep with Samaritha. What a tragic day. Samaritha realized that she was pregnant. It was in the month of March. Then Samaritha tried to kill herself. She drank poison. All she wanted was to die and leave this painful world. But God said it's not your time yet. Her aunt arrived just in time and then she took her to the hospital where they drained all the poison. Then Samaritha was saved. When the blood test came it was announced that she was two months pregnant. Oh my God! Samaritha! Who is the stupid boy who impregnated you? All I wanted was to die and leave this painful world. But God said it's not your time yet. The nurses calmed her down and Samaritha was discharged. When they get home Suleka interrogated Samaritha. But Samaritha because she didn't know what to say to her aunt. She started crying. Why didn't you let me die? The father of this child does not want this child. So I'd rather die. But Suleka remembered that she promised. She vowed to herself that she will take care of her niece. No matter what happens. No matter what circumstances in life. She will take care of her niece and give her a better future. So she assured her niece that she will take care of her and the child. And she will make sure that she continues with education since she knew that her niece wanted to be educated and stand up for herself on her own. She really continued threatening Samaritha. Telling her not to say a word because if she does he will kill her. Months goes by. Then Samaritha was blessed with a baby boy in the month of November. Episode 2 coming soon. Stay tuned.

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