A quick thought to share with you all, Enjoy!
A quick thought to share with you all, Enjoy!
The speaker, Tempest, shares a lesson on prayer and forgiveness. They emphasize the wonderfulness of God's total forgiveness and how people can change with God's help. Tempest expresses gratitude for God's unchanging nature and contrasts it with the fickle nature of people. They encourage the listeners to appreciate and embrace God's forgiveness. Hello all, this is Tempest, your friendly youth director in the DMV, and I just wanted to swing by with a quick hit. So, sometimes, extolling the glories of our God, who is wonderful and new every day, is what's needed. Sometimes we forget those little things about who God is that we've been told at church and through Sunday school and all kinds of places. So I just wanted to share something that I shared with our children, and it really felt true to me, internally, and it really hit me with a sense of, like, wonderfulness and gratitude. So I just thought I'd swing that by for you guys, because sometimes we need a little hit of gratitude, right? So we're doing this lesson on prayer, teaching the kids about prayer, and how you can say sorry for the things that are not right. And you know, there's all kinds of prayers, but today we were learning about saying sorry to God for things that we've done that we want to change. And it was in tandem with God coming close to people and changing them. And so I just thought to myself, how wonderful that our God is a God of total forgiveness. God is so cool, so much cooler than any of us will ever be, and is able to give us this true and utter forgiveness. If we really mean it, if we really want it, we are given it. And people are just never that cool. They're never that loving, they're never that forgiving, they're just never that cool. And so I just think it's really neat that we change all the time. We as a people are so fickle, so, so, so fickle. We're fickle fancies, but our God is a God who never changes. Our God is always the same. Our God is changeless. Take that and enjoy.