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Frank Pavone, a well-known pro-life priest, was recently removed from the Vatican II priesthood and reduced to the lay state. This action was approved by Pope Francis. This highlights the hypocrisy of the Vatican II sect, as it allows radical leftist heretics while silencing those who speak out against abortion. Pavone was removed because he aggressively attacked the leftist political establishment. The Vatican II sect opposes and blocks grace, and anyone who attacks evil within the counter-church will be removed. Pavone's removal was claimed to be for blasphemy and disobedience, but the real reason is obvious. Pavone also holds other heretical views and was ordained in an invalid rite of ordination. The Vatican II sect lacks the marks of the Catholic Church and is a false church. Those who defend it are blind and leading others to hell. It's important to embrace the traditional Catholic faith. Frank Pavone, who is probably the most well-known pro-life priest in the world, was recently removed from the Vatican II priesthood and reduced to the lay state. As Pavone himself acknowledges, this action was specifically approved by Francis. The dramatic action of removing from the Vatican II priesthood and reducing to the lay state the most prominent pro-life priest in the world, while he allows and approves countless radical leftist heretics and apostates who are pro-LGBT, and much more, such as the notorious James Martin, whom Francis personally approves. This is just another striking example of why the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times counter-church. The Vatican II sect manifestly lacks the marks of the Catholic Church. Many followers of the Vatican II sect have been shocked and astounded by this news concerning Frank Pavone. As our material explains, those people are fulfilling the prophecy of Apocalypse 17 about how followers of the end-times beast and whore of Babylon shall wonder or be shocked and amazed when they see the return of pagan Rome. See our video, Apocalypse Now in the Vatican, which explains how Apocalypse 17 is about pagan Rome returning in the last days under the guise or appearance of the Church, that is, by means of a counter-church led by heretical antipopes, and that return of pagan Rome under the appearance of the Church has caused shock and confusion among those who can't recognize what's happening. Now, the Vatican claims that Pavone was removed for blasphemy and disobedience, but the real reason is obvious. Pavone did take God's name in vain, and he apologized for that. Obviously, he never should have taken God's name in vain, but the Vatican II sect tolerates countless blasphemers and dissenters. They did not remove him for that. No, they removed Pavone in a forceful way because he was aggressively and prominently attacking the leftist political establishment with strong words for their support for abortion. They don't want to powerfully combat evil. The Vatican II sect opposes and blocks grace. When Pavone started to say that Biden and the Democrats are morally corrupt, God-hating, and America-hating, he was powerfully getting to the truth on that matter, and that could not be tolerated by the Vatican II sect since it's fully under the control of the devil. Any individual who starts to attack evil in an aggressive, effective, and prominent way within the Vatican II counter-church, even on one issue, will be removed or silenced, while the Vatican II sect allows and promotes notoriously evil heretics and dissenters. It's a false church. Chicago Archbishop Blaise Cupich has removed a priest. That's blatant heresy, but it is the teaching of Volant Heretical document Amoris Laetitia. Francis's document Amoris Laetitia allows people who live in fornication or adultery to receive, quote, holy communion, among other horrible things. And there is now little mystery as to what the controversial chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia, the papal teaching document on family and marriage, in Pavone stated, quote, Amoris Laetitia is a timely and loving exhortation for families towards genuine charity that begins within the nuclear family. It can be described as a new road map for a culture that has taken a sad and tragic detour, end quote. That's horrible. When Pavone was in the Vatican II seminary, he attended the worship service of a different non-Catholic denomination each weekend. That's condemned as mortally sinful by true Catholic teaching. You can see our video Vatican II is a new religion, which covers the matter in detail. Pavone teaches other heresies as well. We hope for his conversion to the true Catholic faith, but at this time he's sadly not a true Catholic. He does not have the true faith. He was ordained in Antipope Paul VI's new rite of ordination, which is definitely invalid. Antipope Paul VI's new rite of ordination manifests the same pattern of deletion that the Anglican rite does, a rite that was declared invalid by Pope Leo XIII. This is a huge issue, even though few seem to care about it. It means that even the many, quote, priests who purport to offer the traditional Mass in the Vatican II sect if they were ordained in Antipope Paul VI's new rite of ordination are not valid priests. They cannot validly offer Mass or absolve people of their sins. This is also another reason why people like Taylor Marshall are deceivers. Taylor Marshall and people like him are comparable to members of the Anglican sect who might make some true points about abuses and problems with the Anglican sect. They might make valid criticisms about what should be changed, who should be removed, the double standards, etc., but ultimately they point people back to a completely fake hierarchy and a fake church. That's sadly what Taylor Marshall does, and that's how he's used by the devil. He makes many true points about the scandals, heresies, and problems with the Vatican II sect, but then he deceives people by leading them right back to the invalid priesthood and the rotten and fake hierarchy of the Vatican II sect, the prophesied end-times counter-church. That's the truth. This Pavone incident also highlights the foolishness of those heretics who reject the Sedevacantus position based on visibility. The true remnant Catholic Church, although reduced in size during the Great Apostasy, retains essential visibility. You are listening to a visible member of the Catholic Church in our day. But the Vatican II sect manifestly lacks the marks of the Catholic Church. It's not one, it's not holy, etc. You cannot preach or stand for the truth and retain a position of prominence within it, even on the matter of abortion, as Frank Pavone has discovered. But you can support abortion, sodomy, etc., and be officially approved by the Vatican. The defenders of this abominable false Vatican II sect, the Whore of Babylon, which is led by a totally apostate antipope, are truly the blind leading the blind to hell. For example, listen to this mouthpiece of Satan, a notorious heretic who spreads all kinds of falsehood, trying to persuade people that this action against Pavone was really the legitimate action of a legitimate hierarchy. So, he's already been made aware of the fact that he has been laicized. And guess what? He is still identifying himself as a priest, which he should not be doing. That seems to prove the already existent complaint on part of the hierarchy that there is a disobedience to lawful authority. What a demonic deceiver. Moreover, the official Vatican decree which removed Pavone refers to him as Mr. Pavone. So they really bring down the hammer on Pavone. That comes from the same Vatican II sect that constantly showers praises upon and uses the assumed titles of notorious heretics and the leaders of false religions through its practice of false ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, as we've documented in our material. It's also noteworthy that Pavone, while affiliated with the Vatican II sect, has for many years been the director of an organization called Priests for Life. Hello friends, Fr. Frank Pavone here, National Director of Priests for Life. Isn't it interesting that his organization is called Priests for Life, yet the Vatican II sect didn't allow him to remain a, quote, priest for life. They officially removed him from the Vatican II, quote, priesthood before the end of his life. We don't think that's just a coincidence. It's another providential example of how when you try to work within the Vatican II sect, your efforts will fail because it's not the Catholic Church. People need to embrace the traditional Catholic faith.